Top 16 Apps Similar to Allah-o-Akbar Live Wallpaper

Allah Live Wallpaper FREE 8.0
Beautiful and respectful Allah LiveWallpaper.(For no ads, download Allah Live Wallpaper PRO)Golden 3D Islamic calligraphy depicts "Allah is One" and"Muhammad"in all their splendor as it rotates on your screen.Let Allah be with you and bring you love and peace.PLEASE READ: ALLAH LIVE WALLPAPER INSTALL INSTRUCTIONSTO INSTALL: Home -> Menu -> Wallpaper------------------------------------------------------.People may also search for this under Muhammad LiveWallpaper,Islamic Live Wallpaper, Islam, Koran, Quran orRamadan.Please email me if you have any questions, suggestions,orissues
Allah Live Wallpaper !
kido fun
Allah Live Wallpaper praise the dignity of Allah.
Islamic HD Wallpapers 1.1
This app contain beautiful and very nice Islamic Wallpapers. Ifyouwant Islamic background and wallpaper so here are wallpaper inthisapp. This app contain Deeni Wallpapers.
Allah Wallpapers 1.0
Mr Bas Softs
Allah WallpapersApp contains beautiful collection of Wallpapers of alltime.Youcan change the Wallpaper at any time or set timings tochangewallpapers Automatically.Allah,the Muhammed Akbar,Muhammed Prophet,God of MuslimsandIslam religion.Enjoy different wallpapers flashing on your Smartphone Screenalltime.Decorate your phone with Beautiful Wallpapers.Features:1.Different Fancy Wallpapers2.Automatically changes Wallpapers3.Holy Wallpapers
Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper 3.0.1
Impress yourself and everybody else withabreathtaking “Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper” app. It presentsthemagnificent moment around Kaaba during Hajj.Download for free Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper and enjoy the sightofmillions of people praying together.How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpaper -> Select Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper from thelistIf you are not able to visit Makkah this year, this is notthereason to be unsatisfied, because you will be with yourthoughtsthere every time you look at your mobile phone.The Hajj (Arabic: حج‎ Ḥaǧǧ "pilgrimage", also spelled haj)is,according to Quran, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, SaudiArabia.It is one of the largest pilgrimages in the world, and isthe fifthpillar of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried outat leastonce in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who canaffordto do so.The Hajj is associated with the life of Islamic prophetMuhammadfrom the 7th century, but the ritual of pilgrimage toMakkah isconsidered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of yearsto thetime of Abraham (Ibrahim).In 630 CE, Muhammad led his followers from Medina to Mecca; itwasthe first Hajj to be performed by Muslims alone, and the onlyHajjever performed by Muhammad.Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people,whosimultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj,andperform a series of rituals: Each person walkscounter-clockwiseseven times around the Kaaba, the cube-shapedbuilding which actsas the Muslim direction of prayer, runs back andforth between thehills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drinks from theZamzam Well, goesto the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil,and throws stonesin a ritual Stoning of the Devil. The pilgrimsthen shave theirheads, perform a ritual of animal sacrifice, andcelebrate thethree day global festival of Eid al-Adha.Enjoy every moment of your life, enjoy Mecca HajjLiveWallpaper!May Allah bless you!For more Islamic Live Wallpapers and apps, please visitmychannel.
Dhikr Allah 1.0
Ali dani
Comment s’en sortir et ne pas tomber danslepiège ?Cette génération d’aujourd’hui, envahit par le doute et labonneconscience va encore souffrir. Génération tellement pourriepar sonathéisme et sa liberté de ne croire en rien, qui n’a mêmepasl’intuition de se repentir, de supplier Dieu et de changerdecomportement. La colère de Dieu est grande contre les hommes.Dieune juge pas bon ce que font les hommes. Quand unecatastrophesurvient on dit sans l’expliquer que cela doit être dû àquelquedérèglement climatique sans crainte pour le nombre dechâtiments àvenir. Allah nous a déjà prévenu, dans Son immensesagesse Il nousdit « Nous avons destiné beaucoup de djinns etd’hommes à l’Enfer.Ils ont des cœurs, avec lesquels ils neraisonnent pas. Ils ont desyeux, avec lesquels ils ne voient pas.Ils ont des oreilles, aveclesquelles ils n’entendent pas. Ceux-làsont comme les bestiaux, etplus égarés encore. Tels sont lesinsouciants » (Coran : 7,179).Les chefs religieux hypocrites disent simplement etsansconviction que c’est le châtiment de l’Eternel car nos actionssontmauvaises. Et chacun se croit confirmé dans sa conviction quesitout le monde croyait un peu plus et suivait la même secte quelui,il en serait autrement. Car en ces temps troublés, il en estdesreligions comme des sectes, une religion devient de plus en pluslasomme d’un certain nombre de sectes. Ils sont tous loindecomprendre que ce qu’il faut, c’est suivre le chemin desprophètes,pas celui des livres comme les décrivent leurs ennemis,cesserpents qui nous privent de la clé, comme disait Jésus.Pour que le monde vive et ne s’effondre pas de lui-même, ilfautvouer un culte constant à notre Dieu. Ce culte comme nousl’avonsvu ne peut pas être toujours conscient. L’homme estdistrait, etc’est pourquoi nous subissons aujourd’hui tant demalheurs et desouffrances. Tout cela n’est destiné qu’à une seulechose : nousfaire revenir au droit chemin. Une fois guidé sur lespas desprophètes, l’homme continue de vivre, mais plus dansl’humiliationet la souffrance. Cette fois il est conquérant. Ilappelle ceux quine sont pas sur le droit chemin, et les empêche defaire lemal.Pour avoir la protection de Notre Seigneur Allah, et ne plusêtredans la confusion de l’esprit et du cœur, prions d’abord Dieuetfaisons le Rappel (Dhikr en arabe). Dans le Saint Coran, Allahadit: « Ceux qui sont fidèles et dont les cœurs sonttranquilliséspar le dhikr d’Allâh. N’est-ce pas que, par le dhikrd’Allah, lescœurs se tranquillisent ? » (Coran, 13, 28). «Souvenez-vous de Moiet Je me souviendrai de vous » (Coran :2,152).Prendre un chapelet de 100 perles c’est plus simple pour nepasse perdre dans les calculs et réciter en faisant le tour. Oubienutiliser cette application conçue spécialement pour réalisercedikr suivant :-100 fois : Astaghfiroullah : Je demande pardon à Allah-100 fois : Allahoma Ḉali ‘ala Mohammad wa ali Mohammad : OhMonDieu prie sur Mohammad et la Famille de Mohammad-100 fois : La illaha illalah : Il n’y des Dieu que Allah-300 fois Allah : DieuHow to get out and donotfall into the trap?This generation of today, invaded by doubt and goodconsciencewill still suffer. Generation so rotten by his atheismand freedomnot to believe in anything, that does not even intuitionto repent,beg God to change behavior. The wrath of God is greatagainst men.God does not judge what good men do. When disasterstrikes it issaid without explaining that this must be due to someclimatechange without fear for the number of future punishment.Allah hasalready warned us in His great wisdom He says "We createdmany ofthe jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts with whichthey donot understand. They have eyes with which they do not see.Theyhave ears with which they do not hear. Those are like cattle,andmore misguided. They are heedless "(Quran 7: 179).Hypocritical religious leaders say simply and withoutconvictionthat it is the Lord's punishment for our deeds are evil.Andeveryone feels confirmed in his belief that if everyone thoughtalittle and followed the same sect, he would be otherwise. Forinthese troubled times, it is with religions as cults,religionbecomes more and more the sum of a number of sects. Theyare farfrom understanding what it takes is to follow the path oftheprophets, not the books describe as their enemies, thesesnakesthat deprive us of the key, as Jesus said.For the world is alive and does not collapse by itself,mustdevote constant worship to our God. This worship as we haveseencan not be always conscious. The man is distracted, and that'swhywe now suffer so much misery and suffering. All this is meantonlyone thing: get us back to the right path. Once guided thefootstepsof the prophets, the man continues to live, but inhumiliation andsuffering. This time it is the conqueror. He callsthose who arenot on the right path, and prevents them from doingevil.For the protection of our Lord Allah, and not be in theconfusionof the mind and heart, pray to God first and do reminder(Dhikr inArabic). In the Qur'an, Allah says: "Those who believeand whosehearts are reassured by the dhikr of Allah. Is not thatin the dhikrof Allah hearts find satisfaction? "(Qur'an 13: 28)."Remember Meand I will remember you" (Qur'an 2.152).Take a 100 rosary beads it's easier not to get lost inthecalculations and recite going around. Or use thisapplicationspecifically designed to achieve this dikrfollowing:-100 Times: Astaghfiroullah: I ask Allah for forgiveness-100 Times: Allahoma Cali 'ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad: OhMyGod blessings on Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad-100 Times: The illalah illaha: There are of God but Allah-300 Times Allah: God
Near Mosques Finder 1.6
Find the nearest mosque wherever you are
Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper 3.0.3
Assalamu Alaikum, have a blessed EidalGhadeer! I share this live wallpaper with all Muslims oftheworld.Enjoy Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper during this blessedIslamicholiday or any other day.===================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper fromthelist ===================================================May Allah bless you and your dear ones with peace,prosperityand happiness on the auspicious occasion of EidalGhadeer!Eid al Ghadeer is a festive day observed by Shia Muslims on the18thof Dhu al-Hijjah in the Islamic calendar to commemoratetheappointment of Ali ibn Abi Talib by the Islamic prophet Muhammadashis immediate successor. It marks the anniversary ofMuhammad'ssermon, described in Hadith of the pond of Khumm, inwhich hestated, Whomsoever's master (mawla) I am, Ali is also hismaster.O' God, love those who love him, and be hostile to those whoarehostile to him For more Islamic Live Wallpapers and apps, please visitmychannel.“Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper” caller ID helps you identifynumbersreal-time while the call is happening - even the ones notin yourphonebook. No more number guessing or avoiding unknowncallers –“Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper” caller ID prepares youfor the call.If your local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phonewhen you’recalling, “Eid al Ghadeer Live Wallpaper” caller ID willsuggestalternative nearby places. You can always adjust yourcaller IDsettings in the settings menu.
Ashura Live Wallpaper 3.0.3
A single tear shed for Husayn washes awayahundred sins! Remember the day of victory for Islam withAshuraLive Wallpaper app.Ashura Live wallpaper presents the day of Ashura after thebattle,with picture of Karbala in the background and the image ofwhitestallion Zuljanah, the horse of Husayn ibn Ali in blood. Thesky isturning red slowly because that day the sky wept blood, whilethesign of Ashura in the sky keeps glowing to give new life tothemessage of Islam.The Day of Ashura is on the 10th day of Muharram in theIslamiccalendar and marks the climax of the Mourning of Muharram.It iscommemorated by Shi'a Muslims as a day of mourning forthemartyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad at theBattleof Karbala in the year 61 AH.============================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Ashura Live Wallpaper from thelist============================================================It is a time for sorrow and respect of the person's passing, anditis also a time for self-reflection, when one commits oneself tothemourning of the Imam Husayn completely.Shi'as also express mourning by crying and listening to poemsaboutthe tragedy and sermons on how Husayn and his family weremartyred.This is intended to connect them with Husayn's sufferingandmartyrdom, and the sacrifices he made to keep Islam and thebeliefin Allah alive. His martyrdom is widely interpreted by Shi'aas asymbol of the struggle against injustice, tyranny,andoppression.Show that Islam is still powerful with Ashura Live Wallpaper.LabaikYa Hussain!For more Ashura Live Wallpaper and apps, please visitmychannel.“Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID helps you identifynumbersreal-time while the call is happening - even the ones not inyourphonebook. No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers–“Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID prepares you for the call.Ifyour local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone whenyou’recalling, “Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID will suggestalternativenearby places. You can always adjust your caller IDsettings in thesettings menu.
Allah Live Wallpaper yellow 1.0
Allah Live Wallpaper yellow strahlt mitLiebeund Frieden. Power to Islam! Download this beautiful free AppAllah Live Wallpaper yellow :- Keine Werbung ( no ads )- Kleine Dateigröße ( small file size )Allah LiveWallpaperyellow radiates with love and peace. Power to Islam!Download thisbeautiful free appAllah Live Wallpaper yellow:- No advertising (no ads)- Small file size (small file size)
Sebha Counter | Praise The God
Aimawy Geeks
a very light App helps the user to :- count his " Tasbeh "- Remember the number after closing the application- Day & Night Modes for protecting your Eyes- Supports Arabic ( Indian ) Digits- save the number after accidentally deleting it- supports Vibration______________وَإِن تَعُدُّواْ نِعْمَةَ اللّهِ لاَ تُحْصُوهَا إِنَّاللّهَلَغَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (النحل 18)And if you should count the favors and Miracles Of Allah , youcouldnot enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.( 18)Surat An-Naĥl (The Bee)* you can count Allah 99 names easily with the app* What is Sebha ?!The daily prayer ritual is the most conspicuousoutwardmanifestation of the spiritual life of Moslems . Tasbih isan ordercontained in the Holly Koran ( Quran ) .It is in the literature of the mystics and in thepopularprayer-manuals called Azkar & Award that we learn whatis“praying without ceasing.” To reach that ecstasy is the goal ofthemystic; to multiply and facilitate the meditations that lead toit,we use a rosary “The Sebha”.The proper name for the rosary in Islam is Sebha. It is derivedfromsabbaha, (to give praise); that is, to declare God free fromeveryimperfection or impurity or from anything derogatory of Hisglory.The word was first used for the performance ofsupererogatory prayerand then, in post-classical literature,applied to the rosary usedfor this purpose.The simplest and perhaps earliest form of the rosary in Islam wasastring having ninety-nine shells or beads with a marker aftereachthirty-three, with which, by counting them, one performs theacttermed al-tasb ih, i.e. the repetition of the praises of God.Thisgenerally consists in saying subhan Allah thirty-threetimes,al-hamdu-lillahi thirty-three times, and Allahu-akbarthirty-threetimes.Nowadays the Sebha” is used by all classes of Muslims and inalllands. There is evidence, however, that its use was aninnovationintroduced centuries after Mohammed (sala Allah allayh wasalam),by Sufi circles and among the lower classes. Oppositionagainst theuse of the rosary made itself heard as late as thefifteenthcentury A . D . The rosary was taken as one of the strangenewpractices (Bidaa) in Islam which should not be countenanced.Aspecial box is made where it is kept; a salary is fixed forsomeone to guard and keep it, and for those who use it for dhikr. .. .A special Sheikh is appointed for it, with the title ofSheikhal-Subha. To them it was bid‘a, that is, an innovationwithoutfoundation in the old Islamic sunnaA rosary is not only a religious object with a history but, itis,an ancient craft struggling to survive.Description provided with the help of Sebha History Blog
Islamic Tasbeeh 1.1
Virtual Tasbeeh apllication, you dont need a real tasbeehanymoreonpray or anytime you wil carry your tasbeeh with you. Youcansett hetasbeeh words, sub-alert count and whole tour count asyouwish.(Example:sub-alert=33,WholeTour:99Tasbeehs:"Subhanallah,Elhamdulillah,AllahuEkber") as inpray. Alsothere is vibration setting to warn you insub-alerts orwhole can reset count number in menu You canalso writeyour opinionsabout app from contact menu.
صلاتك Salatuk (Prayer time) 3.6.0
Masarat App
Salatuk is your Muslim prayers Companion!
Islamic Wallpapers 5.0.1
Islamic Wallpapers offers you beautiful background images foryourphone!
Islamic Stories 1.3
This Application containsOfflineFREEcollection of true Islamic stories on various topics. Itisdevotedto stories for children with Islamic themes. Islam isbothareligion and a complete way of life. Since the beginningofIslamicdate, Allah sent His messages through chosenchannelscalledprophets. Allahu Akbar has sent prophets to humanityindifferenttimes and channel, to communicate His lecturesandmessages.Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is a messenger of Allah.ProphetMuhammad’slife, traditions and his Islam lectures (SunnahofProphetMuhammad) are of great significance & Muslimsfollowhistraditions all over the world. Kids can learntheseIslamicinspirational stories and get inspired to followthesequotes &sayings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in theireverydaylife.Features of this Islamic Application:- Completely Offline.- This Islamic book in English needs no internet connectionafterafirst download.- FREE app. No cost or purchases required. Just downloadforFREEtoday.- Tiny Muslim mobile app; Very small sized application.-User friendly graphics.
Prayer Times
Prayer times & Qibla locator withIslamiceventsBefore use the application please set your city locationandcalculation method from settings.أوقات الصلاة واتجاه القبلة مع عرض المناسبات الإسلاميةقبل استخدام التطبيق يرجى تحديد موقع مدينتك من الإعدادات.المؤذن بشكل تلقائي غير مفعل يمكنك تفعيل المؤذن من شاشةالإعداداتبوضع علامة الصح امام تفعيل التنبيهات .. ولكي يعمل الصوتحدد منقائمة تشغيل الأذان (الإفتراضي) أو حدد صوت الأذان منذاكرةهاتفك.ملاحظة: لمن تظهر لديهم الأوقات بشكل غير صحيح يرجى التأكد من ضبطفارقالتوقيت من إعدادات الجهاز.تنبيه: البرنامج يدعم جميع المذاهب الإسلامية، شيعة وسنة، ستظهروتختفياوقات صلاة العشاء والعصر حسب المذهب.نرجوا التقيم والتعليق على اساس تقني وترك العقائد لأهلها.كلمات البحثأوقات الصلاة، اوقات نماز