Top 16 Apps Similar to Логарифмы

Logarithm Calculator 21.5
GK Apps
Calculate the logarithm for a number! Quick and easy!
MalMath: Step by step solver 20.0.10
Solve and understand math problems
Cymath - Math Problem Solver 2.44
Cymath LLC
With millions of users worldwide, the Cymathmathproblemsolver app uses the same math engine while lettingyousolveproblems on the go! Just enter a problem from yourmathhomework,and let Cymath solve it for you step-by-step! Weprovidealgebra aswell as calculus help. Our math problem solverisdesigned to helpyou with your math homework. In additiontohomework answers, wealso show you how to get therestep-by-step.Let Cymath help youwith your math homework today!Topics inalgebra include: equationsolving, factoring,logarithms,exponents, complex numbers,quadratic equations,trigonometry,partial fraction, polynomialdivision, etc. Topics incalculusinclude: product rule, quotientrule, chain rule,u-substitution,integration by parts, integrationby partialfraction,trigonometric substitution, rationalizingsubstitution, andmuchmore. We provide math answers and steps forall of the above.Inshort, whether you are simply stuck on yourmath homework, wanttocheck your homework answers, or need specificcalculus help,letour math problem solver help now!
MATH 42 3.3.24
Chegg, Inc.
MATH 42 helps students to understand math and solve their homework
Equation Step-by-Step Calc 6.0.0
Ivan Petuhov
The equations calculator online(equationsolver) contains the section:This calculator return only anwser, but return ✪ detail stepbystep solution ✪ for[✔] A quadratic equations[✔] A simplest trigonometric equations[✔] A equation with a module (for example, |x + 1| + |x^2 – 7|=20)The Supported:[✔] Supported all math symbols and functions. For example:sin(x),cos(x), exp(x), tan(x), ctan(x) and other.[✔] Suported complex variables (solve complex equations)Solve any equation types, such as:[✔] linear equations[✔] square (quatratic) and cubic equations[✔] polynomial equations[✔] trigonometric equations[✔] exponential equations[✔] logarithmic equations[✔] equations with complex numbers[✔] and otherThe Calculator contain several features:[✔] Numeric solutions for unsolvable equations (such as cos(x) =x^3- x + 2)[✔] Several examples[✔] Сorrect input expression errors (for example, youenterx^2-x+1/x - 1=0 or e^-x^2=5)
Математика 5-11 класс ЕГЭ, ОГЭ 2.6.0
Study Apps
The best math cheat sheet! Contains all the formulas of theschoolcourse!
Высшая математика, справочник 5.0.3
Mathematical analysis. Probability theory. Analytic geometry.
Math Master Educational Game a 1.0.25
Learn, Practice, Revise, and Test your Math Skills in a FUNandInteractive Way!
Full Log and Antilog Calc 2.71
Why Carry Log books When You Can Find Log The Modern Way! NowwithFull Log Calc
Школьные учебники и Шпаргалки 1.0
Школьные учебники и шпаргалкиИмея некоторый опыт работы с учебниками идругимиметодическимиматериалами для школьников, учителей иродителейшкольников, мысоздали мобильное приложение, которое решитмногиевопросы. Вприложении Школьные учебники и шпаргалки собраноболее20000 книг.Огромная база учебников, рабочих тетрадей иметодическихуказаний(методичек).Шпаргалки по математике собрали все формулы,которыемогутпригодиться ученику при решении задач по математике илиприсдачеконтрольных работ. В разделе шпаргалок поматематикеобъединеныалгебра, геометрия, тригонометрия, а такжелогарифмыиматематический анализ.Раздел Шпаргалки по русскому языку сочетает в себебольшуюбазуправил, которые могут быть полезными и вповседневнойжизни.Например, узнать как же все-таки правильно:"звонИт" или"звОнит"?"ТОрты" или "тортЫ"? "КОмпания" или"кАмпания"? Всё это, атакжемногое другое Вы сможете быстро найти вразделе шпаргалкипорусскому языку.Шпаргалки по истории ознакомят Вас с основными датамиидеятелямироссийского государства.Шпаргалки по физике за считанные секунды предоставят Васдоступкформулам любого из разделов школьной физики.Большой раздел, и много полезной информации Вынайдетевшпаргалках по информатике, биологии и обществознанию.Кроме шпаргалок, в нашем приложении собраны учебникиповсемпредметам российской школьной программы. Однакоприложениесочетаетв себе не только учебники для России. Вприложениисобраномножество учебников для Украины и других странСНГ. Внастоящиймомент мы усиленно работаем над созданиемдополнительнойбазыучебников для Беларуси.Каков принцип работы с учебниками.Для то работы с учебником нужно:1. Выбрать учебник.2. Скачать его (необходимо подключение к Интернет).3. Открыть и пользоваться (подключение не требуется).В приложении делается особый упор на основныепредметы.Мыстремились к тому, чтобы у Вас не просто был выборсредиучебников,а Вы могли найти именно тот учебник который Вамнужен.Именнопоэтому учебников по английскому языку,математике,физике,русскому языку и литературе, биологии,информатике,географии иистории - большинство. По каждому из этихпредметовмного учебниковдля каждого из 11 классов. Однако и другиеуроки небыли обделенывниманием. Поэтому в приложении вы найдете итакиепредметы,как:-естествознание,-искусствоведение,-культурология,-музыка,-педагогика,-риторика,-рисование,-физкультура,-технология,-испанский язык,-итальянский язык,-французский язык,-немецкий язык,-украинский язык,-экология,-ботаника,-ОБЖ (основы безопасности жизнедеятельности),-ИЗО (изобразительное искусство),-языкознание,-черчение,-астрономия,-зарубежная литература,- юриспруденция и право,- политология.В приложении собраны учебники для всех учеников с 1 классапо11класс. Также отдельно выделен раздел "Дополнительныематериалы".Вэтом разделе много полезного для себя могут почерпнутькакродителиучеников, так и учителя. Множествометодикпреподавания,методических рекомендаций, планов уроков идругойполезнойинформации. Это не значит, что учителю не стоитзаглянуть вразделдля конкретного класса.Приложение будет полезно для абитуриентов, поступающих вВУЗы.Всяинформация по ЕГЭ (единому государственному экзаменусобранавприложении. Есть материалы для подготовки к ЕГЭ,информацияобэкзаменах, расписание. Также, как только этостановитсявозможным,в приложении появляются результаты ЕГЭ.Проверитьрезультаты сдачиэкзамена можно непосредственно черезприложение.Поскольку приложение развивается, возможнынекоторыенедостатки.Мы с радостью получаем Ваши отзывы, всегда снимизнакомимся иучитываем рациональные предложения. Нестесняйтесьставить оценки иоставлять отзывы и помните! Хорошиеоценкистимулируют нас дляулучшения и дальнейшей работы надприложением, аот плохих -опускаются руки.Спасибо, что Вы выбрали нас! Мы работаем бесплатно иработаемдляВас! Не забывайте об этом!Textbooks and cribsHaving some experience with textbooks andotherinstructionalmaterials for students, teachers and parentsofschoolchildren, wehave created a mobile app that will solvemanyproblems. AnnexTextbooks and cribs collected more than20,000books. A hugedatabase of textbooks, workbooks andguidelines(metodichek).Cribs math collected all the formulas that can be usefultothestudent in solving problems in mathematics, or at thetimeofexaminations. In the cribs in mathematicscombinedalgebra,geometry, trigonometry and logarithms andcalculus.Section Cribs Russian language combines a large databaseofrulesthat can be useful in everyday life. For example, findouthow allthe same to the right: "Call" or "Call"? "Cakes"or"cake"?"Company" or "campaign"? All this and much more canbequicklyfound in the crib on the Russian language.Cribs on the history acquaint you with key dates andfiguresofthe Russian state.Cribs in physics for a few seconds will give you access toanyofthe formulas school physics topics.A large section, and a lot of useful information can befoundincribs in computer science, biology and social studies.Besides cribs in our application, collected books inallsubjectsof the Russian school curriculum. However, theapplicationcombinesnot only textbooks for Russia. The applicationgathersmanytextbooks for Ukraine and other CIS countries. Wearecurrently hardat work on creating a more comprehensivetextbooksfor Belarus.What is the principle of working with textbooks.For that you need to work with the textbook:1. Select a textbook.2. Download it (requires an Internet connection).3. Open and use (no connection required).The application places special emphasis on the coresubjects.Wewanted to ensure that you not only have a choiceamongtextbooks,and you can find exactly the textbook you need. Thatiswhy thetextbooks of English, mathematics, physics, Russianlanguageandliterature, biology, computer science, geography andhistory -themajority. For each of these items are a lot oftutorials foreachof the 11 classes. However, other classes were notdeprivedofattention. Therefore, in the application and you willfindsuchitems as:-estestvoznanie,-iskusstvovedenie,-kulturologiya,-music,-pedagogy,-rhetoric,-Painting,-physical Culture,-technology,-Spanish,-Italian language,-French,-German,-Ukrainian language,-ecology,-botany,-OBZH (Life safety fundamentals)-IZO (Fine Art)-linguistics,-drawing,-astronomy,-foreign literature,- Jurisprudence and Law,- Political Science.The annex contains tutorials for all students from grade 1to11class. Also separately allocated to "Additional Resources".Inthissection, a lot of useful things can be gleaned as theparentsofpupils and teachers. Many teaching methods,guidelines,lessonplans and other useful information. This does notmean thattheteacher is not necessary to look into the section foraparticularclass.The app will be useful for students entering theuniversities.Allinformation on the USE (unified state exam iscollected intheapplication. There are materials to prepare for theexam, anexaminformation, schedule. Also, as soon as possible,appear intheappendix of the CSE. Check exam results can bedirectly throughtheapp.Because the application is developed, there maybesomedisadvantages. We are happy to receive your feedback,alwaysget toknow and consider rational proposals to them. Do nothesitatetoput the evaluation and post reviews and remember!Goodmarksencourage us to improve and further work on theapplication,andthe bad - to give up.Thank you for choosing us! We are free and we work for you!Donotforget this!
Math Helper - Algebra Calculus
Math Helper is the best application onthemarket, which solves mathematical problems and shows step bystepsolution.It's easy - you enter mathematical problems and get theanswer,detailed solution and a theory reference.THIS IS ORIGINAL MATH HELPER. Avoid cheap clones of this app onthemarket and see no further – download it right now!***OUR USERS SAY:«Excelent and helpful. Easy to use and very descriptive» -JulioZ.«This is amazing app this helped me to study easily withoutanydoubt.. Without any guidence i can get full marks in maths ...Lovethis app :) :) :D» - Pulkit G.«This app helped me with my academics! Brought up my grades!»-Jordan P.***WHAT IT HAS[✔] Linear Algebra - Operations with matrices (solvingmatrix)[✔] Linear Algebra - Solving systems of linear equation (from 2to10 equation at a time)[✔] Vector Algebra - Vectors (vectors problems)[✔] Vector Algebra - Geometry Shapes (triangles,pyramids,planes)[✔] Calculus - Derivative (Derivative of the function, of afunctiondefined parametrically, of an implicit one)[✔] Calculus - Indefinite Integrals (integralssolver,antiderivative)[✔] Limits (limits calculator solver)[✔] The theory of probability (probability theory,mathematicalstatistics)[✔] Calculus - The number and sequence (prime factorization, lcmandgcd, complex numbers, arithmetic and geometric progressionsandnumbers, Diophantine equation, Euler function)[✔] Function plotter (interactive graph plotter)[✔] Also contains great scientific calculator andtheoreticalreference handbookMath Helper is an universal assistant app for step by stepsolvingmathematical problems for Algebra 1-2, Calculus(integral,Derivative, antiderivative, vectors, matrices (matrix),limits,equation, shapes, number etc) for school, secondary, collegeanduniversity students and everyone who learn.It allows you not only to see the answer or result of a task,butalso a detailed step by step solution.Also great feature is built-in scientific calculator and handbook–much easier to learn.***FEATURES AND ACHIEVEMENTS✧ 14 topics and 80+ sub-section.✧ Localization for Russian, English, Italian, Spanish,French,German and Portuguese✧ Intel ® Learn Series Alliance quality mark✧ EAS ® approved✧ More than 30'000 customers all over the worldsupporteddevelopment of our apps by doing purchase✧ The application is equipped with a convenient multifunctioncalculator and extensive theoretical reference handbook tolearnbetterDerivative, antiderivative, limits, geometric shapes, the taskofstatistics, probability theory, matrices or matrix (largespectrumof tasks with matrices (matrix) supported), systems ofequation,finding probability, vectors and other mathematicalsolving – thisand more in Math Helper!***SUPPORT✪ Thank you all helping us to reach 2'500'000+ downloads ofLiteversion✪ You could also support us with good feedback at Google Play orbylinks below (fb, twitter, email etc.)✪ Facebook page:***WHAT IS NEXTWe have plans to implement● Numbers and polynomial solving, division and multiplication● Double integrals (antiderivative)● More tasks on geometry, geometry plotter● Limits step by step● New applications, like Calculus symbolic calculator,PhysicsSolver, Physics Ref, Chemistry Solver, Geometry ShapesSolver andPlotter, theoretical reference handbook app.***Having problems with vectors, Probability theory, geometryshapessolution, integrals, matrices (matrix), graph plotter? Needanextensive theoretical reference handbook? Want to learn better?Seeno further – download this application right now!Good for SSC, SAT, ACT or GCSEP.s. Support us by liking us on Facebook****** THANK YOU!!! ******
PhotoScan 1.0
Hossam Hassan
PhotoScan can help you to scan any printedtextimage or solve math equations .Can use PhotoScan also when you're stuck with a math problem orneeda quick solver, just take a photo and PhotoScan willinstantlydisplay the answer.PhotoScan currently supports basic arithmetic's,fractions,factorial, modulus, decimal numbers, conditionaloperations, bitshift operations, arithmetic functions (absolute,exponential andlogarithm), trigonometric, simple algebraicequations(linear,quadratic and cubic equations) and constants(E,PI).What the PhotoScan OCR can do ? Perform OCR (optical character recognition). Edit extracted text. Convert extracted text to .txt files . Open , Edit ,Rename , delete extracted text files orshare.itscontent via internet . Copy extracted text into the clipboard for use inotherapps. Recognizes printed text .in English language. Recognizes Math equations and solve it. Please keep in mind that: You need to take sharp images with good lightning forbestresults. The PhotoScan cannot read handwriting. The text must be black on white background.How to improve text recognition? Good lightning is most important, Use the flashlightifpossible. Blurry text is hard to read, Make sure that the camerahasproperly focused the text. Experiment with different ISO values .High ISO values can leadtoimage noise that makesit harder to recognize the letters. Most of the time 5 to 7 megapixels is enough resolution togetgood results,higher values will often only increase the processing time.Additional tips : You can speed up the text recognition by cropping thetakenphoto. We not best at recognizing text from books, magazines ornewpapers,ornate or colorful letters are problematic for us. We having equally difficulties when reading light text fromdarkbackgrounds.PhotoScan is not fully quixotic application, possible to findamath problem, if this happens or any other problem please send usafeedback to help us making PhotoScan better.or contact us via PhotoScan technical Support Email [email protected] .
Maths Algebra Formula 6.0
The app lists all the important Maths Algebra formulas.Itsveryuseful for student to save valuable time. ThisAppcontainsfollowing formulas : 1) Arithmetic Progressoin2)ArithmeticOperatopms 3) Law of Exponent 4) Factoring Formula5)AbsoluteValue 6) Logarithms Properties 7) Complex Numbers8)RadicalProperties 9) Inequalities Properties 10) QuadraticFormula11)Rules of Zeros
Symbolab - Math solver 9.6.2
Your private math tutor, solves anymathproblem with steps!Symbolab calculator solves:AlgebraEquationsIntegralsLimitsDerivativesFunctions & GraphingTrigonometrySeriesODELaplace TransformMatrices & VectorsGet free solution to any problem. Upgrade to get unlimited accesstoall subjects with steps.
SigmaCalculator 4.4.4
SigmaCalculator is an advanced scientific and expressioncalculatorfor Android.