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GBH/GBL drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback onyourGHB/GB use and see how it’s impacting on your life.drugs meter knows it not just about how much GHB/GBL you take–it’s how much you take, how you take it, who you are and whatelseis going on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your GHB/GBL habitsandadjusts the results based on your medical and family history -togive you a more accurate assessment of how mephedrone isaffectingyour life.So if you want to know how much GHB/GBL you’re using eachmonthor what happens when you take GHB/GBL and alcohol together, orjustwant tips on staying safe - check out the GHB/GBL drugs metertosee how you measure up.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your GHB/GBL use•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Drug associated problem score quiz to assess how GHB/GBLisimpacting on your life•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer using tips•GHB/GBL laws (UK only at present)•GHB/GBL and driving•GHB/GBL and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityGHB/GBL drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a Consultant PsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter is unidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from all submissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which future results arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people are usingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government or otherorganisationand is committed to giving honest, accurateinformation.