Top 18 Apps Similar to cocaine drugs meter

Cocaine Lite 7.0
Cocaine is a powerfully addictivestimulantdrugmade from the leaves of the coca plant native toSouthAmerica. Itproduces short-term euphoria, energy, andtalkativenessin additionto potentially dangerous physical effectslike raisingheart rate andblood pressure.
Medical Drugs 3
Nerdy Geek
Medicinal drugs is aneducationalhealthapplication that provides a huge drugdictionary.13b6daf6eb
cannabis drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback on your cannabis use andcompareyourself to thousands of other people around the world.drugs meterknows it not just about the cannabis you smoke – it’show much yousmoke, how you smoke it, who you are and what else isgoing on inyour life. This quick, anonymous quiz assesses yoursmoking habitsand adjust the results based on your medical andfamily history -to give a more accurate assessment of how cannabisis affectingyour life. So if you want to know how your cannabis usecompares toother people, work out the weight of your average joint,or justwant tips on how to smoke safer - check out the cannabisdrugsmeter to see how you measure up. Features - •Immediate,anonymousfeedback on your cannabis use •Compare your use tothousands ofother people’s smoking habits worldwide •Work out howmuch you useand how much you spend •Adjustment for differentsmoking practices- bongs, spliffs, with or without tobacco etc•Photos ofjoints/bongs/pipes to calculate the weight of youraverage smoke ingm •Adjusted cannabis consumption based on yourmedical and familyhistory •Drug associated problem test to assessdependence oncannabis •Tips for the future and advice on cuttingdown •Safersmoking tips •Cannabis laws (UK only) •Cannabis anddriving•Cannabis and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityCannabisdrugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R Winstock MBBS, BSc,MSc, MD,MRCP, MRCPsych, FAChAM – a Consultant Psychiatrist andAddictionMedicine Specialist based in the the UK. Notes Allinformation yousubmit to drugs meter is unidentifiable anduntraceable. drugsmeter stores the anonymous data from allsubmissions and compilesan ever-growing database which futureresults are then compared to,to build a picture of how people areusing drugs around the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by anygovernment or other organisationand is committed to giving honest,accurate information.
drug eye index 23.07
The first medication guide in Egypt
tobacco drugs meter 1.0
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback on youruseof tobacco and compare yourself to thousands of other peoplearoundthe world.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your use of tobacco•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•The role of nicotine replacement therapy in helping peoplestopsmokingmephedrone drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a Consultant PsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter is unidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from all submissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which future results arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people are usingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government or otherorganisationand is committed to giving honest, accurateinformation.
MDMA drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback onyourMDMAuse and compare yourself to thousands of other peoplearoundtheworld.drugs meter knows it not just about how much MDMA you take–it’show much you take, how you take it, who you are and whatelseisgoing on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your MDMA habitsandadjustthe results based on your medical and family history -togive youa more accurate assessment of how MDMA is affectingyourlife.So if you want to know how your MDMA use compares tootherpeople,what chemical reaction happens when you take MDMAandalcoholtogether, or are just want tips on staying safe - checkoutthe MDMAdrugs meter to see how you measure up.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your MDMA use•Compare your use with other people’s MDMA habits worldwide•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Adjustment for different ways of taking MDMA•Photos of MDMA powder and crystal to calculate the sizeofyouraverage line/dose in grams•Adjusted MDMA consumption based on your medicalandfamilyhistory•Drug associated problem score quiz to assess how MDMAisimpactingon your life•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer using tips•MDMA laws (UK only at present)•MDMA and driving•MDMA and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityMDMA drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc,MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a ConsultantPsychiatrist,AddictionMedicine Specialist and researcher based inthe UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter isunidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from allsubmissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which futureresults arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people areusingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government orotherorganisationand is committed to giving honest,accurateinformation.
Drinks Meter 3.1.9
drugs meter
Drinks Meter offers anonymous, objective feedback on youralcoholuse.
Medisafe Pill & Med Reminder 9.35.13389
Stay on track with your medicine & pills! Never forgetanothermed or pill!
Equine Drugs 2.4.3
Guide to drugs used in horses, including the dose and adosecalculator
ketamine drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback onyourketamine use and compare yourself to thousands of otherpeoplearound the world.drugs meter knows it not just about how much ketamine you take–it’s how much you take, how you take it, who you are and whatelseis going on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your ketamine habitsandadjust the results based on your medical and family history -togive you a more accurate assessment of how ketamine isaffectingyour life.So if you want to know how your ketamine use compares tootherpeople, what chemical reaction happens when you take ketamineandalcohol together, or are just want tips on staying safe - checkoutthe ketamine drugs meter to see how you measure up.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your ketamine use•Compare your use with other people’s ketaminehabitsworldwide•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Adjustment for different ways of taking ketamine•Photos of lines to calculate the size of your average line/doseingrams•Adjusted ketamine consumption based on your medical andfamilyhistory•Drug associated problem score quiz to assess how ketamineisimpacting on your life•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer snorting tips•ketamine laws (UK only at present)•ketamine and driving•ketamine and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityketamine drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a Consultant PsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter is unidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from all submissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which future results arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people are usingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government or otherorganisationand is committed to giving honest, accurateinformation.
Top 200 Drugs Quiz & Card 1.0
Rx-Apps LLC
The Top 200 Drugs - Quiz & Card Appisaninnovative tool designed to help pharmacy, medical,nursing,alliedhealth professionals and students study and retainsome ofthe mostfrequently used information for the top 200commonlyprescribedmedications. Built around our powerful Quiz &CardEngine, itis designed to deliver visually appealingvirtualflashcards withintuitive gesture based navigation and afeaturepacked quizfunction to test your knowledge and promotemastery oftheinformation you have studied.Top 200 Drugs - Quiz & Card includesthefollowingfeatures:Data:• Database includes the 200 most commonlyprescribedprescriptionmedications• Includes Brand Name, Generic Name,TherapeuticClassification,Primary Indication, andRank/Popularity.Flashcards:• Intuitive gesture based navigation• Select a range of drugs from the full list or useacustomizedfavorites deck• Ability to display cards in order of rank/popularityorrandomizethe order of display• Front of card can selectively display either BrandorGenericName• Back of card displays Brand Name, GenericName,TherapeuticClassification, and Primary IndicationQuiz:• Ability to generate up to 2000 unique questions per quiz• Select a range of drugs from the full list, or useacustomizedfavorites deck• Choose from three question types: Brand/Generic,Therapeuticclassand/or Primary indication• Option to retake missed questions at the end of the quiz• Dynamically generated questions with randomizedanswerchoicesprevents memorizing incorrect choices• Regular feedback option provides a quick colorbasednotificationfor correct (green) and incorrect (red)beforeadvancing to thenext question• Enhanced feedback option provides a summary pageaftereachquestion is answered, correctly or incorrectly, withabriefexplanation of the correct answer• Statistics displayed include number of questionstaken,percentagescore, number of questions remaining, numbercorrect,and numberincorrectIndex Page:• Sortable list of all drugs in the database• Display brand or generic name• Sort by brand name, generic name, or popularity/rank• Add drugs to favorites with one touch• Drug detail page with Brand Name, GenericName,TherapeuticClassification, Primary Indication,andRank/Popularity.Favorites Page:• Sortable list of drugs added to favorites deck• Sort by generic name or popularity/rank• Remove drugs from favorites with one touch• Drug detail page with Brand Name, GenericName,TherapeuticClassification, Primary Indication,andRank/Popularity.
Drugs Classification 1.0
This app has been developed formedicalstudents, doctors and pharmacists. The app is allaboutclassification of drugs with their examples. The app containsmorethan thousands of drugs names. The drugs have been categorizedasfollows:• Autonomic nervous system• Autacoids and related drugs• Drugs for respiratory disorders• Hormones and related drugs• Drugs acting on peripheral nervous system• Drugs acting CNS• CVS drugs• Drugs acting on kidney• Drugs affecting blood• GIT drugs• Antibacterial drugs• Antifungal, Antiviral, Antiprotozoal, Anthelmintic drugs.• Anticancer drugs• Miscellaneous drugsWe have made this application colorful so that it will makeaperfect page memory in your mind. We hope you will find thisappvery informative and useful. If you like it, please do shareitwith your friends and colleagues.Features:• Friendly and easy to use.• Easy to study and memorize.• Important from examination point of view.• Usage of different colors for main chapters and subcategoriesinthe chapter e.g. magenta for main chapter, orange and cyancolorfor further division and topics in it.
Drugs & Bugs
Haymarket Media
The Drugs & Bugs app byMonthlyPrescribingReference (MPR) is an essential resource foralliedhealthcareprofessionals, clinicians, and residents who careforpatients withinfectious diseases. It is also a usefulreferenceguide forstudents receiving clinical training. Itprovidescomprehensiveinformation on anti-infective spectrum ofefficacyagainstmicroorganisms. Use the searchable alpha indexes orsearchthe Bugsand Drugs by infection type or drug class to beginyourquery.MPR has been a leader in providing medicalprofessionalswithconcise prescription and OTC drug information,side effects,andinteractions for over 26 years. Our mission is tocontinuallyhelpclinicians make critical decisions at thepoint-of-care.Drugs & Bugs was developed in cooperation withPhilipChung,PharmD, BCPS; Clinical Pharmacy Manager inInfectiousDiseases atMontefiore Medical Center, NY.===Features===o A database of more than 300 anti-infective agents andnearly280pathogenso NEW! Datasets for Fungal, Malarial,Protozoal-Parasiticinfections,and Scabies and Liceo Smart Search capability by pathogen, type of infection,brandandgeneric drug nameso Quick-to-read spectrum of activity resultso Comprehensive drug monographs for anti-infectiveso Useful comparative charts by drug classo Clinical calculatorso Updated frequently by pharmacists, reviewed by physicians
The best way to remember to take medications FACEBOOK-
GBH/GBL drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback onyourGHB/GB use and see how it’s impacting on your life.drugs meter knows it not just about how much GHB/GBL you take–it’s how much you take, how you take it, who you are and whatelseis going on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your GHB/GBL habitsandadjusts the results based on your medical and family history -togive you a more accurate assessment of how mephedrone isaffectingyour life.So if you want to know how much GHB/GBL you’re using eachmonthor what happens when you take GHB/GBL and alcohol together, orjustwant tips on staying safe - check out the GHB/GBL drugs metertosee how you measure up.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your GHB/GBL use•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Drug associated problem score quiz to assess how GHB/GBLisimpacting on your life•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer using tips•GHB/GBL laws (UK only at present)•GHB/GBL and driving•GHB/GBL and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualityGHB/GBL drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a Consultant PsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter is unidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from all submissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which future results arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people are usingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government or otherorganisationand is committed to giving honest, accurateinformation.
Drug Addiction 0.0.3
Drug Addiction is for drug addicts, familyofaddicts or friends or anyone who needs and want help to breaktheaddiction. This apps is created to help the world and also armyouwith knowledge about drugs and how you can deal with it.Several emotional or psychological reasons may drive youintotaking drugs. At times it is mere curiosity that propels youtodevelop drug addiction over time. Drug addiction refers tothecompulsive use of psychoactive drugs to such a level at whichtheuser of drugs has no other way out and continues to use it.Though drugs addiction like opium have been commonsincehistorical times it is in recent times that the problem hasbeenexacerbated significantly. This is mainly due to thecultivation ofplants yielding drugs, advancements in biochemistryandimprovements in means of getting access to drugs. Theintroductionof purified forms of active biological agents and thesynthesis ofnew substances like methamphetamine has made drugs morewidespread.Clinically, the word ‘addiction’ has been replaced bythe word‘dependency’ in relation to drugs.It may be noted that not all persons are equally pronetoaddiction. Some persons are psychologically or geneticallymorepredisposed to drug addiction. Again, some kinds of drugs getthebetter of some particular types of persons more easily.Similarly,the manner of treatment and method of recovery fromaddiction varywidely according to the types of drugs, amount ofdrugs, durationof drug addiction, medical complications and socialnecessities ofthe patient.There is the 12-step program among the many recoverymethods.Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are prominentexamplesincluded herein. These are popularly used for a varietyofaddictions concerning the individual addicted and the family oftheindividual. Then there are the substance-abuserehabilitationcenters that frequently offer a residential treatmentprogram forthe seriously addicted and strive to isolate the drugaddicts fromother drug users and drug dealers.The cognitive-behavior therapy, rational-emotive theory orothertypes of psychological behavior modification methods areemployedin the treatment of drug addiction. Replacement drugslikemethadone are also used. This methadone is in itself a drug butinorder to reduce dependency on stronger drugs like opium itproveshelpful. Acupuncture is also a treatment of choice thathelpsalleviate drug addiction symptoms.Carrying out the suitable treatment from the varioustreatmentsavailable can bring about recovery from drug addiction.The objectis to somehow bring about abstinence from the variousaddictivesubstances called drugs.Download Drug Addiction apps now!
Quit Smoking Secrets 1.10
**** Hurry up! Get this application for free *** Stop smoking isnoteasy. In our application 'Quit Smoking Secrets' you can findtipswhich may help you to quit smoking. Smokers may have startedsmokingbecause their friends did or because it seemed cool. Butthey keepon smoking because they became addicted to nicotine, oneof thechemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Nicotine isboth astimulant and a depressant. That means it increases theheart rateat first and makes people feel more alert (likecaffeine, anotherstimulant). Then it causes depression andfatigue. The depressionand fatigue and the drug withdrawal fromnicotine make people craveanother cigarette to perk up again.According to many experts, thenicotine in tobacco is as addictiveas cocaine or heroin. It's true,for most people quitting isn'teasy. After all, the nicotine incigarettes is a powerfullyaddictive drug. But don't be discouraged, we have developed niceapplication Quit Smoking Tips that helpsyou to quit smoking.************** Features ************** 1) Greatlist of QuitSmoking Tips. 2) User Friendly Navigation 3) Email anyTips to yourfriends and relatives. 4) No Internet connectionrequired for readQuit Smoking Tips. We are constantly working onmaking the contentand functionality of our apps better. We arealways excited to hearfrom you! If you have any feedback,questions, or concerns, pleaseshare with us at:
mephedrone drugs meter 1.3
drugs meter
Get anonymous, objective feedback onyourmephedrone use and compare yourself to thousands of otherpeoplearound the world.drugs meter knows it not just about how much mephedrone youtake– it’s how much you take, how you take it, who you are andwhatelse is going on in your life.This quick, anonymous quiz assesses your mephedrone habitsandadjusts the results based on your medical and family history -togive a more accurate assessment of how mephedrone is affectingyourlife.So if you want to know how your mephedrone use compares tootherpeople, what chemical reaction happens when you takemephedrone andalcohol together, or are just want tips on stayingsafe - check outthe mephedrone drugs meter to see how you measureup.Features -•Immediate, anonymous feedback on your mephedrone use•Compare your use with other people’s mephedronehabitsworldwide•Work out how you use and how much you spend•Adjustment for different ways of taking mephedrone•Photos of lines to calculate the size of your averageline/dosein grams•Adjusted mephedrone consumption based on your medical andfamilyhistory•Drug associated problem score quiz to assess how mephedroneisimpacting on your life•Tips for the future and advice on cutting down•Safer snorting tips•mephedrone laws (UK only at present)•mephedrone and driving•mephedrone and safer sex – specific to gender and sexualitymephedrone drugs meter was developed by Dr Adam R WinstockMBBS,BSc, MSc, MD, MRCP, MRCPsych – a Consultant PsychiatristandAddiction Medicine Specialist based in the UK.NotesAll information you submit to drugs meter is unidentifiableanduntraceable.drugs meter stores the anonymous data from all submissionsandcompiles an ever-growing database which future results arethencompared to, to build a picture of how people are usingdrugsaround the world.drugs meter isn’t funded by any government or otherorganisationand is committed to giving honest, accurateinformation.