Top 3 Games Similar to Space conqueror

Space Conquer 1.0
Space Conquer is a Space Shooting game,thegoal is to finish all the different levels before yourforcebarrier is destroyed by your enemies; a collection ofseveralaliens and Scifi creatures.Save the Earth from damnation, get the highest score andbecomethe best pilot in the federation
SpaceInvasion 1
As Commander of a space empireyouconqueruncharted planets, found colonies, and equip your fleets–attackand defense: strategic warfare is the focus ofSpaceInvasion!This game is a strategic space simulation game: AsCommander,theplayer fights for dominance of the universe. From animperialstarbase, battle squadrons spread out through the vastnessofspace withthe mission to settle new planets and mine theirrawores. Theplayer builds up an industrial infrastructureandconstructs weaponsfactories and strong defensive fortificationstoprotect hisbase.He either unites with other players to form mightyalliancesorfights his way alone through interstellar battles: Tobecomethemost powerful fleet admiral, strategic warfare isrequired.Spyprobes send important information about the enemy,witheffectiveresearch the extraction of raw materials can beimprovedas well asthe efficient use of energy for attacking anddefending,and theweapons factory keeps high class battle squadronsready forfleetmaneuvers.