Top 9 Apps Similar to Simple Management Free

Pegaso Androide 1.9033
Management For Business - CRM - Warehouse - SynchronizationGestWindows
gestionale Pegaso Smart 2.0153
Versione SmartPhone (VersioneTablet'gestionale Pegaso Androide')Gestionale Completo rivolto alle aziende in generale,aiprofessionisti, agli agenti di commercio, consente l'emissionedipreventivi, ordini, fatture, note (acquisto e vendita conversionePDF ed invio Mail), gestione scadenziario vendite edacquisti,prima nota, incassi, pagamenti, provvigioni agente,Modulointegrato CRM con giro visite e storico.Articoli con immagino e con più listini, Schede Tecniche etantoaltro... davvero da provare!Possibilità di completa sincronizzazione con GestionaleAziendaleWindows.Ricordiamo che per la completa sincronizzazione dei datisugestionale windows consigliamo l'utilizzo di Pegaso Gestchepermetterà anche la modifica di tabelle di base. IlTerminaleAndroid lavora off line per sincronizzarsi a piacimentocon lapiattaforma windows.Effettuando, ad esmpio, un ordine, un pagamento, una variazionedidati dal terminale android, l'azienda madre su windows riceveràidati ed il terminale android aggiornerà i suoi datidall'azienda,appena effettuata la sincronizzazione (di durataapprossimativa 60secondi in 3G).Grazie al CRM ed al giro Visite l'azienda potrà impostare ilgirovisite dell'agente, controllando in tempo reale le rispostedelcliente(es. 'Non Ordina', 'Ricontattare'...), latotemrinalel'agente avrà sotto controllo i storici clienti (girovisite), leattività giornaliere da effettuare e tantoaltro...Per una dettagliata richiesta di informazioni avete l'indirizzoMailed il numero telefonico... siamo la risposta ai vostriproblemi...chiedere è gratuito!Speriamo di fare cosa gradita nel segnalarviBug su Fornitori/acquisti RisoltiNEWS NEWS NEWSPer chi non Possiede il Gestionale 'Pegaso Gest'Importazione Elementi da File Csv:Potete scaricare liberamente l'applicativoWindowsall'indirizzo consente di creare i file csv per l'import inPegasoAndroideStampe scontrino Fiscale su SAREMA, documenti su Bixolon eMXTSmartPhoneversion(Version Tablet 'management Pegasus Android')Complete management aimed at companies in general,professionals,business agents, allows the issuance of quotations,orders,invoices, notes (buying and selling with PDF and sendingmail),schedule management sales and purchases, the first note, cash,payments, commission agent, module integrated with CRM andvisitsaround town.Articles with and I guess with most lists, Fact Sheets and muchmore... really try!The possibility of complete synchronization with WindowsManagementCompany.Recall that for the complete data synchronization managementonWindows we recommend the use of Pegasus Gest that will alsoallowmodification of the base tables. Android Terminal worksoff-line tosync at will with the windows platform.Carrying out, esmpio, an order, a payment, a variation of datafromthe terminal android, the parent company of windows willreceivethe data and the terminal Android update its data from thecompany,you just made the timing (approximate duration of 60seconds in3G).Thanks to the CRM and the tour visits the company will settheguided tour agent, controlling real-time feedback of thecustomer(eg 'Order No', 'back in touch' ...), the agent willtemrinale sideunder the historical control clients (guided tour),to carry outdaily activities, and much more ...For a detailed request for information you have the mail addressandthe phone number ... we are the answer to your problems ...askingis free!We hope to please tell you inBug on Suppliers / Buying FixedNEWS NEWS NEWSFor those who do not possesses the Management 'Pegaso Gest'Importing Items from CSV File:You can freely download the application at Windows allows you to create csv file for import intoPegasusAndroid        Tax receiptprintson SAREMA, documents on Bixolon and MXT
RepoJet Pro
EF Solutions
RepoJet permette di creare rapportinidiintervento, preventivi e ordini clienti in mobilità.RepoJet permette l'importazione e l'esportazione direttamentedalsoftware gestionale Danea Easyfatt (per il quale è ottimizzato)oin formato CSV garantendo così la possibilità di scambio daticonun elevato numero di software gestionali in commercio.Caratteristiche principali:Anagrafica clientiAnagrafica articoliAliquote IVA multipleGestione ritenuta d'acconto, rivalsa INPS econtributiprevidenziali.Creazione di rapporti d'interventoCreazione di preventiviCreazione di ordini clientiImportazione clienti e prodotti in formato Danea EasyfattXML,CSVEsportazione documenti in formato PDF o Danea Easyfatt XMLIntegrazione DropboxRepoJet cancreaterapportini intervention, quotations and sales ordersinmobility.RepoJet allows the import and export directly from DaneaEasyfattmanagement software (for which is optimized) or CSV thusensuringthe possibility to exchange data with a large number ofmanagementsoftware on the market.Main features:Client detailsItem MasterMultiple VAT ratesManagement withholding tax, compensation and INPS socialsecuritycontributions.Reporting interventionCreating estimatesCreating customer ordersImport customer and product format Danea Easyfatt XML, CSVExport documents in PDF or XML Danea EasyfattDropbox integration
Cattolica Assicurazioni 2.0
L’APP ufficiale per i Clienti delleAgenzieCattolica Assicurazioni. Scaricala subito e accedi ai nuoviserviziin mobilità realizzati per te:•Localizzazione Agenzia: ricerca la sede dell’Agente Cattolicapiùvicino.•Leggi le caratteristiche dei principali prodotti offerti dainostriAgenti.•In caso di incidente con il tuo veicolo:-trova la Carrozzeria convenzionata più vicina.Cattolica,attraverso il circuito di carrozzerie convenzionate CarFullService, ti mette a disposizione l'auto di cortesia epotrairiparare in tempi brevi il tuo automezzo senzaaspettarel'intervento del perito. Potrai inoltre cercare il CentrodiLiquidazione Cattolica più vicino.-Notifica sinistri: invia dati e foto in Agenzia relativi altuosinistro auto, moto o casa.•Scadenziario Polizze: consulta le scadenze delle tue polizzedanni(successivamente sarà esteso anche alle polizze vita).•Consultazione Sinistri: consulta lo stato del sinistro el’ufficioche attualmente ha in carico la pratica.•Assistenza stradale: un intervento immediato in caso diguastodella vettura, come, ad esempio, l'intervento del carroattrezzi ola disponibilità di un'auto sostitutiva.•Numeri utili: chiama dal tuo smartphone il servizioclientiCattolica o un numero di pubblica utilità.The official APPforClients Agencies Cattolica Assicurazioni. Download it now andgetaccess to new mobile services made for you:• Location Agency: search the office of the nearest Catholic.• Read the characteristics of the main products offered byouragents.• In case of an accident with your vehicle:-Body is the closest agreement. Catholic through the circuitrepairshops Car Full Service, provides you with the courtesy carand youcan repair your vehicle quickly without waiting fortheintervention of the expert. You can also search for thenearestCatholic Clearance Center.-Notification claims: send data and pictures Agency relating toyourleft car, motorcycle or home.• Schedule Policies: See the timing of your life insurancepolicies(later will be extended to life insurance policies).• Consultation Claims: See the state of the left and the officethatcurrently is in charge of the practice.• Roadside Assistance: an immediate intervention in case offailureof the car, as, for example, the intervention of the towtruck orthe availability of a replacement car.• Useful telephone numbers: calls from your smartphonecustomerservice Catholic or a number of public utility.
Scadenze Polizze Veicoli 1.0.4
APP OTTIMIZZATA PER TABLET -Applicazione di facile utilizzo ottimizzata per lagestionedellescadenze delle assicurazioni dei veicoli. Appdestinata alleagenzieassicurative per gestire in modo efficiente lescadenziedellepolizze dei propri assicurati, utile per individuareinanticipo ecomunicare ai propri clienti la scadenza dellapropriapolizzaassicurativa.Utile per la gestione delle polizze assicurative diauto,moto,veicoli commerciali e industriali.==========================Sezioni dell'applicazione ScadenziarioPolizzeAssicurativeVeicoli* Gestione tipologia frazionamento polizze assicurative* Gestione tipologia veicoli da assicurare* Gestione tipologia polizze assicurative* Gestione compagnie assicurative* Gestione anagrafica clienti per associazione polizzaassicurativaerelative immagini delle polizze assicurate.* Inserimento scadenza polizza assicurativa.* Visione giornaliera e mensile delle polizzeassicurativeinscadenza.* Rinnovo della scadenza delle polizze assicurative* Visualizzazione dei dati contabili della propria agenziaAPP OPTIMIZED FOR TABLET-Easy to use application optimized for the management of theageofvehicle insurance. App designed to insurance agenciestoefficientlymanage the scadenzie policies of itspolicyholders,useful for earlydetection and communicate to theircustomers theterm of itsinsurance policy.Useful for the management of insurance policiesforcars,motorcycles, commercial and industrial vehicles.==========================Sections Application Deadlines Insurance Policies Vehicles* Management fractionation type insurance policies* Management type vehicles to insure* Management type insurance policies* Management of insurance companies* Management of client details for association insurancepolicyandrelated images of policies insured.* Inserting insurance policy expires.* View daily and monthly insurance policies expire.* Renewal of the expiry of the insurance policies* Display data accounting of their agency
Simple Management 2.02
Simple Management enables its users toalwayswear pictures of invoices, access them easily and fast,allows youto manage deadlines, payments, receipts, all in totalmobilitySearch word: scadenziario, soldi, spese, fatture,fattura,incassi, bolle, bolla, gestionale, schedule, money,expenses,invoices, bills, management, gestionale
Auto Boll 2.1.2
Auto Boll is gevestigd in Zeist en Bunnik enisde officiële dealer van Citroën. Wij zorgen ervoor dat ualtijdtevreden bent en staan dan ook graag voor u klaar. Door onzeAppwillen wij u nog beter van dienst zijn door u 24/7 op de hoogtetehouden van het laatste nieuws. Daarnaast kunt u gebruik makenvanspecifieke App-acties of onze social media volgen. Ook ishetmogelijk om video's en foto's te bekijken van de Citroënmodellenof neem eenvoudig contact met ons op.Car Boll is locatedinZeist and Bunnik and is the official dealer of Citroën. Weensurethat you are always satisfied and are also happy to assistyou.Through our app, we would better serve you 24/7 to keep up todateon the latest news. In addition, you can use App-specificactionsor our social media follow. It is also possible to viewvideos andphotos of the Citroen models or easily contact us.
MyPayRoll 4.24
STUDIO ZIVERI SRL has been working since 1996 on thedevelopmentofWeb applications and highly-innovativeintegratedsoftwareplatforms for the automation of Human Resourcesprocesses(WebApplication Service Provider and IntegratedSoftwareApplicationDevelopment, for Automation of EnterpriseHumanResources BusinessProcesses). The website my.studioziveri.ithasbeen designedexclusively for the benefit of the Employees ofourClientEnterprises. This website is unique; not only doesitmakeavailable “all” documents pertaining to theemploymentrelationshipbetween Employer and Employees, it alsooffers advancedandinnovative services to the Employees such aspersonalizedchecksand calculations on their individual income, tax,pensionandsocial security position. Moreover,my.studioziveri.itsuppliesautomated links to the PublicAdministration tostreamlineprocedures with INPS (Italian NationalSocial SecurityInstitute),INAIL (Italian National InsuranceInstitute forEmploymentInjuries), the Inland Revenue Service, TradeUnions andPensionFunds. It manages tax planning thus avoiding anysurprisesin thelast month of the year, and helps you understandwhetherthecontributions paid give you the pension you expect.Italsoprepares your family budget and warns you of anycashdeficits,schedules mortgage and loan instalments and helpsyouunderstandwhether your pay can cover it, calculates rises insalaryand therelevant personalized net amount taking into accountitemsof paysuch as overtime, shift increases, bonuses,recurrentallowancesand, through simulations, forecasts any changesin thesinglepayroll ledger in the months to come. So, you will nolongerneedto go to your Human Resources Department to ask forinformationordocuments. “Non-insiders” can also calculate andforecast theirpayand deductions, all through a streamlined and fastprocedure.Thisapplication also significantly streamlines links withPensionandSocial Security bodies as well as with the InlandRevenueServiceand Pension Funds, making all remote informationavailablethroughonly a few “touches”. Moreover, it has an automatedorcustomizedtext and e-mail messaging service between EmployerandEmployeewith confirmation of receipt keeping you updated inrealtime. Inaddition, the my.planner application is a completeandpersonalizeddue register recording future pay rises, the expiryofnational,provincial, corporate and individualcollectivebargainingagreements, pension due dates, mortgage andloaninstalments, taxeasements and payments to keep you up-to-datefor abetterrelationship with your Employer.
FidElìt - Fidelity Card 1.2
ATTENZIONE: L'uso di questa App è riservatoaisoli possessori di un account FidElìt valido.FidElìt è un software gestionale con CRM che facilita lagestionedei clienti e delle fidelity card, consentendo diraddoppiare iprofitti di un'attività commerciale grazie alsupporto avanzatodella fidelizzazione: raccolta punti, accumulosconti, creditoprepagato, gift-card, coupon, acquisti ripetuti,ecc.http://www.softwarefidelitycard.itWARNING: The use ofthisapp is restricted to holders of a valid account Fidelit.Fidelit with CRM is a management software thatfacilitatescustomer management and loyalty card, allowing to doubletheprofits of a business with the support of advancedloyalty:collection points, accumulating discounts, credit,prepaid,gift-card, coupon, repeated purchases, etc.