Top 7 Apps Similar to Chinese Festivals 2015

Moon Festival 1.0.1
Moon Festival, a traditional andimportantstatutory holiday for Chinese people, occurs on the 15thday of the8th month of the lunar calendar. The moon plays animportant rolein family gatherings. The focus of the celebrationsincludeswatching the moon and eating moon cake. Do you know thelegendsbehind the Moon Festival? We will introduce the storiesChang ErFlies to the Moon, Wu Gang Tries to Fell the Cassia Tree,The JadeRabbit Grinding on the Moon, and The Legend of Moon Cakes.Fouranimation stories, 5Q-Book with English, and more MoonFestivalinformation are included.1. Chang Er Flies to the Moon(Simplified Animation of 2 minutes and 59 seconds,TraditionalAnimation of 3 minutes and 5 seconds)2. Wu Gang Tries to Fell the Cassia Tree(Simplified Animation of 3 minutes and 12 seconds,TraditionalAnimation of 3 minutes and 14 seconds)3. The Jade Rabbit Grinding on the Moon(Simplified Animation of 2 minutes and 45 seconds,TraditionalAnimation of 2 minutes and 46 seconds)4. The Legend of Moon Cakes(Simplified Animation of 2 minutes and 42 seconds,TraditionalAnimation of 2 minutes and 45 seconds)5. Moon Festival InformationStories: Rewritten from folk legends.Age: Recommended for age 8 to 12.Level: Helpful Chinese reading for level 2 learners.Characters: Contains 650+ basic level Chinese characters.FeaturesAnimation (Simplified): Story animation with simplifiedChinesesubtitles.Animation (Traditional): Story animation with traditionalChinesesubtitles.5Q-Book (English): Illustrated audio book with English text.Web: www.5qchannel.comEmail: [email protected]: 5qchannel 5q Chinese reading 5qbookanimationMandarin
Alex Leong
中秋节是华夏民族的大日子。 经过几千年一直流传到今天。通过现代科技,我希望将故事和传说用‘手机应用程序’,表达出来 , 与大家分享。
中秋節 2.0
Rye Studio
Rye Studio 主要面向兒童開發益智的程序,主要有有聲電子書和智力遊戲我們挑選了世界上最受歡迎的童話和寓言故事,配合精美的插圖及音樂,讓兒童隨時隨地閱讀有趣的故事,此外,我們針對兒童學習年齡,設計了簡單有趣的遊戲,讓兒童在遊戲中獲取更多的知識,我們將不斷的更新改進為您與您的孩子提供更多更好的產品.★ 提供中文,繁體中文,英文,日文,四種語言.★ 針對兒童的喜好繪制精美的插圖,鮮艷的色彩和可愛的卡通形象將引發兒童的閱讀興趣.★ 針對兒童設計的按鈕,操作清晰簡捷,只需一個步驟就可以開始,兒童可以自己操作閱讀.★ 專業的配音演員,通過生動的聲音表演敘述故事.★ 睡前故事功能,將幫助兒童在故事中安靜的入睡.★手勢功能:雙擊屏幕字幕可以拖動;長按屏幕字幕消失,當字幕消失時,輕擊屏幕字幕即可顯示;手指在屏幕上向右滑動進入下一頁,向左滑動進入上一頁。
The Smiling Mooncake 2.0
*Donut products get the first placeintheeducation category*
* Donut products get into the New & Noteworthy page inthefrontpage of App store *
*Donut products take several places in the New &Noteworthypage*
*Donut would like to learn English and the stories withthekidshappily!*
Content Introduction
The Mid-Autumn Day is coming. All the children in thesweetvalleyhave received delicious mooncakes except Donut. Wouldhe bemad? Orbe depressed? Or cry?
After finished this story, thekidswill findout except the angry and sad things, there are stillmanynice, funand things waiting them to explore!
Product Features
Games:We designed 3 interesting games to help the kidslearnChinesecharacters. 
Useful content: All the characters we teach are chosen fromthe800necessary characters for the preschool children.
Interesting Interaction: Touch any place of the picturewillgiveyou a surprise.
Parents Read: Interpret the causes of children’s emotionsandsupplythe strategies to deal with them.
GUAN YIN 3D Dictionary 观音千字MKT 1.07
Help to analysis your dream,get your 3D,turn your dream and strikeafortune.
Guan Yin Citta Essential Guide 1.1.2
An essential app for all Master Lu - Guan Yin CittafollowersFeatures includes: • Offline scriptures (Recite evenwithoutinternet connections) • Scriptures playback • Scripturecounter •Guan Yin Citta Facebook feeds • Australia oriental radiohotlinecall • Guan Yin Citta social media links (youtube,twitter,Facebook) • More features coming soon!
Nisfu Syaban 1.0.0
Bulan Syaaban merupakan bulan yangpenuhdengankeberkatan. Sebagian ulama menyatakan bahawasesungguhnyabulanRajab adalah kesempatan untuk meminta ampun darisegala dosa,danpada bulan Syaaban adalah kesempatan untukmemperbaiki diridarisegala macam dosa dan pada bulan Ramadhanadalah masauntukmenerangkan hati dan jiwa.Di Aplikasi Nisfu Syaban ini Anda dapatmemperolehbanyakinformasi seputar Nisfu Syaban, informasi tersebutmeliputi:- Apa itu Nishfu Syakban- Dalil- Amalan Nisfu Syabaan- Kata-kata mutiaraSyaaban month isamonthfilled with blessed. Some scholars assert real THAT Rajabistheopportunity to ask for forgiveness from all sins, and inSyaabanisan opportunity to improve themselves from all kinds ofsins andthemonth of Ramadan is a time to explain the heart andsoul.Mid-Sha'ban in the application, you can obtain alotofinformation about the Mid-Sha'ban, suchinformationincludes:- What is it Nishfu Sha'ban- Evidence- Practice Nisfu Syabaan- Words of wisdom