Top 44 Apps Similar to 豆瓣FM

LinkCN - 海外回国加速器国服手游影视音乐直播极速穿梭 5.4.329
When and where, visit and return to China (not supported inmainlandChina), overseas return accelerator, national servermobile gamefilm and music live broadcast at high speed, Chinesestudentsstudying abroad connect to China's exclusive accelerator.
豆瓣阅读 5.37.3
第三届长篇拉力赛火热进行中 尼卡《云胡不喜》精修版独家连载中 豆瓣,你的书影音世界。豆瓣阅读,你的小说世界。豆瓣阅读是豆瓣旗下的优质类型小说平台。我们主打悬疑、女性、幻想、文艺、历史等类型,强调文学性和流行性的结合,打造「看的时候停不下来,看过之后回味再三」的精品小说。豆瓣阅读是一个活跃的创作者与读者交流的社区。在这里,可以与更多豆瓣好友进行深入的讨论与交流。对喜欢的作品和作者,可以关注、订阅、评论、送花。在豆瓣阅读里,你可以——读到优质小说 • 悬疑、女性、幻想、文艺、历史五大频道,拥有豆瓣评分 8.0以上的优质小说,经过豆瓣读者数据检验。 •绝对原创,每月新作 9000+,超过半数作品免费阅读。来自当下最优秀的青年创作者。 • 近10万种经过精细排版的正版电子图书,包括中信、读客、果麦、磨铁等多家著名出版社。 订阅作者长篇连载•订阅:专栏和连载有更新,第一时间提醒。 • 送花:给你爱的作品送花,帮助它成为花神。•批注:可以对书中的任何一个细节进行批注。豆瓣阅读每月新增批注 60000+,读到书友们令人叫绝的批注,是使用豆瓣阅读特有的乐趣。•评论:在豆瓣阅读评论,可以得到作者第一时间的回复。豆瓣阅读每月新增评论15000+,作者与读者之间碰撞出的思维火花,和小说本身一样好看。•赠书:支持送书给朋友,可一对一赠送,也可以一次购买多本送给多个朋友,还可以写赠言。 找到你想读的电子书•按热门程度、按更新字数、按好评程度……各种榜单实时更新,帮助选出最好看的作品。•按作品分类、按价格区间、按热门程度、按发表时间……多种作品筛选和排序方法,帮助选出最想看的作品。•个性化小说推荐,猜中你的喜好;编辑精选主题书单,提供最专业的选书视角。 享受细腻的阅读体验•精致的书籍内容排版,最优美的细节呈现,支持在阅读中批注、划线、添加书签,免费试读所有作品,可下载作品到本地,随时离线阅读。•已购作品、阅读进度、书签、笔记等可在多个设备间实时同步。 成为作者,来写作和发表第一部作品•开放写作平台:原创作品自出版平台,开放接受投稿(请在电脑上访问,为作品提供在线售卖、运营和推广服务。•版权运营:为作品提供可信赖的版权运营服务,包括影视改编、纸书出版等版权业务。已有多部原创作品成功售出影视改编权,涵盖女性、职场、都市、悬疑、幻想等多个题材。已经将近百本纸质书陆续出版。•征文大赛:连续主办六届的大型赛事,分组别竞赛,职场爱情、生活悬疑、幻想小说、文艺小说等每组都选出青年获奖作者。已经成为国内青年作者最重要的出道比赛。更多精彩•精彩原创:《装腔启示录》、《雪盲》、《双宿时代》、《天下刀宗》、《小敏家》、《贤媛》、《滚尘》、《美人余》、《她和她的群岛》、《盘锦豹子》、《欢迎光临兔子直播间》、《这里没有善男信女》、《孤独实验室》、《找到她》、《差一点少女》、《海葵》。•畅销佳作:《月亮与六便士》、《流浪地球》、《哈利波特》、《拉普拉斯的魔女》、《无人生还》、《飘》、《基督山伯爵》、《危险的维纳斯》、《活着》、《古董局中局》、《原来你也在这里》。•好评作者:东野圭吾、J·K·罗琳、刘慈欣、阿加莎·克里斯蒂、马伯庸、紫金陈、顾漫、八月长安、阿耐、刘玥、叶小辛、易难、翼走、双翅目、郭沛文、伊北、王平常。•言情、女性、悬疑、推理、科幻、幻想、青春、都市、文艺等众多分类书籍等你发现。 联系我们电子邮箱:[email protected]新浪微博:@豆瓣阅读 微信公众号:豆瓣阅读 客服渠道:豆瓣阅读微信服务号 – 我的 –我的反馈官方网站:https://read.douban.com使用条款会员订阅服务协议:自动续费协议:豆瓣隐私条款:
GoLink - 海外华人访问中国VPN 3.2.5
GoLink Team
Overseas Chinese must listen to domestic music to watch videogameplay back to the accelerator
Sixfast-海外华人解锁大陆国内影音游戏专用回国VPN 2.1.6
Specially developed for overseas Chinese, international studentsandoutbound tourism work groups, supporting overseas regionstoaccelerate the unlocking of popular domestic applications/audioandvideo resources, effectively solving the problem of networkdelaysin overseas Chinese server games, and unlocking domesticvideo andmusic resources
遊戲箱子 9.0.2
-DeF Studio-
Switch games are a good helper for price comparison, andinformationis mastered at one hand.
小說大全 - 高清網劇&線上小說閱讀器
Novel Encyclopedia, a novel reading artifact used by millionsofusers! There is also a web drama module, equipment to passtheboring time! Classic novels are all available for you to read,andhigh-definition HD web dramas are broadcast exclusively ontheentire network and you can't stop watching them. Sincethen,chasing books and watching dramas is also a happy thing.
v2rayNG 1.8.5
v2ray Android client
微博 13.11.3
Follow celebrity hotspots, learn about news, watch livevideobroadcasts, and discover new things anytime, anywhere
闪电回国VPN-免注册,一键翻墙回国,解锁网易云优酷爱奇艺 1066.0
Lightning home VPN, no registration, no login, one-clicknetworkproxy accelerator for returning to China
知乎 9.8.0
Zhihu Inc.
If there is a question, there will be an answer
Sina Weibo International Edition, Discover! Hot new stuff atyourfingertips.
Malus 加速器-海外华人必备,回国加速专家 6.0.3
One click to unblock and accelerate China websites and media stream
开眼 7.5.11
「开眼 Eyepetizer」是一款汇聚全球优质短视频APP,每日精挑细选优质高清短视频,为你奉上惊艳的视觉盛宴,让你大开眼界。应用内汇聚了旅行运动、创意广告、生活集锦、科普干货等新鲜有趣的视频,给你视觉上的惊艳和了解世界的新方式。「每日精选推荐」每日人工精选出有趣高清短视频和社区用户图片视频创作,看到这个世界此时此刻精彩的瞬间记录和奇思妙想的创意内容。「分享美好瞬间」人人都是创作者,无论是摄影创作、旅行记录、生活集锦、美食探店,向世界展示你眼中理想的生活「发现潮流文化」寻找运动、美食、游戏、旅行、创意等各个领域的新鲜达人和创作,发现志同道合的朋友与明星作者---------------------开眼社区定期还会组织各种新奇有趣的特别活动「开眼周末计划」开眼每周会提供线下精致生活指南专题,帮助对生活、审美有追求的年轻人丰富周末时光。从衣食住行到吃喝玩乐,全方位的玩法等你来探索。「开眼观影团」定期组织用户免费观看电影,目前观影团已经组织「未择之路」、「蚁人2」、「碟中谍6」、「无双」、「影」、「毒液」等线下观影活动,参与社区热门话题,更多机会免费领取「IMAX」电影票看大片。「开眼探险团」开眼会不定期组织一些高品质的户外探险活动,带领大家走出去,大开眼界,目前已经策划组织过「开眼带你去北极」、「开眼带你去南极」等高品质的活动---------------------如果你在使用「开眼 Eyepetizer」时,有任何意见或建议,欢迎通过以下方式联系我们:1. 开眼 Eyepetizer客户端:打开「我的」进入「意见反馈」,填写并提交您的意见 2.关注微信公众号并留言:开眼Eyepetizer 3.关注新浪微博并发送私信:开眼视频官微 如果其他事务的想法和需求,也欢迎联系我们:- 商务合作:[email protected] -加入开眼:[email protected]
Newin Inc.
Video player with powerful streaming playback and variousconvenientfeatures.
115 28.8.0
The Best Online Storage in China, professional cloudstorageservice.
比心陪练-大神陪你打游戏 8.7.1
比心APP比心,游戏陪练大神,技术流、声音控等各类大神应有尽有。英雄联盟、王者荣耀、和平精英、绝地求生等各种主流游戏娱乐,都能找到你需要的大神陪你连麦!比心更有游戏玩家在线找大神开黑。找人陪你打游戏?就上比心APP 【技能大神在线带飞】游戏玩家,在这里开黑交友约玩众多热门游戏(英雄联盟LOL、英雄联盟手游、王者荣耀、和平精英、永劫无间、绝地求生PUBG、刀塔2、守望先锋、Apex英雄、第五人格、穿越火线等),由经过严苛考核的游戏大神领头,满足上分开黑上星吃鸡等高玩需求!超多游戏品类,海量优质游戏大神,让你畅选,找到属于你的游戏CP!比心官网:
爱加速 - 互联网安全接入服务
Free static network security acceleration software
微头条 - 新闻快讯, 探店分享, 商家点评 2.2.37
Wei Toutiao - Personalized local news alerts, storeexplorationsharing, business reviews, Chinese radio stations,eating, drinkingand having fun, second-hand sales, businessreviews, yellow pagesservice, group sharing and group chat,recommended reading platformfor discount information of merchantsand supermarkets.
CHNM 1.21.1
CHNM is a comprehensive platform for domestic and overseas Chinese.
小红书 - 你的生活指南 7.65.9
The life experience of 200million people is in Xiaohongshu.
Alipay is a super app designed to offer a bouquet ofservicestobring convenience into your everyday life. Trusted by450millionusers, Alipay’s offerings span from allowing its userstomakepayments (send, receive, and spend money withease),managefinances, choose a suitable insurance scheme, hail acab orevenorder in from a favorite restaurant. Visituson YOU ARE ONLY A‘TOUCH’AWAY-1. Send/Receive money from your peers 2. Transfer moneytofriendsor split the bill at your favorite restaurant 3. Cardfreepaymentat millions of merchants 4. Top up your mobile phone andpayyourutility bills 5. Place and track orders in Taobao andTMall5.Order food from local restaurants or book a taxi 6.Manageyourmoney with wealth management products 7. Freeoff-sitecross-banktransfer / credit card repayment and loans 8.Scan &Pay – Scan& use the QR code to pay at your localstores 9.BookAir/Rail/Movie Tickets, at ease 10. Enjoy hundreds ofdiscountsandpromotions from various merchants 11. Group accountfacilitytomanage expenses within family and friendscircle12.Donate/Participate in walkathons along with your friends
LINE dictionary: Chinese-Eng 1.4.8
A free LINE Chinese-English Dictionary
Jade Dynasty-Global 2.685.0
The game presents the traditional gameplay from Jade Dynasty.
闪电回国Pro:海外党回国vpn加速器,华人音乐游戏视频必备 1.70
Lightning Homecoming Pro is an accelerator designed foroverseasChinese, overseas students, and overseas business trip usergroupsto overcome the wall and return to China. One-click speed upthereturn to the country without barriers, free access todomesticresources, listening to music, watching movies and TVshows,watching live broadcasts, playing online games, sayinggoodbye todelays and stuttering
中国影视-影视大全,美剧,韩剧,日剧,大陆剧,中国古装剧,动漫,综艺 2.2.0905
【精彩内容,现在就要】《云南虫谷》:胡八一夺得雮尘珠,破除红斑诅咒,暗示告白雪莉杨!《与君歌》:齐焱烟织联手,正式对仇子梁下手,夫妻双剑合璧夺天下《我的砍价女王》:满屏狗粮,甜到尿糖!《百灵潭》:有仙侠虐恋那味儿了《周生如故》:周生辰和时宜的两个孩子,幸福的生活在一起!更有《海上繁花》《千古玦尘》《你微笑时很美》《盗墓笔记之云顶天宫》《贺先生的恋恋不忘》《三生三世枕上书》《安家》《奈何BOSS要娶我1+2》《两世欢》《完美关系》《庆余年》《大唐女法医》《下一站是幸福》《谁都渴望遇见你》《新白娘子传奇》《都挺好》《东营》《怒晴湘西》《如懿传》《知否知否应是绿肥红瘦》《古董局中局》《小女花不弃》《老中医》《逆流而上的你》《扶摇》《将夜》《三生三世十里桃花》《人民的名义》《双世宠妃》《楚乔传》《锦绣未央》《沙海》《延禧攻略》《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》《 那年花开月正圆》《陈情令》《公主驾到》《斗破苍穹》《芸汐传》等精彩内容等你发掘,所有视频内容一律免费观看。
91 live - Chinese beauty video live show 21.10.181
91Live Stream——Chinese online talent show Global Chinesevideostream group chat room Good Choice for getting out of boredom,comeand play ! Enjoy the singing and dancing ! All kinds oftalentedanchors you can ever imagined ! This is where the gorgeoushosthang out Be a fan of your favorite type of host featuredGodness,Cute ,Bossy , or charismatic ,just click to follow ! On-airvideochat In zero-distance , go on-air video chat with yourfavoritehost Fantastic time-out PK battle Thrilling PK battlebetween host, and it is up to you as a fan to decide who wins !Creative vlogvlog went viral ! Enjoy the creation and just click tolike ! GameCenter Wanna change for once a while ? Head to the Gamecenter andsurfer it through , more gift and prize awaits !
新浪新闻 7.92.3
The fastest and most accurate information platform mobile Chinese
V2VPN - A Fast, Free, Secure VPN Proxy 5.5.20
V2VPN is a lightning and fast app provide fast, freeVPNproxyservice.You don't need any configuration, just clickthe"connect"button, you can access the Internet securelyandanonymously. V2VPNis perfectly compatible with the V2rayopensource protocol,bringing you a full-platform supportedexperience.🔵 Why chooseV2VPN? ✔ Permanent and free VPN withadvanced paidfeatures ✔ Nobandwidth limitation for all users ✔ Freetierincludes 5GB of freemonthly data, plus the opportunity to getanadditional 15GB ofmonthly data by watching incentive ads ✔ UseTLSencryption totransmit data and use multiple layers of proxyserverto protectyour privacy ✔ Provide highly stable agencyservices withCDNtechnology ✔ Perfectly compatible with V2rayconfiguration,fullplatform software support ✔ Large number ofserver clusters ✔Canbe set to use proxy applications ✔ Smartselection server🔴Disclaimer This app provides a VPN service toprotect yourprivateinformation, please use this app in accordancewith locallaws.This application is not responsible for any use ofthisapplicationin violation of local laws or for violation oflocallaws.By usingthis app, you agree to all the above statements,ToSand theprivacy policy by default.
Feiyu (free VPN for returning to China forever) 83.0
Tips: 1. This software cannot be used in mainland China, andisonlyavailable to overseas compatriots who return to theircountryafterescaping the wall. You cannot use this software tosurmountthe walland go abroad! Please be aware of domestic friends,so asnot towaste your download traffic! ! ! 2. This software canbeused forfree or by subscription. In order to maintain highservercosts, thefree version needs to watch a video advertisementbeforeconnecting(the advertising time is about 15 seconds to30seconds), andsubscription to the advertising service canavoidwatching thisvideo , Subscription only charges the cost ofthemachine.Advertising and subscription are the last resort forthelong-termmaintenance of Feiyu. If you cannot accept it, itisrecommended todownload other commercial return homeacceleratorsthat are moresuitable for you. This software is a VPNacceleratorsoftware(network proxy tool) that helps overseas Chineseto accessChinesedomestic applications at high speed. All overseasChineseusers canuse this tool to circumvent the wall and return toChinawith oneclick. After opening this software, you can Enjoyvariousdomesticmusic, video and other resources. Through thisnetworkaccelerator,users can enjoy the popular TV series onvariousplatforms such asiQiyi, Youku, Tencent Video, B Station,etc., andcan also breakthrough the regional restrictions on musicresourcessuch as NetEaseCloud Music, QQ Music, and Kugou Music. Averypractical networkagent gadget for returning to China tochasedramas over the wall.It's that simple to use Feiyu to go overthewall and return toChina with one click. This software hasthefollowing advantages: 1.Free forever All users can usethissoftware for free forever. 2. Noregistration, no login Allusersdo not need to register, do notneed to log in, open thesoftware,it is free high-speed VIP. 3.Easy to connect There isnocumbersome line, there is only oneconnection button, which canbeconnected with the touch of a touch.4. Security All user dataisencrypted and sent, so there is no needto worry aboutprivacybeing leaked. 5. Fast Although this softwareis free, it willnotneglect the speed that users most need justbecause it isfree.During the use process, if you encounter anyproblems, pleasesendfeedback via email:===========================Email:[email protected] Note: Allfeedback emails will bereplied===========================
凤凰新闻 7.49.2
小說閱讀吧 - 精品網絡小說全本閱讀器
Read online best-selling romantic urban novels and selectedonlinenovels! Possess a number of high-quality best-selling novels,richin themes, and the content covers romance novels,traversingnovels, overbearing president, palace fighting novels,fantasycultivation, science fiction supernatural, horror suspense,etc.
WeCom 3.1.7
WeCom is a business communication and officecollaborationtooldeveloped by Tencent WeChat Team. WeCom providesthefamiliarcommunication experience as WeChat and connects withWeChatin anall-round manner. It also offers productivity tools suchasEvent,Meeting, WeDoc and WeDrive, and flexible OA appsforeffectivebusiness communication and management.  WeComhasbeen widelyadopted by millions of leading organizations,includingRainbow,P&G, Cartier, WalMart, Chow Tai Fook, L'Oreal,IKEA,Bank ofChina, PICC, Deppon Express, and Changan Automobile. 1.Afamiliarcommunication experience [Ease of Use] Provides aIMexperienceconsistent with WeChat’s. [Reliable Storage]Enablesreal-timemessage syncing to PCs, mobiles phones, the cloud,andotherdevices. [Efficient Communication] Allows users tocheckmessageread status to ensure effectivecommunication.[CorporateDirectory] Allows administrators to batchimport andmanagecorporate directory. Finding co-workers has neverbeeneasier. 2.Connecting with WeChat [Exchange Messages] AddWeChatusers ascontacts and offer services via private or groupchats.[ContactCustomers] Companies can view and manage customersaddedbymembers, and assign customers of former members.[CustomerMoments]Share posts about activity information and productupdatestoMoments to interact with customers. [Customer Group]Groupchatwith WeChat can reach up to 100 people. Members canuseefficienttools in group chats, and companies can assign groupchatsofformer members. [Company Pay] Companies can use WeChat Paytomakefunds with WeChat users, and can also receive paymentsfrommembersor send red packets. 3. Integrated with kinds ofefficiencytool[Event Management] Simultaneously, through "MakeanAppointment",you can easily check the idle/busy status of thegroupmembers andselect the appropriate time to start the event.Memberswillreceive the event invitation in their Eventapp.[Multi-personMeeting] Initiate and join online meetingsanytime& anywhere,allowing sharing documents and screens amongup to25 participants,and providing some management features forhosts.[WeDoc] Onlinereal-time collaborative docs and sheets. Editscan beupdated inreal-time, freeing collaborators from transferringthefiles witheach other. [WeDrive] Free 100 GB of shared spaceforfile sharingbetween colleagues. Space permission can bespecifiedas needed forreal-time sync of files and higher securityof data.[BusinessMailbox] Send and receive business emails andforward toGroupChats if needed. 4. Diversified Office Apps [BasicOfficeApps]Preset ready-to-use office apps such asAttendance,Approvals,Reports, Announcement, and Forum. [Third-partyApps]Providecompanies with high-quality third-party apps andhardware,coveringmobile office, and other fields, as well assmartattendance,unlimited screen casting, and meeting television.[APIs]Providevarious APIs, making it easier for you to integratecompanyapps.5. Strong security andmanagementcapabilities[all-round safeguard]Based on the integration of offense and defense capabilities of Tencent over the past 20 years, WeChat Work is the first domestic office product to pass SOC2Type2 auditing, and has obtained ISO27018, ISO20000, ISO27001, and national three-level certifications to provide reliable data security guarantee for companies.[CorporateDirectoryManagement] Batch import contacts into adirectory wherethey aremanaged in one place for convenient andaccurate lookup.[AppManagement] Manage all company apps andconfigure theauthorizedscopes. Sending messages by apps, customapp menu, assetlibrary andother features are also provided.[PlentifulConfiguration]ConfigureEmployee Identity Informationand viewpermission to CorporateDirectory, hide departments ormembers ifneeded. WeCom, OfferingEvery Enterprise their ownWeChat
36氪 9.3.0
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