Top 50 Apps Similar to DotNetRu

cnArcher cnArcher 1.6.54
Raise the bar on PMP450 SM installation accuracy with cnArcher
Gotify 2.7.1
A client for gotify/server. 7.5.4
The official Premiumize.Me App for your phone
Felgo 3 QML Dev App 5.4.1
Write QML code in your browser and view the result live onyourmobile device.
Washington Post Video
Washington Post Video is your place forthemost-discussed, viral clips of the day, analysis andcommentaryfrom our award-winning reporters, and in-depth explainersthat willget you ready for that dinner party chatter. Leaning backfor somequality couch time? Check out our Features—documentary workthattakes you to the places and people who matter.
Play RSI 3.4.6
Play RSI permette di rivedere i video dellaRSIe di accedere alle dirette di LA 1 e LA 2.L'applicazione offre:- Una selezione di video aggiornata regolarmente:serie,documentari, TG, magazine, programmi per bambini ealtroancora- Accesso rapido ai video più recenti- Una selezione dei video più visti nelle ultime 24 ore- La possibilità di ricercare i programmi per datadiemissione- L'elenco alfabetico dei programmi e dei video collegati.L'uso dell'applicazione può causare un consumo importante didati,con conseguente aumento dei costi.Play RSI allows youtoreview the video of CSR and have access to direct LA 1 andLA2.The application provides:- A selection of videos updated regularly: series,documentaries,TG, magazines, children's programs and more- Quick access to the latest videos- A selection of most viewed videos in the last 24 hours- The ability to search for programs by date of issue- The alphabetical list of programs and related videos.The use of the application can cause a major consumption data,withconsequent increase of costs.
OctoDroid for GitHub 4.6.10
Azwan Adli
Octodroid provides access to GitHub and stay connected toyournetworks.
Datadog 2.2.4
The Datadog mobile app provides real-time visibilityintocriticalalerts, incidents, and application performancemetricsacross yourentire environment directly from your phone ortablet.Datadogseamlessly integrates with your on-call notificationandmessagingservices so your on-call engineers can quicklyevaluatetheconditions that triggered an alert, determine itsurgency,anddecide the next course of action—anywhere, anytime.WithDatadogfor Android, you can: - View Dashboards on-the-go: Checkthestatusof your key performance metrics, SLOs, cloudintegrations,and morewith mobile access to your Datadog dashboards- TriageAlerts fromyour pocket: Inspect your triggering monitorswith liveandhistorical data for additional context into activealerts-CreateIncidents from anywhere: Assemble a team andfollowincidentresolution without ever having to open your laptop -AddDatadog onyour Homescreen: Use our new Widgets and Sirishortcutsfor instantaccess to your key metrics and monitors fromyourhomescreen ADatadog account is required to use thisapplication.Setup aDatadog account for free at
ISC Sports Network 8.202.1
The ISC will bring live and VOD content from athletic eventsinIndiana.
PlaySight is connecting the next generationofathletes.……………………………Get PlaySight in your pocket with the PlaySight app. In additiontoreviewing your SmartCourt video, you can broadcast live videofromany court in the world through the app. You can also use theapp tocreate your own videos – for performance review, highlightclipsfor social media, recruiting clips for coaches, andmore.……………………………“PlaySight can streamline every area of your game. If you havethatdesire, this is absolutely the technology for you. As a coach,itdoesn’t replace you. It adds to your value.”PAUL ANNACONE –formertennis coach for Pete Sampras and Roger Federer“I’ve been coaching on the ATP and WTA tours for the last 20yearsand never before have we had access to the tennis analyticsandhigh performance technology that PlaySight offers.”DARREN CAHILL–tennis coach for Simona Halep, former coach for Andre AgassiandLleyton Hewitt“PlaySight has been an amazing tool for us to have, andnocoincidence we won the Big 12 Title using it.”CHRIS YOUNG–Director of Tennis and Head Coach at OklahomaStateUniversity“Accessing the data and video is very easy… I can do it on alaptop,on my phone, on a train, at the airport… I can do itbetweenmatches. Before I had notes, just handwritten notes, buthere it isall in one place and is very easy to access. And it’sfun to pull upyour own video sessions.”MATIJA PECOTIC – ATPProfessional……………………………With the PlaySight app, you can:·         Access all ofyourSmartCourt video stored in one place – the PlaySightcloud·         Quicklycreateyour own video clips to share with coaches, fans, and onsocialmedia·         Live stream(andsave) any match through your phone (SmartCourt notrequired)·         WatchSmartCourtbroadcasts from around the tennis and sportingworld·         Zoom,slow-mo,frame-by-frame, and other performance analysis tools·         Draw onvideosusing lines, arrows, circles, squares, and freehandtools·         Forcoaches:Create videos with audio commentary, annotations,andslow-motion
Rubin Report 1.13.3
The Rubin Report Community - free speech, debate, andintellectualconversation
BLACK - Sonarr & Radarr Client 0.9.3
Advice Dog
A simple Sonarr & Radarr client
RT News for TV 2.8.5
RT news - find out what the mainstream media is keepingsilentabout.
Streamline3 for Education 2.1.2
As a parent, view your children’s school computer activity reports
Congress 4.9.2
Eric Mill
An (unofficial) pocket Congress - track elected officials,bills,and votes.
PragerU 4.0.0
Educational, entertaining, pro-American videos for every age.
iDenedi is a contact management app
Cyware Social - Cyber Security 4.1.5
Stay aware and secure with top summarized cyber news, tips andmoreon the go!
INE - IT Training 2.5.6
Access all of your IT training on the go with INE'sandroidapplication.
WSJT-X Monitor Pro 2.093
Feo Tec
Amateur Radio - monitor your station's WSJT-X activity on yourphone(WiFi only)
ITProTV 2.8.20
IT pros excel with ITProTV, binge-worthy learning™ for IT teamsandindividuals.
DS finder 2.5.2
Synology Inc.
An easy way to monitor the status of your Synology DiskStationwhenon the go
EnWiFi by EnGenius 1.18
The app that you can manage your EnGenius Router.
TwinCAT IoT Communicator 1.6.4
Monitoring and analysing of TwinCAT process data on mobile devices
Port Authority (Donate) 2.0.1
Aaron Wood
This is the donate version of the freePortAuthority app. It is exactly the same as the free versionexceptfor the extra support from you :)A handy systems and security-focused tool, Port Authority is averyfast port scanner. Port Authority also allows you toquicklydiscover hosts on your network and will display usefulnetworkinformation about your device and other hosts.One of the fastest port scanners with host discovery on themarket!Host discovery is typically performed in less than 5seconds. Ifthe device you're scanning drops packets, it takes about10 secondsto scan 1000 ports. If the device you're scanning rejectspackets,it takes less than 30 seconds to scan all 65,535ports!Features* Heavily threaded, no more waiting for results one at a time* LAN host discovery* Public IP discovery* MAC address vendor detection* LAN/WAN host TCP port scanning* Custom port range scans* Open discovered HTTP(S) services to browser* Lightweight service fingerprinting (SSH/HTTP(S) server typeandversion)* DNS lookups supporting almost every type of record* Wake-on-LAN for LAN hostsHow are scans so fast?This application makes heavy use of threading. Because most oftheoperations performed are I/O bound a lot more threads can beusedthan the number of cores on a device. In fact, one of themostintensive parts of the application is updating the UI duringscans.This has gone through many optimizations but still remains abit ofa hotspot.I have a lower end and/or older device, will this work?Absolutely! Just lower the number of threads that are used forportscans in the settings. I'm always working on improvingtheefficiency and memory footprint of the application, and thingshavebeen greatly improved since the original version!I keep getting crashes when scanning a large range of portsThe crash is most likely an out of memory exception thatisoccurring due to using too many threads. Lower your portscanthread count in the settings. The right value will behighlydependent on the device and its hardware.I'm getting a warning that says this application is trying tosendemailA few users have reported that a warning pops up on theirdevice,warning them that this application is trying to send mail.This iscaused by various security software so you can be assured(or justlook at the code yourself) that I'm not sending mail.Some security software looks at where traffic is coming andgoingfrom the device and takes certain actions for certain cases.Ifyou're running any kind of port scan that includes port 25(SMTP)this will most likely be flagged. Even though no data isbeing sentto that port the security software will see an outboundconnectionto an SMTP service and throw up a warning. Obviously thisis a verybad check but some security tools are better than othersand mayactually look for data flowing out to port 25 to see ifthere'sreally anything happening.I'm not finding some of the hosts/devices on my LANIf you're finding that some devices aren't responding in timeyoushould increase the host scan timeout setting, just be awarethatit will cause host scans to take longer. In some cases it maybeworth trading time for accuracy.I'm not finding open ports that I know are truly openYou can now adjust the timeout for connections made to portswhenperforming either LAN or WAN scans. If you're scanningsomethingover WAN (mobile network if you're using a cell phone)please beaware that scanning is best effort. Mobile carriers maydetect thata real port scan is occurring and apply trafficshapingdynamically, or they may just start terminating theconnectionsentirely. Additionally, if you happen to have poorsignal or to nothave 4G the quality of the network connection maybe so poor thatyou'll need to have a fairly high timeout in orderto toleratelatency spikes.This software is 100% free and opensource
Silverfort 3.4.1629408297
Protect your corporate account with Next-Gen AuthenticationPlatform
GitKraken Boards 1.24.1
Axosoft, LLC
The GitKraken Boards mobile app provides a more productivewayfordev teams to track tasks and issues on the go! Boardsarealsoeasily accessible from inside the GitKraken Git Gui, VSCode,Atomor a browser! GitKraken Boards sync in real-timewithGitHubIssues, support markdown and offer lots oftime-savingfeatures forcollaborative dev teams. Choose your theme,and startusing Boardsto visualize the progress of items throughyourworkflow. BecauseGitKraken Boards sync in real-time withGitHubIssues, changes madein either system will be immediatelyreflectedin the other.Meaning, if some team members are usingeitherGitKraken Boards orGitHub exclusively, important informationcanstill be sharedseamlessly. GitKraken Boards can help you: -TrackAnything: Createcards to track tasks, issues, items, features,etc.- Sync GitHubIssues: Visualize the progress of GitHub Issueswithworkflows. -Real-Time Sync: See updates instantlywithoutrefreshing. -Collaborate: Invite different team members toeachboard and setsecurity permissions. - Track Board Activity: Seewhodid what andwhen. - Powerful Search & Filters: See onlywhatyou’re lookingfor. - Card Labels: Use labels to quicklyseepriority, item type,etc. - Card Task Lists: Createadditionalchecklists for each card.- Share Boards & Cards:Share specificboards or cards. - FileAttachments: Easily add imagesand files bydragging and dropping.- Markdown Support: Use markdownin carddescriptions and comments.- Notifications: Get alerts in-appandvia email. - @Mentions: Tagpeople in comments to notify them.-Themes: Choose the light ordark side.
SSTV Encoder 2.8
Olga Miller
This app sends images via Slow-Scan Television (SSTV).
JRemote2 2.4.1
Remote Control & Remote Streamer for JRiver MediaCenter(required)
Dynatrace 2.1.219
Dynatrace LLC
The Dynatrace mobile app provides real-time alerts onyourAndroiddevices when performance problems are detected inyourapplicationenvironment. As a key component of theDynatraceapplicationperformance monitoring system, the Dynatracemobile appprovidesreal-time root-cause analysis—from yourcloud-basedinfrastructureall the way down to individual lines ofapplicationcode—that yourdevelopers can use to accelerate problemresolution.You must havea Dynatrace account to use this app. Toregister foryour freetrial account, visit with artificial intelligenceDynatrace is afull-stackperformance and availability monitoringsystem thatenables yourDevOps team to monitor the health of yourentireapplicationenvironment, from the cloud-based datacenterlevel, tothe servicesthat your applications rely on, all the waydown to thecode-level,Dynatrace monitors it all. With real usermonitoring,Dynatraceeven provides real-time performance insightsinto yourcustomers’mobile and desktop experiences with yourapplication.Dynatraceuses artificial intelligence to significantlyreduce thetimerequired to identify the root causes ofsystemperformanceproblems. Rather than overload you withambiguousalerts, Dynatraceprovides you with complete, pre-analyzedproblemsthat show youboth the full impact and the cause of eachdetectedproblem.Artificial intelligence enables Dynatrace to learnthebaselineperformance of every component in your environmentandtherebyinstantly detect performance problems and theircauses.Dynatracecontinuously monitors the health of your hostsandnetwork,cloud-based services, hypervisors (including VMwareESXiand AmazonWeb Services), and service infrastructure to keep youandyour teamin control of the health of your applicationenvironment.Keywords- Monitoring - Application performancemanagement (APM) -Servermonitoring - Real user monitoring (RUM) -Apdex -Virtualizationmonitoring - Correlation metrics - Operatingsystemmetrics -Network metrics - Real user experience metrics-Synthetic-usermonitoring (SUM) - Production environmentmonitoring- Fullmonitoring of technology stacks - Hypervisormonitoring(VMWareESX, Amazon AWS) - Database monitoring
Tremotesf 2.9.1
Remote GUI for Transmission BitTorrent client
Listory: The Content Refinery v2.0.0 (2026844199)
Save time and stay on track in your pursuit of knowledgebyfollowing the reads of the leading experts and influencers inthetopics you’re interested in. Listory monitors more than1000newsletters, curated by experts and thought leaders in areassuchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. It extracts and puts in front of you only thosestoriesthat were mentioned and recommended by many experts. Youwill useListory to save time and focus only on the stories thatmatter themost. You can personalize your experience by followingnewslettersand thought leaders that curate news and information onall of yourinterests. The more you follow the better stories youwill see inyour feed. How is it possible? Because unliketraditional socialnetworks where following more people results innoisier feed tosift through, Listory puts in front of you only thestories thatwere recommended by many experts. USE LISTORY TO: -Access thebiggest repository of newsletters curated by experts inareas suchas product, engineering, design, startup, current news,politics,and more. - Save time by focusing on only the stories thatwerehand-curated by experts. - Collect stories you like andorganizethem into lists. - Create lists and invite friends orcolleagues tocontribute to them. - Share your interest with othersand become athought leader yourself! SOME OF THE CURATORS ANDNEWSLETTERS ONLISTORY: - News & Politics: NYT Morning Briefing,The Skimm,The Morning Brew, The Hustle, Below the Fold - Business&Finance: CBinsights, StrictlyVC, a16z, AVC by Fred Wilson,BenedictEvans, Abnormal Returns, FemStreet - Startup&Entrepreneurship: Andrew Chen, First Round Review,OverSharing,Product Startup Tech, Silicon News, Five Links by AurenHoffman,Both Sides of The Table, Farnam Street by Shane Parrish,BrianBalfour - Technology & Engineering: Exponential View byAzeemAzhar, Center for Data Innovation, Engineering Growth,FullyCharged by Bloomberg, Future Crunch, Ish By Tars, On Tech,Tedium,Turner Novack’s Blog - UX and UI Design: Design Brief,HeyDesigner,SideBar, Product Disrupt Newsletter, UX Design Weekly -Travel: VoxBorders, Scotts Cheap Flights, Hashtag Jetlag, NextStop, LonelyPlanet, Travel Tech Essentialist - Podcasts andPlaylists:MediaREDEF, The Ringer, The Weekly Shuffle, PodcastBusinessJournal, PodBrief Daily, HotPod, How Curious! And manymore! GET INTOUCH Feel free to drop us a line at [email protected],or join ourcommunity at ❤️ The Listoryteam.
HackSpace magazine 5.8.3
Raspberry Pi
HackSpace magazine is the best monthly magazine for hackersandmakers.
endurance sports TV 7.003.1
Download our app to get access to hundreds of hours ofhighqualityendurance sport Videos. Take it a step furtherbysubscribing tounlock the latest content from around the world.Weprovideinteresting, high quality and a well organizedplatformthatengages with the global sports video providers. Keyfeatures:Covering iconic endurance races and content from aroundtheworldSubscribe to download and watch it on the go Superb HDvideoRateany item to determine what we deliver in the futureTellyourfriends about what you see To access all features andcontentyoucan subscribe to Endurance Sports TV on a monthly oryearlybasiswith an auto-renewing subscription right inside theapp.*Pricingcan vary by region and will be confirmed beforepurchase intheapp. In app subscriptions will automatically renew atthe endoftheir cycle. * All payments will be paid throughyourGoogleAccount and may be managed under Account Settings aftertheinitialpayment. Subscription payments will automaticallyrenewunlessdeactivated at least 24-hours before the end of thecurrentcycle.Your account will be charged for renewal at least24-hoursprior tothe end of the current cycle. Any unused portion ofyourfree trialwill be forfeited upon payment. Cancellationsareincurred bydisabling auto-renewal. TermsofService:
CySmart™ is a Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) or BluetoothSmartutilitydeveloped by Cypress Semiconductor, anInfineonTechnologiesCompany. The CySmart Android app can be usedwith anyBLE productsincluding BLE development kits from Cypresslike thefollowing ones:1. CY8CKIT-042-BLE-A PSoC® 4® 6 BLE 3. The CySmart Android app canbeusedwith the BLE example projects provided in PSoC® Creator™4.3andModusToolbox™ Software Environment. PSoC Creator canbedownloadedfrom To findanexampleproject within PSoCCreator, canbedownloaded from for the following Bluetooth SIG-adoptedBLEprofiles andservices are supported: 1. Battery Service 2.BloodPressureProfile and Service 3. Cycling Speed and CadenceProfileandService 4. Device Information Service 5. Find MeProfileandImmediate Alert Service 6. Glucose Profile and Service7.HeartRate Profile and Service 8. Health Thermometer ProfileandService9. Proximity Profile, Link Loss Service and Tx PowerService10.Running Speed and Cadence Profile and ServiceCustomizedscreensfor the following Cypress-defined, BLE profilesand servicesaresupported: 1. CapSense® Profile and Service -EnablesBLE-basedcommunication for CapSense Widgets like proximitysensors,buttonsand sliders 2. Bootloader Profile and Service-Enablesover-the-air (OTA) device firmware upgrade (DFU)forCypress's BLEdevices 3. RGB LED Profile and Service - EnablesLEDcolor andintensity control using Cypress's BLE devicesThefollowingadditional features are supported: 1. Data logger 2.GATTdatabase(DB) viewer for debugging any Bluetooth SIG-adoptedorcustomprofile/service. For the End User License Agreement,OpenSourceLicenses Used, and app’s User Guide
ProPublica 3.3.21
Get the latest investigative news from ProPublica on the go. Mail 1.9.9 GmbH
This is the app for access to your email account.
Aria2App (open source) 5.9.16
An advanced download manager and aria2 client for your pocket.
One America News OAN 1.0
One America News Network "OAN" delivers a credible source for news
RaspController 5.5.5
Manage your Raspberry Pi with your smartphone 1.9.6 is a software
FtpCafe FTP Client Pro
Droidware UK
File transfers using:- FTP- FTPS (Implicit and Explicit FTP over SSL).- SFTP (FTP over SSH). Login with password or RSA/DSAOpenSSL(Traditional SSLeay PEM) or ConnectBot (PKCS#8 PEM)privatekey.- multiple file and directory transfers- resume transfers support- clean and simple UIFor more options use system menu, or long touch for filecontextmenu.
CCRN Adult Pocket Prep 4.7.9
Featuring 600 CCRN Adult practice questions so you canstudyanywhere, anytime.
wallabag 2.4.3
wallabag is a self hosted read-it-later app. wallabag is libreandopen source.
WSPR Beacon for Ham Radio 17db
The first and only app allowing WSPR transmission using yourAndroiddevice!
The QmailClient Android app allows you to control QmailAgent onaQNAP NAS.
Movie Collection + Inventory
Movie Collection + InventoryDo you own a lot of movies? Do you have trouble keeping track ofallyour DVDs and Blu-ray discs?Movie buffs, keep track of your collection withthisorganizer.Manage your Blu-ray and DVD catalog along with your personalratingsand notes.Check which movies you already own while you're out shopping soyouwon't accidentally buy a DVD or Blu-ray disc you alreadyown.Track additional information like loaned out status,location,number of times watched, etc.
MagicSDR 22.10.1
Software-defined radio application for explore thespectrumeverywhere!
Marquee TV - Arts on Demand 7.1.0
Stream Dance, Theater, Opera + More