Top 18 Apps Similar to Brawl Knight-Claim 8888 cards

最強武士道 1.0.26
Go to heaven and earth, fight to become famous
吞食天地3:放置版(中華網龍正版授權) 1.2.3
吞食天地重磅歸來,經典IP以全新的放置策略玩法帶來全新體驗建立專屬軍團策略佈局,一鍵放置輕鬆遠征,嶄新的傳說即刻啟程!經典複刻,重溫感動,即刻下載《吞食天地3:放置版》【吞食再現喚醒回憶】再遇巴豆妖!在平行時空與三國名將並肩沙場,羈絆與記憶都將覺醒為聖獸之力,與惡魔巴豆妖激烈對抗、披荊斬棘,讓希望破土而生,唯有真正的大將之風可拯救即將破滅的世界!【海量福利助力征途】登錄即領神將「劉備」,登入滿7日再送神話級軍師「諸葛亮」,更有豪華開服好禮相贈!所謂工欲善其事,必先利其器,偉大征程的起始所需的物品都已備妥,現在登錄即可一鍵領取,霸業就從此刻開始。【休閒放置叱吒戰場】放置即可收穫大量免費資源,輕鬆養成不愁傷肝。華麗炫技隨心釋放,一鍵自動連招,輕鬆豪取敵方首級,用最簡單輕鬆的方式君臨天下!【策略戰役運籌帷幄】戰場風雲萬變,唯有足智多謀者能獲取最終勝利。網羅天下名將,依據時局隨機應變,打造專屬隊伍,選擇強攻猛襲、以退為進、堅若磐石,抑或是閃電速戰?都由你作主!一戰擴聲名,再戰平天下。【比武開戰 跨服爭霸】比武場與全服英雄切磋過招,過五關斬六將,登頂吞食世界之巔!亂世紛爭,亦敵亦友,唯有強者可戰到最後一刻,名載史冊。【八陣迷宮破解疑雲】 八陣幻境,萬象叢生,你能否逃出生天?百變機關阻礙去路,破譯謎題以智取勝,破解八陣迷宮獲得大量獎勵! 【軍團互動隨線支援】生逢亂世不孤獨,軍團兄弟齊闖蕩。加入軍團挑戰最強BOSS,共同沐浴霸業榮耀。生在江湖,四海之內皆兄弟,設置外援與租借武將,一方有難,八方支援,兄弟間齊心退敵,榮辱與共,體驗最真實的江湖兄弟情。【聯絡我們】Facebook粉絲專頁:客服中心:官方LINE@:
主公衝衝衝-霹靂布袋戲聯動 17.0
Half god, half saint and half immortal, all Confucianism andTaoismare all sages! The protagonist Chong Chong Chong &ThunderboltPuppet Show cross-border linkage shocking start!Participate inpre-booking and get a new general of the void camp"Su Zhenzhen"!Linkage activities will be officially launched on May9th!
放置封神-和風日系休閑放置卡牌遊戲 1.5.8
A two-dimensional Japanese-style off-hook strategy adventuremobilegame, the legendary hero awakens ghosts and gods, and enjoysadifferent Japanese ghost world
[Under the hibiscus tree, a thousand years ago, why didyoubetrayme...] [Who am I, where is this place? 】 Summoner,youhavesummoned a thousand-year-old demon, and you are about toembarkona wonderful journey to unlock the secret of the thousandyears.
蒼天英雄誌 1.0.73
Dubbing by luxury Japanese voice actors Full of benefits andeasyaccess to high-level generals Easily master the game to endtheliver burst and stay up late Xuan Q painting style brokenscreenspecial effects extremely cool battle Voice social, easychat, fullserver hi turn
神息之地 Mythicland - 次世代放置養成RPG 1.6.2
與御神者的少年少女們踏上未知的冒險旅程。 事前登錄人數突破50萬!日系RPG華麗立繪特效,休閒放置養成最強組合,找回玩遊戲的輕鬆感~
上古戰記-东方玄幻 自由转职修仙角色扮演手遊 7.1.1
幻世封神-唯美仙俠 角色養成放置手遊 2.3.0
Agent BUG 1.0.2454
Don't Press The RED Button!
小小三國2:休閒養成策略卡牌遊戲,動漫風益智掛機國戰手遊 1.3.3
The global same server Three Kingdoms Heroes Bloody WarSLG,turn-based placement management fighting puzzle strategygameplay,3D fantasy military battle miraculous adventure simulatorgame
魔天記3D-東方幻想大世界 1.0.7
Immortal and devil thought, practice against the sky! Entertheworldof Magic Heaven and write your own legend of immortality!
攻城三国志:硬核国战大作战略版 1.0.25
The classics of the Three Kingdoms return, generals relyonrecruitment, and siege depends on strategy!
江湖悠悠-半週年慶 3.0.15
Open big world martial arts management game "Jianghu Youyou"
Dungeon Overlord 0.18.1
So Many Possibilities. Keep Your Brain On Fire!
Slayer Legend 420.6.0
PLAY the full idle RPG game experience offline and on the go.