Top 1 Apps Similar to San Judas Free

Ora et Labora free 4.1
Santas Velas
With this app you can pray your prayers asOurFather, The Apostle Creed, Nicene Creed, Memorare, Hail HolyQueen,Glory Be, The Angelus, Anima Christi, Morning Offering.Besides you can save your favorites prayers for you alwayshavehandy your usual prayers, your own catholic prayer bookasBible.You can change the size of the font size for readmoreconfortable.There are some catholic websites too.Furthermore you can pray to a specific saint if you read hisownprayer. You can find prayer to Saint Anthony of Padua,SaintBenedict, Saint Blaise, Saint Catherine of Siena, SaintCecilia,Saint Dominic de Guzman, Saint Helena, Saint Philomena,SaintFrancis of Assisi, Saint Francis, Saint Gabriel of Our LadyofSorrows, Saint Gemma, Saint Ignatius of Loyola, SaintJosemariaEscriva de Balaguer founder of Opus Dei, Saint JohnBaptist, SaintJohn Bosco, Saint John of God, Saint John of theCross, Saint Joanof Arc, Saint Jude Thaddeus, Saint Lucy, SaintMaria Maravillas ofJesus, Saint Marguerite Marie Alacoque, SaintMartha, Saint Martinde Porres, Saint Monica, Saint Nicholas ofBari, Saints Justus andPastor, Saint Paul, Saint Pancratius, SaintPantaleon, SaintPaschal Baylon, Saint Peter, Saint Peter ofAlcantara, SaintRaymund Nonato, Saint Rita, Saint Rosa of Lima,Saint ThomasAquinas, Saint Vicente Ferrer and Saint Vicente ofPaul.We hope that this app help you in your daily christian and youcanstay more close of God.