Top 19 Apps Similar to Weather++

MSN Weather - Forecast & Maps
Best way to plan your day. Check the latest conditions,forecasts,and maps.
Yohoo Weather 1.0
Elaine Hansen
Yohoo Weather is simple-to-use weatherappthatprovides you with current weather info. It meets allyourweatherneeds in a simple, beautiful package, with MaterialDesign!Trackand view weather forecasts and current conditions fromaroundtheWORLD, get real-time updates wherever you go, you canaddanylocation you choose.- Shows wind, humidity, high and low temperatureandwindinformation for your current location- Shows you the perceived temperature- Easily set up and swipe between different locations- Simple to use - Multiple weather locations -Celsius&FahrenheitWhether you want to check the temperature,precipitationforecast,Doppler radar, or simply keep up with thecurrent phasesof the sunand moon, The yahooweather App has youcovered. Plus,it’soutstanding design, makes getting your weatherinfo both easyandfun. Why wait? Make The Yahoo Weather yourweather today.
Weather Timeline - Forecast
Sam Ruston
Weather Timeline is a simple weather appthatfocuses on summarising the next hour, the next 48 hours andthenext week so you don't have to. It presents the forecast inatimeline to help you quickly glance and digest the informationandhas a strong focus on color to outline the weather conditions.Theapp includes current weather alerts/warnings for yourchosenlocations and includes a time machine weather forecast so youcanlook at the forecast months, even years in advance or checkwhatthe weather was like several decades ago.---- WATCH FACE ----This app includes an interactive watch face, tap on the watchfaceto view different weather data.------------------------------Features:. Simple, elegant design. Bold use of color to increase legibility. Watch Face. Timeline forecast so you can easily glance attheinformation. Time machine forecasting to check the weather months/yearsinadvance. Local weather alerts front and centre. Multiple weather provider options. Great theme customisation options (choose colours). Easy to understand graphs and charts of temperature,rainetc.... Android wear support. Table layout. Multi language support. Powered by the hyperlocal weather service, Forecast(andothers)
Yahoo CM Weather Provider 1.0
This application is a pluginforCyanogenMod'sweather api's, providing real time weather dataforany listenersfrom Yahoo. It requires at least API level 5 orhigherin theCyanogenMod build you're running.Keyword: cyanogenmodweatherprovider
Weather data & microclimate : 6.14.1
Weather radar, hyperlocal tracker and weather maps: followyourweather station
OS Style Daily live weather forecast
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: [email protected]
Yahoo!天気 - 雨雲や台風の接近がわかる天気予報アプリ
Yahoo Weather's Nimbus Radar is designed to let you know at aglancewhen it will rain, when it will stop, and how strong it willbe. Inaddition, we will notify you when it is likely to rain.
YoWindow Weather and wallpaper
Beautiful, handy and accurate weather. Radar, livewallpaper,weather widgets
1Weather:Widget Forecast Radar
1Weather meets all your weather needs inasimple, beautiful package.Track and view weather forecasts and current conditions for“MyLocation” to get real-time updates wherever you go, or addanylocation you choose.Whether you want to check the temperature, precipitationforecast,Doppler radar, or simply keep up with the current phasesof the sunand moon, 1Weather has you covered. Plus, it’soutstanding design,makes getting your weather info both easy andfun. Why wait? Make1Weather your weather today.REVIEWS SPOTLIGHT:"#1 Best Weather App for Android” – Phandroid
“Top 25 apps you should download right now” – CNN Tech
"The Most Attractive, Feature-Packed Android Weather App We’veEverSeen" – Lifehacker
“The most beautiful weather app we’ve ever seen” –AndroidPoliceFeatures include:Track current conditions and forecasts for your location and upto12 locations of your choosing. Access graphs,precipitationforecast, maps, weather facts and videos, and SevereWeather Alerts(U.S. only) from the National Weather Service (NWS).Easily shareweather conditions with your friends via email andsocial media.See below for more detailed info:Current Conditions:Feels like Temperature, Wind Speed, Visibility, Humidity, UVIndex,Barometric Pressure, Dew Point, Percentage Chance ofPrecipitationfor the Next Hour (POP)Forecasts:Hourly – 2 day / 48 HourDetailed – 1.5 days, detailedExtended – 10 days12 Week – a 1Weather app exclusive, the 12 Week PRECISONCASTfromrenowned meteorologist Gary Lezak. A must for planningweddings,vacations, reunions, parties, and other outdoor events!Featuresvideo and text forecasts.Graphs:7 hours of temperature highs and percent chanceofprecipitation1 week of temperatures highs and lows percent chanceofprecipitationPrecipitation Forecast:7-day percentage chanceMaps:Fullscreen mode with ZoomTerrain, and Satellite map viewsWeather Layers:Radar, Clouds, Severe WeatherSun & Moon:Track Sunrise and Sunset TimeLunar (Moon) PhasesTool Tips - by long pressing icons receive tool tips formoreinfoNotifications:Current conditions, rich notification and sever weather alertswithoptional sound/flashAppearance:Live weather background, dynamic photo backgrounds (Dogs,cats,cars, sports and more), or create your own custombackgroundLanguages:Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, English (US), Espanol,Esperanto,Francais, Hrvatski, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk,Polski,Portugues (Portugal), Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina,Suomi,Svenska, Turkce, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese,TraditionalChinese, and moreTemperature Units:Fahrenheit (*F), Celsius (*C)Wind Units:Miles per hour (mph), Kilometers per hour (km/h), Meters persecond(m/s), Knots (kn), Beaufort scalePressure Units: Inches of Mercury (“), Millibars (mb),Millimetersof Mercury (mm), Atmosphere (atm), Kilopascal(kPa)Distance Units: Miles, KilometersDon’t wait any longer. Make 1Weather your weather today.
防災速報 - 地震、津波、豪雨など、災害情報をいち早くお届け 3.14.4
★利用数1000万人突破★☆Google Play無料1位獲得☆地震、台風の雨、警報、避難勧告などを、現在地と設定3地域まとめてニュース速報する無料天気予報アプリ。タイムライン表示が人気のヤフーの防災速報アプリです。--------------------【防災速報はさまざまな災害に対応】■地震情報(緊急地震速報を含む)緊急地震速報:各地の震度や到達予想時刻を予測し、震度等の予報・警報を伝えます。※震源に近いところでは地震速報が間に合わないことがあります。※緊急地震速報は地震の発生直後に震度計がとらえた観測データを素早く解析して発信するものですが、1地点のみの観測の場合は、誤報や推定震度の精度が低い可能性があるため、防災速報では2地点以上で観測された場合に緊急地震速報を発信しています。これにより精度の高い緊急地震速報をお伝えすることが可能となります。地震情報:地震の後に、観測結果を速報。地図で地震を確認できます。■豪雨予報(台風による大雨など)台風や大雨・集中豪雨の備えに。直近1時間以内に、設定した降水量を超える大雨が予報される場合にニュース速報。天気予報をチェックし忘れても大雨に備えられます。■気象警報大雨警報、大雪警報、洪水警報など、気象庁発表の気象警報をニュース速報。台風接近時などに役に立ちます。■津波予報全国の津波警報・注意報を速報し、地図で発表地域をニュース速報します。■避難情報集中豪雨や台風などによる避難勧告等、天気予報の重大ニュースを速報します。■土砂災害情報大雨により土砂災害の危険性が高まったときに、気象庁と都道府県から共同で発表される土砂災害警戒情報を速報します。■河川洪水情報河川氾濫の危険が高まったときに発表される指定河川洪水予報を速報します。■熱中症情報真夏などの、高温の天気予報時、熱中症の危険が予測される場合に速報します。■火山情報気象庁が定める火山で、噴火速報や噴火警報が発表された場合に速報します。■国民保護情報(Jアラート:全国瞬時警報システム)弾道ミサイル攻撃、航空攻撃、ゲリラ・特殊部隊による攻撃、大規模テロ情報などが政府から発表された場合、ニュース速報します。■防犯情報各都道府県の警察本部が発表する犯罪発生情報や、防犯に関する注意情報などを、関係する地域の方にお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■自治体からの緊急情報自治体が発表する防災情報をお知らせします。対応エリアを順次拡大して提供しております。■訓練通知災害に備えて防災訓練ができます。天気予報を見逃しても、災害時にはプッシュ通知でいち早く情報をキャッチできるのが、防災速報です。【プッシュ通知ですばやく速報】スマートフォンのプッシュ通知で、すばやく天気予報のニュース速報が得られます。もちろん緊急地震速報にも対応!【マナーモード時にプッシュ通知の音を鳴らせます】音の種類、音量、通知を受け取る時間帯などを災害の種類ごと個別に設定できます。マナーモード時の通知音の初期設定は、緊急地震速報は「鳴らす設定」に、豪雨予報や地震情報など、その他の災害は「鳴らさない設定」になっています。設定ページから確認・変更できます。【最大3地域の速報の通知を設定できます】自宅、実家、勤め先など国内最大3地域の災害速報を受け取れます。・旅行先の緊急地震速報にも対応知らない場所での地震は怖いもの。防災速報アプリがあれば、旅行先でも揺れる数秒前から緊急地震速報をプッシュ通知できます。※緊急地震速報が発表された場合のみ・台風が近づいてきて、これから自宅に帰ろうか迷うとき自宅付近で、30分後に大雨が降る天気予報が出ていることをいち早く知れるので、すぐに帰宅して雨戸を閉めるなど、集中豪雨の準備ができます。雨雲レーダーで大雨の動きも確認できます。・実家付近に津波警報・注意報が発令されたとき。津波警報・注意報が発表されたことをいち早く知れるので、すぐに実家に連絡をとることで、津波の危険から家族を守ることができます。【無料で信頼できる情報を得られます】気象庁、環境省などが発表する情報をもとに、ヤフー株式会社が無料でまとめて速報しています。※通知される災害は日本国内の情報のみです。※地域の設定で設定できる地域は、日本国内のみです。【権限について】本アプリケーションで必要となる権限は、それぞれ下記のために利用しています。「位置情報」現在地の災害情報をプッシュでお知らせする機能「現在地連動通知」に利用しています。「端末 ID と通話情報」および「Wi-Fi 接続情報」ネットワークが圏外からモバイル回線(3G,4G,LTEなど)に復帰した場合や、wifi回線とモバイル回線が切り替わった場合などにそれらを検知し、素早くプッシュ通知が届けられるようにするために利用しています。「画像/メディア/ファイル」プッシュ通知時に鳴らす音として、端末内の音源が利用できるようにするために利用しています。音はアプリ内の設定で変更できます。■本アプリケーションはYahoo! JAPAN利用規約、ガイドラインをご確認のうえ、ご利用ください。・Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約・プライバシーポリシー・ソフトウエアに関する規則(ガイドライン)
NOAA Weather Unofficial 2.14.2
Granite Apps
NOAA forecast & radar for your exact location.
Weather Live Free 7.5.0
Apalon Apps
Check the weather around you and all overtheworld at a glance.Rely on the accurate weather forecast and adjust your scheduletothe weather coming in. You won’t even have to look out thewindowas the app will make you feel like you are alreadyoutside!Weather is sometimes difficult to predict. This accurate weatherappallows to find out a detailed forecast wherever you are, foranytime of the day or for the next 7 days just by tapping ontheicons:- Current and “Feels like” temperature- Wind speed and direction- Pressure and precipitation information- Sunrise/sunset time- Weather Radar & Rain mapsand other useful weather data accompanied by live animationsandgraphics.You can easily switch between detailed or compact layout togetweather information that is relevant for you.In addition, you can check weather forecast even without openingtheapp. A visually appealing widget is easily integrated intoyourscreen. Choose a detailed full-size widget or keep your homescreenas clean as possible with just the essentialweatherinformation.A clear and simple live weather app will show you everythingyouneed to know about the weather in any part of the world rightonthe screen of your device.Enjoy the perfect balance of beautiful pixels and accurateweatherforecast!AdChoices:
MyRadar Weather Radar
MyRadar is a fast, easy-to-use,no-frillsapplication that displays animated weather radar aroundyourcurrent location, allowing you to quickly see what weatheriscoming your way. Just start the app, and your location pops upwithanimated weather!The map has the standard pinch/zoom capability which allows youtosmoothly zoom and pan around the United States and see whattheweather is like anywhere.MyRadar shows animated weather, so you can tell if rain isheadedtoward or away from you, and how fast.In addition to the free features of the app, a fewadditionalupgrades are available; see severe storm warnings foryour area, asprovided by the National Weather Service, andreal-time hurricanetracking - great for the start of hurricaneseason!Download MyRadar today and try it out!
Weather Clock Widget
Check the Current Time and Weather Condition. Simple and fast.
Digital Clock & World Weather 6.31.5
Local weather forecasts and a 4x2 digital homescreen widget
Weather & Radar - Storm radar
Local and national forecasts, weather radar, severe weather&snow tracker
Accurate detailed weather forecast, widgets, alerts &weatherradar
KX Weather 4.4.300
The KX Weather App gives you the latest 7dayforecast, radar, severe weather alerts & more, direct fromtheKX Dakota Storm Center, absolutely free! Visit us
Epic Ride Weather 2.3.101
Personalized weather for rides on Strava, Ride With GPS, Garminandmore