Top 1 Games Similar to Dodgy Gods

Pixel Army Free! 1.1
*Paid version without ads also available* You are the lastsquadronof pixels left standing in a war against the evil pixelempire.They have no desire to let you live. Take as many of themwith youas you can. A twin-stick shooter featuring multiple enemiesand anupgrade system to improve your pixels. Upgrades (From topleft tobottom right): Red/Green/Blue increases your affinity tothis colormaking you do more damage to this color. Attack Speedincreasesattack speed. Movement Speed increases movement speed.Downgradeenemy lowers the power of the next enemy. Rerandom enemyselects anew enemy instead of the enemy shown to fight. PreGameUpgrades(Bottom left & Bottom Right): Double shot for theentirety ofthe next game you will have two shots instead of one.Double healthyou will start with double the health at the start ofthe nextgame. Bonus Points: Extra points for defeating enemy withintimelimit Extra points for not taking any damage. Extra points fornotusing lock on. Extra points for shutting off lock on for theentiregame.