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Humpty Dumpty - New Adventures 2.01
We have all heard the popular nurseryrhymeabout Humpty Dumpty, but what happens after Humpty falls offthewall? In this epic adventure, the reader of this amazingclassicbedtime story is the hero! According to lyrics from LewisCarrol's'Alice in the Wonderland', Humpty had a great fall and losthismemory and needs help to remember who he is and where hecamefrom!While listening to the audiobook children will be empowered tosolvethe jigsaw puzzles of putting Humpty back together again,fosteringimagination and innovation. Kids will then meet FarmerJoe, whowants to assist Humpty in jogging his memory and suggeststhat thismight happen if Humpty first discovers what type ofperson he is,like if he is brave or caring.Farmer Joe wonders if Humpty has ever had an animal or pet hehascared for. Readers help Humpty care for and milk Farmer Joe’scowsto see if this is the key to remembering his past.Humpty slowly begins to remember things about who he is and wherehecame from. Farmer Joe continues to befriend Humpty and theyworktogether with the reader to clean up Farmer Joe’s barn bysortingstuff into trash, recyclables and compost.Will this help Humpty Dumpty regain his full memory and be abletofind his way home? Or is this only the start of an epicadventure?!Readers will be filled with curiosity to find out whathappens nextin this fairy tale.Each page of Humpty’s adventure entertains fairy tale readerswithdelightful illustrations and interactive animations, whileteachingimportant life lessons about compassion, kindness and whatit meansto be caring towards living things and the earth.Not only can children read, watch and listen to this epic quest,butthey can also participate in it, helping Humpty Dumptyovercomeobstacles along the way. Children will be engaged bymeaningful andeducational games that weave their way seamlesslythroughout thebook.This reimagining of this classic nursery rhyme was created byIBInternational Teachers and is excellent for the classroom orforthe home. With powerful themes such as mindfulnessandresponsibility, this is the perfect choice for parents orteachersto communicate with kids about important issues, whilehaving aload of fun!