Top 19 Apps Similar to Dejar de Fumar

Quit smoking with Quitify PRO 1.1.43
Quitify is your app to quit smoking and brings you helpandmotivation
Breathe Now - Stop smoking 2.6
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and save money
Tobano - quit smoking 2.0.3
Tobano Devs
Tobano - quit smoking for good - smoking cessation app
Stop Smoking - Quit now!
Quit Smoking with our App Today!
Smoking Less 2.2.52
You are the one who establishes your habits, planning apersonalizedroute.
QuitNow PRO: Stop smoking 6.63.3
The app to quit smoking recommended by the WHO
Quit Smoking Pro 4.1.0
Would you like to stop smoking? Or do you just want to smokeless?Is your health important to you? Then you can't go wrong withthisapp. Write with the community, there's always someone there.Chatlive and share your experiences. - A nice non-smoker app. -Simpleand easy to use. - How much time has passed since thelastcigarette of your life? (days, hours, minutes) - Howmanycigarettes have you avoided since then? - How much time andmoneyhave you saved? - How many toxins haven't you inhaled in thattime?All these questions are provided as statistics. Good luck.
Stop Smoking - EasyQuit Pro 2.1
App to stop smoking slowly or now with a motivational badgesandhelpful tips
Qwit (Quit Smoking) 3.6.2
The fun way to quit smoking! Achieve your goal with our app.
Kwit - Quit smoking for good! 4.41.101
Kwit SAS
Start your smoke-free journey today!
Craving To Quit! 6.11.0
Craving To Quit is a 21-day program for smoking cessation
Stop Smoking - EasyQuit 2.1
App to stop smoking slowly or now with a motivational badgesandhelpful tips
Smoke Free, stop smoking help 5.5.5-core
Dr Crane
We want to help you stop smoking★ See how long you’ve been smoke free★ The money you’ve saved from not smoking★ The number of cigarettes you’ve not smoked★ How your health is improving★ Earn badges for your progress★ Share your successes with your friends★ Record your cravings in a diary★ And moreHelps you through the difficult first month of your quit -andbeyondThis is the app that science built. Proven techniques to helpyoustop smoking are delivered in a beautifully clear and veryhumanway. The calculator tells you how much money you've saved andhowmany cigarettes you've not smoked, the calendar tells you howlongyou’ve been smoke free and how much life you've regained, barsshowyou how giving up smoking is improving your health, and adiaryshows how your cravings for cigarettes are decreasing overtime.Plus filling it out seems to help, even if you only use ittovent.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the app thatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll use theinformationyou give us to learn how to help even more people stopsmoking. Asyou know, quitting smoking is hard. But tens ofthousands of peopledo it successfully each month. We want to knowmore about whatworks and what doesn’t and your data can help futurequittersquit.The quit processHere’s what we know so far. The science is pretty clearthatnicotine replacement therapy helps people stop smoking. Butitneeds to be taken as directed (many people don’t completethecourse) and that means it’s best if you get it from yourdoctorrather than the pharmacist. But don’t worry if you don’t wanttouse NRT, this is your quit, you do what works for you. Theothergolden rule about giving up smoking is to make your mantra‘not onemore puff’. Because one puff almost always leads to moreand you’resoon back smoking again. It doesn’t seem to matter howmuchconfidence you’ve got about quitting and nor does it matter ifyouplan your quit ahead or quit or the spur of the moment. Thesocialsupport you get from programs such as Stoptober are helpfulbutwhat really seems important is getting a real understanding ofhowmuch progress you’ve made, all the benefits you gain from givingupsmoking and all that you’d have to lose by starting smokingagain.Giving you that is the core way this app hopes to keep yousmokefree.Electronic cigarettesE-cigs seem to help lots of people stop smoking. The ones thatlooklike cigarettes seem less effective than ones you getfromspecialist vape shops. They also seem pretty safe, much saferthansmoking cigarettes. However, we don’t have much long-termevidenceso it’s probably best to use them as a way to stop smoking,ratherthan a replacement for cigs.The experimentWe’re running an on-going experiment that tests different thingstohelp people give up smoking. Everyone gets all thefeaturesmentioned above, the calculator that shows how manycigarettesyou've not smoked, the calendar that tells you how longyou’ve beensmoke free, the bars that show how your health hasimproved fromgiving up smoking.Some people will get additional features. We can’t tell youwhatthey are, partly because it might invalidate the experiment,partlybecause they change frequently. Don’t feel you’re missingoutthough. We don’t know if these things will help peoplestopsmoking, we just want to learn whether they do. Don’t worrythatthey’ll want to make you smoke more either. We would nevertryanything we thought might make people more likely tosmoke.This is all entirely voluntary and you can use the app fullywithouttaking part in the experiment. But everyone who does takepart willhelp the quitters who follow. So do yourself a favor bystoppingsmoking. And do your fellow smokers a favor by helpingthemunderstand how it’s done.
Quit Smoking Now: Quit Buddy! 1.2.0
I’m a ex-smoker myself, I know how hard it is to quit smokingandtostay clean. After I quit smoking I started to use somequitsmokingapps. None of them did really helped me, what I neededwassomesupport during the difficult moments. I decided to spentmytime ondeveloping a app which would give ex-smokers thesupportthey needduring the difficult moments. I’m proud tointroduce youthe “Quitsmoking buddy” app. With our easy to usesetup walkthrough you canstart using the app in seconds. The “Quitsmokingbuddy” app willshow you how long it’s been since yourlastcigarette. The app willalso shows you how much cigarettesyoudidn’t smoked and how muchmoney you have saved! Quit smokingwillfeel like a game when youcomplete our health goals andaccomplishyour achievements! Whatmakes the “Quit smoking buddy” appreallyspecial is your personalquit coach! Choose the level ofsupportyou need and receive dailysupport from your personal quitsmokingcoach. A life withoutsmoking will become a realistic andreachablegoal! Quit smokingtoday and let the Quit smoking Buddycoach helpyou! ★ Check out theapp functions: ✓ Get daily supportfrom ourquit smoking coach. ✓Complete the health goals. ✓Accomplish yourachievements. ✓ Shareyour results with friends onFacebook. ✓Shows: How many days sinceyou’ve quit, how much moneyyou havesaved, the amount of cigarettesnot smoked. Our goal is tobecomethe number 1 quit smoking appworldwide and to support asmanyex-smokers as possible. ★ Are yousatisfied with our free app?Takea look at Quit smoking Buddy Pro.This app offers 100 days ofcoachsupport at different levels. ★What extra options does our paidAppoffer? ✓ Choose the level ofcoach support you need. ✓ Get upto100 days of support. ✓ Add yourown personal achievements. ✓Morehealth goals to accomplish. ✓ 100%Ad-free.
QuitNow: Quit smoking for good 6.54.0
The app to quit smoking recommended by the World HealthOrganization
Sobriety Counter -EasyQuit pro 2.4
sobriety counter app to help and motivate people to stopdrinkingalcohol.
App dedicated to the treatment and disclosure of anxiety disorders.
Stop smoking with - Flamy
Quit smoking today and embrace a healthier, smoke free life asanon-smoker!
Smoke - quit 4.05
A healthy lifestyle without cigarettes and nicotine.Let'sQuitSmoking together!