Top 17 Apps Similar to Do'a malam lailatul qadar

Surah Al qadr 1.0
Surah Al qadr is for all Muslims.
লাইলাতুল কদর ,ঈদুল ফিতর ,যাকাত
Byte Lab Apps
এই এপ্লিকেশন এর মাধ্যমে নিম্মোক্ত বিষয়সম্পর্কেজানা যাবে :১) ‘লাইলাতুল্ কদর’ এ কি কি ইবাদত করবেন?২) রামাযানের শেষ দশক এবং হাজার মাসের চেয়েও সেরা একটি রাত৩) ঈদুল ফিতর ও যাকাতুল ফিতর এর সংক্ষিপ্ত বিধি বিধান৪) সদকাতুল ফিতর৫) যাকাতুল ফিতর বা ফিতরা৬) ফিতরা প্রদানের সময়সীমা ও বণ্টন পদ্ধতি৭) সদকার গুরুত্ব ও ফযিলত৮) জাকাত৯) যাকাত ও যাকাতের উপকারিতা প্রসঙ্গেThrough this app, youcanknow about the following topics:1) "lailatul Night 'What do you worship?Ii) more than in the month of Ramazan last decade and a night3) minimal rules and regulations of Eid-ul-Fitr and yakatula4) sadakatula Fitr5) yakatula Fitr or Fitrah6) payment deadlines and distribution system Fitrah7) The importance of charity and Virtue8) zakat9) In the context of the alms and Zakat Benefits
Keutamaan malam lailatul qadar 1.0
Keutamaan malam malam istimewa dibulansuciramadhan, 1- Lailatul Qadar adalah waktu diturunkannyaAlQur’anIbnu ‘Abbas dan selainnya mengatakan, “Allah menurunkanAlQur’ansecara utuh sekaligus dari Lauhul Mahfuzh ke Baitul‘Izzahyang adadi langit dunia. Kemudian Allah menurunkan AlQur’ankepadaRasulullah -shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam- tersebutsecaraterpisahsesuai dengan kejadian-kejadian yang terjadi selama23tahun.”(Tafsir Al Qur’an Al ‘Azhim, 14: 403). Inisudahmenunjukkankeistimewaan Lailatul Qadar.Untuk selengkapnya, anda bisa lihat keutama -kutamanmalamlailatul qadar di blan suci ini, lebaih luas lagi diaplikasiinisangat lengkap dan jelas, terimakasih telahberkujung.
Lailatul Qadr 1.2
THE NIGHT OF AL-QADAR (DECREE) IS BETTER THAN THOUSAND MONTHSInthis app, information is given to you about Lailatul Qadarthatwhat Quran and Hadees says about Lailatul Qadar and also knowaboutnawafil and wazaif related to Lailatul Qadar. "Oh Allah! youhavepromised us in Your Book that if seek Your forgiveness, Youwillforgive. On this Auspicious Night of Ramadan, we ask thatyouforgive and wipe out all of our sins- those that were hiddenandthose that were public. You are the one who erases sins, andYoulove to Erases sins, so erase our sins Ya ALLAH!!" SharethisApplication with your friends, family members as much as youcan.
Surah al-Qadr (The Majesty) 1.2
It also contains the following Surah Muhammad SurahMunafiqoonSurahMujadilah Surah Jumah Surah Room Surah Naml DaroodAkbarDaroodMuqadas Darrod Lakhi Ganj ul Arsh Doa e Akasha RamoozoOuqaaf toavoid reading mistakes Bookmark Opotion ColoringThemeSelectionIntroduction to Different Quranic Surah as depictedinscreenshots.Much more stuff coming in upcoming weeks, INSHAALLAH! This is a‘makki’ Surah with 5 ayaat. Imam Mohammadal-Baqir(A.S) has saidthat whoever recites this Surah with a loudvoice,it is as if hehas lifted his sword to fight in the way ofALLAHand whoeverrecites it slowly in his mind, it is as if he hasbeensacrificed inthe way of ALLAH and has died a martyr. If apersonrecites thisSurah ten times, one thousand sins of hisareforgiven. If recitedin compulsory prayers, all previous sinsareforgiven. It isnarrated from the Holy Prophet (Peace Be UponHim)that recitingthis Surah once carries the reward of fasting forthewhole month ofRamadhan. Constant recitation of thisSurah,increases sustenance.If Surah Qadr is recited 11 timesbeforesleeping, the reciterremains safe the whole night. Recitationinfront of an enemy keepsone safe from his evil designs. Forthepaying back of loans, oneshould seek forgiveness and shouldreciteSurah Qadr as many timesas possible. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq(A.S)said that for piouschildren, one should keep his right hand onhiswife and recite thisSurah 7 times before going into her.Ifrecited seven times on thegrave of a believer, his sins willbeforgiven.
Laylatul Qadr Messages 1.0
Laylatul Qadr Messages with picturesthatyoucan send to your friends to celebrate this blessedtime...
ادعية رمضان وأعمال ليلة القدر 1.5
Loops Eyes
Invocations of Ramadan and the work of Laylat al-QadrApplicationcombines Duas Ramadan and the work of Laylat al-Qadr
The-Last-Ten-Days-of-Ramadan 1.0.3
Shab-e-Qadr is the night, which isthebestnight among the nights of the whole year.Thereligiousperformances of this night are better than the A'maalof1000nights. In this night the divine Annual Decree ispassed.TheAngels and Roohul Ameen descend on this earth, in thatnight.Thesecall on the Imam of the time, and what is ordainedforeverybody ispresented before the Imam.The A'maal of Shab-e-Qadrareof twokinds. Some are common to all three nights othersareparticularfor one of those three nights. -
Shab-E-Qadar ke Nawafil 1.3
Sidra Apps
Shab-E-Qadar Ramadan k Akhri Ashray maanaywali5 taaq raton ma se aik aisi raat hai jb ALLAh apne bandonperKhaasRehmaten nazil farmata hai. iss raat ka tayyun nahi kiagyaper kuchnishanian bta di gai hain issi liye ALLAh ke bandayinpanch raton maShab-E-Qadar ko dhonte hain. iss app ma panchontaaqraton ki ibadaatko tarteeb dia gya hai.
Fazail-e-Shab-e-Qadar 1
In this night of Shab-e-Qadar, the HolyQuranwas sent down from LOH-E-MEHFOOZ to the earth. Shab-e-Qadarmeans"The Night of Power”. This is the most blessed night of theyear.Praying in this night is better than to pray thousand months.Wehave to seek this night in the last 10 days of Ramadan, thatis,the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th night of Ramadan. In thisappyou will get to know the reasons, benefits, Nazul e Quran, SignsofShab-e-Qadar
Kitab Shahih Bukhari Lengkap 3.0
Kitab Shahih Bukhari Lengkap1. Kitab Ilmu2. Kitab Iman3. Kitab Permulaan Turunnya Wahyu4. Kitab Shalat5. Kitab I'tikaf6. Kitab Adzan7. Kitab Haji8. Kitab Haid9. Kitab Dua Hari Raya10. Kitab Amalan dalam Shalat11. Kitab Jenazah12. Kitab Istisqa'13. Kitab Puasa14. Kitab Orang yang Terhalang15. Kitab Mengganti Buruan16. Kitab Mandi17. Kitab Kusuf (Gerhana)18. Kitab Khauf19. Kitab Keutamaan Lailatul Qadar20. Kitab Keutamaan-Keutamaan Kota MadinahDLL------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aplikasi OFFLINE , dapat berjalan tanpa koneksi internet- Aplikasi ringan- ukuran aplikasi hanya 1 MB- teks dapat di zoomAyo sebarkan aplikasi iniBarang siapa mengajarkan suatu ilmu,maka ia akan mendapatkan pahala orang yg mengamalkannya,tanpa mengurangi pahala orang yg mengamalkannyaComplete Sahih Bukhari1. The Book of Science2. The Book of Faith3. The beginning of the Book of Revelation Descent4. The Book of Prayers5. Book I'tikaf6. The Book of Adhan7. The Book of Hajj8. The Book of Menstruation9. Book Two Feast10. The Book Practice in Prayer11. The Book of Bodies12. The Book Istisqa '13. The Book of Fasting14. The Book People Hindered15. The Book of Change Buruan16. The Book of Bathroom17. Book Kusuf (Eclipse)18. Book Khauf19. The Book of Virtues Laylat al Qadr20. The Book of Virtue-Virtue Medina CityETC.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application OFFLINE, can run withoutanInternetconnection- Application of light- The size of the application is only 1 MB- Text can be in the zoomLet's spread this appAnyone who teaches a science,then he will get the reward those who practice it,without prejudice to reward those who practice it
ليالي القدر 2.0
Aun Al Ali
Much work nights (19, 21, 23)
Tasbeehat e Ramazan 1.0
30 Roza Tasbeehat e Ramazan Aur Fazail oAamalo Nawafil e Shab e Qadar , Salat tus Tasbeeh, Shab e Qadar,Dua eHajaat, Juma tul Widah , Eid ul Fitar etc
ادعية رمضان واعمال ليالي القدر 7.6
This app contains the Holy Quran, supplications of Ramadhan(ShiaApplication).
Doa Ramadhan Lengkap 2.1
Matoa Dev
Applications that contain daily prayers during the month of Ramadan
Lailatul Qadr 1.0
Shab e Qadr kay baray mai aik khayal ye bhi hai...?
ادعية ليله القدر 1.0
thug life
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم اللهمإنانستعينكونستهديك، ونستغفرك ونتوب إليك، ونتوكل عليك، ونثني عليكالخيركله،نشكرك ولا نكفرك، ونخلع ونترك من يفجرك.In the name ofGodtheMerciful O Lord Nstaenk and Nstahedak, and Nstgfrck andrepentyou,and trust in you, and you have to commend all good,norNkfrckThank you, and take off and leave from Afjrk.