Top 46 Apps Similar to Professions

Выбор профессии 100.0
Общие сведениеОбщие проблемы формирования мировоззрения личностиНаправленность личности и проблема профессиональногосамоопределениямолодого человекаГипотеза, цели, задачи и контингент исследованныхМетодика аутоидентификации акцентуаций характераЭ.Г.ЭйдемиллераОпросник ДДОМетодика "Опросник профессиональных предпочтений" (модификациятестаГолланда)Корреляционнай анализРезультаты и их обсуждениеВыводыПриложение 1. Методика аутоидентификации акцентуаций характераЭ.Г.ЭйдемиллерПриложение 2. Многофакторны личностные ОпросникFPI(модифицированная форма В)Приложение 3. Опросник ДдоПриложение 4. Методика "Опросник профессиональныхпредпочтений"(модификация теста Холланд)Список литературыGeneral informationCommon problems of formation of outlook of the personOrientation of the person and professional youngman'sself-determination issueThe hypothesis, goals, objectives and contingent investigatedMethods to identify oneself character accentuationsEGEidemillerQuestionnaire DDOMethodology "Questionnaire professional preferences"(modificationHolland test)Korrelyatsionnay analysisResults and its discussionconclusionsAnnex 1 Methodology to identify oneself character accentuationsEGEidemillerAppendix 2. multifactor personality questionnaire FPI (inmodifiedform)Appendix 3. Questionnaire AwAppendix 4. Methodology "Questionnaire professionalpreferences"(modification Holland test)Bibliography
Theoretical physics 7.1.2
The appendix contains a descriptionoftheoretical physics. The application includes a handy searchandthe ability to reproduce the text aloud.
Units of measure 80.91.30
Directory of units of measure
Stars 80.91.30
Directory of stars
Coins 80.91.30
Directory of coins
Countries of the world 80.91.30
A description of all countries of the world
Mathematical logic 80.91.30
Directory of mathematical logic
Natural phenomena 80.91.30
Directory of natural phenomena
Construction Materials 80.91.30
Directory to the description of building materials
Physical effects and phenomena 80.91.30
Directory of physical effects and phenomena
Профессия-программист 1.0
В приложении представлена информацияопрофессии и о социально-гуманитарном колледже УО МГУ им.А.А.Кулешова города Могилева:• Информация о профессии: Техник-программист• О перспективах дальнейшего обучения и трудоустройства• Информация о колледже• Условия поступления и обучения• Информация для родителей• Информация о культурной и спортивной жизни• Информация о достижениях учащихся колледжа• Контактная информацияПриложение разработано учащимися 2 курса: А.А. Никифоров,В.К.Калаусова, М.В. Кардымон, Ю.В. Никитенок. В рамкахработыобъединения по интересам под руководством С.А. Дзена.The applicationprovidesinformation on the profession and on social andhumanitarian UOCollege MSU. AA Kuleshov Mogilev:• Information about the profession: Technician-programmer• On the prospects of further education and employment• Information about the college• Admission and training• Information for parents• Information about the cultural and sporting life• Information about the achievements of college students• Contact InformationThe application was developed by students of the course 2:AANikiforov, VK Kalausova, MV Kardymon, Y. Nikitenok. As part oftheassociation of interest under the leadership of SA Zen.
Solid State Physics 80.91.30
Directory of Solid State Physics
Energy 80.91.30
Directory of energy
Battles of World War II 80.91.30
Directory of battles of World War II
Personality traits 80.91.30
Directory of personality traits
Chemical elements 80.91.30
Reference to the description of the chemical elements
Exoplanets 80.91.30
Directory of exoplanets
Pistols 80.91.30
Directory of pistols
Programming concepts 80.91.30
Directory of programming concepts
Muscular system 80.91.30
Directory of muscular system
Climatic zones 80.91.30
Directory of climatic zones
Minerals 80.91.30
Directory of the minerals
Money 80.91.30
Directory of money
Political science terminology 80.91.30
Directory of political science terminology
Mathematical theorems 80.91.30
Directory of mathematical theorems
Seas 80.91.30
Directory Seas
Food 80.91.30
Directory of food
Pirates 80.91.30
Directory of pirates
The military leaders of ancien 80.91.30
Directory of the military leaders of ancient Rome
Nodes 80.91.30
Directory of the nodes
Measuring devices 80.91.30
Directory of measuring devices
Peoples 80.91.30
Directory of Peoples
Buildings Architects 80.91.30
Directory of buildings Architects
Martial Arts 80.91.30
Martial Arts Directory
Nuclear reactors 80.91.30
Directory of nuclear reactors
Geography of the countries 80.91.30
Directory of geography of the countries
Brain 80.91.30
Directory of brain
Mental disorders 80.91.30
Directory of mental disorders
Constellations 80.91.30
Description constellations
Roman emperors 80.91.30
Directory of Roman emperors
Gods 80.91.30
Directory to the description of the gods
Capitals 80.91.30
Directory of capitals
Material properties 80.91.30
Directory of the properties of materials
History states 80.91.30
Directory of history of the states
The ancient city 80.91.30
Directory of ancient cities
General relativity 80.91.30
Directory of general relativity