Top 7 Apps Similar to DIY nail polish tutorials

Nail Manicure Tutorials 1.0
Even beginners can create uniquenailartdesigns using stamping kits like Konad and Salon Express,andstartsaving money over expensive salon trips.Konad and Salon Express are the most popular brandsofstampingkits today and while getting a design manicure done atyourlocalsalons has its advantages, like the feeling of beingpampered,itcan also come with a hefty price tag depending on thetypeofdesigns you're having done.For women, nails may be one of the most noticed partsofourbodies. Whether you are talking with somebody or justdoingsomework, your nails will always catch the attention ofpeoplearoundyou.Appearances matter a lot with nails; at the very least itisveryimportant to have healthy, clean nails. But today you candoevenmore, like having nail art designs applied to your nailsthatareuniquely yours.Nail stamping kits are just one way to getuniqueandsalon-looking designs quickly and easily. Now oneadvantageofgoing to a salon to have a technician either freehand orby usingastencil and air-brush, apply unique nail designs to yournailsisthat the technician is able to use both hands to workonyourhands. The art may come out looking more definedandprofessionalas well. But on the other hand, it can startcostingyou a lot ofbucks to keep it up.Enter the latest craze, nail stamping kits, offeringevenbeginnernail artist an inexpensive way to have nearlyprofessionallookingnail designs but without the expense of asalon, designsthat bechanged every day if you want!Stamping kits, whether you buy the higher end Konad,themiddleend Salon Express, or just a simple cheap stamper withacouple ofplates and get the rest of the plates from onlinestores,nailstamping is an inexpensive and fun way to learn a newtechniqueforyour own look of nail designs.Each kit provides the directions how to use the tools andyoucanfind countless nail design tutorials on YouTube if you'dratherbeshown how to do it, like the videos below. And theresultsarenothing less than fabulous, giving you beautiful nailsinrecordtime without having to drive to a salon and waityourturn.The styles and amounts of designs that you can getwithnailstamping kits and extra stamping plates are similar designstowhatyou can get at your local salon, but without the waitandwithoutthe price tag.These stamping kits also give you the opportunity tocreateyourown nail designs, which you can change whenever you want.Thewholeprocess takes just minutes and produces professionallookingnailsfrom the comfort of your own home and with noadditionalexpensewhen you want to change your designs.You can create fun and unique nail art designs in justthreequickand easy steps - apply polish to the image plate, stampit,andtransfer it to your nails. You can stamp the designsonartificial ornatural nails too. Use different color nailpolisheson a variety ofimages to create colorful one-of-a-kinddesigns onyour nails.Sometimes, a sample design chart of nails createdbyaprofessional nail technician using the kit is alsoincluded,tomake it easier for you to create your own unique designsusingthestamping kit. The best part is that it comes completewithfullinstructions, tips and techniques for getting thebestresults.Before you begin, read the user's guide to make sure yougetthebest out of your nail stamping kit. Ensure the surfaceyouareworking on is protected and that your nails are clean,dryandgrease free. You can stamp the image design directlyontoyournatural nail or apply a base coat of polish in yourfavoritecolorbefore stamping on the image.
DIY Nail Tutorial 1.0
Nail designs are getting so trendytoday.Thereare a lot of designs that women can choose from toadorntheirbeautiful nails and because of these designs, more andmorewomenare getting into nail designing. Nowadays, for you to getthedesignthat you want, you should go to a nail salon whereaprofessionalcan provide you with the design that you want.However,this is notalways the case especially if you have theskills atdesigningbecause you can definitely do it at your ownhome and atyour ownleisure.DIY Nail tutorial is a very simple concept - designs orartthatis used to decorate the finger or toe nails. Theyareusedpredominately to enhance an outfit or brighten aneverydaylook.Seen nowadays as more a fashion activity and somethingthatallowsfor creativity and expression of one's own style, thenaildesignsand art are considered to be a significant area offashionandbeauty.If you're looking for more information about nail designs,orwantsomewhere to begin with diy nail tutorial and nailart,includingsimple step by step diy nail tutorial for makingyournails looktheir best, along with ideas, inspiration, andmuchmore. Thisapplication has everything you need. The importantthingto rememberabout DIY nail tutorial is to be creative,expressyourself, and mostimportantly - have fun! So, you mustdownloadthis application.
DIY nail art tutorials 1.0
DIY nail art tutorialsFind your favorite DIY nail art tutorials here!As time moved on, DIY nail art tutorials has become asymbolforcommunication between subcultures. Goth instancestartssportingblack nail polish, as did rock star and punk. Sincethen,nail arthas become more creative and artistic. Many trendshaveoccurredsuch as the addition of symbols and crystals, airbrushing,acrylicand gel nail enhancements. Nail art has becomeintegratedinto theworld of fashion and now wear as an accessory toanylook.The latest in nail fashion? Nail wraps such as metalspikesranges.The pre-printed wrap design of digital printer,allowingforcomplex patterns and reflective metal finish which isnotpossiblethrough traditional methods. They are applied withheatactivationand allows for the design to be completed in afractionof thetime. Not only this, but they protect the nail fromscratchesandchips are as traditional products. They survived formore than1month and really is the latest breakthrough in nailart.DIY Nail Design, nail art is not dead. One look at thedesignnailart and it is clear that our obsession with intricatedesignsdidnot lose his spirit. Furthermore, nail art is still afavoriteonthe runways as designers choose more uniqueandcreativeperformances to their collection. But let's be honest:Whohas thenail art and skills needed to pull off some crazy, coolnailartall in the name of beauty? We definitely did not, which iswhywehave come across some DIY nail art tutorials forbeginners.DIY nail art tutorials is our new obsession. From simplenaildesignsdisplay flashes the most subtle sparkle acrylicnailpatterns, it'samazing what you can do nail artists withtheirsmall canvas! DIYNail Design is the application you needtoinstall on yourSmartphone. It contains a lot of ideas thathavenail art thatinspires you to draw on your beautiful nails. Youcanchoose simplenail art design, or extra edgy style.
Nails Tutorial 1.4
The use of nail polish dates back tothousandsof years ago and probably originated from China. Indiaalso has anage old tradition of using nail polishes. Later it gotspread towestern countries. Initially these polishes were of herbalinnature- mostly made out of vegetables, herbs, eggs and gumsthatgot mixed with colours. Later, they started including oils,creams,perfumes and metals into these polishes that made up thepresentforms of nail polishes. These compounds have been everchangingwith newer inventions in the fields.Most of these nail polishes contain organic polymers withmanyother additives added for thickness, durability, perfume andshine/glitter. These ordinary nail polishes are less durable andgetchipping or cracking within 2 or 3 days. How to do your Nailpolishor Nail art• The first thing you need to do, if you are already havingstainsof nail polish previously applied to the nails, is to removetheold polish and the stains from your nails. This is done byapplyingthe nail polish remover (or acetone solution) and / orbyscratching the nails with tools and then washing your handswithwater and soaps. You may find some more instruction regardinghowto remove gel nail polish with your kit of nail polish.• The next step is to trim your nails with the nail cutter.Whiletrimming, you may need to take care that entire tips arenotremoved. Leave some extra nail than your actual finger size sothatit will look better and there is enough space to apply yournailarts.• Manicuring the fingers by softening the skin around nailsandremoval of dead skin or trimming of cuticles also needs to bedonebefore applying nail polish. This is done with the helpofmanicuring tools available in the cosmetics market. Filing ofnailedges for perfect shapes is also a part of manicuring.• Now, you can apply the base coat. Base coats are donewithtransparent ordinary nail polishes mostly either of whitecolour,skin colour or very thin light colours. Allow the base coatto dryfor one or two minutes.• After the base coat, you can apply one more top coat withanycolour of nail polish or with a gel nail polish. This willmakeyour base more durable and solid for performing nail art work.Thistop coat also needs to be dried for some minutes beforedoingdesigns or art work on the nails. If you are not interestedingiving the top coat at this stage, then proceed with nailartstraight away.• If you applied a top coat after the base coat, then you can doallyour nail art work more safely using different techniques andeasynail art designs that are available as discussed below inothercapsules. The artwork will be more durable if done after atop coator second coat.• Remember that each coat should be allowed to dry well beforedoingthe other coat or performing the artwork.• After completing nail art, you need to give one more top coattoprotect the artwork from damages. This will lengthen the lifeofnail art.• The important thing to remember about nail designs and nailnailart is to be creative, express yourself, and most importantly-have fun!If you're looking for more information about nail designs,orwant somewhere to begin with easy nail designs and nailart,download this application.
Nail Polish 2.0
* This app was specially designed for nail art lovers. * Itcontainsphoto galleries related to Nail Polish * Easily browsablethroughnail designs pictures * Totally free app * It containsinspiringnail art ideas but no tutorials. * You may browse french,gel,acyrlic nail ideas. * You can share Nail Polish images onsocialmedia. * Enjoy our Nail Polish app and share it with yourfriends.
Tutoriel vernis à ongle 5.0
Faire nail art peut être amusant etfacile,maissi vous venez de commencer, il faut de la pratique. Sivousêtes undébutant, je vous suggère de commencer avec undesignsimple. Alorsque vous devenez plus expérimenté, diplômé àquelquechose qui prendun peu plus de puissance de cerveau. Essayezde nepas se découragersi vous faites des erreurs. Faire nail artestexactement ce qu'ildit l'art. Alors amusez-vous, être créatif,etne pas avoir peurd'expérimenter avec différentes choses pourvoirce qui semble bonsur vos ongles. Vous ne savez jamais,vouspourriez être la premièrepersonne à venir effectivement enplaceavec un nouveau design ou unetendance.Dans ce Nail Art Etape par étape Designs sera montrantétapeparétape comment être cloué votre ongle. pour le débutant,vousavezbesoin d'avoir de l'alcool, des boules de coton, nailartongles,dissolvant de vernis, orange bâton de bois, haut etcouchede fondà ongles, donc nous allons commencer.- Il est très simple et facile.- Il inclut aussi des dessins pour ongles photo- Excellentes idées main-pied manucure Photos- Belles vernis à ongles Styles photos.- Inspirez-vous des idées les plus cool de style ongles devernisàl'aide de cette application.- Tout ce que vous devez faire est detéléchargerl'applicationCette application Styles vernis à ongles est magnifique etlesimagessont originales.WhatsApp, e-mail, vous pouvez le partager avecgmailetbluetooth.- L'application peut être utilisé sans connexion internet.- Absolument gratuit amuserMake nail art canbefunand easy, but if you are just beginning, it takes practice.Ifyouare a beginner, I suggest you start with a simple design.Asyoubecome more experienced graduate to something that takesalittlemore brain power. Try not to get discouraged if youmakemistakes.Make nail art is exactly what it says Art. So havefun,becreative, and do not be afraid to experiment withdifferentthingsto see what looks good on your nails. You neverknow, youmight bethe first person to actually come up with a newdesignortrend.In this Step by Step Nail Art Designs will be showing stepbystephow to be nailed your fingernail. for the beginner, youneedtohave alcohol, cotton balls, nail art nails, nailpolish,orangewooden stick, up and nail primer, so let'sstart.- It is very simple and easy.- It also includes designs for nails Photo- Excellent hand-foot manicure ideas photos- Beautiful nail polish Styles pictures.- Get inspiration from the coolest nail polish ideas ofstylewiththis application.- All you need to do is download the applicationThis application Styles nail polish is beautiful and thepicturesareoriginal.WhatsApp, e-mail, you can share it with gmail and bluetooth.- The application can be used without internet connection.- Absolutely free have fun
Nail Manicure Arts 1.0
Having your nails manicured is partoflookinggreat and completing an outfit, but not everyone hasthemoney tohead to the nail salon. Those that do not have themoneyfor thesalon can get the same great manicures that are paidfor inthesalon. A few great nail polishes in beautiful colors cangiveyouthe look that all the other girls have and will help youstay uptodate with the manicure trends.How To Find the Best Nail ColorsTo begin your own trendy nail polish you need to head tothestoreand pick out a few great colors and nail polishes.Many gravitate to the cheaper nail polish, but spendingalittleextra will save you on some frustration down the road.Rightnowthe gel manicures are all the rave, as they chiplessfrequentlyand look shiny and great.Also the gel manicures look like they wereprofessionallydonewithout the hours of work.The Latest Color TrendsAs you are choosing your nail polish you might wanttoconsiderwhat color you would like to choose.There are many colors to choose from, but you will want tostayupon the latest trend. Bright colors seem to be the trend mostoftheyoung women really like.The Rave is Gel ManicuresRight now girls are going with bright colors that standoutandmake people want to look at their nails. This ispartiallybecauseof the gel manicures that are in style.The gel manicures make the colors pop causing many to getboldandchoose a bright color.The Ombre ManicureAnother color trend right now is the Ombre style manicure.Thisisa popular hair trend as well. To complete this look youwillneed tolook up tutorials on the web and you will need tochoosetwo colorsthat look great together.They can be the same color just different shades or theycanbecontrasting colors that look great.Prep WorkOnce you have chosen your nail polish you will need tocompletealittle prep work before you can begin to paint yournails.First you will need to clean your nails. You do notwantdirtunder your nails when you are trying to make themlooknice.Cuticle WorkOnce your nails are clean push your cuticles back.If you would like to make these processes easier youcanpurchasea cuticle remover from the nail section at moststoresandpharmacies.What Shape To File Your NailsOnce your nails are prepped and ready to go you shouldfileyournails. The trendiest nails are those that look uniform inshapeandlength.To figure out what shape of nail to use you should look atyouthenatural curve of your nails. If they are rounder youshouldmake yournails round.If your cuticles have less of a curve you should makeyournailssquare with a small cure on the sides.