Top 19 Apps Similar to Dejar de Fumar

QuitNow PRO: Stop smoking 6.63.3
The app to quit smoking recommended by the WHO
Quit smoking with Quitify 1.1.43
Quitify is your app to quit smoking and brings you helpandmotivation
ExSmoker - Stop Smoking Now 2.2.5
ExSmoker is an application that helps you to quit smoking.
Tobano stop smoking cigarette 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try toreachthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!
Sacabo 1.2.2
Amarutek S.L.
S'Acabó is the official application to quit smoking of the SEDET
كلمات من صميم الواقع 3.6
يحتوي تطبيق حكم تحير العقول على صور حكم وكلمات وأقوال وخواطر ويحتويعلى حكم وكلمات عن الحياة و الحب و العلاقات وكذلك الصداقةمختارةبعناية شديدة ومقدمة في شكل صور منوعة جميلة بدون نت. هذاالتطبيق يضمأيضا في طياته أجمل المواعظ و الخواطر و جمل العتاب وأيضاأحلى الحكموالنصائح والمقولات المصورة. كل هذا نقدمه لكم بشكل حصريللاستمتاع بهوليساعدكم على فهم الحياة وتحسين علاقاتكم مع الناسوتحصيل الحكمةنصائح وأقوال عظماء،أ مثال في النجاح وكيفيه تخطيالصعوبات والمشاكلالتي تواجهك وكيفيه الانطلاق نحو تحقيق اهدافك.الان نضع بين يديكتطبيق "كلام ينفعك في حياتك" الذي سوف يحفزك لتحقيقاهدافك والمضي نحومستقبل افضل وحياه رائعه وذلك عبر مقولات من اشخاصعظماء تحدو الفشلوحققو اهدافهم ونجحوا في الحياه.هذه المقولات والحكمستساعدك علىمواجهه المشاكل والصعوبات وتخطيها والمضي نحو الامام خطوهبخطوه.عبارات بسيطه ولكنها مفيدة وحكيمه كلمات مفيده في الحياة يتضمنمجموعةمن الحكم و الأقوال التي اخدت من الحياة كعبرة للانسان تساعدهعلىالمضي في حياته و كيف التعايش مع الناس , كيف التعرف عليهمفقطبأخلاقهم و تصرفاتهم اليومية , كما يتضمن حكم عن الحب و الحزنوالدراسة و التقدم في الحياة, حكم عن الخيانة , حكم عن الفراق ,حكممنواقع الحياه وتجارب الاخرين تحتوى على خلاصه تجارب الاخرين منخلالمواقفهم الحياتيه اليوميه لتستفيد منها و تفيد الاخر بها
Easy way to stop smoking 3.3.0
Stop Smoking Widget 2.0 – Application which helps you tostopsmoking. The idea of a Widget is the gradual reductionofdependence by controlling your smoking habit. The core oftheApplication is based on mathematical function that limits thetimefor smoking, gradually reducing it to 12 weeks. Instructions:Afterinstalling the Application, place one of the Widgets on thehomescreen. By clicking on the Widget icon brings you to the mainpage,which displays one of two possible states: "Smoking is notallowed"(red icon with a crossed-out cigarette) and "Smoking isallowed"(green icon; cigarette is not crossed out). In "Smoking isnotallowed" status you can’t smoke, in "Smoking is allowed" status-you can. On "Timer" page displays the active status. Aftertheexpiration of the time, the status will change. In thestatus"Smoking is allowed" appears the button"I'm taking acigarette",which captures the smoking of a cigarette. Press thebutton whenyou smoke. Button disappears in "Smoking is not allowed"status.Every time you’re going to smoke, check the status of theWidget.Noting the cigarette you smoke, you will be able to keeptrack ofstatistics. “Daily” Statistic tracksall cigarettes smokedper day,"Weekly" shows the number of cigarettes smoked per week."Archive"keeps the information about each day of using theApplication. Eachpagecontains information about the money youspent. In Settings youset a price for one cigarette pack. If youprefer different brandsof cigarettes, enter the average cost of apack. You can monitorthe changes of App status in notification bar,noting this optioninSettings. Free from cigarettes forever.Nevermind Developer Team
Dejar de Fumar-Plantas 1.0
Context Apps
En un primer momento. No hay remediomágiconifórmula infalible que nos permita dejar para siempreesenecesitadocigarrillo. Las plantas medicinales pueden ayudarte,sinduda, y lohacen sobre todo por permitirnos alivianar elsíndromedeabstinencia. Pero si no ponemos de nuestra parte, si novemoslafirma necesidad de dejar para siempre el tabaco, nada nosvaaservir, ni tan solo los tratamientos máscarosysofisticados.At first. There isnomagicbullet or foolproof formula that allows us to leaveforevertheneeded cigarette. Medicinal plants can help, no doubt,andit'smainly for allowing ease the withdrawal symptoms. But if wedoourpart, but we need to leave the firm for ever snuff,nothingwillserve us, not even the most expensiveandsophisticatedtreatments.
Breathe Now -Stop Smoking Free
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and savemoney!
Quit smoking Pro 1.2
Quit smoking is possible today.Quit smoking, The best application to leave this habit, easytouse, it gives you all the information you need to motivate youtoquit.We had been led to believe that replace the tobacco bytheelectronic cigarette is a benefit for health, but the realityisthat nicotine is a carcinogenic in any of their presentationsandmaintain its consumption we create physicaldependence,deterioration of our health and we gave away our moneyto ruthlessentrepreneurs who profit from our effort.If you want to improve your health the better option is tostopconsuming this poison. Stop smoking presents indicators ofhealthwith achievable goals in the short and long term. In additionshowsyou information of interest, such as the amount of nicotine,tarand carbon monoxide that beam left to enter your body.In addition to worry about your health Quit Smoking will helpyousave a lot of money to buy those things you've alwaysdesired.Enter the price of the product and Quit Smoking will tellyou whenyou've saved enough to buy it.Quitting is easier when you are motivated, get all the medalsandawards improving yourself every day.Today is a good day to start. Download now Quit smoking,improveyour health and save money.
Smoking Log - Stop Smoking 6.0.8
Cory Charlton
Quit smoking with Smoking Log. Set goals and track yoursmokinghabits easily.
Quit Smoking Forever 2.0.1
Why Should I Quit Smoking? The negative health effects ofsmokingandthe positive health effects of quitting are obvious andyou canfindthem easily all over the internet. The money you spendoncigarettesand the harm it does to your pocket is alsoobvious.However theanswer to why YOU should quit smoking is notreallythat obvious andthis happens to be a question that youshouldanswer for yourself.Maybe you want to live a longer andmorequality life. Maybe you wantto stop poisoning your spouse oryourchildren. Maybe you dislikethat you aren't smokingthosecigarettes but those cigarettes areactually smoking you.Maybe youdidn't so far care about the negativeeffects of smokingbut yousuddenly realized that there actually areno positiveeffects ofsmoking. Maybe you no longer want to slowlypoisonyourself so thatsome tobacco executive can enjoy a topnotch,wealthy life. Maybeone or more of these, or maybesomethingentirely different. Thefacts are out there but none of thefactscan force you stopsmoking. You should find your own reason.How CanI Quit Smoking?First and foremost, always start withwhy.Everything starts withyou finding your own reasons toquit.Furthermore, when you makeyour mind up, never stop trying toquit.Not everyone quits intheir first try, but people eventuallyquit ifthey do keep trying.As for the answer to this question, youcaneither stop abruptly,which is going Cold Turkey, or you canquitslowly by decreasingyour nicotine intake. Both aresuccessfulmethods and have beenused extensively. Try to keep inmind thatquitting is neither easynor hard. It is just somethingthat needsto be done. What Can ThisApp Do for Me? If you have quitsome timein the past, or if youwill quit some time in the future,this appcan help you keepmotivated by tracking some of the obviousbenefitsof quitting. Orif you are someone who wants to quit slowlyand isin need of aplan, this app can offer you two differentmethods forquitting andcan help you track your quit plan.
Quit Smoking, Dept of Health 4.6.8
Personalized App to help you quit smoking and stay smoke-free!
Zero Cigarro 2.1.8 (637f690)
Stop smoking or help someone to stop and have a life of healthandZero cigarette!
Quit smoking - Smokerstop 1.6.0
This app individually motivates you to quit smoking.
Stop Smoking 2.15s
Stop smoking. Choose your Goal and reach it. Notification willhelpyou
Stop Smoking in 60 minutes 1.0
OVER 14 MILLION EASYWAY BOOKS SOLD Allen Carr is widelyrecognisedas the world’s leading expert on stopping smoking. Thisapppresents the Allen Carr method, which has helped many millionsofpeople from all over the world to become happy non-smokers. It isacomplete and effective programme in itself and it will enableanysmoker to quit immediately, painlessly and permanently,whilstactually enjoying the process. Introduced by Allen Carrandpresented by Robin Hayley, the video in this app usesdramaticreconstructions, animation graphics and directinstructionaladdress. The method has become world-famous for onereason alone:BECAUSE IT WORKS. The Introduction and the first 3chapters arecompletely FREE to watch. This app is proudly supportedby AllenCarr’s worldwide network of stop smoking clinics. If at anystageduring or after the use of this app you have any questionsorconcerns or require additional guidance you are very welcometocontact your nearest Allen Carr’s Easyway Clinic for free ofchargeadvice. A link to the clinics is included in the app. Pleasenote:The app streams video to your device and will work best over aWIFIconnection. Whether you are a chain-smoker, an occasionalsmoker, acigar or pipe smoker, young or old, or whether you’reusinge-cigarettes, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, or any othernicotineproduct this app can set you free. IF YOU FOLLOW ALLTHEINSTRUCTIONS IT IS EASY TO BECOME A HAPPY NON-SMOKER FOR THERESTOF YOUR LIFE “Allen Carr explodes the myth that giving upsmokingis difficult.” – The Times “Instantly I was freed frommyaddiction. I found it not only easy but unbelievably enjoyabletostay stopped.” – Sir Anthony Hopkins
Vapio 2.3.8
Smartven SAS
The Vapio app (formerly Smokio) tracksyoureveryday vaping activity. The Vapio app requires a Vapiovaporizer.Using a single Vapio account login will ensure that allof yourdata is synced even if you use multiple devices.*Track your progressUnlike basic vaporizers, Vapio lets you monitor your realtimeintake by measuring number of puffs and nicotine levels. Itshowshow well you are doing thanks to insightful reports andcustomizednotifications. The Vapio app lets you know where you vapethe mosttoo.*Measure the benefitsTo keep you motivated, Vapio keeps track of the financialsavingsyou make every day! For the first time, you're able todirectlyreap benefits of your efforts.*Assemble your teamYou can interact with your friends, compare stats and movetogetheras a team. The Vapio app taps Facebook and Google+.*Connect Vapio with your activity trackersYou can compare your Vapio stats with your activity such asthenumber of calories or the weight. The Vapio app allows youtoconnect external apps (Jawbone, Withings or Fitbit) toretrieveyour data.*Remote controlThe Vapio app allows to control your Vapio device directly fromyoursmartphone: check the battery level, limit the number of puffsperday, set a maximum temperature and adjust the power/voltageofpuffs. You will also receive smart notifications aboutyourVapio.Requires Android 4.3 or later. Optimized for Android5.0.Supported by Samsung Galaxy SIII and later, Nexus 5 and later,MotoX, HTC One and Sony Xperia. The Vapio vaporizer is recommendednotto be sold to minors.
Quit Smoking Tips 1.0
Quit smoking is the most complete toolyouwillfind in Store to quit smoking. Users confirm it! Quitsmokingis awidget application designed to gradually wean youfromdependency oncigarettes. You already quit smoking? Reapthebenefits of yourefforts and take a look at your successes!Why do you spend so much money on damaging your health?Whydon'tyou spend this money more reasonably? This app helps youtostopsmoking by showing what you can now afford with themoneysaved.Chapters include :- What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking- Quit Smoking Timeline- How To Quit Smoking Naturally: Putting An End ToTheOralFixation- Quitting Smoking – What Actually Happens After You Quit?- Quit Smoking – Withdrawal and Timeline- How To Quit Smoking – 8 Limiting Beliefs That You NeedToGetRidAnd more ...Have you tried everything to quit smoking but youreffortswereunsuccessful? We will help you see why youshouldquitsmoking.stop smoking is an effective Android application thatprovidesyouwith the support you need when you quit smoking.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the appthatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll usetheinformation yougive us to learn how to help even more peoplestopsmoking. As youknow, quitting smoking is hard. We want toknowmore about what worksand what doesn’t and your data canhelpfuture quitters quit.See how long it's been since you stopped smoking, theamountofmoney you've saved, cigarettes not smoked, andhealthimprovements.Play a fun distracting game while you forgetaboutyourcravings.