Top 21 Apps Similar to NATO Alphabet Translator Free

NATO Phonetic Alphabet 6.2
Coolbear Apps
Effectively communicate with the alphabet used by militaryaroundthe world.
AtacAbbr (NATO) Lite 1.0.0
Apptojo Tactical is a series of tactical apps.Abbreviations (NATO) has all (5300) NATO abbreviationsinonesearchable application. It is based on AAP-15 (2013)NATOGlossaryof Abbreviations Used in NATO Documents andPublications(Englishand French).
NATO Phonetic Alphabet Code ✪ 1.02
NATO Phonetic Alphabet Code - Official Alphabet of NATOMilitaryForces
Spelling alphabet 3.2.2
This app represents a spelling alphabet, radio alphabet,ortelephone alphabet.
حارس الملفات 1.2
Ahmad Ababneh
اخفي ملفاتك الخاصة , الاسماء , الرسائل, الصور,الفيديو, الصوت والموسيقى عن اعين المتطفلين والدخلاء.تطبيق حارس الملفات هو عبارة عن اداة قوية تعمل على حفظ خصوصيتكحيثيقوم التطبيق باخفاء ملفاتك الخاصة ولا يسمح لهم بالتطفل علىجوالكومشاهدة ملفاتك الخاصة مثل الاسماء والرسائل والصوروالاصواتوالفيديو.الان وباستخدام حارس الملفات اصبح بالامكان المحافظة علىخصوصيكوحماية جميع ملفاتك ومجلداتك الخاصة التي كنت قد تلجأ لحذفها منجوالكاحيانا حتى لا يراها الغرباء حفاظا على خصوصيتك. حيث يقوم تطبيقحارسالملفات بحماية جميع ملفاتك الخاصة بواسطة كلمة سر . وانت فقطلكالقدرة على التحكم بخصوصيك باخفاء او اظهار ما تشاء.ستكون جميع ملفاتك المخفية محمية بكلمة سر وغير مرئية للاخرين.الانستبقى مطمئنا لا احد يمكنه التعدي على خصوصية جوالك.خصائص التطبيق:- اخفاء الصور , الاصوات والموسيقى, الفيديو- اخفاء الرسائل القصيرة والاسماء- ملفاتك ستكون محمية بواسطة كلمة سر- سهولة وسرعة في استخدام التطبيق- امكانية تذكيرك بكلمة السر اذا نسيتها عن طريق السؤالوالجوابالسري***تحذير هام جدا*** لا تقم بحذف التطبيق وهناك ملفات مخفية,صور,فيديو, صوت, اسماء, رسائل فعليك اولا اظهار هذا الملفات حتى ترجعالىمكانها ثم بعدها يمكنك حذف التطبيق والا ستخسر كل ملفاتكالمخفيةلانها ستحذف مع التطبيق لذا الرجاء التأكد من اظهار واسترجاعجميعملفاتك المخفية قبل حذف التطبيق.كيفية استخدام التطبيق:افتح التطبيق ثم اذهب الى مجلد الملفات وبعدها اختار الاسماء,اوالرسائل او الصور او او الاصوات او الفيديو حسب ما تريد ثم قمبوضعاشارة صح على الملفات التي تريد اخفائها ثم اضغط على زر اخفاء فياعلىالشاشة ام بالنسبة لعملية استرجاع اة اظهار الملفات المخفيةمجدداالرجاء الرجوع الى الشاشة الرئيسية عن طريق زر رجوع في اعلىالشاشة ثمالدخول الى ملف الملفات المخفية ثم اختيار ما تريد اظهاره ثموضهاشارة صح جانبه والضغط على زر اظهار في اعلى الشاشةلن يتم التعدي على خصوصيك بعد اليوم! ابقي اصدقائك وعائلتك اوايشخص يستخدم جوالك بعيدا عن صورك الخاصة وفيديوهاتك الخاصةواصواتكالخاصة واسمائك ورسائلك القصيرة الخاصة . اخفي اي ملف تريدهبسهولةوسرعة وامان. التطبيق الامثل لحماية ملفاتك الخاصة.ملاحظات هامة جدا:- عند اخفائك صور او فيديو او اصوات معينة قد تتأخر الملفات قليلاحتىتختفي وذلك بسبب عملية Media Scanning (عملية تنشيط معرضالصوروالموسيقى) قد تأخذ هذ العملية عدة دقائق حسب نوع جوالك وحسبعددالملفات الموجودة في جوالك لذلك الرجاء الانتظار بعض الوقتواذاواجهتك اي مشكلةالرجاء اعادة تشغيل جوالك وايضا نفس المشكلة قد تواجهك عند اظهارملفاتمخفية قد تحتاج الى بعض الوقت لتظهر من جديد- عند اخفائك عدد من الصور او الفيديو او الاصوات في بعضالاحيانيجب ان تنتظر وقت اطول حتى يتك اخفائها وخاصة اذا اخفيت عدداكبيرادفعة واحدة وايضا نفس الشيء بالنسبة لعملية الاظهار- الصورة المخفية عند اعادة اظهارها لا ترجع الى مكانها القديمبلترجع الى مجلد جديد اسمه Camera او بالعربية الكاميرا موجود فيالمعرضاما بالنسبة للفيديوها فترجع الى مكانها الاصلي ونفس الشيءبالنسبةللموسيقى وبالنسبة للرسائل المخفية عند اعادة اظهارها تظهركرسائلجديدة.- اذا واجهتك اي مشكلة اثناء استخدام التطبيق وانت متصلبالانترنتالرجاء استخدام التطبيق بدون الاتصال بالانترنت- لقد استغرق عمل هذا التطبيق عدة اشهر وكان عملا شاقا وطويلاوتمتجريب التطبيق على نسخ عديدة من الاندرويد لذلك اخذ التطبيق وقتوجهدكبير وتقديرا لجهود المطورين ودعما لهم في انتاج تطبيقاتجديدةومجانية تم وضع اعلانات داخل التطبق من اجل الاستمرار فيانتاجتطبيقات جديدة ومفيدة ومجانية وقد الاحظت بعض الاشخاص يشكون منوجودفايروسات في تطبيقاتي ولكن في الحقيقة لا يوجد اي فايروس هذهمجرداعلانات ولكن مضاد الفايروسات ينبه لها بسبب ان بعض الاعلانات قدتبعثلك تنبهات على مركز الاشعارات وهي اعلانات تجارية ولا يوجد ايفايروسفي جميع تطبيقاتي وللمزيد من المعلومات والاستيضاحات حولموضوعالفايروسات الرجاء مراجعة موقعنا جميع الصلاحيات والسماحات فقط من اجل تشغيل التطبيق وايضا مناجلالاعلاناترجائا لا تترك تقييما او تعليقا سلبيا نحن نأخذ بجميعاقتراحاتكوشكاويك واذا واجهتك اي مشكلة لا تتردد بالاتصال بنا فهدفنااثراءوتحسين المحتوى العربي فاذا لم يعجبك تطبيقنا او واجهتك اي مشكلةاوعندك اي اقتراح الرجاء مراسلتنا فورا على البريد الالكترونيالتالي[email protected] your privatefiles,contacts, messages, images, video, audio, and music frompryingeyes and intruders.Application files guard is a powerful tool that works onkeepingyour privacy where the application of concealing your ownfiles arenot allowed to intrude on your phone and watch for filessuch ascontacts, messages, photos, sounds and videos.Now using guard files became possible to maintain _khasusikandprotect all your files and folders for which you may resorttoremove it from your mobile phone sometimes do not evenseestrangers in order to preserve your privacy. Where theapplicationfiles guard to protect all your private files by apassword. Andyou just you the ability to control B_khasusik hidingor show whatyou want.All your files will be hidden password-protected and isnotvisible to others. Now remain reassured No one can infringementonthe privacy of your mobile phone.Application Characteristics:- Hide the images, sounds, music, video- Hide the short messages and names- Your files will be protected by a password- Easy and fast to use application- The possibility remind password if you forget it throughthesecret question and answer*** WARNING *** very important, do not delete the applicationandthere are hidden files, images, video, sound, names, messagesyoumust first show that the files even dating back to their placeandthen you can delete the application and not lose all thehiddenfiles to delete it with the application so Please make sureto showall hidden and retrieve your files before you deletetheapplication.How to use the application:Open the application and go to the file folder and then chosethenames, or messages, images, or sounds, or video on what youwantand then put the tick on the files you want to hide then pressthehide at the top of the screen button, or for the processofretrieving Ah Show hidden files again Please refer to themainscreen by reference in the top of the screen button, thenaccess tothe hidden files file and then choose what you want toshow andthen Odah tick and the pressure on his show at the top ofthescreen buttonWill not be infringing on _khasusik after today! Keepyourfriends and family, or any person who uses your mobile phoneawayfrom your own photos and videos and special Asuatc own andyourcontacts and your private messages short. Hide any file youwanteasily, quickly and safely. Optimization application toprotectyour own.Very Important notes:- When you hide menu images, video, or certain sounds a bitfilesmay be delayed even disappear because of the Media Scanningprocess(activated Gallery process and music) may take this processa fewminutes depending on your mobile phone type, according tothenumber of files in your mobile so please wait for some time andifyou have any a problemPlease restart your mobile phone and also the same problem youmayexperience when you show hidden files, you may need some timetore-appear- Hide menu when a number of images, video, sounds sometimeshaveto wait a long time until Atk concealed and hidden, especiallyif alarge number at once, and also the same for the processofManifesting-'s Hidden when re-show it does not return to the old place,butdue to a new folder named Camera or AF camera is present intheshow but for the Vidyoha Fterdja to its original location andthesame thing for the music and for the hidden messages when youshowit shows new messages.- If you encounter any problem while using the applicationandyou are connected to the Internet, please use theapplicationwithout Internet connection- Work I took this for several months the application andwashard work and long has been the application workout onseveralcopies of Android, so he took the time of application and alargeeffort and in recognition of the efforts of developers andsupportthem in the production of a new and free applications havebeenplacing ads within the stratification order to continue toproducenew and useful free applications Some people complain ofthepresence of viruses in my applications has Czt but in fact thereisno virus This is just the ads, but Anti Virus alert her becauseofthat some ads may send you Tnbhatt center notices acommercialadvertisements and there is no virus in all myapplications. Formore information and clarifications on the subjectof viruses,please see our All the powers and allowances only to run the applicationandalso for adsPlease do not leave a negative assessment or comments we takeallsuggestions and Chkaoak If you encounter any problem do nothesitateto contact us Our goal is to enrich and improve the Arabiccontent.If you do not like our application or you encounter anyproblems orhave any suggestion, please email us immediately to thefollowingemail address [email protected]
Morse Code Trainer 1.2.0
Todd Anderson
Ever wanted to learn Morse Code? With the Morse Code Trainerapp,you can learn Morse Code very easily. This Morse Code appincludessimple tools to get you on your way. Morse Code Trainer isthe bestMorse Code application available on the android market. Itiswritten so that even some of the oldest android devices can useit( going back to 1.6! ). It is written to be minimalistic so thatitcan be easily used along with other training tools, such asbooksor other websites. Choose from either transmitting orreceiving topractice your skill and receive immediate feedback onhow you areperforming. You can also select a custom set of lettersto work onso that you can focus on the areas that you are lacking.With theMorse Code Trainer, you will be on your way to proficiency.Best ofyet, the Morse Code Trainer is free and does a better jobthanother paid for trainers out there!Want to donate or are advertisements bugging you? BuytheDONATION VERSION of this app to support its development. Italsodoesn't have advertisements in it! Here's the link: Training (Both Transmitting and Receiving)-Word Training (Only Transmitting)-Free Mode-Adjustable Speed (WPM)-Adjustable Tone Frequency-Adjustable Sound Effects-Electronic HandbookSends me feedback and questions at [email protected] a comment below. Hope you enjoy the app.73's...
Morse Tools 1.5.4
Morse Toos, a powerful Morse Code translator app
Morse Code Translator 3.4.3
Morse Code Translator, translate / play text to morse codesandvice-versa.
Morse Code Translator 2.2.3
Translate text into morse code and vice-versa. TEXT ⇄ MORSE CODE
Morse Transmitter 1.2
Transmit your messages with morse code! Send your messageusingtheflashlight (torch), sound (beep) or both simultaneously!Youcanadjust the speed of the transmission with the slider, soevenabeginner can understand the morse code! It can transmitallnormalchars and signs. (a-Z, 0-9, ,.-'/()?!&:;=+_"$@)
M³ Translator: Morse code
Possible to Morse ⇄ English, Korean, Japanese or etc.
Morse Code Generator 1.1.32
Morse Code Generator is a useful tool that help you generatemorsecode simply.
Alpha Bravo Phonetic Alphabet 1.2.1
Wanting to know how to speak a letter fromthePhonetic Alphabet?Well, the new Alpha Bravo app for Android just made thismucheasier.It will not only in a very clean and simple way tell youthecorrect word from the Spelling Alphabet, but it will also readitout to you! You can also type in your desired word and letAlphaBravo read it back for you from the Phonetic Alphabet.Updates to come, including more multi-language support(NATO,French, German and Spanish alphabets currentlysupported).Enjoy this free app!(Also known as Telephone Alphabet and Radio Alphabet)
Morse Code 2.0.2
Allows you to encode and decode morse messages. You can alsoplayyour code with beeps or your flashlight. You can also typeamessage like real telegrapher. The application is really easytouse. You can share your messages with your messaging apps!Andads-free! Permissions are needed to be able to send messagewiththe flashlight of the camera. Thanks to Yana Velichanskaya fortheRussian translation. Follow us on
morsee : Enjoy Morse code
Let's learn and hit the Morse code!
Interpreter- translator voice 7.4.6
"Interpreter" - voice translator acquirestextby your voice or by the keyboard in real time, translates itandreads it for you into one the 60 (*) available languages.Main features:- Listen your voiceRecognizes what you say through the advanced vocalrecognitionsoftware.- Translation into more than 60 languagesUnlimited and immediate online translator.- Read textAutomatic spoken interpretation into the desired language.Thetext-to-speech features its capabilities.- Keyboard useIn text field you can insert or modify the text to be translatedbykeyboard. You can also use this interpreter without thevocalrecognition feature, we have made every effort to make theprocessas simple and efficient as possible.- Translation historyEvery translation is recorded on device and is available offlineforlater reading.- Quick sharingQuick sharing of translator texts via social network, mail orotherapp without closing the application. You can move the text toanyother application by using the Copy to Clipboard function.- FullscreenBy long press on translation you can see text maximized.- Create documents from the translationTranslations can be exported and downloaded in Adobe PDF formatforlater reading. You can customize header, footer and font sizeofexported document.- Facebook shareFacebook share option allow to translate and send textthroughfacebook.- Speakerphone optionSpeakerphone option allow to read translation inhighervolume.- off-line reader text optionthe voice translation engine is now integrated withthedevice.if you have any questions or issue about Interpretervoicetranslator app, send us an email tosupport:[email protected](*) Available languages for translator are :Afrikaans,Albanian,Arabic,Armenian,Azerbaijani,Basque,Belarusian,Bengali,Bulgarian,Catalan,ChineseCroatian,Czech,Danish,Dutch,English,Estonian,Tagalog,Finnish,French,Gallegan,Georgian,German,Greek,Gujarati,Haitian,Hebrew,Hindi,Hungarian,Icelandic,Indonesian,Irish,Italian,Japanese,KannadaKorean,Latin,Latvian,Lithuanian,Macedonian,Malay,Maltese,Norwegian,Persian,Polish,Portuguese,Romanian,Russian,Serbian,Slovak,Slovenian,Spanish,Swahili,Swedish,Tamil,Telugu,Thai,Turkish,Ukrainian,Urdu,Vietnamese,Welsh,Yiddish(*) The available languages for spoken text for Interpretervoicetranslator are :Afrikaans, Bosnian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, German,Greek,Spanish, Finnish, French, Croatian, Dutch, Hungarian,Hindi,Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Kannada, Latin,Latvian,Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,Russian,Slovak, Serbian, Swedish, Swahili, Tamil, Turkish,WelshFor support contact us :- interpreter voice translator mail:[email protected] Twitt Interpreter voice translator: Follow and like Interpreter voice translator on Facebook: Interpreter voice translator Blog: Interpreter translator on Skype:skype:interpreter.translator.voice- Interpreter voice on G+: voice translator on Apple appstore Interpreter voice translator on LG appstore: interpreter voice translator on Chrome webstore: interpreter voice translator on Firefoxwebstore: interpreter - voice translator on instagram: interpreter - voice translator on pinterest: TERMS##################Your privacy is safe with Interpreter voice translator,data,translations or geographical position are not collected.For more details go to Interpreter voice translatorprivacypage.Keywords: translator, translator for Android,OnlineTranslator
Smart Control extension 1.02.16
This is the official Smart Controlapplicationfor your Sony SmartBand™ Talk.With this application you can customize your Sony SmartBand™Talk,SmartBand™ or SmartWatch2. With just a tap you can turn on/offthephone speaker, Wi-Fi, or radio. You can quickly checkthesmartphone battery level or even switch among the phoneaudiomodes. Make your life easier and more fun with the SmartControlextension.The available actions may depend on the accessory used. Whenyouhave installed this app, it will not appear on your homescreen.Instead, if you are using SmartBand™ or SmartWatch 2 it willbeintegrated into Smart Connect™. The Smart Connect™ app from Sonyisrequired. If you are using SmartBand™ Talk, it will beintegratedinto the SmartBand™ Talk dedicated Sony app. SmartBand™Talkdedicated Sony app required.Works with: SmartWatch 2 SW2, SmartBand™ SWR10 and SmartBand™TalkSWR30.If you want to develop apps or app extensions for innovativeSonyaccessories, go to™ apps and app extensions by Sony are designed to workwithAndroid™ smartphones and tablets. However, some manufacturersmayhave set compatibility limitations in their devices resultingindecreased functionality.Disclaimer: The functionalities may vary depending onAndroid™release.For Android™ Lollipop and other upcoming Android™ releases, it isnolonger possible to turn on/off radio using the SmartControlapplication.Enjoy!
Best Flashlight FREE 1.2.2
Light talk is a cool and fun software.First, it turns your phone into a flashlight, and brings youthelight in the darkness;Second, it provides seven special effects lights, which makeyourlife colorful:1, Screen Lights: left and right toggle the screen todisplaydifferent colors;2, Bulb Lights: simulation incandescent and energy-savinglamps,adjust the brightness;3, SOS Lights: International SOS emergency rescue lights;4, Compass Lights: light brightness directions,positioningorientation;5, Shake Spotlight: Shake your phone, your phone will becomethemost dazzling light sticks in concert or disco;6, Neon Lights: Input the word you want to show, which willdisplayon the phone just like neon lights;7, Audio Lights: Shouting at your phone, the wave will displayonthe phone.
Map It! Address & Coordinates 2.32
Coordinate and address mapper and converter. Supports UTM,MGRS& Maidenhead.
Maps Coordinates 2.4.0
Find coordinates on Google Maps™ with a single touch!
Morse Code Helper 1.0.8
With this app you can practice listeningandwriting morse code and also visual alert.The application contains a table of international coversãothealphabet and their sounds.A screen to convert text to morse code integer.And a screen to send coded messages causing the screen flashesasthe frequency code.You can also use the flashlight to signal.Very useful if you get lost in the woods or at sea and need tosendmessages over long distances.If you are an amateur radio can not fail to have this app.For those who want to join the army, navy or aircraft, itisimperative that you learn Morse Code.In a possible nuclear war, alien invasion or zombieapocalypseyou should be prepared, the Morse Code will be theprimary means ofcommunication.-Permission Taking pictures and recording videos neededforflashlight used in signaling.-Other permissions necessary only to advertisements.