Top 3 Apps Similar to Diamond Calculator PRO

Diamond Price Calculator 2.1
The Diamond Price Calculator is a reference of real timeretaildiamond prices.
18carati Diamanti Certificati 1.0.0
L'applicazione si collega al nostro vasto database di circa20.000diamanti certificati IGI, GIA ed HRD e consente di ricercareildiamante per tutte le caratteristiche più importanti come:-Caratura - Colore - Purezza - Taglio - Forma La disponibilitàèaggiornata costantemente durante la giornata e di ciascundiamanteè possibile visionare il certificato previa registrazione.Nellasezione montature è possibile vedere le montature disponibilidaabbinare al diamante scelto. Non è ancora possibileordinaretramite l'app, ma gli stessi articoli sono presenti e acquistando diamante e montatura noicioccuperemo della realizzazione del solitario dei tuoi sogniGRATIS!
Diamond World Ltd. 1.5
Welcome to Diamond World Limited “TheArtofBeauty “and one of the leading jewellery Housewherequality,value,trust ,innovative design and customer serviceandattention hasbeen the trademark of Excellence.Our Gold and Diamond Bridal collection, LightweightDiamondJewellery collection and Platinum Collection has beenabletoestablish diamond world ltd a brand which enriches a woman’slife,beauty and has made us the most sought brand amongthefashionablesocialites, corporate high fliers, workingwomen,celebrities andmedia luminaries.Our artisans are best in the world and our entireteamofprofessionals strive every moment to bring delighttocustomer.We offer very unique and exclusive service features1)Free Home Delivery for OnlineShopping( Days Policy:Jewellery can be changed withoutanydeductionwithin 30 days of Purchase.3)Lifetime Repair Policy:Any service relatedtojewelleryrepairing like Free Rhodium ,Polishing,setting ,sizingorchangingof Gold colour from Yellow to White and Vice versaisavailablewithout any charge.4)Free Diamond Policy:Any of our esteemed customer ifanyhowhaslost their diamonds fitted in jewellery up to a certaincentandduring a particular time frame, we will provide themwithfreediamonds5)Life Time Repurchase Policy:We will repurchase ourjewelleryatthe current market price with 20% deduction and Exchangeouroldjewellery at 10% deduction.6)Privilege Cards :Esteemed membership cards withadditionofbonus points on every purchase which can be reimbursedduringthetime of purchase.