Top 2 Apps Similar to Dialogo AAC Lite - Autism

Dialogo AAC - Autism 1.2.2
Dialogo AAC is theinnovativeAndroidapplication that provides an intuitive, simpleandfunctionaldevelopment environment for creating tables,structuresandcommunication books, aimed to people with difficultiesinverballanguage, including autism spectrum disorders (ASD).The purpose of Dialogo system is to improve the lifequalityofpeople with this type of disease that, due to frustrationcausedbyan inability to understand and be understood, can leadtoproblembehaviors.For this reason Dialogo AAC integrates better thanever,theAugmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), asystemthatuses writing, symbols, images, instruments and gesturesthatwouldoutweigh the difficulties of communication.The application comes with a package of PACS(PicturesAnimatedCommunication Symbols), which in addition toseveralclassicsymbols include animated images, designed to attracttheattentionof a user and help him understand the meaning ofthefigure that heis selecting.Dialogo AAC, with its completeness and ease customization,isalsoa powerful tool aimed at all those people whosufferfromneurodegenerative disorders that limit temporarilyorpermanently,the expressive language and / or mobility (AL,SMAetc.) usinginterfaces for accessibility such assensors,Eyetracking,touch-screen and movie face.So you can turn your Android tablet into a completeandamazingdevice to communicate.Basic functionality:- Creating structures simplified thanks to a visual modeoflinks:each grid is displayed on the left, and all thegridsconnected to iton the right, so you always have to handtheconceptual scheme thatis being achieved. During the creation,youcan also create linksdirectly from their cells to the grids,newor selected from thosealready created.- Creating grids fully customizable: choose the number ofrowsandcolumns, the background, the layout and the number ofcells,theactions that it perform when it’s visualized.-Customization of each cell: you can choose its shape,itsstyle,its content, and the actions it can perform (to choosefrommorethan 50 commands) when that cell is selected by the user.Youcanchoose an image from the local memory or other cloudserviceslikeDropbox, or use a PACS, or choose a picture from awebsearchengine. The image can also be created from scratchormodifiedusing an app-integrated image editor.- Workbenches: allow the user to write documents (withorwithoutimages), perform math calculations, listen to music,watchvideos,play flash content and more!- The user can interact with the app in several ways,chosenatthe design stage and according to the type ofpathology:theselection may use the touch mode, with a single touchor adoubletouch, or use any sensor connected to your devicethroughscans(sequential, blocks, row/column) in manual orautomaticmode.Also you can use the selection through eyetracking, ifyouhavesuitable hardware.- Sharing facilities: you can create structures onadevice,export them, and import them on another. This allows youtogivethe end user with a device Dialogo AAC while workingontheother.Dialogo AAC is constantly being updated: in addition tothefeatureslisted, we are working to offer more functionalityandimproveperformance.
Vocal Slides - Autism 1.5.6
Vocal Slides allows you to associate imagestoavoice recording.Vocal Slides is an application born from the idea ofaparentwhose son is autistic.This application does NOT cure autism, but has the preciseaimofcreating between father andson game enough to entice a child to communicate.The ingredients that are the basis of the game are:1. The child shows an interest in this "strange toy"thatthefather uses every day and when it happens that thefatheristalking on the phone, the child perceivesthatsomethinghappens;2. The father is the leading figure for the child, is hismodeltoget ahead in life and the world around himuncommunicative;3. Have a program to this "father's strange toy" that thechildcanuse together with him and that has characteristicssimilartoVocalSlides.The task of VocalSlides is to have a tool that allows thechildtoassociate images of objects in your daily life andrecognizableintheir own environment, with recorded sounds orwords.What is autism?Autism is a developmental disorder of an individual.It is, unfortunately, characterized by a strong gapinsocialcommunication.The repetitive behavior and little interest in what surroundsitarethe most obvious features.Can I use VocalSlides for other purposes?You can use VocalSlides as you like and we hope that youfindituseful.