Top 5 Apps Similar to Delhi Lounge

萬家香 1.2
小区无忧 3.0.2
小伙族 1.0.6
關於小伙族希望家人吃的健康、吃的安心,呈康食品推出一系列適合上班族、外食族在家簡單開伙下廚、還能輕鬆買菜的食譜與料理!小伙族就此出生了!呈康食品股份有限公司創立於2003年,秉持著『呈現美食,新鮮健康』的服務精神,提供消費大眾新鮮、健康、美味的食品。呈康食品旗下設有專業冷凍食品廠及專業烘焙食品廠,興建之初,由食品研究所指導規劃,建立CAS標準廠房,並符合HACCP及ISO22000等國際食品安全管理系統品質標準,專業生產冷凍食品及烘焙點心行銷全國,商業客戶多達4,000餘家,有口皆碑,品質保證。呈康食品結合中式料理的傳承精神及西式料理的創新多元,不斷開發更精緻及更美味的產品,目前已開發超過300種口味(包括熟食及生鮮料理)供客戶挑選。呈康食品堅信『品質創造信譽,信譽保證品質』,堅決採用通過食品安全認證的原物料食材,不添加化學原料,在CAS嚴謹的標準規範下生產製造,品質嚴格把關,並投保產品責任保險,使每項產品都能讓消費者吃得安心與健康。APP的功能:限時特餐:本區不定時推出各式美味餐點,提供線上訂購;只要簡單的料理程序,即可在家享用五星級美食!可以加入收藏&並推薦給朋友喔!每週推薦食材:本區不定時推出豐富多樣的食材,提供線上訂購;省去煩瑣的食材處理程序,買菜開伙變得好簡單!可以加入收藏&並推薦給朋友喔!熱門食譜:提供各式食譜,詳細的食材說明與料理程序,可以加入收藏&並推薦給朋友喔!菜籃(購物車):提供餐點線上訂購、食材線上採買!加入會員即可使用本區功能!小伙族專欄:「飲食專欄」:不定期分享飲食&保健小觀念!可以加入收藏&並推薦給朋友喔!「小伙族123」:小伙族~輕鬆小品,分享專區!可以加入收藏&並推薦給朋友喔!最新消息:本區不定時推出各式優惠活動訊息!特會好康!千萬別錯過囉!公告資訊:查看關於小伙族的公告資訊,不會錯過任何重要訊息!會員專區:會員註冊、登入專區,提供會員查詢或修改個人資訊! 更多包括~食材履歷:查詢小伙族相關食材履歷資訊!粉絲俱樂部:小伙族粉絲頁專區!文章食譜珍藏:「我的最愛」功能,快速查看已收藏的食譜、專欄、或訊息!APP分享:推薦&分享小伙族APP給朋友!影音連結:連結小伙族YouTube頻道&上傳的影片!連絡我們:可以透過系統表單或電話直撥等方式,與小伙族連絡! APP優點 :各式食譜與料理,想吃什麼就學什麼,邊看邊學,烹飪下廚好輕鬆!  24小時行動購物,線上買菜不打烊!低溫(冷凍、冷藏)宅配到府,買菜變得好EASY!  專屬APP優惠活動,各式好康,千萬別錯過!快速收藏功能,盡情輕鬆瀏覽之餘,還可以方便又快速找到喜愛的商品或內容!
ENJOY - 精选美食电商,懂吃 会选 有格调 2.3.1
ENJOY 是一款为你提供高端餐饮体验的生活方式电商平台。我们以美食买手的态度,充满诚意地从味觉到视觉同时满足你的需求。这里不仅有精挑细选的“到店消费”与快递类产品,还有从生活方式角度解读美食的优质内容,在“食、用、知”三方面建立起ENJOY的生活方式提案,我们不只为你准备了一份独特的用餐体验,更是帮你建立一种优质的生活方式。具体来看,使用 ENJOY 可以治疗以下三大“顽症”。美食强迫症:当你遇到该选择什么餐厅这个世界级难题时,我们已及时献上由美食买手团队寻找到的城中品质餐厅,避免用错误的一餐来证明一餐的错误。点餐选择恐惧症:来到餐厅不知道点什么菜时,请使用ENJOY,我们通过精选的餐厅,为你独家打造的餐单组合,是你浪漫约会、商务宴请、挚友小酌的最佳解决方案。居家嘴馋综合症:想窝在家里喝酒饮茶吃点小食时,你可以通过ENJOY“全国送”搜罗各地美酒佳茗以及海内外名品小食周边,为你配送到家。此外,我们还会通过自己的平台传播与美食,以及其他生活方式相关的优质内容,帮助你更加懂得生活,而定期策划并推出的独家专场和名人饭局等活动,则会丰富你的用餐体验。ENJOY 现已在北京、上海、杭州、成都、天津、广州、深圳等城市提供到店用餐服务,更多城市将陆续开放,敬请期待。总而言之,岁月蹉跎,不如好好吃上一顿。ENJOY is to provideyouwith a high-end dining experience lifestyle electronicbusinessplatform.Our food buyers attitude, full of faith from taste to sight atthesame time to meet your needs. Where not only the carefullyselected"to store consumption" and express products, as wellasinterpretation of cuisine from the point of view ofqualitylifestyle content, and establish a lifestyle ENJOY proposal"foodwith, to know the" three aspects, we not only for you auniquedining experience, but also help you build a high qualityoflife.Specifically, the following three can be treated usingENJOY"chronic."OCD Cuisines: When you encounter the choice of what restaurantthisworld-class problem, we have timely presented by the food teamofbuyers looking into the quality of the city's restaurants, amealto avoid the wrong meal to prove a mistake.Meal choice phobia: when came to the restaurant did not know whattoorder, please use ENJOY, through our selection of restaurantsforyou to create an exclusive Menus combination, your romanticdate,Business, the best friend a drink solution.Home tempts syndrome: when want to nest at home drinking teaeatsnacks, you can ENJOY "National Song" wine Jiaming andcollectingaround the home and surrounding famous snacks for yourhomedelivery.In addition, we will, through their own platform forcommunicationand food, and other content-related quality of life,help you knowbetter how to live, and regularly planned launch ofspecial andexclusive celebrity dinner and other activities willenrich yourdining experience.ENJOY now in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Chengdu,Tianjin,Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities to shop offersdiningservices, more cities will be opened up, so stay tuned.All in all, wasted years, it is better to eat a good meal.
FoodGenie - Order Food Online! 1.0
Download FoodGenie for FREE and startorderingfood with our online ordering feature! FoodGenie is theultimatefood delivery Pakistan company for people who live in thearea.Find restaurant, browse our food menu, and start to orderfood.Whether you are in the mood for delicious Pakistani foods orfastfood, you can get your meal delivered with fast delivery toyourdoor.Are you feeling hungry and want to eat tasty meal thatspoilsyour taste bud, but don’t feel like going out? Are youlooking foran online delivery food app where you can order fooddeliveryeasily to your location? Look no more, because FoodGenie ishere tosatisfy your hunger and treat your taste buds with ourfastdelivery service! FoodGenie is the ultimate food app andfoodtracker app, particularly for people who live inKarachi,Pakistan.Previously, you could order FoodGenie food deliveriesPakistanservice through our UAN phone line and website. Nowordering foodonline becomes easier because you can use our Androidapp to placean order. If you live in Pakistan, especially Karachi,this fooddelivery Karachi app will be very useful for you.========= FoodGenie TOP features: =========• Access FoodGenie anywhere and everywhere for FREE. Nomoredesperation because you are hungry but don’t want to cook oreatout.• Access to info and food menu of hundreds of partner restaurantsonyour fingertips.• Stop making calls to find out the food menu and place anorder.Open our online delivery app and get all the information youneedand choose any meal you want.• This food app will let you know the approximate time youwillreceive your meal and all the associated cost so you will knowinadvance when you will get your food and how much your orderwillcost.• FoodGenie is very simple and intuitive to use. We simplifythewhole online ordering process so everyone can use our app toplacean order for delicious meal. Once you open our app, you willknowwhat to do.• Find food delivery near me to look for nearest restaurantsthatserves both Pakistani food and other fast food.• Track your order with our food tracker app.• Get your food fast and piping hot with our in house riderswhobring it to your doorstep as fast as they can.• Rate your experience with each restaurant to support us andkeepimproving ourselves.Right now, FoodGenie is the best food delivery service foryourneeds. You can order food from us and we will deliver it toyouwhether you are at school, office, apartment, or at the comfortofyour home. Why waste time, energy, and fuel by going outfortakeaway when you can just open FoodGenie, select ourrestaurant,choose the menu according to your taste, and order? Youjust needto sit and relax while we do all the hard work and deliverthe foodhot and ready to eat to your place.Here is how to order food delivery from FoodGenie:1. Open the app and enter your area. i.e. fooddeliveryKarachi.2. Find restaurants from the list of available restaurantsaroundyour area.3. Look for restaurant of your choice. Are you in the moodforPakistani foods or Western food?4. Read the menu and information, including how long you canexpectthe food to be delivered.5. Choose food from the menu, including the addition, if any.6. Place your order and make sure the information you enteriscorrect.7. Use our Food tracker app function to know the status ofyourorder.Doesn’t feel like cooking? You can’t leave your kids alone athome?Perhaps the soccer match is on TV and there’s no way you wanttomiss that. Want to have a party at your place but no timetoprepare food for your guests? Don’t worry about it. You don’thaveto move a step outside our house whenever you are hungry andisdreaming about eating tasty meal. Fast food or restaurantqualityfood. Pakistani food or Western food. Open your device andaccessthis food deliveries Pakistan app. Place your order andcontinueyour activity until the food arrives.