Top 3 Apps Similar to Wah Mee Silk Screen Printing

Super Embroidery Screen Print 1.300
Super Embroidery andScreenprinting,Superemb,is a Wholesale company for decoratedapparel. In otherwords wePrint T-shirts! We also embroiderclothing, polo’s, hats,jackets,bags, uniforms and more.  DTG or Direct togarmentprinting and vinyl cutting for windows, numbers and namesonjerseys.Having the tools you need to sell apparel is at yourfingertipswiththe Superemb App.With this Super app you can pick out PMS colors orthreadcolors, place an order, send us a photo or artwork tostart anorderyou can send it to us to get expert advice on stitchcounts,numberof colors and costs so you may serve yourcustomersbetter. We have it all here to help your businessrunmoreefficiently. Check out our Preferred Broker price lists.TheseareNET pricing and for reseller, manufacturers andclothinglines.Speaking of clothing lines, let us help you startone!If you do not like typing then go ahead and tell us what youwantandyour “voice mail”  will be emailed directly tous.Lots of handy links to the industry so you may order yourshirtsfromSan Mar under PSST shipping. That mean all shipmentsfrom SanMar toSuper no matter what the size will be freeshipping.Ordering fromMcCreary’s Tees?   We pick up forfreetwice a day for you.Time on your hands, read StitchesMagazinefrom our links.Super will provide you with Tips and tricks,updates,pushnotifications if you would like and specials to keepyouleadingthe pack for decorated apparel.Super Embroidery and Screen printing has been leadingtheindustrysince 1988 and look forward to leading  you tothebestprinted shirts and embroidered garments on the planet.AnnaJohnsonowner believes that quality and customers service iswhathashelped make Super Embroidery and Screenprinting sosuccessfulforover 24 years.We are here to help educate you if you are new in thebusiness.Ifyou have been  in the business for years then giveus atryand see why“We make YOU look good”.We cater to ASI, Sage, APPAI, AZPPA, Brokers,ScreenPrinters,Embroiderers, Retail outlets, Manufactures, LicensedSportcompanies such as Reebok, Nike, VF Wear, smallbusinesses andlargecorporations. From 6 pieces to 20,000 give us acall fortheanswers you need.
Screen-Printing Products 1.401
Screen-Printing Products app is a usefultoolfor people in the screen-printing business. It's a one stopshopfor locating used equipment, new screen-printingaccessories,finding service, and a technician. If you haveequipment for sale,all info can be easily uploaded includingpictures.
Thumb Uniform 1.0.1
Wilwe Sdn Bhd
CY Uniform is a private limited companythatwasfounded in 2008. Our strength lies in manufacturing andsellingbulkwork uniforms that are made in Malaysia. Every year, wewillcreatetwo new styles of uniform to add on to our expandingseriesofready-made uniforms. So far, we have 9 designs ofcorporateuniform,1 design of technician uniform, 1 design ofworker jacketand 2designs of apron and chef hat. Other than these,if therearerequests for custom-made uniform services, we are alsoabletofulfill them.All uniforms are available in both maleandfemalecutting. One problem in the current market that thecompany’sCEOMr. Ch'ng Tong Chin realized is that most uniforms aredesignedformen. So, women will have to wear male uniforms. Thismakesthemlook less well-kept, ruining the good image of acompany.However,with our specially made female cutting, every onein thecompanycan now look good together.Our company uses comb cotton which is a quick to drymaterial.Itallows the skin to breathe thus making the wearermorecomfortable.On top of comfort, the wearer will also looksmart,well-kept, andcool. As for worker jacket, we use cottondrill, ahigh qualitymaterial which further improves thejacket'sdurability in mostsituations.This year, we proudly introduce a new lineofbatik-patterneduniform to enrich our services. Through thisnewservice, customerswill be able to add a touch of elegance ontheirready-madeuniforms with batik patterns. These batik patternswillbespecially designed by our in-house designers toensurethecustomers having a huge selection to choose from. Betterstill,ittakes only additional 3 days for their batik-printuniformtodelivered.Part of CY Uniform's future plan is to have 100%fabriccontrol.This means we aim to produce all fabric ourselves andcutdownintake from retailer, which will completely ensureamaterialproduction of the highest quality. This vision is aresultfrom thecompany's love for innovation. Constant innovationenablesus toalways improve on our products' quality. As a result,ourcustomersget the best value for money from us.Other than personally checking on the products, ourcompanyhasalso hired a group of specialists for quality control.Toprotectour customers from counterfeit products, we have createdasolidbranding surrounding our design. With knowledge ofthesefeatures(refer image 6.), customers will be able to identifyourrealdesign from the fake ones outside.Our company also has sufficient ready stock, toquicklyservecustomers that are in urgent need. On top of all these,wealsoprovide digital embroidery and silk screenprintingservices.All these great services are the collective hardworkfromeveryone from the company. Working closely together like afamily,it isour objective to bring only the best to ourcustomers.