Top 10 Apps Similar to Reflections Dental

Cusp Dental Clinic Software 4.5.7
The management of your dental/orthodontic clinic has neverbeeneasier!
Dental Trauma First Aid 1.94
Ulf Glendor
First Aid Dental Trauma - Knowledge is lacking amongthegeneralpopulation in how to take care of a dental trauma atthescene ofan accident. What to do when the tooth is loose?Whenseveral teethare damaged or misplaced? What if it is primaryteeth?For atotally knocked out tooth your first aid could beofvitalimportance to save the tooth. The Dental Trauma appwillhelpparents, teachers, sport coaches and others to give thebestfirstaid to persons suffering from Dental Trauma. This appshowswhat todo, and if a visit to a dentist could be delayed ornot,when afragment of the crown is fractured, when thereisincreasedmobility or dislocation of a tooth, or in case ofacompletelyknocked out tooth. It is a great medical guideinformingwhatactions to take at the scene of a dental accident.This appisendorsed by IADT (International Association ofDentalTraumatology)Keywords: dental trauma, dental trauma app,toothinjury app,dental injury app, tooth trauma app, tooth accidentapp,dentalaccident app, traumatic tooth injury app dental traumafirstaid,dental first aid app
Dental dictionary 0.0.8
This contain all the word related to dental or teeth withshortdescription.
Dental anesthetic 1.9
Health professionals have a duty to know the medicalhistoryandpersonal habits of his patients . Dentists shouldnotbehavedifferently . The anamnesis is essential for thecorrecttreatmentto be successfully accomplished step . So with alist ofquestionsrelated to health and well - being of the patient ,thedentist isbetter informed and prepared for the planning ofeachcase . The "Anesthetic Dental " application acts as a helper atthetime ofapplication of the anesthetic . From a data obtainedintheanamnesis ( the patient's weight ) , and studiesconcerningthehealth of the patient ( if he is not diabeticorhypertensivedecompensated, if you are allergic to any medicationorsubstanceincluded in anesthetic, if the case is a woman andshe’spregnant... ) after reviewing each case and choosing therightanestheticfor each patient , the application helps in thecorrectdosagemaximum anesthetic that can be applied , depending ontheweight ofthe case and the anesthetic selected.
Dentist Manager 1.17
Application which enables dentists to manage their list ofpatients.
Dental Go 2.2.0
Welcome to Dental GO! – the mobile companion to thePracticeDentplatform!
Dental Magazinе
Dental Magazine — новое имя журнала“ДенталЮг”.Издание выпускается с 2000 года и занимает лидирующие позициивРоссии: согласно исследованию “Стоматологической ассоциацииРоссии”Dental Magazine является самым читаемыминформационнымстоматологическим журналом в стране.Журнал пишет об актуальных вопросах стоматологии, сотрудничаетсведущими российскими авторами, а также лицензирует ипереводитматериалы самых авторитетных стоматологических журналовмира. Архивномеров доступен с начала 2013 года.Dental Magazine - thenewname of the journal "Dental South."The publication is available in 2000 and holds a leading positioninRussia: according to the study, "Dental Association ofRussia"Dental Magazine is the most widely read dental journalinformationin the country.The magazine writes about topical issues of dentistry, workingwithleading Russian authors, as well as licenses andtranslatesmaterials most respected dental journals in the world.Archiveavailable from the beginning of 2013.
Cusp Dental Software 4.6.9
The management of your dental/orthodontic clinic has neverbeeneasier!
IMAGINA Dental 4.0.4
Discover the official app ofIMAGINADentalIMAGINA Dental, 4th Digital Technologies & AestheticDentistryCongress, takes place from 7th to 9th April 2016 atMonaco'sGrimaldi ForumThe Congress offers three days of conferences, practicalworkshopsand demonstrations of 3D imaging applications fordentistry,enabling you to promote and showcase 3D technologies(cone beam,CAD/CAM, digital prosthetics, lasers, aligners…) todentists,orthodontists, prosthetic and dental technicians.All the relevant information - schedule, lists ofspeakers,exhibitors, practical info… is already available
Dentist - Dental clinic appointment manager 2.0.6
Dentist application is designed for dentists to use daily intheirprofessional activities. Dental ofiice appointment managerwillhelp you to keep information on patient visit : rootcanaltreatment, teeth whitening, braces, tmj, tooth extraction.Dentalchart and x-rays of patients will be always near at hand.