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Dragons Wallpapers QHD 1.3
QHD Dragons Wallpapers. Features:- 40 best Dragons wallpapers for tablets and smartphones.- Only QHD quality wallpapers.- Two ratio modes for Dragons wallpapers.- Saving or installing wallpapers without internet connection.Dragons facts:Dragon is a legendary creature, typically with serpentineorreptilian traits, that features in the myths of manycultures.There are two distinct cultural traditions of dragons: theEuropeandragon, derived from European folk traditions andultimatelyrelated to Greek and Middle Eastern mythologies, and theChinesedragon, with counterparts in Japan (namely the Japanesedragon),Korea and other East Asian countries.A dragon is a mythological representation of a reptile.Inantiquity, dragons were mostly envisaged as serpents, but sincetheMiddle Ages, it has become common to depict them withlegs,resembling a lizard.Dragons are usually shown in modern times with a body like ahugelizard, or a snake with two pairs of lizard-type legs, and abletoemit fire from their mouths. The European dragon has bat-likewingsgrowing from its back. A dragon-like creature with wings butonly asingle pair of legs is known as a wyvern.In China, depiction of the dragon can be found in artifacts fromtheShang and Zhou dynasties with examples dating back to the16thcentury BC. Archaeologist Zhu Chong-Fa believes that theChineseword for dragon is an onomatopoeia of the sound of thunder.TheChinese name for dragon is pronounced lng in Mandarin Chineseorlhng in Cantonese. Sometime after the 9th century AD, Japanadoptedthe Chinese dragon through the spread of Buddhism. Althoughtheindigenous name for a dragon in Japanese is tatsu, a few oftheJapanese words for dragon stem from the Chinese word fordragon,namely, ry or ry. The Vietnamese word for dragon is rng andtheKorean word for dragon is ryong.Japanese dragon myths amalgamate native legends withimportedstories about dragons from China, Korea and India. Likethese otherAsian dragons, most Japanese ones are water deitiesassociated withrainfall and bodies of water, and are typicallydepicted as large,wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet.Gould writes, theJapanese dragon is "invariably figured aspossessing threeclaws".Vietnamese dragons are symbolic creatures in the folkloreandmythology of Vietnam. According to an ancient creation myth,theVietnamese people are descended from a dragon and a fairy.ToVietnamese people, the dragon brings rain, essentialforagriculture. It represents the emperor, the prosperity and powerofthe nation. Like the Chinese dragon, the Vietnamese dragon isthesymbol of yang, representing the universe, life, existence,andgrowth. Extant references to the Vietnamese Dragon are rarenow,due to the fierce changes in history that accompaniedthesinicization of the Nguyn Dynasty.Disclaimer: Any pictures of Dragons are under copyright oftheirrespective owners. Any request to remove image will behonored.