Top 4 Games Similar to AstralRush

Asteroid Shooter 1.0
During the exploring space mission,youfindyourself lost in a dangerous asteroid belt. They candestroyyourship in a second!Try to navigate your space ship through asteroids and surviveaslongas possible.Your ship comes equipped with weapons and bombs which you canusetodestroy space rocks.This shoot'em'up space game will challenge yourreflexes!Becareful on infinite space paths of dangers and beat yourownhighscore!How to play:-tap on the buttons to rotate and move your space ship-navigate your ship beetween asteroids-stay alive as long as possible-use default weapons to shoot and destroy deadly asteroid -laserandbombsFeatures:-high score list-easy to learn game control-classic shooter game-choose your ship-3D menu-HQ music and sound effects through the game
Space Drive 1.11
Byteboiler is pleased to present you thebrandnew Space Drive game.Your purpose is to navigate your spaceship through themeteorshower.You can play with 5 different types of spaceship on 50coursesbut none of them will repeat itself if you replay them.You'll flyon a predifined course noted by a dashed line with aconstantspeed. Don't make the mistake of thinking it's easy thatway!Your mission is to pass by the most planets you canwhileavoiding collisions with the asteroids. Flags will signsuccessfulpassage of planets.Beware your mission ends with failure if you collide 10 times.How to control your ship:By one click you can raise your shield and stop thespaceship.By sliding your finger up you'll speed up. The longer you slidethefaster the ship gets.By a long touch you can get back to normal speed.By sliding your finger down you can slow down.Enjoy!
Spaceship Fighter Jet 2D 1.0
Rangii Studio
Let’s have an adventurer journey to thespaceinSpaceship Fighter Jet. This game leads you tothedifferentuniverses. This is one of the best free android spacewargame. Youhave to shoot and destroy enemies in every universeandachieve thegoal to unlock next universe. You will findHighDefinitiongraphics in this game which gives soft andattractivelook.Space World:You have a chance to visit and explore the space in thisgame.Everystage of this game has designed in different universes.Thereareten adventurer space worlds waiting for you inSpaceshipFighterJet.Space Ships:You have seven space ships in this game. These space shipshasmadeinattractive and imaginarydesigns with energetic colors.Becareful toselect any space ship on each level because everyspaceship hasdifferent features of:• Speed• FuelConsumption• HandlingController:Spaceship Fighter Jet doesn’t stuck you by forcing to useonlyonedefault control. You have option to select control typeanddriveyour space ship as you want. There are followingtwocontrollers inthis game:Tilt Control: Change the direction of your cellphone tomoveyourspaceship on left or right side.Touch Control: Manage the movement of your space shipbyhittingany where on the screen. If you want to drive your shiponrightside, touch on the right side of screen.Levels:There are total ten universes in Spaceship Fighter Jet.Youhaveto achieve the goal of current universe to go onnextlevel.Youwill face more difficulty on next stages in thisgame,which makeyou an addictive of space war game.Enemies:There are numerous types of enemies’ space ships in everystageofSpaceship Fighter Jet. You have to shoot them andkeepyourspaceship save.Boss Enemy:At the end of every stage, you will have to fight with theBossspaceship. This space ship has armed with heavy weapons. Itisnecessaryfor you to destroy the Boss enemy to unlocknextlevel.OTHER Info:Spaceship Fighter Jet provides three useful gifts to youoneverystage. These gifts make your spaceship strong for shorttimeandhelp you to fight with enemies.Shields:Shield protects your spaceship frommissilesandenemies.Laser Power:Destroy all the enemy planes and their missiles.Missile Power: Provide you the ability to shoot theenemieswithhigh speed missile.
Space Ranger(Free) 1.0
Near future. Mankind has mastered thenewtechnology, and now spaceships capable of reaching distantgalaxy.New worlds open to earthlings. But nastaёt judgment day.Spaceshipsattacking Earth extraterrestrial civilization. You in therole ofcaptain of the elite space ship flotilla. Your task is torepel theattack and destroy the enemy alien lair on theirplanets.Everything is in your hands, and you are to decide the fateofmankind. Good luck !!!