Top 8 Apps Similar to 씽씽톡

상상톡 - 새로운 가상 SNS 3.3.3
Appropriate anonymity. Appropriate social.
조이헌팅 채팅 21.0.7
Smart phone chat service, one-on-one chat, message, 5minutesrational views, friends, app downloads, Joey HuntingtonMobile appprovides.
TTTalk 2.6.53
TTTalk Inc.
"TTTalk" is a translation function onlinechatapplication. Provide all kinds of characters, all formsoftranslation services, online translation is online anytime,throwoff the troublesome of automatic translation , pure manualfinetranslation effect, we translate your typing, we translateyourspeaking, we also translate your singing. Do as you wish atease ,whoever wants to chat with, just go ahead , English,Japanese,Korean, Chinese language and etc, no matter male orfemale, old oryoung, transmitting the voice of you, and communicatewith theworld , let the world know you -- start with you!TTTalk Functions1. Online Translating ChatOnce a sentence is wordy and not used fluent words in front of me,Iignored it , until I was pulled into the blacklist, and Ididn'tfeel regretful. People rely on language to communicate,whilelanguage is impassability, not understandable nocommunication, andlet alone the talking person is a foreigner."TTTalk" with manualperfect translation to help you solve theproblem of communication.Professional manual translation is onlineanytime, personal servicecan truly clear out the barrier incommunication.2. Phonetic Translation"Listen, that is the voice of the sea crying". Powerfulphonetictranslation can truly let you chat up, discard thetraditional chatmode. Just open your mouth, speak out yourthoughts, let the wholeworld hear your voice, whether it's taping,voice or a blessing,prayer, we help you express the wishes to allcorners of thecountry , shout to the whole world, I can and you cantoo .3. Translation SectaryWhat to do with the communication problems encountered inreality?Pure translation function may help you solve the problematanytime, want to go to Maldives by boat? Want to go to Thailandtoride an elephant? Want to go to the African savanna? Want togo,then go. No matter to ask the way or to buy things, we willhelpyou express perfectly, with most local native language to makeyouenjoy the most authentic customs. Easy download instantlyhaveit.4. Look for foreign friends"TTTalk" unique function of seeking for foreign friends can helpyoufind favorite foreign friends, Chinese beauty, American hotgirl,Korea handsome boy, Japanese cute girls. Develop the fieldofvision, rich experience, not limited to domestic, focuses ontheworld, communicating with the world, let the vision fly.5. Photo SharingInteractive application sharing pictures so that you are notlimitedto interactions between friends, delicious, good-looking,funny,throughout the world wind and cloud, talk about the worldsituation, to share with worldwide scope, global discussion,thereby torealize the real smooth chat.6. Non Smart Phone SMS Chat"TTTalk supported SMS translation function, can truly let youenjoythe exquisite manual translation service. As long as it's nota toymobile phone, we all can
Frendy–Make friends 3.93
"FRENDY" is the best application thatcanlightly make friends.The make a friend!!,Is to understand the different values with you, whilerespectingeach other's differences will gladly relationships knowshow toshare the experience.If you are friends with them,You will learn a variety of languages to them, and learningaboutdifferent cultures, will learn their traditions.Get Started Now!Make friends around the world!Thank you.Contact UsPhone: +82)70-4632-7801e-mail : [email protected]
멜론 아지톡 - 우리 모두는 누군가의 팬이다 2.8.10
멜론 아지톡은 멜론(Melon)의 패밀리앱으로, 좋아하는 스타에 대한 마음을 마음껏 표현할 수 있는 공간입니다.팬들의이야기가 가득한 멜론 아지톡! 나와 통하는 팬들의 커뮤니티가 당신을 기다립니다. [주요 기능] - 내가수의이야기를실시간으로 나눌 수 있는 채널 아티스트 채널에서 나와 같은 팬들과 함께 내가수 이야기를 나눠보세요! 같은 채널멤버들에게영상을 공유하고 싶다면? 유튜브, 멜론에서 바로 영상을 끌어올 수 있어요. - 쉽고 빠르고 예쁘기까지 한스밍인증 멜론과아지톡에서 최근 들은 곡 정보로 간편하게 스밍인증샷 모셔가세요. 트위터로 바로 내보내기 기능은 덤! 우리채널의 스밍인증화력도 함께 확인해 보세요. - 팬덤의 화력을 보여주는 채널 랭킹 현재 활동이 가장 활발한 채널의 순위가매일매일업데이트 됩니다. 아지톡 활동으로 채널랭킹을 상승시켜보세요! 팬들을 위한 공간을 멜론 아지톡에서 만나보세요.웰컴!※이용안내 아지톡에서 사용하는 접근 권한을 안내 드립니다. - 전화 : 로그인과 음원/영상 스트리밍을 위한 휴대폰권한(필수) - 저장공간 : 컨텐츠 저장 시, 저장공간 권한이 필요합니다. (필수) ---- 개발자 연락처 : 주소:경기도 성남시 분당구 판교역로 221 연락처 : +82215667727
Doodle Talk 3.1
nbsp team
Doodle Talk messenger that can communicatewithanyone around the world.Find new friends to talk and want to learn the language andlearna new language.
우송대톡 1.38
우송대학교 구성원들간의 스마트캠퍼스 백본유틸리티 입니다.Mail between membersofthe University campus backbone is a utility smart.
알바톡 1.0.1
함께 나누는 것만으로도 힘이 된다! 나만 알고 있는 알바 노하우 대방출!지금 알바톡으로 모여모여~모여라!1. 관심글 모아보기메뉴에서 관심업종을 설정하면 해당 관심업종으로 게시된 글들이 올라왔을 때 관심글 메뉴에서 한번에 모아서볼수있어요!관심업종은 내 마음대로 숫자 제한 없이 설정할 수 있어요!2. 알바비 자동계산알바정보(종목, 장소, 시급, 업종)를 등록하면 매일 근무한 시간을 기록할 수 있고 알바비를 바로확인할수있어요!달력으로 표시되어 해당 월에 근무한 날짜들을 한눈에 확인 가능해요!3. 푸시 알림 메시지내가 작성한 글에 다른 사람이 좋아요 또는 댓글을 남겼을 경우 푸시로 바로 확인할 수 있어요!알바톡의 이벤트 및 중요 공지도 바로 확인!4. 알바 노하우 공유알바하면서 알게된 다양한 노하우들을 알바톡에서 공유하세요!Just sharing isalsoaforce! Grand opening Alba know you know me!Gather together now gathered in Alba Talk!1. Gather interest Show PostsIf you set the sector concerned on the menu I can see atoncefromthe interest collected paper menu when the paper came upwiththoseinterested in publishing their industry!Industry is interested I can set my own number without limit!2. Automatic calculation albabiAlvaro information (stocks, place, urgent, industries)Ifyouregister can record the hours worked each day I can seethealbabiit!I marked the calendar can be checked at a glance, thedatesworkedfor that month!3. Push notificationsIf I left him for another man I love I can confirm orcommentonposts directly to push!Events and Important Disclosures of Alba Flick alsoconfirmedit!4. Alba share know-howShare a variety of know-how learned from Alba and Alba Talk!