Top 20 Games Similar to Date Question Generator

Quiz of Knowledge Game 1.84
Improve your knowledge and have fun at the same time with ourquizgame!
100% Question 1.0
Zouffa Apps
Faites chauffer votre cerveau!!! Saurez vous répondre àtoutescesquestions de culture générale ? Quelle note pensez-vousavoir?Venez le découvrir dès maintenant avec ce quizauxnombreusesquestions ! Avec 100% Question , révisez de façonludiqueetamusante sur des thématiques variées pouraméliorervosconnaissances dans tous les domaines. Les questionssont pourlaplupart assez difficiles, ce quiz est donc adapté à desélèvesdecycle 3. Améliorations à venir ---------------------------*Ajoutet intégration du plusieurs autres thémes * Ajoutdenombreusesquestions * Ajout d'autres langues
How much do you know me? 6.27
Atomic Locs
You think you know each other? Find out now with this questiongame!
High School Crush Date 1.0.0
Lisa has a crush on Nick, quarterback ofschoolfootball team. Could you give her fashion advice about hermakeupand outfits on each date, so she could win his heart? Thereare 6different situations and dates. Please choose appropriatemakeup,dress and accessories for each date. She will be scored atthe endof every level. have fun!
General Knowledge Quiz
An endless stream of general knowledge questions
True False Quiz 2.6
In this game, you need to decide whether the statements are trueorfalse.
20 Questions 0.0.3
SF Apps
20 Questions is the world's favorite guessing game! Youmayrememberplaying 20 Questions in the car on family roadtrips.There's noneed to wait for that road trip anymore.That'sright--we are thefirst to bring this classic guessing game toyoursocial network, soyou can play it anywhere, anytime, withrealpeople, in real time!It's like that game, Akinator, exceptthatit's with real people!The top player each week gets two FREEmovietickets from us. for moredetails.NOTE: Please be advisedthat currently you will have tologin viaFacebook to play (we willnot ever post to Facebook withyourpermission), but we are workingon bringing in other loginoptionssoon. Thanks for your patience!HOW TO PLAY 20 Questions isaturn-based game where a player (theThinker) thinks of somethingandthen gives a hint. Others (theGuessers) will ask questions andtryto guess what the Thinker isthinking. If the Guessers get itrightwithin 20 attempts, they win,otherwise, the Thinker wins.That'sit--it's so simple that evengrandma can join in the fun!SCORINGGuessers get 1 point for eachquestion asked for which theanswer isYES or SOMETIMES. The Guesserwho makes the correct guessalso getsan additional 20 bonus points,plus x bonus points wherex is thenumber of remaining questions.The Thinker gets 1 pointfor eachquestion asked for which theanswer is NO. The Thinkeralso gets anadditional 20 bonus points ifthe Guessers don't getit right within20 attempts. So, a player(whether Guesser orThinker) can score amaximum of 39 points on anygiven game. Gameshave a powerful way ofbringing family and friendstogether. Fortyyears ago this meantfamilies joining together atgame night toplay Risk or Monopoly. Inrecent years, Words withFriends, DrawSomething, Trivia Crack andothers have createdopportunities forbonding with friends andfamily. With 20Questions, we have takenthe world’s most widelyrecognized guessinggame, and adapted itfor play on the socialplatform. There havebeen versions of thisgame where you play withthe computer as youropponent, but we arethe first to bring thisclassic guessing gameto your socialnetwork, where you can play withreal people, in realtime. 20Questions is intellectually simulating,highly addictiveandengaging, and is a great workout for the growingyoungster'sbrain.Start playing now and let's see how soon you canbecome a toptenguesser or thinker! Play 20 Questionsonlineat Follow usonFacebook: Follow usonTwitter: Email [email protected]
Would You Rather 18+ 1.0.4
IMPORTANT: This version of the game is 18+soyou can expect any kind of questions, some of them couldbeinappropiate, please be aware of this before downloading andratingthe game.Would you rather is a trending game on the player shoulddecidebetween two possible answers, the topic could be anything youcanthink about! :) Large community of players sending newquestionsevery daywould you rather is an application of trivia where you havetwopossible options and you should choose one, it is not alwayseasyto answer! You prefer a bed of nails or cold showers for allyourlife? This is one of the many questions you can find.Manyquestions are introduced by other users (Passing through thefilterof our team)would you rather is an application with quality finishes,apopular application that youtubers as Rubius became fashionable,ofcourse that will not leave you indifferent, many of theavailablequestions are complicated , only two decisions to make!aseither.iofeatures:- Classic Game, Answer the questions predefined by our teamandother players- Real time Votes- Send your own questions that you prefer (would youratherSpanish)- Keep track of the results of your questions- Report inappropriate questions you thinkSome of the questions are extremely idiots and you willbreakyour head in each of its combination of questions, this is thegameof true or false styleWho prefer it became fashionable through youtubers as luzuorRubius, many of the questions come from them! I am germanalsoprovided some content.This application contains ads, but there is possibilityofeliminating- Caller IDIntelligent CallerID functionality added. Calldorado CallerIDnowassist's you to identify callers - even the one not in yourcontactlist. This means no more unknown numbers. This feature isoptionaland you can disable at any time in the settings menu.Not suitable for indecisive people.
Math All Levels Quiz Game 8.0
Quiz Corner
Educational and fun quiz trivia game on mathematics - best mathgamefor kids.
Quizz Question Réponse Difficile 7.0
LoliApps Team
Quizz Question Réponse, est un jeu de mots ludique et éducatif àlafois qui propose une série des questions et devinettes courtequivont vous mener vers des niveaux de plus en plus difficiles.Enviede tester votre intelligence et Culture generale ? Notre Quizzdeconnaissances vous aidera à tester votre culture générale et àvousfaire découvrir de nouvelles informations. Un jeu éducatifidéalpour stimuler vos connaissances avec plus de 300questionsenrichissantes qui s’avèreront parfois être de véritabledéfis. Lequizz contient des centaines de questions et réponses deculturegénérale à couper le souffle et surtout à stimuler votrecerveau.Donc Si vous aimez apprendre et découvrir de nouvelleschoses,alors ce teste culture quizz est pour vous ! vous devrezrépondre àun maximum de questions sans vous tromper ! N’attendezplus, denouvelles questions viendront enrichir le quizprochainement. Unemises à jour fréquentes avec de nouvellesquestions pour se changerles idées et tester ses connaissances dansla joie et la bonnehumeur.
Trivia Questions and Answers 4.9
Cadev Games
Trivia is a fun game of questions and answers
New KBC 2017 : Quiz Game 1.1
Welcome to New KBC 2017,This game come with all new question and nice userInterface.Main purpose of this game is preparing your self and asweallknow, there is a lot of scope for Indian youth incompetitiveexamslike IAS, IPS, GPSC(Gujarat Public ServiceCommission),UPSC(UnionPublic Service Commission). SSC, Bank Examsor Clerk POexams. Toraise your IQ and intellect with entertainmentwe havecreated thisNew KBC game and this is the very updated gamewithcool graphicsand amazing sound that will give you theexperience asif like youare sitting on the Hot Seat at the set ofKBC.If you don’t know answer then don’t worry, We will giveyourightanswer. So, You can keep learning by using this newgame.This game will be updated frequently and we will keepaddingnewquestions so you can more enjoy and learnaboutnew(latest)question.Application Feature :1>User face the Two Padao.Upto first padao user get 30secondtogive answer after first padao Or Upto second padao user getthe60second to give answer.And after successfully completingtwopadaotimer is stop.2>(Fifty/Fifty)50/50 Lifeline:- User get the 2 option insteadof4option to choose answer.3>Double-Dips LifeLine:- User get 2 attempt tochooserightanswer.4>Flip the question LifeLine:- If User don't knowtherightanswer, User can change the question.5>Audience poll LifeLine:- User get graph of answersgivenbyaudience.6>Extra Lifeline:- User can re-use any oneLifeLineonesagain.7>Share:- You can share your score in Facebook andtwitter.8>Ranking:- You can check your world widerangingbyleaderboard.The question database contains the questionsoffollowingcategories.
General Knowledge, Cricket, Movie,CurrentAffairs,Science, Countries, Sports, Celebrity, Politicsetc.Good luck, Keep playing & keep growing your IQ withournewquiz game of 2017.
Would You Rather? The Game 1.0.27
Play now Would You Rather Game with the best trivia questionsandnew challenges
Category Quiz (Trivia) 3.6.0
Answer questions of different categories and mess withplayersaround the world!
Quiz Superbuzzer 2 2.4.400
Meet Superbuzzer, the Live Multiplayer Quiz that will make youBuzz!
Questions In A Box
Get the conversation started with friends, family with this funandfree app!
Questions Pour Un Champion 3.0.0
DÉCOUVREZ LE JEU QUESTIONS POUR UN CHAMPION !- Jouez GRATUITEMENT- Retrouvez les 3 manches mythiques du jeu TV !- Affrontez des milliers de joueurs et escaladez le classementdesLIGUES- Rentrez dans l’élite avec le nouveau mode SUPER CHAMPION- Enchaînez les victoires pour faites grimper votre cagnotteetobtenir des ticket super champion !- Créez votre propre Avatar- Continuez le jeu sur votre smartphone, votre tablette, ou surleWeb en utilisant simplement vos comptes France Télévisionset/ouFacebookQuestions pour un Champion est un jeu multijoueur quivouspropose de jouer en répondant à des milliers de questionsdeculture générale. Ce quiz fonctionne sur le principe del'émissionTV Question pour un Champion (QPUC) animée par SamuelEtienne surFrance 3.Retrouvez directement sur votre smartphone ou votre tablettelesdifférentes manches mythiques de l’émission (9 points gagnants,4 àla Suite et Face à Face). Entrez dans la compétition et devenezLEChampion !Rejoignez la communauté des fans du jeu QPUC :- Aimez la page Facebook : pourensavoir plus sur les nouveautés.- Visitez notre site officiel : Découvrez le jeu web : THEGAMEQUESTIONS FOR A CHAMPION!- Play FREE- Find the mythical 3 rounds of the TV game!- Compete against thousands of players and climb therankingsLEAGUES- Go into the elite with the new SUPER CHAMPION fashion- Link up wins to make climb your kitty and get superchampionticket!- Create your own Avatar- Continue the game on your smartphone, tablet, or on the Webusingjust your accounts France Télévisions and / or FacebookQuestions for a champion is a multiplayer game that offers youtoplay in responding to thousands of general knowledge questions.Thisquiz works on the principle of the TV show Question for aChampion(QPUC) led by Samuel Etienne on France 3.Find directly on your smartphone or tablet variousmythicalsleeves of the issue (9 winning points, 4 to the Suite andFace toFace). Enter the competition and become THE Champion!Join the fan community QPUC the game:- Love the Facebook page: tolearnmore about what's new.- Visit our official website: Discover the web game:
C'est Ma Question 4.1
L'application officielle du jeu « C ’estmaquestion » produit et diffusé par la RTS. Cette applicationvouspermet d’envoyer vos propres questions avec lesquelleslescandidats de l’émission pourront jouer.The official app ofthegame "That is my question," produced and broadcast by RTS.Thisapplication allows you to send your own questions with whichthecandidates of the show will play.
Slam 2.3.1
SLAM: play with words! France 3 game
Quiz Panic General Knowledge 2.2.1
The 20-player live quiz that’ll have you all caught up in a frenzy!