Top 20 Games Similar to Briscola Free

Briscola 3.7.10
The best "Briscola" game, in itsbestversion!You'll love Briscola because of its beautiful graphics,spectacularanimations and great sound effects!Here are the main features of the game:* SINGLE PLAYER matches, where you will be able to decide thetypeof match (quick, up to 120 points, win 3/5)* MULTIPLAYER mode where you're able to challengeyourFacebook/Twitter/Google+ friends or a random player among morethan2 MILLIONS players from all over the world!* BLUETOOTH matches with up to 3 friends when you don't havewi-fior data connection!* In every game mode you can choose to play matches for 2,3 or4players!* 3 different difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard)* find how to reach the top of many LEADERBOARDS* TOURNAMENTS in both Single Player and Multiplayer modes* 20+ ACHIEVEMENTS to unlock!* detailed STATS* change the CARD DECK, the TABLE and find out allthePERSONALIZATION you can make through the settingsHere's the list of card decks available in the game:+ Bergamasche+ Bresciane+ Milanesi+ Napoletane+ Piacentine+ Romagnole+ Toscane+ Siciliane+ Trevisane+ Francesi (poker)+ SardeIf you have doubts, questions or you wanna give ussuggestions,don't hesitate to email us [email protected] us:Facebook: @WhatWappPlus: +WhatWappEnjoy the BEST Briscola!
Briscola Online HD - La Brisca 1.8.6
Quarzo Apps
★ Briscola (La Brisca) ★FULL ONLINE & OFFLINE & BLUETOOTH GAME !!!The Briscola Game with Hi Res graphics!♥ NOW 50% OFF in Premium No Ads. ♥ (limited time)LATEST NEWS: Online Server now working perfecty. Many newOnlinefeatures!. Now user avatars !★★★★★ NEW milestone: We finally reached 2 million downloads inPlayMarket! I'll just say two words: INFINITE THANKS!. Now for5M!Thanks you everyone for the feedback!GENERAL FEATURES✔ HD graphics. Ready for new tablets and phones.✔ Three image decks: poker deck, spanish deck (spanish cards)anditalian napoletane cards.✔ Many settings to customize (Themes, reverse of cards,...)✔ Awesome animations and effects.✔ Possible to move to SD.✔ Two players bluetooth game✔ Fully located: spanish, english, italian and catalan.✔ Simple and clean interface.✔ Reallistic SoundsONLINE FEATURES (Internet Games)✔ Customizable games (time per move, win options, ...)✔ In-game Chat (can be disabled)✔ World ranking scores. Many filters (country, month, day, year,%win)✔ My online stats✔ User avatars✔ My Friends (up to 100). Play private matchesagainstfriends.✔ Now you can block players✔ Supports wifi and 3gENJOY IT!OTHER NAMES OF THIS GAME: bixkla, brìscul, brìšcula,brišc,briškula, Skembeel, bisca, briškolaLANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Italian, Catalan(Help needed to improve transalations)Bug reports and suggestions: [email protected] . Thank you.
Briscola 3.7.2
Play Briscola facing a great artificial intelligence
Briscola Più - Giochi Social
Briscola Più è il nuovo gioco dellaBriscolaper tablet e smartphone, sviluppato da SpaghettiInteractive, gliideatori del gioco Scopa Più e disponibile GRATISsu Google PlayStore!Briscola Più è totalmente gratuita e multipiattaforma: puoigiocarecontro i tuoi amici o sfidare altri giocatori online,utilizzandosmartphone o tablet di qualunque modello!Le funzioni principali di Briscola Più:- Partite in 2 e 4 giocatori- Modalità Multiplayer e Singolo con 3 livelli di difficoltà- Modalità Casuale : in pochissimi attimi Briscola Più troveràunavversario con cui giocare- Diverse STANZE dove incontrare nuovi avversari aggiornate intemporeale- Chat con emoticons per comunicare con l'avversario- CLASSIFICHE DI SEMPRE. Entra nella leggenda!- CLASSIFICHE MENSILI: i vincitori di ogni mese appariranno sulsitodi Briscola Più- Ben 11 mazzi di carte regionali italiane (*)- Differenti SFONDI per il tavolo da gioco- Modalità landscape (orizzontale) e portrait (verticale) siapersmartphone che per tablet- Condivisione dei risultati e sfida dei propri amicidiFacebook- SISTEMA DI AMICIZIE interno per sfide sempre più avvincenti- Login con Facebook, Google, Windows Live, ed e-mail- Caricamento di AVATAR PERSONALIZZATO per il profilo utente- 27 OBIETTIVI da raggiungere per una sfida continua- Ben 60 LIVELI DI ABILITA'. Gareggia con i migliori!- Un'intera sezione dedicata alle STATISTICHE di giocoperverificare al meglio i tuoi progressi!!!UNISCITI AGLI ALTRI GIOCATORI CHE GIÀ USANO BRISCOLA PIU' E SCALALECLASSIFICHE ORA!Per il supporto e per rimanere informato sulle novità ci troviaiseguenti link:Sito web - http://www.briscolapiu.itFacebook - - [email protected] Gioco - pulsante Feedback nella schermata principaleVisita il nostro portale dove troverai tuttiinostri divertentissimi giochi : scopa, assopigliatutto,scopone,tressette, traversone, rubamazzo e dama!More Trump is the newgameof Briscola for tablets and smartphones, developed bySpaghettiInteractive, the creators of the game Scopa More andavailable FREEon Google Play Store!More Trump is totally free and cross-platform: you can playagainstyour friends or challenge other players online, usingsmartphonesor tablets of any model!The main functions of Briscola More:- Matches in 2:04 Players- Multiplayer mode and single with 3 levels of difficulty- Random mode: in a few moments More Trump will find an opponenttoplay with- Several ROOMS updated to meet new opponents in real time- Chat with emoticons to communicate with opponent- RESULTS OF ALWAYS. Enter into the legend!- MONTHLY RANKINGS: the winners of the month will appear ontheTrump site More- Ben 11 Italian regional decks of cards (*)- Different wallpapers for the game table- Landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) forbothsmartphones to tablets- Sharing of results and challenge their Facebook friends- SYSTEM OF FRIENDSHIPS inside for increasinglyexcitingchallenges- Login with Facebook, Google, Windows Live, and e-mail- Loading of AVATAR CUSTOM for user profile- 27 Goals to be achieved by an ongoing challenge- Ben 60 Liveli ABILITY '. Compete with the best!- An entire section dedicated to gambling STATISTICS to see themostof your progress !!!JOIN TO PLAYERS THAT ALREADY USE BRISCOLA MORE 'AND SCALETHESTANDINGS NOW!For support and to stay informed about news you can find us atthefollowing links:Website - http://www.briscolapiu.itFacebook - - [email protected] Game - Feedback button on the main screenVisit our portal where you will find all of ourfungames: broom, assopigliatutto, scopone, tressette, cross,rubamazzoand checkers!
Briscola Chiamata in 5
Trump also called Call Mad or Gingo.
Sicilian Brisk 20
Vito Gusmano
The game of trump or Brisk (see ruleswithinthe application) is widespread in many countries, butespecially inItaly.In this version with Sicilian cards, you can play experiencewithdifferent patterns, like the classic game with two players,thehuman against the cpu or human against 3 CPU, in this casethereare 4 players.Also you can play online multiplayer games with a humanopponentbelonging to your circles from Google. For each multiplayerosingle game you will need to make your bets, managing yourbudgetcoin (initially have only 10 coins). If you win the firstplacetake the 80% of the prize money (obtained by adding thetotalnumber of coins bet by the players), if you come second,you'remarked a defeat but use 20% of the prize pool, while thethird andfourth place does not take anything but it is marked thesamedefeat. The first place winner will have instead marked avictory.When you will remain short of coins or even you may also bein debt(virtual of course) you can use the mini-game, where if youcanfind the paper indicated win a money.In addition there are several achievements to unlock or you canget5 coins gift from friends. All your wins and losses willbeconsidered in order of the general classification.Sicilian Brisk in free version includes advertising (they willbethe unique revenues if you install a proposed game, pleaseconsiderthis!) on the inside that can be avoided by purchasing theproversion (which contains other goodies) coming soon. Good luckandhave fun!
Briscola 1.9.1
Briscola: a fun, brand new card game for everybody!
La Briscola-Classic Card Games 4.10
The intriguing traditional Italian card gameofBriscola (Trump), played for centuries and loved byevery-ageplayers! Easy to get but challenging: you must collect thecardswith the highest score and use your trumps wisely! If youhavenever played it, La Briscola is perfect for your first time! Acardgame has never felt so easy and enjoyable to play. Theoriginalcards made beautiful, the excitement of throwing that aceof trumpon the table and smack your opponent, now brought to yourdevicefor you to enjoy.What you get:- Single player games against 3 different difficulty levels- Multiplayer online with friends or other Briscola players fromallover the world- Exciting challenge to reach the NUMBER 1 position in theworldwiderace!- Choose the deck of cards you are more familiar with! They areallthere: Sicilian, Neapolitans (Napoletane), poker, Spanish.Get it now free!FOLLOW USFacebook @outofthebit
Briscola S 2022.04-120
Play Briscola in a Super funny way!
Briscola 1.1.33
Free for you the popular and challenging game of cards Italian
Briscola Dal Negro 2.6.4
Try the amazing experience to challengeotherplayers or measure your skills against three differentgamelevels.Briscola Dal Negro gives you the opportunity to match manyotherpassionate players of this game, face new challenges and meetmanynew friends.Play in landscape or portrait and select one of the 18regionalcards decks: Napoletane, Piacentine and many others to findthepleasure to play with the original Italian cards.Climb the charts, the monthly winners will sign their name intheHall of Fame and will be among the Briscola Dal Negro bestplayersforever.Among many Briscola games, THE ORIGINAL IS ONLY ONE!--------------------------------------------------------------For information or suggestions please [email protected]:
The italian card game! Quick and simple!
Briscola 1.8.3
Briscola is the tipical italian cards game
Briscola SAI 1.0
Briscola with superb AI, played with a standard Italian40-carddeck.
Briscola Treagles 5.0.3
Gioca online a Briscola con giocatori veri. Emozionanti sfideunocontro uno e due contro due, fino all'ultima Briscola! Il giocodiBriscola più noto su facebook, sbarca anche suAndroidcompletamente gratis! Insieme a Scopa e Tressetterappresenta unodei più bei giochi di carte della tradizioneitaliana. Entra subitoe sfida migliaia di giocatori da tuttaItalia!
Tieni il conto 1.5
GCC Dev.
Stanco di dover cercare ogni volta carta e penna per prenderenotadei punteggi durante le giocate a carte? "Tieni il conto" nasceperavere sempre a portata di mano tutto l'occorrente per segnare,inmodo simpatico, i punteggi ottenuti nei famosi giochi :BriscolaBriscola in 5 Scopa Scopone Cinquecento. Provala efinalmente nondovrai più perdere tempo a fare conti con carta epenna! Buondivertimento.
Scopa 6.59
Challenge your friends now at Scopa theonlyone with SCOPONE SCIENTIFICO mode!Download the most complete Scopa game, the only one with MILLIONofPLAYERS and with many game modes, prizes and bets, choiceofplayers, LANDSCAPE and PORTRAIT graphics, online matches...andmuch more!Play online without registration, or sign in with Facebook!Here are the main features of one of the most popular Italiancardgames:• ONLINE Matches (Wi-Fi or 4G): Play with your friends atincrediblechallenges! You can login with Facebook/Google+ or playas a guest,you do not have to register!• CHOOSE the match: decide whether to start a game for 2 ortrySCOPONE SCIENTIFICO!• The more you risk, the more you WIN: choose how much to betandwin the jackpot!• WITHOUT CONNECTION? No problem: while you wait for yourconnectionto resume, PRACTICE offline against the CPU and wincoins!• SPECIAL EVENTS: get ready to participate at special eventswithunbelievable jackpots and dedicated leaderboards. Beatyouropponents and show them who’s the CHAMPION!• SOCIAL: how many friends do you have? Add, write, chat,report,remove ... all in one section dedicated to YOUR FRIENDS! Doyoulike to play with a specific person? ADD HIM TO YOURFRIENDLIST!• LEADERBOARDS, STATISTICS: Keep track of your scores andyourprogress. Don’t forget that practice leads to perfection!• ACHIEVEMENTS: More than 100 goals to reach, will you be abletounlock them all?• 11 DECKS of different regional cards!... and if you don’t like game as it is ..customize it throughthemany available SETTINGS!The available card decks are:+ Bergamasche+ Milanesi+ Napoletane+ Piacentine+ Siciliane+ Trevisane+ French (poker)+ Sarde+ Toscane+ Bresciane+ RomagnoleScopa is one of the most popular card games in Italy andhasmillions of players around the world.For any doubt, advice or error, please feel free to contact usat:[email protected]: This game is intended for an adult audience, doesn'toffer"real money gambling" or an opportunity to win real moneyorprizes, and that practice or success at social gaming doesn'timplyfuture success at “real money gambling".Follow us:Facebook: @whatwappPlus:
La Scopa - Classic Card Games 4.10
You are just one touch away from aspectacularItalian card game! Have HOURS OF FUN and challenge. Withthe onlinemultiplayer. And... IT'S FREE!!!! Try it now and discoverhowentertaining a card game can be! Collect the cards from thetableand, if you grab the last one, shout “Scopa!”, nice andloud!Get it now free!WHAT YOU GET with La Scopa - Classic Card Games:- 3 difficulty levels against the computer (A.I.artificialintelligence) for your single player mode- Online multiplayer: play with friends and other players alloverthe world- Choose your deck: La Scopa got all the original Italianregionaldecks (Napoletane, Siciliane, Piacentine, Piemontesi,Triestine andmore), in high resolution that will look astonishingon your phoneand tablet. Or you can play with the classic Pokercards- Play with different rules and options (Settebello, Rebello andsoon)- Enjoy the fun challenges and badges to collect onGooglePlay- Be part of the Global High-Score (Leaderboard): there’s oneforeach difficulty level plus the leaderboard foronlineplayers.Get it now for free!And do not miss on our La Briscola and Tressette to have acompleteclassic card game suit on your phone and tablet!FOLLOW USFacebook/outofthebitTwitter @outofthebit
Traditional card game of the brisca
A grande richiesta, la WhatWapp Entertainmentèlieta di presentarvi il classico gioco del Tressettedisponibilegratuitamente per i vostri smartphone e tabletAndroid.Con una grafica completamente rinnovata, ancora più divertenteeaccattivante Tressette si distingue per le numerose animazioniegli effetti sonori.Le principali caratteristiche introdotte in questaversioneincludono anche:* modalità MULTIPLAYER Wi-Fi o 3G che utilizza i Google PlayGameServices:- Partita veloce (il sistema sceglie un giocatore casualepervoi)- Manda invito (potete invitare amici dalle vostre cerchiediGoogle+, che saranno avvisati da una notifica push)- Guarda inviti (potete vedere gli inviti in sospeso)* una CHAT per poter comunicare con gli avversari (la WhatWappsiriserva il diritto di eliminare questa funzione qualorafosseutilizzata in modo inappropriato)* CLASSIFICA globale* modalità MULTIPLAYER BLUETOOTH per sfidare i propri amicisenzaattese!* 3 diversi livelli di difficoltà Facile, Medio e Difficile* 30+ TRAGUARDI per la modalità Single Player e lamodalitàMultiPlayer* possibilità di terminare una partita con 21 o 31 punti* scegliere il tipo di controllo: se giocare muovendo le carteotoccandole due volte* scegliere la velocità delle animazioni e le dimensioni dellecarteda gioco* misurare le proprie capacità consultando la sezione dedicataallestatistiche...e molto altro ancora!Il gioco include i mazzi di carte elencati qui di seguito:+ Bergamasche+ Milanesi+ Napoletane+ Piacentine+ Siciliane+ Trevisane+ Francesi (poker)+ Sarde+ Bresciane+ RomagnolePer qualsiasi dubbio, errore o chiarimento, contattaci inviandounae-mail a [email protected], oppure scrivendoci su Twittera@WhatWapp. Queste informazioni sono raggiungibilidirettamentedall’applicazione nella sezione "Info".Seguici su:Facebook: divertimento!By popular demand,theWhatWapp Entertainment is proud to present the classic gameofTressette available free for your Android smartphoneandtablet.With a completely new graphics, more fun and appealingTressettestands out for the many animations and soundeffects.The main features introduced in this version include also:* MULTIPLAYER mode Wi-Fi or 3G using Google PlayGameServices:- Quick Match (the system selects a random player for you)- Send an invitation (you can invite friends from yourGoogle+circles, they will be notified by a push notification)- Look invitations (you can see pending invitations)* CHAT in order to communicate with opponents (the WhatWappreservesthe right to cancel this function if it isusedinappropriately)* Global RANKING* MULTIPLAYER mode BLUETOOTH to challenge their friends withoutthewait!* 3 different levels of difficulty Easy, Medium and Hard* 30+ GOALS for the single player mode and Multiplayer mode* Ability to finish a game with 21 and 31 points* Choose the type of control: if you play by moving the card orbytouching them twice* Choose the speed of the animation and the size ofplayingcards* Measure their skills by referring to the sectiononstatistics...and much more!The game includes the decks of cards listed below:+ Bergamasche+ Milanesi+ Napoletane+ Piacentine+ Siciliane+ Trevisane+ French (poker)+ Sarde+ Bresciane+ RomagnoleFor any questions, errors or clarification, please contact usbysending an e-mail to [email protected], or by writing on Twitterin@WhatWapp. This information is accessible directly fromtheapplication in the "Info" section.Follow us on:Facebook: fun!