Top 22 Apps Similar to 达龙影音

行動電視台(直播電視、VOD、網路第四台、線上看電視) 4.0
PPTV网络电视HD 3.0.2
PPTV网络电视AndroidPad客户端,一款由全球安装量最大的网络电视服务商PPTV聚力开发的AndroidPad视频客户端,支持对海量高清影视内容的点播。可在线观看“电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺、体育直播、游戏竞技、财经资讯”等丰富视频娱乐节目并且完全免费,是广受网友推崇的AndroidPad装机必备软件。PPTV network TVAndroidPad client, a global installed capacity by the largestInternet TVservice provider PPTV cohesion developed Android Padvideo client,support for the massive high-definition video contenton demand.Online watch "movies, TV series, animation, variety, livesports,games, sports, financial information" and other richvideoentertainment and totally free, is a widely respected AndroidPadusers installed the necessary software.
遠傳行動電視 5.2.6
Strong files of audio and video are on the remote mobile TV![Thisservice will stop providing App downloads after 2022/01/01,pleaseforgive me for the inconvenience!]
Fain TV – Mobile TV 6.2.2
VOD & TV channels (news, sports, drama, movies, animation…)
楓林電視 1.0.1
- 台灣大陸韓國日本電視綜藝- 可以加入我的最愛視頻和圖像節目和電視劇,從YouTube頻道,​​維基百科,官方Facebook頁面和其他社會資源聚集。- Taiwan andmainlandChina Korea Japan TV Entertainment- Can add to my favoritesVideo and image programs and TV shows from the YouTubechannel,Wikipedia, the official Facebook page and other socialresources togather.
MyVideo 影音隨看
A special zone for 0 yuan will be launched for a limited time,andpopular movies are domineering
PPTV聚力视频 6.0.6
聚力视频*一起玩出精彩!【好剧不停】『独家热播』《纳妾记第二季》7月19日全网独播,杨秋池花式撩妹“十八咚”!『WWE』 顶级摔角娱乐直播;无限制综合格斗,释放野性荷尔蒙!『热播大剧』《追击者》谍海升职记、《警花与警犬》萌犬战队来袭,《海棠依旧》还原周总理真实生活,还有《幻城》、《纳妾记第二季》即将火热上线;『力荐动漫』超时空要塞、亚尔斯兰战记2、天真与闪电、灵能百分百、弹丸论破3、食戟之灵、猪猪秀,7月新番、热浪来袭!『炫酷综艺』《花样男团》“六大男神”踏上东欧之旅、集体演绎男神经团的“相爱相杀”,《说出我世界》青年偶像、名人大腕,拨开迷雾分享人生故事!【聚力视频•2016精彩节目导视】剧集:幻城、欢乐颂、锦绣未央、青云志、胭脂综艺:我们结婚了、四大名助、无限挑战、蒙面歌王动漫:文豪野犬、画江湖之灵主、弹丸论破3、亚人电影:叶问3、荒野猎人、美人鱼、极盗者、地心营救、魔兽海外:记忆神探第4季、金装律师、迷离档案、侠胆雄狮第3季体育:欧洲杯、美洲杯、亚冠、欧冠、西甲、足协杯爱自制:纳妾记、执念师第2季、皇后策、虫图腾【特色功能】1、弹幕:边看视频边吐槽的功能2、多屏互动:将手机上的视频“投影”到电视机、电脑上进行观看3、上次播放位置:提供历史记录上次看到的位置功能,直接快速的从上次观看的位置接着播放4、记录同步:手机、电脑上的播放记录及进度,完全保持同步和一致5、离线缓存:下载视频后,在没有网络的环境下一样可以观看6、语音搜索:提供语音搜索影片名称,无需打字7、清晰度调节:视频提供流畅、高清、超清、蓝光等多种清晰度8、频道管理:可以对喜欢的频道进行排序,随时浏览频道推荐9、VIP特权:提供VIP免广告特权及VIP专属影片内容【联系我们】如果您想与其他用户一起交流和分享,可以加入聚力视频安卓官方QQ群:120335368如果您想与聚力视频进行商务合作,请联系QQ:450805571
McCabe is Internet TV with various programs At present, therearesports broadcasts, game shows, music shows, and variety shows,andmore diverse and rich programs will be launched in the futuretocreate an exclusive all-round audio-visual platform!
News, live and on-demand services from Japan
PlayTo 2.3
Stream media to Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, Chromecast, XBox,withsubscriptions.
Tubio - Cast Web Videos to TV 3.36
The easiest way to stream online video & music to SmartTV,Chromecast, Airplay!
PlayTo Chromecast 2.3
Stream media to Chromecast, Roku, Apple TV, Fire TV, XBox&Smart TV's
央视影音 6.1.63
“央视影音”移动客户端是CNTV中国网络电视台的主打产品,聚合了央视旗下海量的独家资源,涵盖了140多路直播频道、1300多个名栏目以及影视剧、纪录片等优质内容,为全球用户提供以电视直、点播为主的移动视频服务,给您带来便捷、流畅、清晰的观看体验。1、全新界面更美观,更简洁,更易用,看法从此大不同。2、趣味互动吐槽,投票,答题,玩转电视嗨不停。3、直播大全央视、卫视、地方台,超百路高清直播随时预约,随心收看。4、超级视库2700余个电视栏目,海量视频资源,满足你所有需求。5、畅听电视走路开车也能听,高清音质省流量。6、时移回看直播一键回看,不错过任何精彩瞬间。7、极速下载万部影视大片极速下载,从此告别卡顿缓冲。"CCTV video" mobileclientis network television CNTV China's flagship product,thepolymerization exclusive CCTV's massive resources, coveringmorethan 140 channel broadcast channels, more than 1,300 columnsand TVdrama, documentaries and other premium content for usersworldwideprovide direct TV, on-demand-based mobile video servicesto bringyou convenient, smooth, clear viewing experience.1, the new interfaceMore beautiful, more concise, easier to use, the views from thisbigdifference.2, fun and interactiveTucao, vote, answer, Fun TV Hi-stop.3, live DaquanCCTV, TV, local stations, over one hundred high definitionbroadcastat any time appointment, heart to watch.4, super visual libraryMore than 2700 TV programs, massive video resources to meet allofyour needs.5, Cheong listen to TVFoot drive can listen to HD sound provincial traffic.6, moved back to seeLive a key look back, do not miss any moments.7, speed downloadTen thousand television dramas and movies download speed,breakingaway from Caton buffer.
AllCast - Send videos to your Chromecast, Roku, Xbox, Apple TV,orSmart TV
唯心電視直播頻道 4.0
成立宗旨:養賢蓄才、振民育德、高尚其志、世界和平因應科技潮流及日新月異的生活方式,弘法事業由現場傳法到視訊傳達己成為一種趨勢。唯心聖教唯心宗宗主 混元禪師為使法脈傳承無遠弗屆,達到家家是淨土的理念,籌備唯心電視,期使生活在每個空間,不同領域的有緣大眾法雨均霑,進而達到世界和平。唯心電視台的成立,亦是為了將易經風水弘揚世界,唯心聖教唯心宗 宗主 混元禪師 於2009年成立唯心電視台,讓大家學易經 做人處事可安心 ; 大家學易經 身體健康心安寧大家學易經 做事工作可順心 ; 大家學易經 大人小孩皆聰明大家學易經 公司客戶無欺心 ; 大家學易經 修行道上可見性大家學易經 家庭圓滿一條心 ; 大家學易經 國家社會見太平八句真言,是我們的主旨,「生活要平安,唯有易經與風水」,想要「知命,轉命,再造命」嗎?想要擁有不一樣的人生嗎?唯有「大家學易經」,用『易』於生活!請鎖定唯心電視台唯心電視 祈願世界永和平、人人心安寧,阿彌陀佛!Mission Statement:YinYang build it, Zhenmin Yude, noble chi, world peaceIn response to the ever-changing technology trends andlifestyle,preaching career by a live video transmission method tocommunicatehas become a trend. Spiritual holy church idealism weresovereign BIZen lineage to make law far-reaching, reaching everyfamily is theconcept of the Pure Land, preparing idealism TV, ofmaking life ineach space, destined to different areas of publiclaw rainequitably, thus achieving the world peace.Spiritual television establishment, also the I Ching Feng Shuiisto promote the world,Spiritual holy church were sovereign idealism idealist BIJacksontelevision station founded in 2009, soDoing things we learn in life can ease the I Ching; everyonetolearn healthy heart peace ChingWe can learn to work things Ching liking; everyone to learnbothadults and children clever ChingWe learn no Qi Xin Yi Jing corporate customers; everyone tolearnto practice trail visibility ChingWe learn Ching successful family of one mind; everyone tolearnto see the I Ching national social peaceEight mantra is our theme, "Life should be safe, only the IChingand Feng Shui"Want "attitude to life, turn life, recycling life" it? Wanttohave a different life?Only "we learn the I Ching," using the "Easy" in life!Please lock idealism TVSpiritual TV world forever pray for peace, peaceful peoplewho,Amitabha!
搜狐视频-免费高清美剧电影视频播放器 6.6.0
搜狐课堂,你的随身课堂,学你所想,用知识做个巨人!精彩热剧看不停:欢乐颂2、夏至未至、盲约、择天记、特工皇妃楚乔传、如果可以这样爱,更多好剧只在搜狐!《林子大了》:郭德纲父子上演情景喜剧;《寻阁传》:民国魔幻神作媲美《无心法师》;《谁寄锦书来》:青春爆款剧,穿越又有新玩法;《人民的名义》:陆毅领衔超强阵容,开启反腐之路;《漂洋过海来看你》:朱亚文王丽坤诠释职场唯美爱情;《神探狄仁杰之情花金人案》:集悬疑惊悚于一身的烧脑剧作;【搜狐视频,正在热播】搜狐出品必精品:贴身校花、屏里狐、法医秦明、THE KELLY SHOW、屌丝男士;狐小狐强推综艺:最强大脑4、艾伦秀、厉害了我的歌、中国式相亲;视频搞笑自媒体:暴走官方、飞碟说、贱贱你就笑、嘿科技酷玩、陛下开饭了;频道热播电视剧:三生三世十里桃花、鸡毛飞上天、糊涂县令郑板桥;正版美剧抢先看:破产姐妹5、黑名单3、吸血鬼日记7、谍网、生活大爆炸;在家惬意看电影:从你的全世界路过、奇幻森林、海洋奇缘、太空旅客;热门动漫看不停:画江湖之杯莫停、辛普森一家人、粉红猪小妹、妖精的尾巴;播遍精彩日韩剧:心里的声音、孤独的美食家、夜行书生、扑通扑通love;【软件特点】热门综艺,高清美剧,日韩动漫,美女直播,自媒体搞笑,只在搜狐视频;优酷、爱奇艺、腾讯、乐视、PPTV、PPS等热门剧集应有尽有;精品自制剧,搜狐出品,必属精品新鲜有趣自媒体,原创吐槽涨姿势;热点频道,观全球、看现场;预约精彩内容,从此再不错过关注官方账号获取热门视频资讯、参与活动赢取福利噢~:官方QQ粉丝群:435505340官方微信:搜狐视频移动客户端sohutvapp官方微博:搜狐视频移动客户端Sohu classroom,yourportable classroom, learn what you want, to be a giantwithknowledge! Wonderful to see non-stop hot drama: Ode to Joy2,before the arrival of the summer solstice, the blind about,selectdays in mind, the Secret Princess Chu Qiao pass, so if youcanlove, only more good drama Sohu!"Big woods": Guo Degang and his son staged sitcom;"Court seeking Biography": Republican rival Magic Godas"unintentional Master";"Who sent the book to Kam": youth explosion models show,throughthere are new ways;"Name of the people": Lu Yi led super team, to open the roadofcorruption;"You look across the sea": Zhu Yawen Wang Likuninterpretationworkplace beautiful love;"Detective Di Renjie of love flowers Jin Case": suspensethrillerset in one of the burning brain plays;Sohu video, being hit]Sohu products will be fine: close Xiaohua, screen in Fox,forensicQin, THE KELLY SHOW, Cock silk men;Fennec fox strong push Variety: the strongest brain 4, Allenshow,much to my songs, Chinese-style blind date;Funny video from the media: runaway official, said the UFO, youarecheap cheap laugh, hey technology Coldplay, His Majestythedinner;Channel hit TV series: Sansei III miles peach, feathersflyoverhead, confused magistrate Zheng Banqiao;Genuine American TV Behind the Scenes: 2 Broke Girls 5, 3blacklist,The Vampire Diaries 7, spy network, The Big BangTheory;Comfortable watching movies at home: passing from your worldoffantasy forests, oceans Romance, space tourist;Popular cartoon watch non-stop: painting rivers and lakesParadis,Simpsons, Peppa Pig, Fairy Tail;Broadcast over the wonderful Japanese drama: the voice of theheart,lonely gourmets, nocturnal scholar, thump thump love;[Software characteristic]Popular variety, HD American TV, Japanese and Korean animation,livebeauty, from the media funny, Sohu video only;Youku, love Fantastic Art, Tencent, music, as, PPTV, PPS andotherpopular series everything;Fine home-made drama, Sohu produced, will be fineFresh and interesting from the media, original Tucaoupposture;Hot channel and watch the world, look at the scene;Reservation exciting content, since we do not missWatch the official account acquisition popular videoinformation,participate in activities to win welfare oh:QQ official fan group: 435 505 340Official micro letter: Sohu video mobile client sohutvappOfficial blog: Sohu video mobile clients
Imaging Edge Mobile 7.8.0
Transferring images/videos
LG TV SmartShare-webOS 1.4.0
[Overview]※ “LG TV SmartShare-webOS” offers different servicethan"SmartShare" that comes pre-iinstalled on your LGElectronicssmartphone. In other words, SmartShare has been upgradedtointegrate pre-installed Gallery, Music, Video players, all withthesame functions.[Service overview]LG TV SmartShare-webOS lets you to enjoy video, music or photoonyour smartphone from your LG Smart+ TV(webOS).※ The service is available regardless of whether you have the TagOnsticker (The sticker may not be on some models depending ontherelease date per country).[How to use]1. Connect your smartphone on the same Wi-Fi network astheTV.2. Select and play the file from the LG TVSmartShare-webOSapplication.3. Tab "Share" icon on the top right of image viewer ormediaplayer, then select the TV to view the file on to play it onthe TVof your choice.[Caution]- Both the smartphone and TV must be on the samewirelessnetwork.- Miracast is supported by the smartphone models from LGElectronicsonly and is available from the LG Smart TV(webOS)application.- Supported media formats are as following:■ Image : JPEG, PNG, BMP■ Music : MP3■ Video clip- Video codec : DivX6, XViD(except 3 warp-point GMC), MPEG-4- Audio codec : MPEG-1 Layer II, MPEG-1 Layer III (MP3), AAC■ Subtitle : SMI[Supported device]- TV : LG webOS models released in 2014- Smartphone : LG models higher than G2, or Samsung modelshigherthan Galaxy S4[Contact us]LG Twin Towers, 20 Yeouido-dong, Youngdeungpo-gu, Seoul, Korea
Best media experience for you, give it a try - you won't regret it!
Mivo - Watch TV Online & Social Video Marketplace 3.25.22
Imagine! You can enjoy your favourite TV Online show easilyandjoinlive chat with audiences in all channels. Also, you canwatchlatesttrending videos and share it with friends and family!Now,you canbuild a homey feeling anytime - anywhere and getanupdatedinformation easily! Let's explore more than 50 TVOnlinechannelsboth from Indonesian local channels and alsoInternationalchannelswith the best streaming quality. You can alsoenjoy allchannelswithout ads by subscribing on feature ofRemove-Ads. Let'sexploreall TV channels and enjoy your favoriteprograms easily.Now, youcan watch online TV Indonesia such as ANTV,Trans TV,Trans7, TVOne, Metro TV, NET, and other TV channels. Don’tforgetto give us5 Stars if you like this app. Enjoy watching Mivoandkeep yourinternet connection sufficiently to get a smoothlivestreaming.Have a lively day! ______________ Why you needtoactivate thesepermissions? Storage - to store this app inyourdevice Systemtools - give a shortcut in your home screenLocation -pointing tothe nearest server's location Running apps -providedetailsinformation when you send feedback Contact card - toknowyoubetter when contacting us Network - source power forInternetPhonestate - when signing up, the app will try toauto-populateyourmobile number so you don't have to enter itmanually. SMS - andtheapp will auto-populate the Activation CodeSMS so you don't havetoenter it manually