Top 15 Apps Similar to Hrvatska Vijesti

Novine HR 1.6.4
Milan Bibic
Novine HR enables you to read alldailynewspapers from Croatia in one place.Currently supported newspapers:- 24 Sata- Dnevnik- Dnevno- Index- Jutarnji list- Poslovni dnevnik- Slobodna Dalmacija-Tportal- Večernji list
Croatia News (Hrvatska) 9.2
Fast way to read Croatia (Hrvatska) News (Vijesti) inCroatian(Hrvatski)
Vijesti 5.0.3
News, the most popular portal in Montenegro and theAndroidplatform! 1.3
Nova TV d.d.
[hr] Putem aplikacije pratitetočne,objektivne,pravovremene i zanimljive vijesti iz Hrvatske isvijeta,a svojdoživljaj vijesti obogatite kvalitetnim videoprilozima tebogatimfotogalerijama. aplikacija omogućujevampregledsvakodnevnih političkih, gospodarskih vijestiibrojnezanimljivosti te lagane showbizz teme. [en] Get thelatestnewsfrom Croatia with android application. Weprovideyouwith correct, objective, prompt and interesting newsenrichedwithquality video footage and impressive photography.Followeverydaypolitical and economic news and stay up to date withtriviaandentertainment.
B92 3.7.1
Vesti, članci i komentari sa sajta B92, galerija, video ivremenskaprognoza.
Kurir 4.9.0
Najbrže i najnovije vesti 0/24!
Bosna Vijesti 1.3.1
Bosna Vijesti je cjelovita i veoma jednotavna aplikacija zavijesti.Budite obavješteni o najnovijim događajima iz Bosne iinozemstva.Bosna Vijesti sadrži vijesti najposjećenijihinternetskih stranica uBosanski. Čitajte o najnovijim nacionalnimi međunarodnim vijestima,sportskim novostima i vremenu, ipodijelite Vama najinteresantijevijesti na Facebooku i Twitteru.
Croatia News 7.7
Croatia News, all news and newspapers for you!
Croatia Newspapers 3.1
Croatia's most widely read newspapers and news in this application.
Crna Gora Vijesti 1.1
Crna Gora Vijesti je aplikacija za vesti koja je potpuna iveomalaka za korišćenje. Budite obavešteni o najnovijim dešavanjimauCrna Gora i inostranstvu. Crna Gora Vijesti prikazujenovinskečlanke sa najposećenijih novinskih sajtova u Crna Gora.Proveritenajnovije vesti iz zemlje i inostranstva, sportske novostiivremensku prognozu, a najinteresantnije vesti podeliteprekoFacebook-a i Twitter-a.
News Suite by Sony
◇Selecting the Share on Twitter ButtonCausesthe Android Version of the News Suite App to CrashOn the current version of the News Suite App, selecting the ShareonTwitter button while on the article details screen can cause theappto crash.To avoid this bug, use the Share button on the top right ofthearticle details screen, select "Share to other apps," andselectTwitter from the list of available apps.We are currently looking into a fix for this bug, but pleaseusethis workaround for the time being.We apologize for any inconvenience this may be causing.THE ONLY NEWS APP YOU NEEDWith News Suite, you no longer have to visit multiple sites andappsto stay in the know. It organizes articles from 1000s of feedsintotwo tabs so it’s easy to find what’s relevant to you. The“News” tabkeeps you up to date on a wide range of current affairs,while the“My Feeds” tab brings you articles customized to yourpersonalinterests. We’ve partnered with the world’s mostpopularpublications so there’s always new, quality content toengageyou.YOUR NEWS, TWO WAYS- With our unique two-tab design, you can switch between thenewsyou want and the news you need with the tap of a finger.-The “News” tab is where you can read up on a wide rangeoforganized genres such as: General News, Entertainment, Sports,Foodand more.-The “My Feeds” tab is where we bring you a personalized arrayofcontent based on your favorite topics.CUSTOMIZABLECustomizing your “My Feeds” tab is simple. Just choose topicsfromthe list or use our popular “Keyword Register” to enter thenamesof things like your favorite celebrities, companies, brandsandwhere you live––we’ll give you all the latest news on them,inchronological order.KNOW NOW-When you enable push notifications you’ll receive importantnewsstories as soon as they develop.-With our ”Scheduled News” feature, you can customizepushnotifications for certain topics to appear periodically.SAVE AND SHAREYou can save articles to your bookmarks list to read later. Plus,wemake it easy to share your favorite stories with friends onFacebookand Twitter.Click here for FAQs & support information for Use-■ Setting Up Push Notifications ■Users can receive periodic updates via push notificationswith"Scheduled News," as well as push notifications for importantnewsarticles with "Additional feeds and other info ofinterest"You can turn notifications on or off, and set timings, byselecting"Settings," followed by "Notifications," from the upperrightmenu.■ For Xperia Users Wishing to Uninstall the App ■If you wish to uninstall the app from your Xperia device, you mayormay not be able to do so depending on your device's model. Insuchcases, you can go to "Settings," followed by "Apps," and thenselect"Disable."
Croatia News 1.0
News paper List :- Jutarnji List- Vecernji List- T Portal- Slobodna Dalmacija- HRT- Novi List- Poslovni Dnevnik- Glas Istre- Sport Net- 1 Klik- Dalje- Glas Slavonije- Dubrovacki Vjesnik- VIP- Metro Express- Viroviticki List- HINA- Business- Nacional- Glas Concila- La Voce del Popolo- Croatian Times- Karlovacki Tjedniklot moreFeatures :• Fastest Speed on 2G networks.• All Croatia Newspapers in one application 1.0
Ivan Covic je news portalkojidonosipolitičke analize, mišljenja i vijesti koje nemožetepročitatinigdje drugdje.Potpuno neovisni od banaka, reklamnih agencijaikorumpiranihpolitičkih stranaka, donosimo stavove istinskihboracazademokraciju i slobodu u Hrvatskoj.Promoviramo one inicijative i pokrete koji su sesvojomborbomdokazale da žele dobro i da rade dobro.Na vama je da čitate i kritički ocjenjujete ono što pišemo.Kad nepravda postane zakon, otpor postaje dužnost! isanewsportal that brings political analysis, opinion and newsthatyoucan not read anywhere else.Fully independent from banks, advertising agenciesandcorruptpolitical parties, bringing the views of truefightersfordemocracy and freedom in Croatia.We promote those initiatives and movements that haveproventheirfight to wish well and do good.For you to read and critically assess what we write.When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty!
HR NEWS 1.87
HR News ist einmobilerNachrichten-Aggregatorvon Trenkwalder zum Thema HumanResources. HRNews erfasst aktuelleInhalte unterschiedlicherWebseiten – nationalund international –und macht sie den Nutzernschnell undstrukturiert zugänglich.Das besondere an HR News ist: Die komplette Appistkonfigurierbar– von Kategorien über News-Kanäle allesisteditierbar und kannerweitert werden, um so ihren persönlichenNewsAggregator zukreieren. Zusätzlich bietet HR NewsweitereFunktionen wieBegriff-Suche im Fundus der Meldungen, SharevonMeldungen in alleKanäle, anlegen neuer Ketegorien undKeywords..etc. - mobil, überallund jederzeit!Als Source dienen Blogs, Websiten, RSS FeedsundSozialeNetzwerke.HR News durchsucht ständig und aktuell die Sourcesnachneuenrelevanten Informationen – so werden Sie niewiedereineNeuigkeiten verpassen und diese alserstesausgespieltbekommen.Gefüllt mit jeder Menge Informationen für HR Professionalsonthego.Sparen sie sich das wälzen von hunderten Newslettern–Siebrauchen nur noch HR News um immer uptodate zu sein!Installieren Sie sich diese kostenlose HR ManagementAppnochheute!--------------------------------HR Kategorien--------------------------------・ Top Nachrichten・ HR Management・ Arbeitsrecht・ Arbeitsmarkt・ Recruiting・ Blogs・ International・ Twitter--------------------------------Funktionen--------------------------------・ Vorgegebene Kategorien erweitern und bearbeiten・ Neue, eigene Kategorien erstellen und mit Inhalten befüllen・ Neue News-Sources hinzufügen und die vorhanden editieren・ Erstellen von HR unabhängigen Kategorien wie z.B.Fussball,Politiketc.・ Intelligenter Textshortener als Preview-Text-Anzeige・ Swipe und Wisch Techniken zum blättern innerhalb der News・ Verlinkung auf den gesamten Text innerhalb der App・ Wiedergabe von Videos, Bildern, GallerienHR News is amobilenewsaggregator Trenkwalder about Human Resources. HRNewsrecordedcurrent contents of different websites -nationallyandinternationally - and makes them accessible to usersquicklyandstructured.The special feature of HR News is: The entire appisconfigurable- from categories on news channels everythingiseditable and can beextended to create as their personalnewsaggregator. In addition,HR News provides additional functionssuchas search term in thefundus of the messages, Share messages inallchannels, create newKetegorien and keywords .. etc. -mobile,anywhere, anytime!As source serve blogs, web sites, RSS feedsandsocialnetworks.HR news constantly and currently available forsearchingthesources for new relevant information - so you willnever missanews again and these get played first.Filled with all kinds of information for HR professionalsonthego.Save yourself the roll of hundreds newsletters - you onlyneedHRNews to always be uptodate!Install this free HR Management App today!--------------------------------HR Categories--------------------------------· Top News· HR Management· Employment Law· Labour Market· Recruiting· Blogs· International· Twitter--------------------------------Features--------------------------------· Enhance and edit Default Categories· Last, create your own categories and fill it with content· Add new news sources and the available edit· Creating HR independent categories such asFootball,politicsetc.· Intelligent Textshortener as Preview-text display· Swipe and wiping techniques to scroll within the News· Linking to all of the text within the app· Playback of videos, images, galleries
Hrvatska Vijesti 1.3.1
Hrvatska Vijesti je cjelovita i veoma jednotavna aplikacijazavijesti. Budite obavješteni o najnovijim događajima iz Hrvatskeiinozemstva. Hrvatska Vijesti sadrži vijestinajposjećenijihinternetskih stranica u Hrvatskoj. Čitajte onajnovijim nacionalnimi međunarodnim vijestima, sportskim novostimai vremenu, ipodijelite Vama najinteresantije vijesti na Facebooku iTwitteru.