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推酷-个性科技阅读应用,开发者产品经理极客科技爱好者专属 3.2.3
CSDN新聞 1.4
读读日报 - 知乎出品,知乎日报官方升级版 1.4.0
Zhihu Inc.
读读日报——官方升级版的知乎日报。在读读日报,关注你感兴趣的主编和日报,就能获取当日最适合你的好内容。你也可以创建自己的日报,亲自当主编,分享好品味。现在升级你的知乎日报:• 包含全部「知乎日报」内容:你喜欢的编辑选荐文章,读读日报全部收录并同步更新,点击「知乎日报」即可一览合集。• 导入原版知乎日报中的收藏:绑定原有新浪微博帐号(腾讯微博服务不稳定,暂不支持导入),即可一键导入所有收藏内容。读读日报,大有可读:• 你认可的人,为你筛选:你认可的人,要比机器更可靠。发现你认可的主编和日报,根据他们的品味,为你筛选内容。• 推荐语更好看:吸引你的,除了标题,还有更有趣的推荐语,可能比原文更好看。• 简单清晰的阅读体验:一键切换「阅读模式」,与正文无关的内容通通消失,让阅读更轻松。在读读日报当主编:• 创建你的日报:收集你喜欢的所见所闻,还能及时看到朋友的评论。• 分享你的看法:推荐文章时,记得写下你的看法,它和文章同样重要。• 一切链接皆可推:不止文章,音乐、视频、漫画……所有链接,都可以加入你的日报。• 多人协作一份日报:邀请你的朋友,和你编辑同一份日报,分享共同的乐趣。• 给读者起个昵称:试试修改你的日报读者的昵称,自由发挥,让你的日报更有趣。读读日报,更符合你口味的知乎日报。希望你会喜欢。使用遇到问题?摇一摇即可快速反馈,和我们一起让读读日报变得更好。合作请联系:[email protected] daily - anupgradedversion of the official know almost daily.In read daily newspaper, attention and newspaper editor youareinterested, you can get the day most suitable for yourgoodcontent. You can also create your own daily newspaper,personallyas editor, to share good taste.Upgrade now you know almost daily:• include all "know almost daily" content: your favoriteeditorselected recommended articles, read daily update andsynchronizeall included, click "know almost daily" to listcollection.• Import know almost daily in the original collection:Bindingoriginal Sina Weibo account (Tencent microbloggingserviceinstability, does not support the import), you can importallcollections a key content.Read daily newspaper, a great read:• Do you recognize the person, as you filter: you recognizetheperson than the machine more reliable. Find your editorandrecognized daily, according to their tastes, as youfiltercontent.• Recommended language look better: appeal to you, in additiontothe title, there are more interesting recommended language,maylook better than the original.• simple and clear reading experience: a key switch "read mode"hasnothing to do with the content of the text disappearsaltogether,make reading easier.Read daily when the editor:• Create Your daily: Collect your favorite see and hear, butalsoin time to see your friends' comments.• Share your thoughts: Recommended article, remember to writedownyour thoughts, it is equally important, and articles.• All links Jieke push: more than articles, music, video,comic...... all links, you can join your newspaper.• Multiplayer collaboration a daily newspaper: Invite yourfriends,and you edit with a daily newspaper, share funtogether.• to readers from a nickname: Try to modify your dailyreadersnickname, free play, make your newspaper moreinteresting.Read the daily newspaper, more in line with your tastesknowalmost daily. I hope you like it.Use experiencing problems? Shake for quick feedback, and wereadthe newspaper together make it better.Cooperation please contact: [email protected]
Developer Daily 1.6.1
As software developer you needbestskill,however you should keep pace what happened in thisindustry.Use to"Developer Daily" to catch latest information ofindustry assoonas possible.Data-source:http://www.csdn.nethttp://geek.csdn.nethttp://www.oschina.net network bookmark directory.Support Facebook sharing, not necessary to install Facebookapp.
纸飞机 V3.2.0
集合了知乎日报、果壳精选和豆瓣一刻的综合性阅读客户端项目目前已经开源到GitHub,地址戳这里: comprehensivecollectionof art almost daily, Nutshell selection and watercressmoment toread the clientThe project is now open to GitHub, address stamp here:
读知乎 1.7
即刻 7.31.1
Interested community
CardNews 1.0.9
Follow Material Design, pure news reader
知乎每日精选 1.1.2
MikeTech-一个独立的科技类博客 3.3
MikeTech是周毅刚创建的个人科技类博客,平时会写一些关于Android和Java开发的文章,也会写一些基础的计算机方面文章,也会在博客上发布自己写的一些小程序~总之还是多多支持啦~MikeTech is 周毅刚createpersonal tech blog, usually write some articles about AndroidandJava development, will write some basic computer-relatedarticle,also published a number of small programs to write on theblog - inshort, it was a lot of support ~
China News | 中国新闻 10.2
Fast and easy way to read China (中国) News (新闻) in Chinese (汉语/漢語)onAndroid.