Top 12 Apps Similar to Midrand Montessori

Montessori Words & Phonics 2.1.5
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Montessori Math City 1.3
Learn to count up to 1000 with Montessori material, for kids from5years old
Montessori Phonics Reading Joy 2.0.0
This app is designed for Sweet littlekidswhounderstands phonics, alphabets, and short vowelphonics.Andstarted to read stories for short words on their own.They liketoread and enjoy rhyming stories with short vowelwords.This app is like a colourful multimedia interactivebook,whichallows kids to read on their own, with controloversentences,which can be read as well as tap & listen towords orstory.The UI is designed and optimised for little ones toengageand readfor hours. The text and story is designed fromvarious textbooksand learning from testing with many kids. This appbelievesandreinforces a strong montessori system of educationwherechildrennot only learns but explores on its own. Thepreschooltokindergarden kids would be delighted if they can read ontheirown.It acts as a reinforcement of their beliefsinthemselves.Provides 5 beautifully crafted short stories to engage andlearnthruvisual spatial techniques. Technology and education canbe awinningcombination and best teacher n its own rights.
Montessori Helper 4.0
Welcome to MontessoriHelper. I have beenaMontessori teacher and school owner for many years and Ihaveworked with children of all ages. I have learnt the valueofMontessori for early childhood development and how importantthatbecomes in later years.I hope to be able to share some of this knowledge withyou,whether you are a Montessori School, Teacher, Parent, orapreschool wanting to implement Montessori Methods. Montessoricanbe used at home as well as in a formal environment, and Iwillshare some great lessons and presentations that you can dowithyour own children or in a school.In addition to MontessoriHelper’s Free Lessons, Materialsandarticles about the Montessori Method, at Montessorihelper wehaveover 250+ Montessori Lessons and Materials that you can viewanddownload online in an instant when you become a PremiumMember.
Learn Montessori 123 numbers 1.0.4
Action-packed app that teaches kids numbers and essentialmathskills.
Montessori Words & Crosswords 2.1.0
Learn word building, reading, writing and spelling -320phonics-enabled words
Montessori en Casa 1.3
Acompaña a tus hijos en su desarrollo y ofréceles la oportunidaddealcanzar su máximo potencial. Montessori es acompañar eldesarrollodel ser humano La tarea de adulto en Montessori esacompañar eldesarrollo del ser humano de modo que cada niño puedaconvertirseen la mejor persona que pueda ser, que pueda brillar entodo supotencial, que pueda realizar su misión en el mundo y en elcosmosy así sentir que su vida tiene un sentido más allá de supropiaexistencia. Montessori es educación para la vida No sólo paralavida individual de cada niño, también para la vida en generaldetoda la humanidad, de todo el planeta. Montessori es educaciónparala paz "Una educación capaz de salvar a la humanidad no esunaempresa pequeña; implica el desarrollo espiritual del hombre,lamejora de su valor como individuo, y la preparación de losjóvenespara entender los tiempos en que viven." Maria Montessori
Montessori Math Challenge
A fun game to become faster at mental calculation
Montessori ABC Phonics 1.0
Rupal Mhawla
In today's schools, a common methodoflearningalphabets is through the phonics approach. Phonics isaway ofteaching a child to learn to recognize the sounds ofeachindividualletter. The fundamental principle of phonics is toblendsounds andletters which makes it easy for a child to learn toreadany newword by sounding it out.With rhythmic sounds and music, this app makesalphabetandphonics learning fun!!!An easy to use app with touch features that help achildeasilynavigate through pages.Special thanks to Shamsha Isani and Zeenia Charanifortheircontributions.
Montessori Cards Lite 1.0.5
Montessori Cards is designed withtheMontessoriMethod in mind.Your child will learn from the same cards as usedintheMontessori Method.We suggest that this Montessori Flashcard Application be usedasanextension to concrete learning lessons and materials(asareavailable at you have experienced the Free Version you canupgradetoreceive more Montessori Cards.The Full Version of Montessori Cards offers you accessto250+Montessori Flash Cards in the following subject areasHistory, Biology, Botany, Geography, The Arts,Sensorial,Science,Zoology, Maths, Music, Language- Pink Vowels- Types of dinosaurs- Parts of a bee- Parts of the body- Types of flowers- Maths shapes- Land and Water forms- Phases of the moon- Musical instruments- The Planets- Art Step 1 Level 1- Art Step 1 Level 2- Continents- North American countries- Colours- Parts of the skeleton- Types of vegetables- South American flags- Precious Stones- Types of wild cats
Greenland Montessori
Somos una institución educativa dirigidaaniños de edad preescolar comprometidos con la filosofíaMontessoriy el desarrollo integral de cada individuo, inculcando enellosvalores y respeto hacia la naturaleza, brindando asílasherramientas necesarias para que puedan desarrollar al máximosupotencial y sus talentos.Esta propuesta educativa, a parte de los incuestionables alcancesanivel cognitivo, es como lo dijera la misma DoctoraMontessori:“una educación para la vida”.We are aneducationalinstitution aimed at preschoolers committed toMontessoriphilosophy and integral development of every individual,instillingin them values ​​and respect for nature, providing thenecessarytools so that they can develop their full potentialandtalents.This educational proposal, part of the unquestioned reachacognitive level, is as I said the same Dr. Montessori:"educationfor life".
Montessori Tarjetas Lite 1.2
Tarjetas Montessori está diseñado con elmétodoMontessori en mente.Su hijo aprenderá de las mismas tarjetas que se utilizan enelmétodo Montessori.Sugerimos que esta aplicación Montessori Flashcard serutilizadocomo una extensión al concreto lecciones de aprendizajeymateriales (como están disponibles en usted ha experimentado la versión gratuita sepuedeactualizar a recibir más Montessori Cards.La versión completa de Montessori Tarjetas le ofrece acceso a250+Montessori Tarjetas Flash en los siguientes temasHistoria, Biología, Botánica, Geografía, Las Artes,Sensorial,Ciencia, Zoología, Matemáticas, Música, Idiomas- Rosa Vocales- Tipos de dinosaurios- Partes de una abeja- Partes del cuerpo- Tipos de flores- Formas matemáticas- Formas de Tierras y Aguas- Fases de la luna- Instrumentos musicales- Los Planetas- Arte Paso 1 Nivel 1- Arte Paso 1 Nivel 2- Continentes- Los países de América del Norte- Colores- Las partes del esqueleto- Tipos de verduras- Banderas suramericanas- Piedras Preciosas- Tipos de gatos salvajesCards Montessoriisdesigned with the Montessori method in mind.Your child will learn the same cards used in theMontessorimethod.Montessori flashcard suggest that this application be used asanextension to the specific learning lessons and materials (asareavailable in you have experienced the free version you can upgradetomore Montessori Cards.The full version of Montessori Card gives you access to250+Montessori Flash Cards on the following topicsHistory, Biology, Botany, Geography, Arts, SensoryScience,Zoology, Mathematics, Music, Language- Rosa Vocal- Types of dinosaurs- Parts of a bee- Body parts- Types of flowers- Mathematical Methods- Forms of Land and Water- Phases of the Moon- Musical Instruments- The Planets- Art Step 1 Level 1- Art Step 1 Level 2- Continents- The countries of North America- Colors- The parts of the skeleton- Types of vegetables- South American flags- Gemstones- Types of feral cats