Top 3 Apps Similar to Jou Skool Akademie

e-Skool 1.11
e-Skool is a content based web solutionthatbridges the gap between a school and its community and aimsatunleashing the full potential of each student. e-Skool bringsawhole new level of collaboration between the school, itsfaculty,parents, and most importantly, its students.
E-skool coordinadores 1.2.2
E-skool coordinadoresE-skoolcoordinators
Trompsburg Primêre Skool 5.62.6
Trompsburg Primêre Skool streef om'ntoonaangewende Christelike Afrikaanse Skool te wees, waarelkeleerder in totaliteit ontwikkel word.Die doel van die Trompsburg Primêre Skool se toepassing isominligting van die skool aan ouers, leerlinge, oud-leerlingeenbesoekers deur te gee.Die meer oor funksie dui aan op ‘n kaart waar die skool geleëis.Daar is ook ‘n kontaknommer, epos adres en ‘n skakel nadieFacebookblad en webwerf van die skool.Die akademie funksie dui die skool se verskeidenheid vakke aanwataangebied word.Die sport funksie dui aan watter sportsoorte by die skoolaangebiedword, asook prestasies deur die leerlinge.Die kalender funksie dui die datums aan van al die skool segebeureen funksies.Die Trompetter funksie is die skool se nuusblad wat elkeVrydaggepubliseer word.Die kultuur funksie dui die skool se kultuuraktiwiteite aanasookuitslae wat behaal word deur die leerlinge.Die koshuis funksie dui aan wie die koshuisouers en die res vandiepersoneel by die koshuis is met kontaknommers.Die personeel funksie dui aan wie al die onderwysers by die skoolisen in watter vakke hul onderrig.Die fotos funksie wys hoe die skool lyk asook fotos van sportenkultuur gebeure.Die Lubbe Mini Mark funksie is die skool se hoof borg en dit ishuladvertensie met kontaknommers.Die Soute kabouter funksie gee inligting en ‘n kontaknommer deurvirdie kleuterskool.Die reünie funksie gee inligting vir oud-skoolliere rondom dieskoolse reünie in 2016.Trompsburg PrimarySchoolstrives to be a leading African Christian School to whicheverystudent is developed in totality.The purpose of the Trompsburg Primary School's applicationforinformation from the school to parents, pupils, former pupilsandvisitors by giving.More about function indicate on a map where the school islocated.There is also a contact number, email address and a link totheFacebook page and website of the school.The academy function indicates the school's varioussubjectsoffered.The sports function indicates what sports are offered at theschool,as well as performances by the pupils.The calendar function indicate the dates of all school eventsandfunctions.The Trompetter feature is the school's newspaper is publishedeveryFriday.The cultural function indicates the school's cultural activitiesandresults achieved by the pupils.The residence feature indicates who the hostel parents and therestof the staff at the residence with contact numbers.The staff function indicates to whom all the teachers at theschooland what subjects they teach.The photos feature shows how the school looks and photos ofsportand culture events.The Lubbe Mini Market feature is the school's main sponsor andtheiradvertisement with contact numbers.The Salts puck function information and a contact number bythekindergarten.The reunion function information for former skoolliere aroundtheschool reunion in 2016.