Top 18 Apps Similar to Easy! Drive Recorder

DriveRecorder 2.0.1
a drive recorder -- it is an application.
カーナビタイム オフライン可・ナビゲーション・渋滞・カーナビ・ドライブレコーダー・無料お試しあり
カーナビタイムは圏外でも使える本格カーナビです!常に最新の地図で、リアルタイムな渋滞情報を考慮したルートを案内!オービスの通知やよく通る道の学習も行います。お出かけにも仕事にも、クルマの内装に合ったデザインでスマートフォンならではの高性能ナビゲーションをご体験ください。NAVITIMEのハイエンドカーナビをお楽しみください。★注意★F-01Jなどの一部の端末で画面が表示されない問題が確認されております。お手数ですが、Playストアから「AndroidシステムのWebView」の更新をお願いします。◆月額コース、年額コースには初回に限り、31日間のお試し期間が用意されております◆※お試し期間については、こちらをご確認ください。【カーナビの特長】★遠くまで見通せる3Dスカイビュー表示・地図を3Dモードにすることで普通より先まで見通すことができます★愛車のあらゆる記録を残す「車両管理」機能・給油の記録から、燃費の推移をグラフで分かり易くチェック・プロフィールに愛車の写真をセット・タイムラインで愛車の記録を見易く振り返る★大型車向け&二輪車向けのルートを探索・車種ごとの料金案内や一部の通行規制を考慮・二輪車向けルートにも対応( 設定 > ルート検索条件 > 車種設定 )★Android Wearでもっと安全快適なドライブを・Wear上でルートの進捗率をサッと確認できます・心拍数から運転手の眠気を感知し、休憩を提案します★声でアプリを操作できる「ボイスコントロール」機能・音声で地図の操作、スポット検索、自宅までのルート案内開始など多くの操作が可能★最新の渋滞情報や未来の渋滞を予測したルート検索&リアルタイムリルート提案・1分ごとに更新されるVICS渋滞情報と過去の渋滞情報から未来の渋滞予測を考慮し、快適なルートを提案★オフライン(圏外)での検索&音声ナビゲーション・オフラインでも端末に保存した地図を利用してルート案内が可能(リルートも高速)・同様にオフラインでも数十万件の主要スポットの中から目的地を検索可能★常に最新の地図&スポット情報・通信圏内では、最新の地図でナビゲーション・スポット情報もメジャーな観光地から穴場まで豊富に取り揃え、デートや旅行などのお出かけのプランニングにも★突然の雨にも安心!目的地のお天気情報や未来の降雨情報を提供!・ルート案内開始時、案内中、到着時に目的地や経路上の天候情報をお知らせ致します・1時間前から6時間後までの全国の降雨情報を地図上でサッと確認できます★いつもの道をアプリが学習して優先的に使用・走行履歴を学習し、よく走る道を優先的に通るルートを検索★渋滞情報を簡易マップで表示・全国の渋滞・規制情報を一つのマップ上で確認可能・12時間後までの渋滞予測情報も閲覧可能★安全な運転をサポートするオービス通知 ルート案内中にオービスが近づくと音声と地図上のアイコンでお知らせ★リアルタイムな駐車場満車空車情報&ガソリン価格情報・駐車場の満車空車情報を地図上にアイコンで表示・地図上のガソリンスタンドに最新のガソリン価格を表示★PC版NAVITIMEにもログイン可能・設定したNAVITIME IDを使ってPC版NAVITIMEにログインし、My地点やMyルートの共有も可能■こんな方にオススメです。・車のカーナビの地図が古くて使いにくい!・オフライン(圏外)でも利用したい・山の中を走行中でもオフラインに対応しているからスポット検索できる・交通情報(交通渋滞や、オービス)の警報/通知がほしい!・カーナビ初心者でお試しで使ってみたい!・据え置き型のカーナビが高すぎる・AndroidWearとカーナビをリンクしたい!・3300万人が使うナビタイムのカーナビです。・多機能な音声ナビローカルに地図があるのでオフラインでも音声ナビができます!」・熱狂的ファンが多いカーナビ。見やすいマップ。」「エリート、インテリジェントナビ。」■その他の機能は下記リンクよりナビタイムのページを御覧ください【オフラインで使える機能】 以下の機能はオフラインでご利用可能です。 ・地図の表示/操作(渋滞情報の表示は不可) ・ルート検索(ルートのバリエーションは"推奨"、"高速"、"無料"のみ) ・音声案内(交差点名称の読みあげ、案内画像の表示は不可) ・フリーワード検索 ・My地点、Myルート、地点検索履歴の登録/参照(サーバーとの同期は不可) ・自宅へ帰る(自宅登録は不可) ・住所検索 ・設定変更【Android Wearアプリについて】本アプリケーションはAndroid Wearアプリに対応しています。眠気感知機能は心拍センサーが搭載された端末のみ有効です。【お知らせ】・Ver.2.0.0以降のアップデート、インストールは、性能要件の関係でAndroidOS4.0以降の端末のみ適用されます。  Android OS 2.x系、3.x系の端末は、Ver1.18.1のアプリケーションが適応されます。【本アプリが取得する情報】本アプリは以下の情報を取得します。・現在地情報 →正確にナビゲーションを行うため →周辺の渋滞情報や施設等を表示するため など・フルインターネットアクセス →渋滞情報や案内情報などをダウンロードするため・Google Play 請求サービス →課金の決済に Google ウォレットを使用にするため・ネットワーク状態の表示 →圏外時に通信を行わない制御をするため・電話番号発信 →ボイスコントロールで施設等に電話を発信するため・カメラデバイスの取得 →ARモード、ドライブレコーダー機能で利用するため【価格】月額:600円(税込)年額:5,700円(税込)※初回登録に限り、31日間のお試し期間が用意されております。 詳細はこちら※定期購入コースでは「Google Playギフトカード」での購入はできません。※Yahoo、楽天決済は非対応【動作環境】・対象OS:Android4.0以上※4.0未満の場合、最新のアプリがインストールできない場合があります。・通信速度:3G回線等以上※地図のダウンロードにはWi-Fi接続が必要です。---------------------------------------------------【オフライン時のデータ】ローカルデータサイズ:約1.6GB☆徒歩や電車でのおでかけは「NAVITIME(ナビタイム)」アプリを是非ご利用ください。☆「カーナビタイム」はNAVITIME(ナビタイム)、ドライブサポーターの高機能版アプリです。カーナビタイムは通信圏内でもご利用いただけるアプリです。またドライブサポーターは、車高車幅の設定がありません。類似アプリ:mapfan(マップファン)、yahooカーナビ、ナビロー
Cycle computer 1.18
It is an application equipped with a speedometer, GPS logger,anddrive recorder
MapcamDroid Radar detector 3.8.1023
★★★★★ Radar detector MapcamDroid is an app which warns thedriverabout the radars, speed cameras and potentially dangerousparts ofthe road. MapcamDroid will remind you about the observanceoftraffic rules and speed limit in time. Moreover, it can help youtoavoid an accident or a fine.
walter hsieh
AR GPS DRIVE/WALK NAVIGATION (augmented reality-poweredcarnavigation system)
Video Road Recorder 1.0.4
Simple and useful car dashboard camera app.
AP WIFI 3.4.0
行車紀錄器控制軟體,支持Wi-Fi直連1080P全高清行車記錄器 進行預覽、拍照、圖片、視頻下载到軟體播放等操作。主要功能:1.支持wifi無線連接行車紀錄器對視頻進行預覽; 2.支持對記錄器拍攝的照片和視頻進行觀看;
DashCam (Dashboard Camera) 4.1
Hamerkop Ltd
Description This application will allow you to use your phone asadashboard camera. Background recording is supported so you canuseyour phone for navigation, music, receiving phone calls, oreventurn the screen off while continuing to record looping video inthebackground. DashCam is currently being actively developed. Ifyouencounter a problem, please consider using the Email Developerlinkbelow rather than just leaving a low rating, that way I canattemptto resolve the problem for you ASAP. Free Features: *Backgroundvideo recording. * Notification for background recordingwith stoprecording, keep current video and open application actions- allthree available together only from Honeycomb (Android 3.0+). *Setfile duration, and number of files to keep - oldestfilesautomatically removed. * Disable recording beep - onlyavailable onJelly Bean MR1 (Android 4.2+). * Tap screen to storecurrent filepermanently while app is running. * Video preview withthe optionto disable preview while recording (reduces batteryusage). *Select storage folder location. * KitKat SD Card accesssupported.* Estimated storage requirements and warning if theseexceedavailable space. * Current file duration display. * Disablesoundrecording from settings * Lock App Orientation * ConfigureCameraRotation Offset - Some devices incorrectly report theorientationof the camera, causing a rotated image, this can bemanuallycorrected. * No ads / no internet connection required foruse (youwill need to be connected to upgrade to premium, but onlyfor thepurchase process). Premium Features * Auto Start StopRecording -When App starts, on Paired Bluetooth profileconnect/disconnect, onDock connect/disconnect (car dock, any dock,any power), on CarHome Screen open/close. * Auto stop is delayedtill the end of thenext file, so that in the event of an accidentand the phone comingout of the dock, or Bluetooth failing a fewminutes of extrafootage is recorded. This can be disabled insettings. *option tolog GPS for each video file, saved as GPX, KMLor KMZ format. *View route for kml and kmz files in Google Earthfrom file manager.* Set Video Resolution - NB This feature islimited to only max ormin resolution for Gingerbread and earlier(Before Android 3.0). *Set Video Frame rate * Lock the camera focuson infinity(experimental feature to stop some devices focussing onthewindscreen). * Auto keep current recording on highG-Forcedetected. * Manage stored and temporary files - Permanentlykeeptemporary files, delete files, view files (using the defaultplayerfor mp4 files, this may require installing a 3rd party playerofyour choice). * Clear all storage Notes: Files are written tothesubfolder "/DashCam" under the location you select. Files youtapto keep are moved to subfolder "/DashCam/Keep" Caveats /Knownissues: Some older phones ignore the video rotation whenrecording.The Nexus One for example. This means if you mount thesephones atan orientation other than their default the video willappearrotated on playback. This happens with the stock camera too.If youclose the app while recording, or if it is backgroundedwhenreceiving a phone call, and you have the video previewwhilerecording turned on, you will lose the preview until the nextfilestarts recording.
AutoKam - track recorder 1.0.94
Car camera AutoKam - Your track recorder and personal blackbox.
Ghi Hành Trình 1.0
GhiHanhTrinh là một phần mềm giúp chiếcđiệnthoại của bạn thành một camera hành trình chuyên nghiệp, ghihìnhgiao thông với các thông tin lộ trình, GPS, báo quá tốc độ, bảnđồvà hỗ trợ thực thế tăng cường (Augmented Reality)===== Tính năng =====1. Chọn được nhiều chế độ lấy nét để ghi hình2. Tùy chọn bộ nhớ để ghi hình dựa trên bộ nhớ trống hiện tạicủamáy (xem thêm Ghi chú 1)3. Tùy chọn nhiều độ phân giải để ghi hình (hỗ trợ lênđến1080p)4. Có thể chuyển đổi giữa camera trước và sau (Android 4.0trởlên)5. Tự động sao lưu dữ liệu khi cảm biến gia tốc được kíchhoạt.Có thể tùy chỉnh độ nhạy của càm biến gia tốc. Chức năng nàygiốngchức năng G-sensor trên các máy camera hành trình chuyêndụng.6. Tùy chọn khóa video không bị ghi đè bằng một thao tác đơngiảntrên giao diện chương trình.7. Hỗ trợ báo quá tốc độ8. Tự động gọi điện đến một số điện thoại được cài đặt trướckhicó sự cố9. Xem lại video đã ghi với thông tin bản đồ10. Tùy chọn thời lượng của video để ghi hình11. Tùy chọn Bật/Tắt ghi âm12. Tự động lưu video khi có cuộc gọi đến13. Chuyển đổi màn hình ghi hình với nhiều kiểu hiển thịbảnđồ14. Xuất video ghi được (.Mov) hoặc GPS log (.Log) ra máytínhthông qua iTunes15. Xuất video vào thư mục Camera trên máy với dữ liệu GPSvàchia sẽ qua email, SMS, và Youtube16. Chụp hình ảnh khi xem lại video đã ghi với thông tin vịtrívà có thể xuất ra thư mục Camera.17. Tùy chỉnh Độ sáng, Độ tương phản, Độ bão hòa và Độ mịntrênhình được chụp18. Hỗ trợ chế độ dẫn đường, chế độ khóa, chế độ xem hướngdichuyển trên bản đồ19. Hiển thị độ chính xác của vị trị đang định vị20. Hỗ trợ lên kế hoạch lộ trình21. Lưu địa chỉ và cập nhật từ mục Danh bạ để dễ dàng tạolộtrình. Hỗ trợ tìm theo tọa độ GPS.22. Chức năng hỗ trợ thực tại ảo (Augmented Reality) giúphiểnthị khoảng cách giữa vị trí hiện tại và vật cản phía trước23. Giao diện thân thiện và chuyên nghiệp, hỗ trợ màn hìnhnhiềumàn hình===== Ghi chú =====1. Khi bộ nhớ dùng để ghi hình được sử dụng hết thì chươngtrìnhsẽ ghi đè lại từ video cũ nhất, và bộ nhớ máy phải lớn hơn bộnhớdùng để ghi hình.2. Chương trình này cần kết nối Wifi hoặc 3G
ムジコロジー・ドライブ 1.0.7
■「ムジコロジー・ドライブ」の7つの機能①(ドライブレコーダー付)ドライブ診断 お車の急制動や衝突を検知して、その前後の映像を自動的に録画・保存します。加速・減速の安定性やハンドル操作の安定性など5つのポイントで採点され 総合点や個別の評価をみることが出来ます。急ブレーキや危険を察知した場所が地図上にアイコンで表示させることも可能です。 ※映像撮影には市販のスマートフォン車載ホルダーの利用が必要となります。②ドライブ適性診断 運転傾向を分析・診断し、運転者の長所や短所、運転傾向を「見える化」します。 20問の質問によりドライブ適性診断結果がわかります。③渋滞学検定 あなたは渋滞を起こす人?解消する人? 西成所長が出題する問題を解いて、あなたの渋滞学に対する理解度をチェックしてみよう。全10問の3択形式。 たった5分で渋滞学がわかります。④クルマ生活応援サービス 当社のご契約者さまがご利用できるサービスです。 宿泊施設やレジャー施設等国内外で20万ヶ所以上の優待対象施設を特別割引価格でご利用いただけます。 ▼詳しくはこちら⑤ムジコロジー・スマイル基金 ご契約者の皆さまの“この団体を応援したい”という“想い”により各団体への寄付金額が決まる仕組みです。 「自動車保険」×「安全運転」×「社会貢献」で、社会がスマイルになる新しい寄付の仕組み。それが【ムジコロジー・スマイル基金】です。 あなたの毎月の投票(クリック)と安全運転で各団体の活動を応援ください。 ▼詳しくはこちら⑥契約確認・継続手続き 契約内容の確認・継続手続きの際に、アプリから簡単にご契約者ページにアクセスしていただけます。⑦事故や故障の連絡先 事故にあわれた方・事故や故障でお車が走行不能な方はワンタッチ操作で当社へのご連絡が可能となります。■対象OSAndroid 2.3~7.0■新機種対応docomo ・AQUOS EVER(SH-02J) ・Galaxy S7edge(SC-02H) ・XPERIAXZ(SO-01J) ・Xperia(TM) X Compact(SO-02J) ・arrowsSV(F-03H) ・AQUOSZETA(SH-04H) ・Xperia X Performance(SO-04H)au ・HTC10(HTV32) ・URBANO(KYV38) ・Qua phone(LGV33) ・GalaxyS7edge(SCV33) ・AQUOS SERIE(SHV34) ・AQUOS U(SHV35) ・isai Beat(LGV34) ・AQUOSU(SHV37) ・Xperia XZ (SOV34) ・Xperia X Performance (SOV33)softbank ・DIGNO E (503KC) ・AQUOS Xx3 (506SH) ・Xperia XPerformance(502SO)■動作確認済み機種docomoSC-02C(GALAXY SⅡ)、SO-02C(Xperiaacro)、T-01D(REGZAPhone)、SC-03D(GALAXY SⅡ LTE)、L-01D(OptimusLTE)、SO-03D(Xperia acroHD)、SO-01C(Xperiaarc)、F-12C、P-04D、SH-01D、GALAXYSⅢ(SC-06D)、GALAXYNEXUS(SC-04D)、XPERIA GX(SO-04D)、Optimusit(L-05D)、ELUGAV(P-06D)、SH-06D(AQUOS PHONE)、ARROWSV(F-04E)、MEDIASU(N-02E)、Optimus LIFE(L-02E)、Xperia TMAX(SO-01E)、AQUOS PHONEZETA(SH-02E)、GALAXY SⅢα(SC-03E)、OptimusG(L-01E)、AQUOS PHONEsi(SH-01E)、AQUOS PHONE EX(SH-04E)、XperiaZ(SO-02E)、ARROWSX(F-02E)、ELUGA X(P-02E)、Optimus GPro(L-04E)、XperiaA(SO-04E)、GALAXY S4(SC-04E)、ELUGA P(P-03E)、Optimusit(L-05E)、AQUOSPHONE ZETA(SH-06E)、ARROWS NX(F-06E)、Xperia™ Z1(SO-01F)、XperiaT™ Z1f (SO-02F)、G2 (L-01F)、GALAXY J (SC-02F)、GALAXYS5 (SC-04F)、ARROWSNX (F-05F)、AQUOS ZETA (SH-04F)、XperiaTM A2(SO-04F)、XperiaTM Z2(SO-03F)、Xperia™ Z3 (SO-01G)、Xperia™ Z3 Compact(SO-02G)、GALAXYNote Edge (SC-01G)、GALAXY S5 ACTIVE (SC-02G)、AQUOSZETA(SH-01G)、Galaxy Active neo(SC-01H)、arrowsFit(F-01H)、AQUOSCompact(SH-02H)、AQUOS ZETA(SH-01H)、XperiaTMZ5Compact(SO-02H)、XperiaTM Z5(SO-01H)、XperiaTMZ5Premium(SO-03H)auS11CA(G’zOne)、ISW11M(MOTOROLAPHOTON)、ISW11F(ARROWSZ)、IS11LG(Optimus X)、IS12M(MOTOROLARAZR)、IS11S(Xperia acro)、AQUOSPHONE SERIE(ISW16SH)、ARROWSZ(ISW13F)、HTC JBubutterfly(HTL21)、Xperia VL(SOL21)、DIGNOS(KYL21)、AQUOS PHONESERIA(SHL21)、HTC J one (HTL22)、Xperia™ Z1(SOL23)、GALAXY S5(SCL23)、Xperia(TM) ZL2 (SOL25)、URBANO L03(KYY23)、TORQUE G01(KYY24)、isai FL (LGL24)、isai VL (LGV31)、URBANO(KYV31)、Xperia™ Z3(SOL26)、GALAXY Note Edge (SCL24)、Xperia(TM)Z5(SOV32)、DIGNO(R)rafre(KYV36)、Galaxy A8(SCV32)、AQUOS SERIEmin(SHV33)、Quaphone(KYV37)SoftBankXperia™ Z3 (401SO)、AQUOS CRYSTAL X (402SH)、AQUOSXx2mini(503SH)、AQUOS Xx2(502SH)、Xperia Z5(501SO)、Nexus 6P
Nexar - Connected AI Dash Cam 6.8.1
Pair Nexar to a compatible camera for driving without stress.
Drive Easy 2.5 1.0
Run The app, switch on satellite buttonandlongpress on home button...Just forget about Drive Easy, ItwillVoiceAlert you before each camera trap by type ofcamera,trap,zone etc..If you need a map view with Drive Easyswitch on GPRSfor live mapview..Drive Easy can alert voice alertwithout anyGPRS or datausage. Drive Easy app helps you to identifycamerapoints, trafficlight junctions, hazard zones,schoolzones,tollbooths all aroundKerala. if you love driving try our appit willmake your drivingeffortless, it have an automated voiceguidancesystem helps you toconcentrate on driving without lookingon toscreen, and it can alerteven without a proper internetconnection.if you like to savethousands of bucks in internetbills,if youwants to avoid trafficfines,Hospital bills etc buyDrive Easy.Drive Easy Team wishing youa safe and easy drive.
Видеорегистратор 1.0.5
Основные возможности:- Непрерывная запись видео, с заданными пользователемдлинойикачеством видео;- Определяемое пользователем пространство на карте SDсциклическойзаписью, т.е. SD карта никогда не заполняется- В одно касание можно сохранить видео/фото файлысинтереснымисобытиями на дороге во время всего путешествия- Авто сохранение видео при внезапном ударе(например,приаварии);- Автоматический старт и остановка записи- Видео файл с отметкой времени и геотегом- Отображение скорости, метки времени на видео- Включение/отключение GPS- Встроенный файловый менеджер, для просмотра видеоархиваKey features:- Continuous video recording, with user-defined lengthandvideoquality;- User-defined space on the SD card with cyclic recording, ieTheSDcard will never be filled- One-touch, you can save the video / photo fileswithinterestingevents on the road during the entire trip- Auto save the video with a sudden shock (eg accident);- Automatic start and stop recording- Video file with time stamp and geotagged- Display speed, the time stamp on the video- Enable / Disable GPS- Built-in file manager to view the video archive
Speed Alarm 5.0.2
Alarm when you driving over speed limit
CarEyes - Driving logger Beta0.95
DiorDNA Apps
CarEyes is a driving recorder totransformyourAndroid phone into black box application with simpleandelegantuser interface with easy-of-use.Features:1.Support background recording function.2.Support recycle recording function.3.Record GPS location information to integrate with GoogleMapandVideo.4.Offer video manager to Play, Delete, andEditvideodescription.5.Auto Accident Detector will save the video when crash.Know issues:1. There's little change to encounter crash problem in Defy2.2,anwe believe it's an inherent issue because we met thesameproblemwhen using the built-in camera application in Defy.Improvement Plan:1.Upgrade the video manager to make it friendlier.2.Power Monitoring mechanism.3.Beautify UI.Special Announcement:CarEyes was developed by Taiwan Engineer and we hope toofferanotherchoice for driving recorder. So far, we’re in aBetaversion andthanks for anyone to use this application. If youhaveany commentfor improving our application or any questions,pleasecontact us byfollowing E-mail.Email: [email protected]
GNET 2.7.4
GNET is watch the real-time video and recorded data of smartphonein Wi-Fi.
DriveAssist DashCam 1.0.14
DriveAssist DashCam is a simple andusefulcardashboard camera app.Available functions:- Recording video by round- Video storage settings- Video and audio quality settings- Recorded video gallery- Current speed indicationNew functions will be implemented soon. LatestnewsaboutDriveAssist DashCamontwitter: READ! Unfortunately, Android is notsupportingvideorecording in background (when no preview isvisible). Probablythiswill be fixed in next versions, but now thereis no stable(workingfor any device) way to to this. Please, dontrate the applowbecause of this. :)The app may freeze on some devices or even cause themtoreboot.This happens because of driver differencies and willbefixed verysoon.The app is in testing now, so please comment it on GooglePlayandsend feedback to my email: [email protected]!Tags: dashcam cam camera car vehicle road sign speed