Top 22 Games Similar to 萌將英豪 決戰日月

萌鬥武俠 再戰華山之巔 1.5.2
【粉絲團主頁】【新人好康免費領】持通關密語“我是武林盟主,功夫天下第一”粉絲團私訊小編,即可領取新人禮包一份!===特色系統====這個時代需要不一樣的活法,這款遊戲需要不一樣的玩法,《萌鬥武俠》武俠配緣系統現已開啟,這個江湖你可以最精彩。快來萌鬥武俠,這裏的梟雄豪傑,僅為你所知,俠為你而戰!追求這些大英雄,培養到武林至尊,讓你成為江湖盟主!====神獸系統====新增三大神獸皮膚:赤精、仙鹿、龍龜。神獸皮膚可通過幫派副本挑戰對應的BOSS獲得。最關鍵的是,整個遊戲內,少俠們只需要培養1只神獸就足夠了,想要不同的樣子,可以通過換膚來實現。神獸培養:升級:作為神獸,可是大胃王,除了最喜歡的經驗丹外,神獸還可以通過吞噬道具來升級。少俠們在竊喜小獸好養的時候,要記住一點,神獸等級是不能超過主人等級的,所以想要強力的神獸,還得加油提升自己的實力。升星:升星是神獸提升的最重要的環節,而且需求道具也較少。之所以重要是因為神獸的主動技能及被動技能都跟自身星級有關系。至於詳細的,還需要少俠們在遊戲內仔細琢磨。神級技能來相助,江湖一統不是夢:作為一只神獸,身上可謂渾身是寶。主動技能:通過升星來直接獲得,包括了【單體加血】、【單體驅散帶治療buff】、【單體復活術】、【群體嘲諷術】和招牌神技【禦氣真訣】,可瞬間將己方單位的氣槽集滿。被動技能:【戰吼】、【吐息】。戰吼類技能相當於是永久增益buff,而吐息類是首輪增益buff。被動技能可通過學習來獲得。看著這些厲害的技能,是不是很心動,快快去為神獸升星學習吧![Home][New] who receive free goodies passphrase "I was chief martialarts,kung fu in the world" fans private hearing small series, youcanreceive the new spree!=== ==== Characteristics of the systemThis era requires a different living law, the game is not thesameneed to play, "Moe fighting martial arts" martial arts withamargin system is now open, the rivers and lakes you canmostexciting. Come Meng martial arts fighting, where Lawrence ofhero,just you know, Man fight for you! The pursuit of these bighero,train to geochilmaru, rivers and lakes so that you becomethechief!==== ==== Animal systemThree new animal skin: fine red, fairy deer, dragon turtle.Animal skin can be challenging to get through gangsBOSScorresponding copy.The most critical is that the whole game, Shaoxia only need totrainan animal that is enough, you want to look different, canbeachieved through the skin.Animal culture:Upgrade: As animal, but big eaters, but the mostfavoriteexperience, Dan, the animal can also swallow props toupgrade.Shaoxia were in the small beast good chuckle when raised,toremember that animal level is no more than the master level, soIwant a strong animal that had come on to enhancetheirstrength.Rising Star: Rising Star is the animal enhance the mostimportantpart, but also less demand for props. Is important becauseactiveskills and passive skills related to animal stars have theirownrelationship. As for the details, you also need Shaoxia are inthegame carefully pondering.God-level skills to help, dominate the political arena is notadream:As an animal, who can be described as full of treasure.Active skills: to direct access by Rising Star, includingthe[monomer plus blood], [monomer to disperse with treatmentbuff],[monomer resurrection], [group] and signs mocking surgerynirvana[Royal Air true tactic] , you can instantly set the unit'sown gastank full.Passive skills: [Battle Cry], [Breath].Shout class skills equivalent to a permanent gain buff, andBreathclass is the first round of the gain buff. Passive skills canbeobtained by learning.Looking at these powerful skills, is not very excited, quicklygofor animal Rising Star to learn it!
武俠聯萌 1.5.2
武林群俠-熱血江湖【超好玩!2016最強武俠巨作】 1.0
㊣數百萬單機玩家的選擇,超好玩的RPG!㊣經典再現,角色扮演舍我其誰!贊!武俠RPG絕對巔峰上乘之作,手游江湖不朽傳奇!生死之戰在即,玄武宮外的莫小邪與易無雙最終能否聯手破解驚天陰謀?江湖路上紅顏相伴雙修情侶技能,柔情戚柔薇、潑辣小仙女、冷傲九姑娘,左擁右抱不是夢,讓你體驗在江湖路上真男人的感覺。還有各式NPC爆笑出場,讓你體味不一樣的江湖路。《武林群俠-熱血江湖》完美詮釋華語經典武俠RPG的真諦。劇情龐大,感情豐富,讓你體驗超越經典角色扮演類游戲仙劍奇俠傳的愛恨情仇!超強的代入感讓你與遊戲合為一體!支線任務別有洞天,還有開運輪等小遊戲讓你流連忘返,更有江湖誌等你書寫不敗神話。集齊八大神器,挑戰心魔,即可逆天改命,主宰遊戲結局。注:本遊戲內語言為中文(數万字的劇情很難翻譯成其他語言,RPG遊戲特殊的文化背景也決定了這一點,請非中文玩家理解見諒…)【溫馨貼士】1、遊戲中請及時存檔進度,尤其在遇強敵前2、系統設置可取消半透明、震動及戰鬥閃屏【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,可免費激活全部劇情!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯繫回報問題,謝謝。===========================《武林群俠-熱血江湖》評測(來自玩家cabbagexie)《武林群俠-熱血江湖》是一款非常受到玩家喜愛的角色扮演類游戲,充分展現了角色扮演類游戲的魅力之處。隨著遊戲的發展,玩家會完全與遊戲的劇情融為一體!有歡笑,有悲傷,有感動,有激情!十分神奇的感覺,卻在這個遊戲裡完全體現了出來!在這款遊戲之中,你的所作所為將決定著最終的結局的走向。【遊戲開頭】★★★★遊戲開篇有一句話“是不是選擇任何方向,都會游向同一宿命呢?”,這句話已經揭示了這款遊戲的主題,到底你在遊戲之中的選擇會不會達成不同的結局呢?你是否有能力逆天改變自己的命運呢?儘管地來嘗試一下吧。【遊戲特色】★★★★★坐騎系統:遊戲一開始便可以把十分帥氣的機關獸收為坐騎,行走速度大大提高,一方面增強了玩家的遊戲體驗感,另一方面又加快了打怪升級的速度。戰鬥系統:人物可以修煉多種武功技能以及被動身​​法,其它角色收入隊伍後還可以習得十分強力的合體技。戀愛養成:敢愛敢恨的菁菁,孤高冷傲的小櫻,柔情似水的蘭兒,你到底喜歡誰呢?遊戲之中你做出的種種選擇將決定最後的結局。【遊戲畫面】★★★★遊戲最出彩的地方就是遊戲之中幾個主要人物的肖像刻畫了,基本上都十分的有表現力,將各個人物的性格都分明的體現了出來。其它值得稱讚的一個小細節在於人物對話中加入了表情系統,十分生動的將人物心理狀態表現出來了。【遊戲操作】★★★★【2】鍵、【8】鍵、【4】鍵、【6】鍵:向上下左右移動角色;【5】鍵:確定、對話、開啟寶箱;【7】鍵:劇情提示;【9】鍵:機關神獸;【3】鍵:無鬼窟;左軟鍵:確定、遊戲中調出商城菜單;右軟鍵:返回、遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單;【總結】★★★★★優點:RPG上乘之作!感動人心的愛情故事,在多位女性之中做出自己的選擇吧!缺點:裝備系統相對比較單調,希望可以繼續努力。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]㊣ millions of single player's choice, superfunRPG!㊣ classic reproduction, role play but myself! Thumbs up!The absolute pinnacle of martialartsRPG superior of hand travel rivers and lakeslegends!Shengsizhizhan soon, basaltic ectopic Mo Xiao Xie YiWarriors caneventually teamed up with cracks sinister? Rivers andlakes on theway the roots of spiritual development accompanied by acouple ofskills, tenderness Wei Qi soft, pungent fairies, Lengaonine girls,left hold the right owner is not a dream, let youexperience thereal man in the arena road feel. There are all kindsof hilariousNPC appearances, let you appreciate the differentcorners of thecountry road."Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang"theperfect interpretation of the classic Chinese martial artsRPGessence. Drama huge, rich feelings, let you experience beyondtheclassic role-playing game Paladin's both good and bad! Superletyou into a sense of the game into one! Quests amazing, therearelucky wheel and other small game to keep you entertained,morerivers and lakes waiting for you to write blog unbeaten myth.Eightcollect artifacts, challenges demons, Guards change it todominatethe game ending.NOTE: The in-game language isChinese(tens of thousands of words of the story is difficult totranslateinto other languages, RPG game special cultural backgroundalsodetermines this, the non-Chinese players to understand forgiveme...)[Warm Tips]1, before the game please archiving progress, especially in thecaseof a strong enemy2, the system is set to cancel translucent, shock andsplashbattleGames tariff]Download free games free to play, free to activate the fullstory!Some special props use Google Wallet to purchaseselective,non-mandatory, please rest assured.[Support model]This game is full resolution and supports a variety ofterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. However, some special screen (such as960X540resolution) Show below appears incomplete, pleasedownloadselectivity can also contact our customer service mailboxreturnquestions, thank you.==========================="Martial arts Heroes -Yulgang"evaluation (from the players cabbagexie)"Martial arts Heroes - Yulgang" isavery loved by the players of role-playing game, fullofrole-playing games of the charm. With the development of thegame,players will be fully integrated with the game story! Thereislaughter, there is sadness, there are moved, there is passion!Verymagical feeling, but in this game is completely reflected out!Inthis game among your actions will determine the final outcomeofthe strike.[Beginning of the Games ★★★★Game begins a word "is not an option in any direction, itwilltravel to the same fate?", This sentence has revealed the themeofthe game, in the end you will not achieve a different outcomeofthe game itself in the choice of what? Guards whether you havetheability to change their destiny? Although the ground totryit.[Game Features] ★★★★★Mount system: Beginning of the game will be able to receive averyhandsome animal organs as mounts, walking much faster, on theonehand to enhance the player's gaming experience a sense, ontheother hand to speed up the upgrade Daguai speed.Combat system: People can practice a variety of martial artsskillsand leave law is, income after other roles team can alsolearnedvery strong fit technology.Love to develop: Jingjing, aloof and arrogant Sakura, gentleenoughGanaiganhen Laner, who do you like in the end? Among all thegamesyou make choices will determine the finaloutcome.[Game screen] ★★★★Games most out of color is the portrait of the main charactersofthe game itself portrayed, basically are veryexpressive,individual character's personality is clearly reflectedout. Asmall detail that other laudable character dialogueaddedexpression system, very vivid mental state willfigureshown.[Gameplay] ★★★★[2] key, key [8], [4] key, [6] key: to move up and downtherole;[5] key: OK, dialogue, open the chest;[7] key: Drama prompt;[9] key: animal organs;[3] key: no ghost cave;Left soft key: OK, the game menu to bring up the mall;Right softkey: Back, role in the game to bring up thePropertiesmenu;[Summary] ★★★★★Advantages: RPG superior of! Love story touched people's hearts,inthe number of women among make their own choice!Disadvantages: equipment system is relatively monotonous, hopingtocontinue their efforts.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer Service Mail: [email protected]
完美武俠 2.0.8
【核心玩法】交易:玩家自主進行,您可以蹲點、撿漏,也可以一擲千金、豪情萬丈!遭遇戰:真正的武林一定是不期而遇、血戰到底、酣暢淋漓!豪俠招募:不僅可以通過“抽卡”獲得,也可通過冒險機緣進行徵召!掠奪:看他不順眼?搶他就對了!秘笈:練就絕世武功,提升海量屬性!進階:不一樣的進階功能,完美合成打造屬於自己的絕世豪俠!冒險、BOSS戰、試煉塔、論劍爭鋒……更多玩法盡在《完美武俠》!【新手福利】新玩家可獲得強大道具、最高級金招募令、銀兩等,保送至滿級!累計登入可以獲得高級卡牌,小若、獅王、小蓉助您稱霸武林!——遊戲討論——《完美武俠》官方粉絲團:完美武俠-MoFun/305057143014087客服回報:[email protected]※依遊戲軟體分級管理辦法,此軟體為輔導級,12歲以上之人始得使用。※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬遊戲幣、物品等付費服務。
九天缥缈錄2天下無雙(傳統經典武俠RPG世界) 1.0.3
◎傳統的往往是最好最經典的…華人武俠RPG遊戲經典傳統作品。遊戲劇情環環相扣,帶你領略從未有過的神奇冒險!令你不知不覺間身臨其境陪伴主角或喜或憂。轉職系統隨心所欲,應對不同戰鬥令你運籌帷幄。挑戰BOSS、群刷升級不再不可兼得。撲朔迷離劇情、數十華麗技能使戰鬥酣暢淋漓,讓你盡情體驗千變萬化的樂趣!夢想,因此而實現!經典華人武俠手遊《九天缥缈錄》系列作品,給你不一樣的複古傳統遊戲體驗,懷舊經典必備佳作!大家多多支持哦!你的支持是我們繼續推出傳統經典手機遊戲的動力,謝謝!劇情搶先透:《九天缥缈錄2天下無雙》是一款RPG遊戲,故事背景以中國神話爲主,昆侖山境三百年來最強神器“大荒”即將降臨人間,此刻任俠等三人爲達成的夢想正欲踏入這即將混亂的昆侖境。面對爲爭奪神器蜂擁而至的各路英雄,以及試圖借此機會統治整個武林的幕後黑手,一個天大的陰謀正在向他們撲來。是夢想還是命運。戰鬥從這一刻開始……聲明:我們開發的所有遊戲均無廣告、無病毒、無任何幹擾遊戲的彈窗!遊戲完全免費下載體驗,部分功能可能需要通過Google錢包支付購買,會有明確提醒,請玩家自行選擇!此遊戲爲單機遊戲,不需要頻繁聯網。注意:本遊戲僅支持中文,因爲數萬中文字劇情並不適合多國語言翻譯,請大家理解。如果閣下不懂中文,請勿下載,因爲你會玩不明白。謹以此遊戲獻給全球熱愛RPG的華人玩家們。如果你覺得好玩,那就支持它告訴更多的朋友!RPG玩什麽,當然是劇情。不用浏覽器!不用加載安裝包!不用怕內存不夠用!對于1280X800以上分辨率的平板遊戲手機,看起來畫面可能不是非常細膩,但感人至深的劇情絕對可以彌補這一點小小的遺憾。對于800X480及以下分辨率的安卓手機,那基本不存在任何畫質問題,是相當完美的體驗,如果單純從清晰度來說也應該比索尼克跳躍像素地下城亂世之王方塊物語我的世界當個創世神等像素遊戲要好多了!注意:對較爲特殊分辨率的少數手機,部分按鍵不支持會顯示不全,部分960X540分辨率的手機可能會出現以上情況!請見諒,因爲做不到對安卓每個手機的測試,所以暫時不要下載了。您有問題可以留言或者郵件反饋給我們。【支持機型】:本遊戲全面支持多種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。HTC索尼愛立信三星摩托羅拉華爲聯想華碩等多種品牌手機的主流機器均可運行。=============================================以下是來自權威手機遊戲媒體遊戲測評人的試玩報告(原版):遊戲名稱:九天缥缈錄2天下無雙遊戲類型:角色扮演測評人:Ice測試時間:15小時是夢想還是宿命……遊戲簡介昆侖境三百年來最強神器“大荒”即將降臨人間,此刻任俠等三人爲達成的夢想正欲踏入這即將混亂的昆侖境。面對爲爭奪神器蜂擁而至的各路英雄,以及試圖借此機會統治整個武林的幕後黑手,一個天大的陰謀正在向他們撲來。是夢想還是命運。戰鬥從這一刻開始。畫面 ★★★★☆九天系列作品第二部,畫面在延續前作基礎上,對人物刻畫、場景描述以及戰鬥畫面的表現上有了進一步的提高,但畢竟作爲手機平台的JAVA遊戲表現力有限,雖然足見美工們的用心,仍然無法給人以賞心悅目的感覺。最明顯之處在于戰鬥系統中的破不再是單純的秒怪,而是摻入了技能光影。在人物對話中,出現的人物特寫感覺很不錯,人物比例完整,絕對不感覺別扭。劇情 ★★★★★劇情方面可圈點的地方比較多,筆者在測試過程中渾然不知已過去15小時,可見其劇情的帶入感。情理之中意料之外,無處不在的驚喜,無處不在的意外,劇本的編寫非常的到位,從踏入昆侖境到爭奪天下第一,劇情銜接渾然天成,沒有任何拖沓冗繁之處,更不要說太監劇情了,讓我想起了仙劍奇俠傳新絕代雙驕天龍八部神雕俠侶真幻想三國志古劍奇譚風色幻想軒轅劍天之痕和蒼之濤這些遊戲,無不以劇情優秀而成爲經典王者之作。操作 ★★★★爲了使玩家能夠更淋漓的體會劇情,遊戲操作與多數角色類遊戲相同,節約了更多時間去體會劇情。也讓新上手的玩家比較容易適應。並且延續了一貫的禦劍飛行功能,讓懶人可以更懶些。但沒有感覺到操作按鍵上創新的東西,多多少少讓玩家感覺有些失望。特色 ★★★★遊戲特色,這裏要點名的是首創的轉職系統,給我的第一感覺,有些類似魔獸世界的天賦,讓玩家根據不同的對戰選擇不同的職業。比如在野外踩地雷可以使用破軍,以適應群殺,在對戰BOSS中可以使用貪狼,以提升單體劍攻擊強度。並且各角色間相輔相成的技能編排更加挑戰玩家在會和戰略中的聰明才智。鎖器法陣,更是延長了遊戲的存活時間。形形色色的神兵利器被法陣鎖定在全世界的各個角落,而開啓這些法陣則需要玩家收集更多散落的破陣石,爲了讓玩家踏遍神州大陸,策劃們的苦心可見一斑。綜合評測 ★★★★☆雖然本作有諸多優點,例如光影、畫面、轉職等,但最吸引筆者的仍然是它的核心內容,劇情。作爲一款優秀的RPG遊戲,如果沒有引人入勝的劇情,哪怕再華麗優美的畫面、再別出心裁的創意,那都是缺鈣的孩子,長不高。只有劇情豐富了,遊戲才會真的有意思,有意義,這也是那些經久名著現在玩起來仍然有味道的原因。因此,筆者推薦喜歡玩RPG遊戲的玩家一定要嘗試下。九天缥缈錄2天下無雙視頻欣賞:其他攻略或問題可以自行通過谷歌或百度搜索,祝您玩的開心。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]◎ oftenthebest tradition of the classic ...Traditional Chinese martial arts classic RPG game works.Gamestory chain, bring you a taste of magical adventures neverhad!Make you unconsciously immersive accompany the protagonist orhappyor sad. Arbitrary transfer system, so you deal withdifferentfighting strategist. Challenge BOSS, the group can nothave bothlonger brush upgrade. Confusing plot, dozens of gorgeousfightingskills so hearty, so that you enjoy the experience oftheever-changing fun! Dreams, thus achieving!Chinese martial arts classic hand tour "nine days mistyrecorded"series of works, give you a different gaming experiencetraditionalretro, nostalgic classic essential masterpiece! You canenjoy Oh!Your support is our classic mobile games continue tooffer power,thank you!Through the story ahead: "nine days misty recorded twoOdyssey"is an RPG game, the background story to the main Chinesemythology,Kunlun territory three years the strongest artifact"Wild" is aboutto come to earth, and the others to reach the momentRenXia It isabout a dream he tried to enter the territory of theKunlunconfusion. Faced with competition for artifact flockedheroes, aswell as trying to take the opportunity to rule the entiremartialarts behind, a big conspiracy being lunged towards them. Adream ordestiny. From this moment the battle ......Disclaimer: We have developed all the games no ads, no virus,nointerference pop game! Games completely free downloadexperience,some features may require payment of the purchasethrough GoogleWallet, will clear a reminder, players choose! Thisgame is astand-alone game, does not require frequentnetworking.Note: This game only supports Chinese, because tens ofthousandsof text in the story is not suitable formulti-languagetranslation, please understand. If you do notunderstand Chinese,do not download, because you will not understandthe play. I wouldlike this game dedicated to the global Chineselove RPGplayers.If you think it was funny, then support it tells more friends!What RPG to play, of course, is the story. No browser! Donotload the package! Do not be afraid memory is not enough! Formorethan 1280X800 resolution tablet gaming phone, the picture maynotlook very delicate, but touching story can definitely make upforit a little regret. For the following resolution 800X480andAndroid phones, it basically does not have any quality problems,isquite the perfect experience, if just from the definition,itshould also be Bisuonike jump pixel squares Dungeon Storytroubledking of my world as a God of creation, such as pixel gameis muchbetter! Note: For more special resolution of the few mobilephone,some keys do not support appears incomplete, partial960X540resolution phone may appear above! Please forgive me,because everycell phone can not test for Android, we do notdownload. You canleave a message or e-mail in question to give usfeedback.[Support Model]: This game is full support for multipleterminalresolution and popular models, especially for low-endmodels ofperfect adaptation. HTC, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola,HuaweiLenovo Asus and other brands of mobile phones can runmainstreammachine.=============================================The following is from the authority of the mobile phone gamemediagame demo evaluation report people (original):Game Name: nine days ethereal recorded two OdysseyGenre: RPGAssessment of people: IceTest time: 15 hoursA dream or destiny ......About the GameKunlun territory three years the strongest artifact "Wild" isaboutto come to earth, and the others at the moment RenXia he triedtoreach the dream is about to step into this mess Kunlunterritory.Faced with competition for artifact flocked heroes, aswell astrying to take the opportunity to rule the entire martialartsbehind, a big conspiracy being lunged towards them. A dreamordestiny. From this moment the battle began.Screen ★★★★ ☆Nine works of the second part of the series, the picture inthecontinuation of the predecessor basis, characterization,scenedescription and performance has been further improved on thebattlescreen, but after all, as JAVA games expressive mobileplatform islimited, although their intentions evident artists stillunable togive a pleasant feeling. The most obvious is that thecombat systemis no longer a mere seconds to break strange, butincorporatinglighting skills. In character dialogue, the charactersappear closeI feel very good, the proportion of complete figures,absolutely donot feel awkward.Plot ★★★★★The plot may punctuate the place more, the author is unaware ofthetesting process in the past 15 hours, we can see into the senseoftheir story. Makes sense surprise, surprise everywhere,everywherein the accident, script writing is in place, from theenvironmentinto the Kunlun Mountains to compete in the world, thestory ofconvergence natural, without any procrastination tediousplace,more Do not say eunuch story, and reminds me of the newTwinsDragon Paladin really evil Fantasia Sango Qi TanCangFengsehuanxiang Xuanyuanjian Tianzhi Hen and Tao these games,allwith Excellent for a classic story and become king.Operating ★★★★To enable players to experience more dripping story, gameplayandmost games the same roles, saving more time to understand theplot.Also allow new players to get started is relatively easy toadapt.And the continuation of a consistent Sword flight function,so youcan be more lazy more lazy. But do not feel the operationbuttonsinnovative things, more or less let the players feel abitdisappointed.Features ★★★★The game features, where the name is the first point of thetransfersystem, to my first impression, somewhat similar to WorldofWarcraft talent, allowing the player to play against, dependingondifferent career choice. For example, in the field can be usedtobreak the military Minesweeper to accommodate group killed intheBattle BOSS Tan Lang can be used to enhance the single swordattackstrength. And the role of complementary skills among themorechallenging choreography players at will andintelligencestrategy.Lock is the circle, it is to extend the survival time of thegame.All kinds of magic weapon is locked in the circle every cornerofthe world, but you need to open the circle of those playerstocollect more scattered Destroys stone, travels to China mainlandinorder to allow players to plan their painstakingly evident.★★★★ ☆ comprehensive evaluationAlthough this work has many advantages, such as lighting,screen,transfer, etc., but the author is still the most attractiveis itscore, the story. As a good RPG game, if not fascinatingstory, eventhen gorgeous beautiful picture, and then creativeingenuity, thatare calcium child, not grow. Only rich story, thegame will bereally interesting, meaningful, and this is now playingup thosedurable classics still have a taste reasons. Therefore, Irecommendplayers like to play RPG games sure to try next.Misty recorded nine Odyssey 2 video viewing: v = cY8uKC_dbBc?Raiders or other issues may themselves through Google orBaidusearch, I wish you happy playing.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer-mail: [email protected]
瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇 1.0.17
《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》以家喻戶曉的東方神話「封神演義」為背景,玩家可以體驗到刺激驚險的「武王伐紂」經典戰役,更有眾多著名的神祇門徒「姜子牙」、「趙公明」等待玩家來征服!此外,遊戲首推「仙侶奇緣」系統,玩家選擇對應的仙侶門徒上場,搭配專屬的裝備和法寶,角色之間就會產生強烈共鳴效果,大幅提升隊伍戰力。還有可愛趣味的「守護獸系統」、互助合作的「助威系統」等,營造出不同以往的神話遊戲體驗。給你宛如仙劍奇俠的感動,比無雙更有爆發力的戰鬥,媲美楓之谷的可愛人物角色,比武媚娘傳奇更神話的磅礡劇情。【超可愛東方神祇登場,眾多門徒等你征服】想要和鼎鼎大名的『姜子牙』、『哪吒』、『蘇妲己』一起征服世界嗎?遊戲中提供眾多家喻戶曉的封神角色,讓您可以任意挑選喜愛的人物,陪您上山下海盡情通關!更重要的是,玩家透過關卡闖關,就有機會取得這些稀有門徒,不必再花大錢拚機率抽取,只要每天暢快玩遊戲,就可以組織出強力隊伍唷!【四大職業挑戰策略機智,玩出你最獨特的組合】《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》為回合制戰鬥玩法,每次開戰前都能調整自己的門徒組合和陣型。遊戲中提供各種加成陣法和職業技能,玩家不但可以選擇想要的陣型效果,更能為門徒們裝備上各式各樣的法寶和特殊技能,高自由度的搭配內容,讓您能玩出最與眾不同的隊伍組合。【和朋友互動最有趣,激烈競技玩法讓您大呼過癮】玩《瘋神英雄聯萌-武俠Q傳奇》就是要和親朋好友們一起玩才刺激!社交好友系統,讓您能和朋友們互相贈送體力,還能查看對方組合,研究出擊倒對方的應對陣型!此外,豐富多元的PVP封神壇玩法更是不容錯過的競技活動,天下高手都會聚集在此較勁實力,到底誰能登上首席寶座?"God mad Heroes UnitedMoe- martial arts Q Legend" with well-known oriental myth "Gods"as thebackground, players can experience the thrills of "King Wu"aclassic battle, more renowned gods disciple"late-bloomer""Zhaogong" waiting for players to conquer! Inaddition, the mostimportant game "Xianlvqiyuan" system, playersselect thecorresponding Xianlv disciples play, with exclusiveequipment andmagic, it will have a strong resonance effect betweenroles,significantly increasing the combat capability of the team.Thereare lovely taste of "guardian beast system" mutualcooperation"cheer systems", etc., creating a myth different fromthe pastgaming experience.Paladin you like to move, more explosive than theunparalleledbattle, comparable to Maple Valley cute characters,more legendarymyth contest seductive woman 磅礡 story.[Super cute oriental gods on stage, waiting for you toconquermany disciples]Want and the famous "bloomer", "Rebels", "Su Daji" togethertoconquer the world? The game offers many household Gods role, soyoucan pick any favorite characters, to accompany you to enjoythemountains to the sea clearance! More importantly, theplayersthrough the checkpoint checkpoints, have the opportunity toacquirethese rare disciples, do not have to spend big money tofight theprobability of extraction, as long as a day of fun playingthegame, you can organize a strong team yo![Four major professional challenge strategy wit, play outyourmost unique combination]"God mad Heroes United Moe - martial arts Q Legend" isturn-basedfighting games are played, before each battle can adjusttheirportfolios and formation of disciples. FIGHTING game offersavariety of bonus and vocational skills, players can not onlychoosethe desired effect formation, the better for all kinds ofequipmenton the disciples of magic and special skills, with a highdegree offreedom of the contents, so you can play the most unusualteamcomposition.[Most interesting interaction with friends, allowing you toplayintense athletic hooked]Play "God mad hero linked Moe - martial arts legend Q" is toplaywith friends and family who just exciting! Social buddy system,soyou can give each other strength and friends, but also seeeachother combination, developed to deal with down the other sideofthe formation! In addition, a rich and diverse Gods altar PVPplayis not to be missed athletic activities, world experts willgatherstrength in this rivalry, in the end who boarded thechiefthrone?
名將鬥神-飛龍在天(超人氣情愛武俠RPG單機免激活版) 1.0.1
『一場由神秘殺手裝扮的情愛盛宴開啓了…』情愛武俠經典RPG巨作《名將鬥神-飛龍在天》必將給你一個完全不同的武俠體驗!中原武林,風雨飄搖。人心險惡,風雲暗湧。快活林,八方錢財在此彙聚!九州豪傑于斯沈淪。這裏是一方極樂,酒色財氣樣樣令人流連忘返!不爲人知的是,極樂之處,才是死亡之城!快活林中藏秘一個殺手組織,殺人于無形之中。這次,他們的目標瞄准了武林之中至高權利的擁有者,萬人景仰的江南武林盟主玉伯。精密的部署,漫長的潛伏,纏綿的愛恨,由此展開……神秘、緊張、血腥、刺激的殺手生涯,《名將鬥神-飛龍在天》將爲你呈現一個回味無窮的武俠盛宴!【友情提示】注意經常保存進度,以便應對突發情況。【遊戲特色】1、经典武俠RPG遊戲,原班人馬悉數登場2、突破性上百小時主線劇情讓你一次玩到爽3、經典RPG玩法,真武俠迷的不二選擇!【遊戲資費】遊戲免費下載免費玩,並且特推出免費激活全部劇情活動!部分特殊道具可以使用谷歌錢包選擇性購買,非強制請放心。【支持機型】本遊戲全面支持各種終端分辨率與熱門機型,尤其針對中低端機型進行完美適配。但是部分特殊屏幕(如960X540分辨率)會出現下方顯示不全的情況,請選擇性下載,也可以與我們客服郵箱聯系回報問題,謝謝。【遊戲操作】方向鍵上(或2鍵):菜單指令向上/角色向上移動方向鍵下(或8鍵):菜單指令向下/角色向下移動方向鍵左(或4鍵):菜單指令向左/角色向左移動方向鍵右(或6鍵):菜單指令向右/角色向右移動方向鍵中(或5鍵):確定/對話/開啓寶箱7鍵:劇情提示9鍵:禦鷹飛行左軟鍵:確定/遊戲中調出系統菜單右軟鍵:返回/遊戲中調出角色屬性菜單==================遊戲攻略(來自網友)一開始跟著劇情走,然後到30級(30級不難升,多多練級就好)便不要打劇情了,那時候就到靈芝仙境(你到30級的時候應該知道這是哪裏,因爲劇情要去)的右上角的角落找到那50級的槍王,打一次給500元,等你打到47到48級的時候(要用耐心!),金錢就大概12萬左右(這聽人家說的,我可沒這個耐心...),那就夠做到完美結局。接著還是跟著劇情走。完美結局的條件:1.漫天,追風,小潔(紅衣女)的武器要升到最上級,那就是說漫天要在左淩死之前升到80級以上,並在埋左淩之前,將流星遂月升到頂級。2.得到漫天,追風,小潔(紅衣女)和左淩的所有套裝。漫天的在開始得到衣服姻緣洞得到飾物。小潔在南嶺得到衣服,楊威镖局得到飾物,追風在南嶺的山洞(得到10個飛鵬令後找百曉生才能進)得到飾物,在最後打燕離雲前得到衣服。左淩的套裝在第一個殺人夜的酒店門前的台階下的NPC那裏買(操作左淩時),或者到最後找漫天時在清雅閣旁邊的NPC那裏買。3.集齊飛鵬令,(打敗花姑會得到最後一個)得到最後的飛鵬令後先去找百曉生,和小潔在山洞裏找到追風的套裝。玩家QQ群:221446216客服郵件:[email protected]"by a mysterious killer dressed in a love feastopened..."Love classic martial artsRPGmasterpiece "The God name - Soaring" will give you acompletelydifferent martial arts experience!Central Plains martialarts,precarious. Misunderstandings, the situationundercurrents.Foxwoods, Octagon money in this together! Kyushu heroin Sri Lankasink. Here is one of bliss, cardinal vices everythingisaway!Unknown, the bliss of theDepartment,is the City of the Dead! Merry forest a hidden secretkillers, killthe invisible. This time, they are targeting themartial arts amongthe supreme rights owner, people admire thesouthern Bo Yu theMartial. Precision deployment, the long latent,lingeringlove-hate, which started ......Mysterious, intense, bloody,excitingcareer killer, "The God of star - Soaring 'will present youamemorable martial arts feast!【friendly reminder】Note that often save your progress, so deal withunexpectedsituations.[Game Features]1, the classic martial arts RPG games, the original castfulldebut2, the main storyline breakthrough hundreds of hours once youplayto cool3, classic RPG gameplay, really Wuxia Mi choice!Games tariffs]Games free download free play and free to activate the fullstoryspecial launch event! Some special props can use GoogleWalletselective purchase, non-mandatory, pleaserestassured.[Support model]This game is full support for the resolution of variousterminalspopular models, especially for low-end models ofperfectadaptation. But some special screen (such as 960X540resolution)Show below appears incomplete, please selectivitydownload, you cancontact our customer service mailbox returnquestions, thankyou.[Gameplay]The arrow keys (or 2 key): Menu command Up / charactermovesupDown arrow keys (or 8 key): menu commands Down / charactermovesdownLeft Arrow (or 4 key): Menu instruction left / character movestothe leftRight Arrow (or 6 button): menu commands Right / character movestothe rightThe arrow keys (or 5 key): OK / dialogue / Open Database7 Key: Drama Tips9 Key: Imperial Eagle FlightLeft soft key: OK / game bring up the system menuRight softkey: Return / game menu to bring up the roleofproperty==================Raiders game (from friends)Story to go along with a start,andthen to 30 (30 is not difficult to rise, like a lot ofleveling)will not play the story, and then on to GanodermaWonderland (to 30when you should know that this is where, becausethe story go to)find the top right corner of the corner 50 of theDouble Tap,playing time to 500 yuan, so you hit 47-48, when (tousepatience!), about money, it probably 120,000 (which heardpeoplesay I did not have the patience ...), that's enough to beperfectending. Then still follow the story to go.Perfect ending conditions:1. The sky, Herd, Xiao Jie (Hong Yinv) to rise to the mostsuperiorweapons, that is filled to the left Ling died before risingabove80, and before burying left Ling, the meteor then rosemonthTop.2. Get the sky, Herd, Xiao Jie (Hong Yinv) and all packagesleftLing. Began to be filled in the hole to get clothesmarriageornaments. Xiao Jie get clothes in Nanling, Yang Wei Escortgetornaments, cave Herd in Nanling (obtained after 10 Feipeng ordertofind Bai Xiaosheng get into) get ornaments, get off at thelastbeat Yan clothes cloud front. NPC Ling left under the stairssuitfirst night of the murder in front of the hotel where to buy(whenoperating left Ling), or to find when the sky finally clearedatthe NPC Accord where to buy next.3. Set 齐飞鹏 order, (defeated flower aunt would get the last one)togive the final order to find Bai Xiaosheng Feipeng, and XiaoJiefind Herd suit in the cave.Players QQ group: 221 446 216Customer-mail: [email protected]
鬥武魂-武俠經典再現 1.5.2
《鬥武魂》是款以經典卡牌為遊戲主軸,完美融合RPG的武俠遊戲~不論是策略養成、獨樹一幟的戰鬥玩法,或是熟悉的金庸武俠世界背景,都將帶您進入江湖群俠世界裡搜掠天下秘笈、執掌江湖英豪!☼全新卡牌組合,超強連擊必殺技!!☼武俠遊戲新體驗《鬥武魂》立即引爆!!◤活動熱烈舉辦中◢新服活動新手禮包首儲禮包✥更多請見>>>【遊戲特色】┌ 好友系統☼快速挑選紫色武將成為超強戰友!結束回合後!勝利絕對是保證!┌ 策略對戰☼卡牌組合、施放技能時機,勝負輸贏由你掌握!┌ 副本系統☼名將樓、華山論劍、元素神壇,歷史經典對決重現江湖!┌ 戰鬥畫面☼玩家們能夠選擇華麗招式及施放時機,打爆對手享受戰鬥的超快感!═╬═《鬥武魂》搜掠天下秘笈、執掌江湖英豪!═╬═遊戲官網:粉絲團:客服中心:
Magic Rush: Heroes
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Heroes and Titans 3D 1.6.1
Leke Empire
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Star Wars™: Galaxy of Heroes 0.33.1401939
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萌鬥武俠 來打擂台囖 1.5.2
【粉絲團主頁】【新人好康免費領】持通關密語“我是武林盟主,功夫天下第一”粉絲團私訊小編,即可領取新人禮包一份!===特色系統====這個時代需要不一樣的活法,這款遊戲需要不一樣的玩法,《萌鬥武俠》武俠配緣系統現已開啟,這個江湖你可以最精彩。快來萌鬥武俠,這裏的梟雄豪傑,僅為你所知,俠為你而戰!追求這些大英雄,培養到武林至尊,讓你成為江湖盟主!====神獸系統====新增三大神獸皮膚:赤精、仙鹿、龍龜。神獸皮膚可通過幫派副本挑戰對應的BOSS獲得。最關鍵的是,整個遊戲內,少俠們只需要培養1只神獸就足夠了,想要不同的樣子,可以通過換膚來實現。神獸培養:升級:作為神獸,可是大胃王,除了最喜歡的經驗丹外,神獸還可以通過吞噬道具來升級。少俠們在竊喜小獸好養的時候,要記住一點,神獸等級是不能超過主人等級的,所以想要強力的神獸,還得加油提升自己的實力。升星:升星是神獸提升的最重要的環節,而且需求道具也較少。之所以重要是因為神獸的主動技能及被動技能都跟自身星級有關系。至於詳細的,還需要少俠們在遊戲內仔細琢磨。神級技能來相助,江湖一統不是夢:作為一只神獸,身上可謂渾身是寶。主動技能:通過升星來直接獲得,包括了【單體加血】、【單體驅散帶治療buff】、【單體復活術】、【群體嘲諷術】和招牌神技【禦氣真訣】,可瞬間將己方單位的氣槽集滿。被動技能:【戰吼】、【吐息】。戰吼類技能相當於是永久增益buff,而吐息類是首輪增益buff。被動技能可通過學習來獲得。看著這些厲害的技能,是不是很心動,快快去為神獸升星學習吧![Home][New] who receive free goodies passphrase "I was chiefmartialarts,kung fu in the world" fans private hearing smallseries, youcanreceive the new spree!=== ==== Characteristics of the systemThis era requires a different living law, the game is notthesameneed to play, "Moe fighting martial arts" martial artswithamargin system is now open, the rivers and lakes youcanmostexciting. Come Meng martial arts fighting, where Lawrenceofhero,just you know, Man fight for you! The pursuit of thesebighero,train to geochilmaru, rivers and lakes so that youbecomethechief!==== ==== Animal systemThree new animal skin: fine red, fairy deer, dragon turtle.Animal skin can be challenging to get throughgangsBOSScorresponding copy.The most critical is that the whole game, Shaoxia only needtotrainan animal that is enough, you want to look different,canbeachieved through the skin.Animal culture:Upgrade: As animal, but big eaters, but the mostfavoriteexperience,Dan, the animal can also swallow props toupgrade.Shaoxia were inthe small beast good chuckle when raised,toremember that animallevel is no more than the master level, soIwant a strong animalthat had come on to enhancetheirstrength.Rising Star: Rising Star is the animal enhance themostimportantpart, but also less demand for props. Is importantbecauseactiveskills and passive skills related to animal stars havetheirownrelationship. As for the details, you also need Shaoxia areinthegame carefully pondering.God-level skills to help, dominate the political arena isnotadream:As an animal, who can be described as full of treasure.Active skills: to direct access by Rising Star,includingthe[monomer plus blood], [monomer to disperse withtreatmentbuff],[monomer resurrection], [group] and signs mockingsurgerynirvana[Royal Air true tactic] , you can instantly set theunit'sown gastank full.Passive skills: [Battle Cry], [Breath].Shout class skills equivalent to a permanent gain buff,andBreathclass is the first round of the gain buff. Passive skillscanbeobtained by learning.Looking at these powerful skills, is not very excited, quicklygoforanimal Rising Star to learn it!
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Heroes Reborn 1.0.25
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League of Angels -Fire Raiders
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Storm Age 3.5.8
Storm Age is an epic 3D strategic RPGofexploration and battle.Join the great adventure on Floating Island and save theworldfrom the evil Scourge Legion. With over 50 heroes andthousands oftroops at your service, build your home base in any wayyour heartdesires.Storm Age brings you to a time of war and conquest, victoryanddefeat.Join your friends and compete with players all over theworldtoday!=====★ 3D visual effects, high definition graphics, and stunningbattleanimations in Middle Eastern deserts, Nordic glaciers, andAfricangrasslands!★ More than 50 heroes with unique skills. Evolve each herowithspecial equipment. Victory or defeat depends on yourcombinationstrategy!★ Design and build your village with dozens of buildings:SummonShrine, Hall of Heroes, Tree of Health, War Mill, and more.Clashwith your enemies in a free fantasy skyland!★ Join PvP fights against other player teams. Shake upyourformation (Tank Shock, Mage’s AOE, Tank and Mage hybrid…) toshowthem who’s on TOP!★ All-new mercenary mode: Call mercenaries to fightside-by-sidewith your heroes. Summon Ents, Unicorns, and Guards toprotect yourheroes, while Archers, Mages, Priests, and Druids boostyourfighting abilities!★Guild Camaraderie: Reach lvl10 to join or form a guild.Partakein intense guild battles and fight massive bosses. Supporteachother - United We Stand!★ Random tasks: Escort chicks along one of three routes,eachroute rewarding your heroes with either Physical Damage,MagicDamage or Defense buffs. Call up your friends forprotection,‘cause players can snatch your chicks!=====Again, come join your friends and compete with players alloverthe world today!Follow us on Twitter:@Storm_AgeFollow us on Facebook: Email:[email protected] you have any questions or would like to ask help fromthecustomer service, please contact us by Email, we will handleitASAP.
Hero World 2.20.150328
Have you ever imagined Luffy vs Naruto?《Hero World》makes your second element dream come true!This is a brand new action card battle game,with hundreds of classical anime characters rushing inabrawl,pushing the game to its climax .Too interesting to stop playing it!With rich game scenes and hectic battle pace,《Hero World》gets you right into the action.What’s more,classical characters have updated with our new design;Triggering action can be interacted instantly;Rich choices of formations offer you strategy makingtime!First-ever combination skill,recombine a great new warrior with your buddy!Initiative co-attacking and cool stacking effect, enjoy thepleasureof legendary!1. Classic RoleHundreds of roles well-designed by top team.Classic & Cute Heroes waiting for you.2. Map InstanceLayer tech enables switching anytime;Photo restored in precise details.3. Fierce fightingAroused by combination of gorgeousskills & team speed!Various states,desktop optimized & smooth screen!4. Lineup TitleSkill Strike Direction: Single,horizontal, vertical, cross, whole, etc.Ninja StrategyTitle Info: Swordsman, sailor, snipe, tank,Death, MU, MT, DPS, assist, heal, control, etc.Fetter System: 360°Hundredkilled, Evil Cheetah, Heavy StormPerfect match forvideo and anime!5. Fusion ComboCouple in lineup can fusion with full anger.6. Guild SocialFriend chatting system enables you to share game news &tipswith your friends!7. SharingYou can share with friends:Facebook, Instagram,Moment...8. Online Activity1st charge returns diamond for 100%!2k15 games and diamond gift!9. Off-line ActivityOrganized by Hero World and Mspace.Asia (Moe space),COSER (Cosplay) & player meeting(in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuantan) are ready!Mspace Cosplay brings you into real world!Four mysterious Cos players.Girl Cosplay live show!Popular anime roles!(Hero World sponsors the activity and reserves the right offinalexplanation.)More activitiesDiamonds, stones, raid tickets,Share with friends:(, Kakao, Wechat, Wechat Moment, Facebook, Weibo,Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp,encent Weibo, QQ, JD, Renren----The story of Hero World is purely fictional.All similarities with others are coincident.Hot and sexy / cute and lovely rolesChat sys and social functionPlease avoid addiction and puppy love!Copyright: 360-150507
Brave Cross 1.20.71666
A side-scrolling action strategy RPG set intheFar East, you must join forces with your allies againsttheoverwhelming forces of the tyrannical Zion. Traverse the landsandrecruit an unlikely ensemble of heroes to save thekingdom!***GATHER YOUR OWN HEROIC TEAM***Chock-full of wacky heroes ranging from flame-punching brawlerstodestructive mechanoids, it's up to you how your team attacks,healsand magicks its way to victory!***CREATE & COMMAND TROOPS***You won't be on your own in battle. Pick up at least 6 trooptypesof melee, missile and magic and pair them up with heroes toshoreup your lines!***INTENSE REAL-TIME COMBAT***Engage in fast-paced action where heroes unleash devastatingskillsin unison and perform fatal combos!***TEST YOUR SKILLS & STRATEGY***Your victory depends on your hero and skills setup, when youusethem and how you utilize your troops. It won't be a cakewalk,butwhere's the fun in that?FEATURES:- Create your own unique team with 5 classes, 6 troops &40heroes!- Level up and outfit your heroes- Battle the Lair, Campaign and Story for more heroes, loot, funandmore!- Join Guilds and raid monstrous bosses for epic loot, or justtomake more friends!- Pit your team in the Arena and compete for top dog!Visit our Facebook page for morenews: website:
Zeus Age 1.5.6
The Gods are gone! Panic! Mayhem! No, no,don'tpanic! There's hope! YOU have been chosen to lead a fewheroes andmonsters to bring the Gods back to reality and use theirweaponsagainst the evils of this strange world! This exclusivecard gamewill make you rethink everything you know about gamesandentertainment!= EXTRAORDINARILY ADDICTIVE CARD GAME =- Lead a group of teammates: heroes, monsters and strangecreatureswill help you fight your way through thiswonderfuladventure.- Among the miriad of possibilities, chose your favourite herotolead your team to battle!- Discover the best cards, use them, mix them. Organizeyourstrategy based on your needs and eliminate the enemies thatwillface you!- A revolutionary card system will help you fight the hordesofunspeakeable evil that tears through the land!- You will learn the most useful skills, that will grow strongerasyou defeat more enemies!- Join your friends in PVP Arena battles and fight forthetitle!- Create or join a Guild to enter exclusive events!Official Facebook Fans and support: