Top 10 Apps Similar to Guia de hechizos AD&D 2.0

Hechizos Conjuros Magia Blanca 55.0.0
You could get what you want with White Magic.
Conjuros y Hechizos Vudu Magia 1.1
Mister apps
Secretos para hacerse amar.– Embrujamientos.– Talismanes.– La magia en diversas manifestaciones.– Secretos infernales.– Sortilegios.– desembrujamientos.– Exorcismos.– y un sin fin de recetas para formar fortuna y éxito.Mucho se ha hablado y podrá hacerse acerca delahechiceríaantigua. Los grandes maestros del ocultismo.SanCipriano, Iroe,Alberto el Grande y otros han volcado dentro desuestadomaravilloso, todo un tesoro de su ciencia, yespíritusinquietoshan sabido recoger el fruto entrañando para sílaslecciones deaquellos eruditos en la materia oculta.Aquí encontraras una gran compilación de hechicería antigua.Las personas responsables de la creación y promocióndeestaaplicación no están a favor del uso y prácticas delospoderososconjuros aquí presentes, es responsabilidad de lapersonael leery/o utilizar los conjuros aquí descritosSecrets to beloved. - Bewitchments.- Talismans.- Magic in various manifestations.- Secrets hell.- Spells.- Desembrujamientos. - Exorcism.- And an endless list of recipes to make fortune and success.Much has been said and will be about ancient sorcery.Thegreatmasters of the occult. San Cipriano, Iroe, Albert theGreatandothers have turned in their wonderful state, a treasureofhisscience, and restless spirits have been able to gatherthefruititself entrañando those lessons learned in thehiddenfield.Here you will find a large collection of ancient sorcery.The people responsible for the creation and promotionofthisapplication are not in favor of the use and practicesofthepowerful spells here, it is the responsibility ofthepersonreading and / or using spells described here
AD&D 2e Character Sheet 1.3.1
Martin Himmel
Keep track of your 2nd edition AD&D characters in oneplacewithout all the stacks of papers. Roll for stats or enter yourown,then customize your character as you see fit. Charactercreationrules from the Player's Handbook are all in place. Oncestats arerolled, race choices are set, then classes, and so on.Full list ofspells and descriptions are available for both wizardand priestspells.
AD&D Spellbook for 2nd Edition 1.4
This is the spellbook for Wizards and Clerics as it appears intheAD&D 2nd Edition Player's Handbook. If you ever needed aquickreference to a spell or are tired of having to borrow thePlayer'sHandbook, this application will save you lots of time! Itfeaturesa simple layout and is easy to use. All images used havebeenmodified from their original, and all images are therespectiveproperty of their authors. Please, if any bugs areencountered,send me an email! Also, reviews are appreciated, and ifyou feellike commenting or adding suggestions, go ahead and putthat in thereview as well.Currently planned is a 2.0 version of this applicationthatincludes the other materials (a popular request) and perhaps afewother things, depending on what scope is determined for theupdate,so stay tuned!A blog for the update of this application has been started,andis located here:
Old School RPG Tables
All the tables you need to play 1steditionoldschool RPG games in one spot! A complete and easy tousereferencefor the rapidly growing segment of the gamingpopulationthat isrediscovering old school gaming. This is not agame systemby itselfand requires you to have rule books for the 1steditiongame toplay. Designed to be usable with 1st EditionAD&D,Osric,Labyrinth Lord, Dungeons Dark & Deep and othersimilar"OldSchool" systems with minimal modification.Covers items, treasure, PC advancement, spells,charactertraits,special abilities, classes and more! A gamemaster's bestfriend,and a handy reference for the players too.Spells have ahandysearch function as well as having an automatedscrollgenerator.Keep watching for updates as we will be addingandimprovingcontent.Designed for tablets 7" or larger in size, but functionsonaphone in a pinch.
Personal Library 1.0
Rafael Azogue
Manage, organize and catalog your book collection withPersonalLibrary
Mago: o Despertar, Grimório 0.6.0
Book of Wizard magic: Awakening, World of Darkness RPG.Incompleteversion.
Dungeons & Dragons D20 [FREE] 1.1
Dungeon Masters ToolsDungeon Master, what you need is in your hands!D&D Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 SRD, with full text,invariousformats. Includes Epic and Psionic data with theXPHerrataCurrently included in FREEversion:681 Monsters & Creatures39 ClassesCurrently included in PREMIUM version:1680 Treasures and Magical Items700 Spells681 Monsters & Creatures387 Feats282 Equipments, Gears and Services40 Skills39 Classes29 Divine DomainsTry it free or buy the completeversionHERE "d20 SRD™" is owned and created by Simone Tesi.‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks ofWizardsofthe Coast, Inc.and are used according to the terms of the d20 SystemLicenseversion6.0.A copy of this License can be found at the use of a Roleplaying Game Core Book published byWizards of the Coast, Inc.RdN "d20 SRD™" is an independent entity and isnotaffiliatedwithWizards of the Coast, Inc.App by TheKeen Design Logo and banners by Elvis ArtAll Rights reservedThis is Roleplay
81 Herbs Healing and Magick 1.0
A list of 81 herbs to be used for healing and inWiccanmagickspells. Features: • Lists correspondences for each herb•Suggestedways to use herbs • Linked to eBay for hard to findherbs• Linkedto Amazon for a complete array ofmagickalsupplies_____________________________________ Wejees.netfordivinationandinformation._____________________________________http://wejees.com to use theinformation on this app at your own risk, andagreeto use bothherbs and magick responsibly.
Loot Generator (for D&D 5e) 1.12
Generate treasure for 5th Edition battles or encounters.