Top 17 Apps Similar to Справочник C#

Learn C# Programming 8.0.2
*****Get 300 apps for only $19.99 via GoLearningBusLibrary*****WAGmob has completed 5 years and we are running alimited timeoffer via which you can access all 300 quality appsviaGoLearningBus Library. GoLearningBus providers 1. Schoolbus(K-12), 2. College Bus, 3. Professional Bus and 4. Languagesbuswith more than 50 languages. GoLearningBus app provides: 1.Snacksized tutorials. 2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize keyconcepts.3. Simple and easy quizzes for self-assessment.GoLearningBusbrings you a simple, crisp and to-the-point app for"Learn C#Programming via Videos". You have limited access to thecontentprovided. For full access to the content, please login andpurchasethis application. This app provides a quick summary ofessentialconcepts in C# Programming via Videos by following snacksizedchapters: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Statements, VariablesandData Types, C Sharp Introduction, Delegates and Events,Calculatorusing C Sharp, Structure and Enumeration, InterfaceandPolymorphism, Classes and Objects, Loop Constructs,Operators,Installing the Software, Constructor and Destructor,ExceptionHandling, Array. "GoLearningBus Library" covers following:A)School Bus Grade 3-5 Grade 6-8 High School: Grade 9-12CollegeEntrance Tests Languages B) College Bus Engineering CollegeMedicalCollege Business College Law College Languages C)Professional BusProfessional Programming, Professional Design,ProfessionalLanguages, Professional Software and Tools. D) LanguageBus Morethan 50 languages including German, French, Korean,Mandarin,Arabic, Hindi, Italian and much more. This app will accessyourpersonal information like first name, last name, and Email id.WhyGoLearningBus apps: 1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy,Massiveselection of apps. 2) Enjoyable, Entertaining and Excitingapps. 3)An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!Tounderstand our privacy policy pleasevisit Please visit usat or write to us at [email protected] foranyquery and your valuable feedback.
MS Visual C# 2013 - первый шаг 1.0
Nikita Kultin
A practical guide to developing applications in Microsoft Visual C#2013
Programming languages 82.3.03
Directory of the programming languages
Programming Hub: Learn to code 5.2.9
Coding & programming app to learn HTML, Python, Javascript,C,Cpp, Csharp, Java
Complete C# Programs 4.0
Keep all your basic C# programs all the time handy.
Learn programming
Jan Tursky
Application was created for the purposeofthesis on "interactive textbook of Internet technologies."Itcontains a list of all elements used in HTML 5 Explanation, seethebrowser and source code. The tests, which are then evaluated intheform of statistical tables. Sand, where one can try to writecodethat will automatically display it in the browser.OVERVIEW• more than 70 programming languages (Ada, Android, AngularJS,Apache Ant, ASP.NET, AWT, Bash, Bootstrap, C, CISC, Clojure,COBOL,C++, C#, CSS, CSS2, CSS3, CSS Basic, EJB, Erlang, Git, Go,Gradle,Apache Groovy, Guava, GWT, Apache Hadoop, Haskell, ApacheHbase,Hibernate ORM, Apache Hive, HTML5, IBM IMS, Jackson, Java,Java 8,JavaScript, Java XML, JCL, JDBC, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, JSP,Junit,Lisp, Apache Log4j, Lua, Magento, MATLAB, Apache Maven,MVC,Node.js, OBIEE, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Regex, RSS, Ruby,Scala,Spring, Apache Sqoop, Apache Struts 2, Apache Subversion,SVG,Swift, TeX, VB.NET, VBScript, XML Schema, XPath, XSD,XSL-FO,XSLT...)• other languages, frameworks, schemas, shortcuts, commandsetc.(Apache Ant, AWT, Bash, Bootstrap, Canvas, FTP, Git, Googlemaps,Gradle, Guava, Hadoop, HTTP codes, Jackson, jQuery mobile,JUnit,Linux, Maven, Node.js, Regex, Rss, Subversion, TeX, VBScript,Vi,XML schema, Xpath, XSD...)• interview questions - be prepared for the every type ofquestionsfrom programming languages for your job• sandbox - create your own code, display it in thebrowser,customizable• award system - earn points, obtain medails• skills quiz - prove, that you know answer every question• fully customizable app in the settings• HTML5 tools, details about tags and even more...• simple statistics• option to remove ads + support development-----------------Enjoy Learn programming and have a nice day.
C# Questions and answers 2.3
C# Interview Questions apps tests andimprovesyour skill set for any job interview you are appearingfor.C# Programs and C# Questions is a product of skillgun.comCSharp questions contains around 500 questions withanswers,carefully selected and sorted into 18 topics and 31 paperscoveringmaximum C# topics for interview preparation.C# interview questions is an ultimate and fun filled brainteaserfor C# programmers.All the questions, programs in this application of C# Questionsarewritten, tested, and proof read by Industry experts andarchitectswho have worked in multiple MNCs in .NET for more than 10years.CSharp Programs and Questions is a collection of C#questionsfrequently asked in placement papers, interviews and otherC#competitive examinations.C# covers many C# .NET related categories such as Basics,DataTypes, Enums, OOPs, Arrays, Structs, Properties, ExtensionMethods,Strings, Interfaces, Constructors,Constant-ReadOnly-Keywords,Ref-out-keywords, Exception Handling,Grabage Collection in C#,Collections, Generics, and Delegates andEvents.CSharp questions are focused on C#.NET exams across theglobe.This app improves your ability to solve CSharp questionsininterviews and competitive exams.C# Programs and C# Questions with answers can be used topreparefor any exams of various .NET companies.This app is for all age group and gender to learn andimproveyour C# Programming skills.This app is for aspiring people who would like to improvetheirC#.NET skills by solving C# questions, and have fun in theprocessof learning.The professional version is AD-FREE, and allows you to solveallthe papers without any daily limits.
C Sharp # Test & Flashcard 2.16
.NET C# Test & Flashcard
Справочник выживания 1.0
Приложение дает практические сведенияповыживанию в различных природных условиях. Описаныспособыподдержания здоровья, решение трудностей, обретениенавыковвыживания и разнообразная информация об опасностях которыемогутВас подстерегать.В данной версии приложения уже есть:- Выживание в различных природных условиях- Здоровье и гигиена- Разведение огня и приготовление пищи- Одежда, обувь и снаряжение- Питание и водообеспечение- Предсказание погоды- Оборудование укрытий от непогоды- Сигналы бедствияThe app givespracticalinformation on survival in different environmentalconditions. Themethods of maintaining health, the difficultiesgaining survivalskills and a variety of information about thedangers that may liein wait for you.In this version of the application is already there:- Survival in different environmental conditions- Health and hygiene- Cultivation of fire and cooking- Clothing, footwear and equipment- Power and water supply- Predicting the weather- Equipment shelter from the weather- Distress
Справочник по математике 3.0.2
Advanced Guide to Applied Mathematics.
Справочник садовода 1.0.3
Эта программа основана на многолетнем профессиональном опытеавторови содержит ответы на самые главные вопросы садоводов.Пользовательне только получит исчерпывающую информацию, но ипознакомится ссамыми плодоносящими сортами любимых культур,правилами обрезки,прививки и формировки, тонкостями размножения,подготовки сада кзиме, а главное – современными и безопасными дляурожая средствамиборьбы с вредителями и болезнями.В программе вы можете найти информацию о : ГРУША, ИРГА,РЯБИНА,РЯБИНА ЧЕРНОПЛОДНАЯ (АРОНИЯ), ЯБЛОНЯ, АБРИКОС, АЛЫЧА, ВИШНЯ,ВИШНЯВОЙЛОЧНАЯ, ПЕРСИК, СЛИВА, ЧЕРЕШНЯ, БАРБАРИС, БОЯРЫШНИК,БРУСНИКА,ГОЛУБИКА, ЕЖЕВИКА, ЖИМОЛОСТЬ, ЗЕМЛЯНИКА, КАЛИНА, КИЗИЛ,КЛЮКВАКРУПНОПЛОДНАЯ, КРЫЖОВНИК, ЛИМОННИК КИТАЙСКИЙ, МАЛИНА,МАЛИНАКРУПНОПЛОДНАЯ, ОБЛЕПИХА, СМОРОДИНА, ШИПОВНИК, ВИНОГРАД,ЛЕЩИНА,ГРЕЦКИЙ ОРЕХ.Thisprogram is based on years of professional experience of theauthorsand contains answers to the most important questions ofgardeners.The user will not only receive comprehensive information,but alsoto get acquainted with the most fruit-bearing varieties ofthefavorite crops, pruning rules, vaccinations and forming,thesubtleties of reproduction, preparation of garden for thewinter,and most importantly - modern and safe for crop pest controlanddisease.In the program you can find information about: PEAR, GDI,Rowan,black chokeberry (Aronia) of apple, apricot, plum, CHERRY,CHERRYfelt, peach, plum, cherry, barberry, hawthorn,cranberries,blueberries, blackberries, honeysuckle, strawberry ,viburnum,dogwood, CRANBERRY macrocarpa, gooseberry, Chinesemagnolia vine,raspberries, raspberry macrocarpa, sea buckthorn,blackberry, rosehips, grapes, hazelnuts, walnuts.
Справочник по русскому языку 1.2
Это объемное собрание правил русского языка. Справочникподойдеттем,кто не уверен в своих знаниях русской грамматики,поможетразобратьсяв правописании слов и пунктуации. Справочниксостоит из3 частей. В1-й части содержится информация по разделам:фонетика,графика,орфография, морфемика, словообразование,морфология.Описаны все видыразборов: фонетический,морфемный,словообразовательный,морфологический. Часть 2 "Синтаксисипунктуация" посвящена правиламразбора простых исложныхпредложений. В части 3 "Русский язык икультура общения" вынайдетеинформацию о следующих понятиях русскогоязыка: -Орфоэпическиенормы - Морфологические нормы - Синтаксическиенормы -Социальныеварианты русского языка - Стили русскоголитературногоязыка -Точность речи и лексика русского языка - Тексти егоосновныепризнаки Упражнения ко всем темам справочника и ответыкнимсмотрите на сайте вразделеОнлайн-библиотека/Русскийязык.
Юла Group
Справочник для работников скорой медицинской помощи.Карманный справочник по всем важным вопросам. Неполагайтесьтолько на память!Handbookfor ambulance workers.Pocket Guide on all important matters. Do not rely onmemory!
Book of Mushrooms 4.4
A nice collection of all major fungi species.
Справочник должностей 2.6
Qualifying directory of posts and professions. Job descriptions.
Анализы. Полный справочник 1.3
Forest Spirit
Полный справочник различныхвидованализов.Особое внимание уделено описанию причинизменениянормальныхпоказателей, влиянию на эти изменениязаболеваний,лекарств и дажеошибок при заборе анализа.Справочник отличается логичной и яснойдляиспользованиялогической структурой, развитой системойалфавитныхуказателей,удобным поиском данных. Книга рекомендуетсякак длялюдей безмедицинского образования, так и для врачей идругихмедицинскихработников.Completedirectoryofdifferent types of analysis. Particular attention ispaidtodescribe causes changes of normal values, the influenceofthesechanges on diseases, medications and even errors intheanalysis ofthe fence.Directory of different logical and clear to usealogicalstructure, a developed system of alphabetical indexes,easydataretrieval. The book is recommended for people withnomedicaltraining, as well as for physicians andothermedicalprofessionals.
C# Corner 0.7.3
C# Corner is an online community for software developers andITprofessionals.