Top 16 Apps Similar to 找計程車

55688 台灣大車隊 9.8
The APP calls 55688 for a taxi, and the payment for the taxi isdonewith one finger. Enjoy a lot of discounts immediately! TaiwanConvoyis the No. 1 leading brand of taxis in Taiwan, safe,comfortable andcaring, worthy of your trust!
BlueNet Transport 1.10.123
Offer data of taxi, bus, bike, TRA, HSR, MRT, and chat, doodleextrafeatures
Taximeter 3.1.8
Any questions about the taxi fare? Let Taximeter help you forfarecalculation.
178叫計程車 美好一起出發 大車隊 叫小黃 多元車 計程車 6.21
Hostar Inc.
Taxi 178 is the first taxi app in Taiwan and the first creditcardcalling app, which is earlier than other fleets. Assign apremiumtaxi.
全民APP叫車 2.1.35
歡迎光臨您的專屬車隊!將貼心服務的司機存入口袋名單,下次即可優先叫車!在北北基宜,桃園地區【全民APP叫車】,不分日夜等候您的呼喚!僅手機號碼即可登入使用;無須遷就計程車招呼站的遠近,手指滑動馬上看到附近可派空車的距離時間;免話費叫車;地圖地址定位,毋須手動輸入,還可選擇車輛條件;您可提前輸入下車地點,更方便與司機確認行車路線。派車運行當中還可分享親友(對方亦須下載【全民APP叫車】),共同觀看行車路線,行車紀錄完全透明化,安心上下車。基本使用功能:1. 手機號碼即可登入使用2. 免通話費叫車3. 精準定位,地址、地標、或上車地點備註4. 顯示附近空車,預估上車時間5. 優先指派您的專屬車隊6. 派車紀錄(上下車時間、地點、司機台號、車牌、電話)7. 親友下載app,乘車記錄互相分享,完全透明化關鍵字:小黃、叫車、計程車、出租車、全民計程車、盛亮、派車、北北基、大台北、司機、運講、召喚、運輸、TAXI、HyperTaxi、衛星派車、在地、短程運輸、行車軌跡、乘車體驗。
Taipei Metro Route Map 1.24.4
The simplest way to query Taipei Metro Travel Times and Fares.
大愛婦協泛亞聯合派遣 5.17
城市衛星聯合派遣 City Taxi 公司簡介 台灣大車隊以領先同業運用衛星定位派遣服務,推出3G (GPS +GPRS+GIS)乘車服務、24小時全天候衛星行車監控,真正做到「您在坐、天在看」高科技運輸服務業的安全品質,因此台灣大車隊建立在消費者心目中為計程車第一品牌地位,所以開發出最適合民眾叫車模式的功能,還可以指定刷卡機車輛。手機功能介紹1.網路叫車◎地址叫車>可以直接輸入目前想要上車地點的地址來訂車。 ◎GPS叫車>以現在所在位置以GPS定位來派車,並可以修正地點及位置。◎我的最愛>可以記錄幾組最常上車的地址,方便縮短叫車的時間。◎記錄訂車>可以記錄曾經叫車成功過或叫車失敗過的地址,藉以查詢使用。◎附近地標>查詢您附近的熱門景點,進行訂車。2.會員專區◎搭車紀錄>紀錄曾經搭過車的歷史紀錄,省去撥打電話的時間。◎安心服務> ◎安心簡訊>派完車後,以此功能發送車輛資訊及乘車時間給親友或朋友知道。 ◎車輛位置>透過功能可以查詢到車輛目前的所在位置,預估車輛到達的距離。 ◎取消訂車>訂車成功後,可在這裡進行取消。 ◎紀錄軌跡>乘車服務完畢後,可以查詢所走的路線有否正確或有繞路的情況。◎意見信箱>將你想對台灣大車隊說的話,留在這裡,我們將有專人為您服務。◎會員資料>您可在這裡修改您的會員基本資料。3.訊息快遞◎最新消息>在這裡您可以查詢到大車隊的最新消息。◎優惠活動>好康的都在這裡。 4.55899 叫車 ◎直接撥打55899叫車(每秒 0.1 元,前 10秒免費),未來可以切換其他車隊。 5.搭車評價 ◎你可以將搭車的感想留這裡。 6.推薦好友◎登錄Facebook告訴您的好友,城市衛星聯合派遣讚啦!
FuChuenTaxi 1.0.7
A personal call taxi android APP.FuChuen Lu is a experienced taxi driver.Provide following services:1. You can call taxi by phone, Line, Email or MMS.2. There are many information about HOT journey in the APP.3. There are many discount!!Finally, have a nice trip!
新竹/龍潭無線計程車隊 14
新竹/龍潭無線計程車隊提供包車旅遊及機場接送服務,全程跳錶收費,歡迎使用APP直接電話或簡訊預約叫車。Hsinchu / Longtanradiotaxi fleet offers charter travel and airport transfers, fulljumpmeter charges, Welcome to APP direct telephone or SMS bookingacab.
台北捷運Go 1.5.82
The "Taipei MRT Go" APP is newly revised and seamlesslyintegrateswith traffic information. It provides Taojie, Gaojie,High Speed​​Rail, Taiwan Railway, Maokong Gondola web pages andYouBike,Taipei Haoxing APP download interface, etc., allowing youtoarrange your itinerary more smoothly in advance .
盛亮司機公版 1.5.1
歡迎光臨您的專屬車隊!盛亮司機AClass是一個涵蓋各家車隊的聯合派遣APP。系統架構:車隊後台管理(需網路)、司機APP、乘客APP。合作的車隊有:全民計程車、QTaxi、好快樂計程車、佳雨計程車、祥賀計程車、全國安步…等六家車隊,仍持續不懈拓展業務。面對行動裝置的普及,在各層面生活中,對手機/平板的依賴性越來越高,AClass專職於開發台灣計程車服務的新天地,努力扭轉各界對於計程車服務(短程運輸)品質的不信任或疑問。讓車隊能確認司機行蹤;讓乘客能經由體驗並評價司機好壞,讓搭乘小黃不再僅僅為『一次性』的經驗,有好有壞都無法推薦或申訴。AClass誠摯希望能在計程車業形成正面且完整的派遣平台,讓多元需求的客人找到最美好的體驗。【若您是司機】想加入車隊合作,請洽以下電話:  ● 全民計程車 (02)2995-9718  ● Q Taxi (02)2893-7531  ● 好快樂計程車 (07)312-8889  ● 佳雨計程車 (07)345-5555 / 0800-345-5555  ● 祥賀計程車 (02)2219-3333【若您是乘客】想即刻體驗新的叫車模式,請由下列連結下載乘客端APP(手機號碼即可登入),或搜尋『盛亮商用科技』可見各車隊APP列表。  ● 全民計程車  ● Q Taxi  ● 好快樂計程車  ● 佳雨計程車  ● 祥賀計程車在此期望能讓您滿意並持續愛用與支持。若有任何問題,請發訊息,我們將盡快為您回覆。關鍵字:小黃、叫車、計程車、出租車、全民計程車、A Class、A咖、AClass、、QTaxi、好快樂計程車、佳雨計程車、祥賀計程車、盛亮、派車、北北基、大台北、桃園、宜蘭、高雄、司機、運講、召喚、運輸、TAXI、HyperTaxi、衛星派車、在地、短程運輸、行車軌跡、乘車體驗、手機登入、免通話費、精準定位、附近空車、預估車資、電子支付、專屬車隊、派車紀錄、乘車記錄分享、透明紀錄。
JapanTaxi 4.5.5
With more than 34,000 cars in47prefectures(*1), you can ride anywhere, anytime in Japan!You can also make reservations, calculate fares, and pay byNetPay(credit card, carrier payments and other online payments)throughthe app!*1 As of March, 2017.【Functions】<1. Call a Taxi>Just set pickup location in the map and other details such asnumberof cars, type of car, and payment, then wait for your orderto beaccepted. Estimated arrival time will be displayed so youdon't haveto worry while waiting.<2. Reservation>You can place an order in advance by setting the date and timeyouwant to be picked up.Reservation process is the same as above (Call a Taxi).<3. Fare Calculation >Get an estimate of how much and how long it will take fromyourdesired pickup location to your desired drop-offlocation.* Calculated fare and duration may vary from actual result.<4. Flat-Rate Airport Service>This service offers a fixed fee to get to or be picked up fromanymajor airports in Japan.* Fixed fee varies according to the participating taxicompaniesaround your target airport.<5.JapanTaxi Wallet and Cashless Payment>NetPay is a payment service that further simplifies taxi paymentbyregistering credit card and other online paymentservices(*2)through the app.From March of 2017, a new service called [JapanTaxi Wallet](*3)willallow you to use NetPay even if you did not order a taxithrough theapp! this service, you can also check and print yourreceiptonline.You do not have to worry anymore about forgetting or losingyourprinted receipts.*2 as of March, 2017, the following can be registered: ApplePay,credit cards, DoCoMo Mobile Payment, AU Easy PayandYahoo!Wallet*3 as of March, 2017, service is available in 4,100 NihonKotsutaxis equipped with electronic tablets in 23 districts ofTokyo,Musashino City, and Mikata City【Caution】・This application requires network service and GPS.・Orders placed through this app is the same as requesting a taxibyphone call. As such, a radio dispatch fee may beadditionallycharged. (Some taxi companies do not charge thisfee.)・Please understand that there are cases that you may not be abletoorder a taxi due to area, weather, road condition andtaxiavailability.・Fare calculation depends on the calculated route done by GoogleMapService. Therefore, actual route may vary. Furthermore,fareestimate does not include other fees such as toll fee,radiodispatch fee, and/or reservation fee.・Before using this service, please check participatingtaxicompanies and service area availability through this app.・Please understand that there are cases in some taxi companythatyou may not be able to use some functions, such aspointingdrop-off location, reservation by setting the date andtime,cashless payment.
台灣高鐵 T Express行動購票服務
The "T-EX Mobile Ticketing" APP allows you to easilyorderhigh-speed rail tickets, and you can download QR Codeticketsthrough your mobile phone, and quickly use your mobileticket topass customs without having to go to the station orconveniencestore to pick up the ticket.
叫車易 1.1g
★★ 叫車易係真正為香港人而設計嘅call的士App ★★★ 無論長途/中途/短途; 新界,九龍,以至大嶼山的士,通通啱用!★ 智能系統為你選擇合適的士,GPS定位俾你極速call車!★有冇試過司機將你個call彈來彈去,最終連影都無埋?用叫車易你會即刻見到邊個接咗你個call,俾你知道車牌號碼,唔會產生誤會。★ 有冇試過call咗車架的士唔知去咗邊? 用叫車易你可以即時睇到架車喺邊度嚟緊!★ 司機經過驗證,安全可靠!★ 你仲可以對司機作出評價,我哋會綜合乘客對司機的評價和意見,向司機反映,或勸喻加以改善。趕時間搵的士嘅您,仲唔立即下載?★ ★ Easy Series cabisdesigned for Hong Kong people really generous call taxis App★★★ Whether long / middle / short; New Territories, Kowloon,Lantautaxis as well, with all words incorrectly!★ Intelligent Systems for you to choose the right taxi,GPSpositioning speed call to serve your car!★ Did the driver tried to call you a bouncing, and eventuallyeventhe shadow are no buried? With a cab easily you'll instantlyseethe side of a pick Zo you a call, and let you know thelicenseplate number, Will not misunderstanding.★ Did not know tried to call a taxi to go Zo Zo frame side? Withacab easily you can instantly stick to the same side of thebracketcar Bei Li tight!★ drivers proven, safe and reliable!★ You can Chung to evaluate the driver, the passengers I Die willbeintegrated assessment and advice for drivers, to reflect tothedriver, or advice to improve.Login taxi generous hurry you Zhongwu Download Now?
AirPoPo Airport Transfer 0.8.0
Asia's No.1 Choice to Book Your Airport Transfer Service.