Top 15 Apps Similar to Elevate 2016

TiECon Chandigarh 2016 1.1
Prime Minister Narendra Modi duringhisspeechon the Independence Day 2015 announced the“StartupIndiaInitiative” and since then the Department ofIndustrial PolicyandPromotion (DIPP) Is spearheading the initiativeandprovidingsubstantial backing to foster the startup ecosystem.Theallocationof 1000 crore rupees through the SETU fund, setting upofMUDRABank, Atal Innovation Fund (AIM), slashing Royalty Taxfrom25% to10% by the government was highly appreciated bythestartupcommunity. The 1991 economic reforms, globalization andriseof ITindustry in India and some other factors, have alsobeenlargelyresponsible for the rise of entrepreneurship in India.Today, India is one of the fastest growing economies intheworldturning itself around from a nation of job seekers toanation ofjob creators. India’s own ecosystem of startup isevolvingrapidlywhich is driven by energy, enterprise andinnovation of youthandIndia is turning into a startup nation.Never before in thehistoryof the country have so many powerfulforces come together toenablethe Indian startup ecosystem. Toboot entrepreneurship and tomakeit easy to start your business,TiE since inception hasexecutedenormous initiatives in thisdirection with setting upnetwork ofincubators, accelerators andmentors that would help setup, growand stabilize new businesses,with an emphasis on socialenterprisesand commercial adaptation ofgrass-root levelinnovations.It is said that 90% of the startups fail. Cold statisticlikethisis not intended to discourage entrepreneurs, but toencouragethem towork smarter and harder. As the Indian Startupecosystembecomes moreconducive to start your own venture, there isa strongneed for thestartups to have a strong vision, disruptionin theirbusiness ideas,latest technology knowhow, awareness ofthegovernment offerings,best funding options available.Taking further the mission to fosterentrepreneurship&creating an ideal startup ecosystem andaddress upon theaboveissues, TiE Chandigarh chapter is organizingfirst of itskindTiEcon, the annual event of TiE on 19 February 2016at HotelTheLalit, IT Park, Chandigarh.TiECon Chandigarh 2016 will be attended byseniorjournalists,entrepreneurs, investors, venturecapitalists,startups,educationists and students from across Indiaandabroad.This conference will be one of the largestgatheringsofentrepreneurial talent in India. This one dayconclavebringstogether India’s brightest entrepreneurs,change-makers andexpertsunder one roof.TiEcon Chandigarh will ignite, inspireandhighlightopportunities, disruption and innovationinentrepreneurship. Theevent gets you keynote speakers,educationaltracks and networkingopportunities. You get network, getmentored,compete for angelfunding and talk one-to-one withventurecapitalists and more. Thisis an opportunity to makemeaningfulconnections with clients,mentors & investors.
HealthStream Summit 2015 android-candidate-v3.25-20150331-1743
HealthStream’s Summit provides anopportunitytoconnect with your fellow healthcare executives,educators,trainingprofessionals, and learning experts from acrossthecountry. Summitattendees will learn about transforminghealthcareworkforcedevelopment into a strategic advantage. Withourpartners, we’llfacilitate your efforts to adopt neweducationalproducts, find newways to make decisions and takeaction based onresearch data, andimprove clinical and businessoutcomes at yourorganization.What are Summit 2015’s Outstanding Features?Convenient Downtown location with easy accesstoworld-classentertainment and diningCo-located accommodations and conference to minimize timespentintransitMore than 70 educational breakout sessions, manywithCEopportunities and accreditationWhat hasn’t changed for 2015 is our goal — to empower youandyourcolleagues to achieve better outcomes, both in thedeliveryofpatient and resident care and in the operationsofyourorganization. As always, our keynote speakers,expert-ledsessions,panel discussions, and networking breakouts willpoweryour effortsto effect change. Thank you in advance forconnectingwithHealthStream, our partners, and each other, as wework togethertoaddress healthcare challenges and improve care.
Box Dev 2015 1.0.4
Loopd Inc.
The official Box Dev 2015 App poweredbyLoopd( the Box Platform team and over 1,500developersandentrepreneurs for our second annual developerconference onApril22, 2015 at Fort Mason in San Francisco.The day will feature exciting platform productlaunches,deep-divetechnical sessions, thought-leadership sessionsfocusedon buildingfor the enterprise, and technical sessionsfeaturingeverything youneed to know to build, design and scaleyourenterprise app.Agenda:9:00 AM: Registration + Breakfast10:00 AM: Opening Fireside Chat with Eric Schmidt10:45AM: Box Keynote11:30 AM: Lunch served by Off the Grid12:30 PM: Fireside Chat with Marc Benioff1:30 PM: Breakout sessions5:30 PM: Closing Fireside Chat6:00 PM: Happy Hour + After PartyFor more information and to view the entire schedule,pleasevisit:"Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramaticallydecrease battery life.""Background location modes are used for the scavengerhuntgameevent!"
NAS 2016 1.0
The National AutisticSociety'sProfessionalConference 2016 is taking place on 1st - 2ndMarch atthe TelfordInternational Centre.With yet another year of cutbacks in funding andresources,wewanted to focus on the positive work being done toimprovethelives of people on the autism spectrum. We are alsoexcitedaboutall the new ways in which attitudes and thinking aboutautismarebeing challenged – both in campaigns such as the JusticeforLBBill and also in new research and practiceswhichoverturntraditional views and prejudices. That is why thetheme fortheconference this year is Exploring new thinkingandapproaches.Our experts on the Editorial Board have worked hard todevelopyetanother outstanding programme, drawing together examplesofbestpractice across the different sectors. Keynote sessionsgivenby topinternational and UK speakers will present an overviewofthechanging autism environment. Plus, our series ofexpertseminars willprovide you with practical strategies toimplementwith yourcolleagues.The app provides delegates with a handheld guide totheevent,including functionality that will allow delegates tonetworkandaccess all the information about the conference.Developed by Insight Mobile Ltd. To contact us aboutdevelopinganapp for your business please email [email protected] orcall us on +44 (0)1273 803100
Pollstar Live 5.5.1
Download the official conference appforPollstar Live! including Production Live!, Agents Live!,PollstarAwards and more.With just one app download, you’ll have access to all ofPollstarLive’s conference content, with features including:•Agenda – Access your complete conference schedule,keynotes,special sessions, speaker bios, presentations, photos andmore.•Social Networking – Interact with conference staff, engagewithother attendees, exhibitors, and business partners.•Navigate – Find your way around with interactive mapswithsession and sponsor locations, food stations and lounges.•Sponsors – Learn more about event sponsors, and getcontactinformation of all major partners.•Personalization – Document you own notes, selectpersonalfavorites, and create a custom profile to share withotherattendees.•Conference Extras – Get daily news and updates.Pollstar Live! provides an "arena" for industry veteransandnewcomers alike to share information and ideas, solve problemsandbrainstorm new ways to keep the live experience fresh as wellasprofitable. A number of organizations and companies scheduletheirown private meetings during the course of Pollstar Live!, andmanyothers participate in the best trade show in the business.Production Live! is a one-day conference dedicated to theunsungheroes who hang the lights, fly the speakers, set up the pyroandpark the trucks. Listen as roadies, tour managers andpromoterstalk about the sweaty, complicated, unglorified stuff thatturnsinto an amazing spectacle when the house lights are dimmed tohalfand the band takes the stage.Agents Live! has agents from virtually every major bookingagencywill be available to talk, discuss, or just have a littleface timewith others in the industry. More than 40 agencies areexpected toset up shop in one handy location.Pollstar Awards honors top artists, management, talentbuyers,venues, support services and more for theirprofessionalism,achievements and abilities. Winners are determinedby votes fromthe international readership of Pollstar. The PollstarAwards Showpresents eclectic mix of celebrity presentersrepresenting avariety of distinguished artists from across theworld ofentertainment, show biz icons across film and television,classicrock legends, stars of comedy and a diverse assortmentofcontemporary performers.
The King's Fund Events v2.9.2.1
KitApps, Inc.
Our highly regarded conferences and seminars attractleadingspeakers from the government, the NHS, and the independentandvoluntary sectors. Our policy and leadership experts shapetheprogrammes, allowing delegates to understand the latestpolicydevelopments and share innovation and best practice fromaround thecountry and internationally. We have created this App toensure youhave everything you need for the conference or event youareattending at the tip of your fingers. There is no need forvariousbits of paper to be handed to you at registration as youhave theprogramme, attendee list, sponsor and exhibitioninformation inthis App! It also offers great ways to network withotherattendees.
RMLA Conference 2016 v2.7.2.0
KitApps, Inc.
The objective of ResourceManagementLawAssociation (RMLA) Conference is to focus mindsonaddressingclimate change and sustainable development;preservationof NewZealand’s Outstanding Natural Landscapes;resolving competingneedsof water users; protecting our regions’outstanding waterbodies;and better managing competition forproductive rural landand thegrowth industries of aquaculture andtourism.RMLA’s OUTstanding conference seeks to betterequippractitioners,consultants, businesses, industry playersanddecision makers aliketo confront these challenges andbeoutstanding in their response. Wealso seek to identify waystodiversify from reliance on the primarysector; to innovateandembrace new technologies; and in doing so,strengthen NewZealand’seconomic competitiveness.
Modi keynote live 1.0
modi keynote
Modi KeyNote (Prank App)Modi Keynote,Modi Ki Notes explained in New Indian CurrencyweKnowthat recently announced by Prime Minister Of IndiaMr.NarendraModi that From Midnight of the 8th November,regularcurrency noteof Rs. 500/- & 1000/- has been bannedinindia.New Indian Currency explained This is one of the very bigsteptakenby our government till now in the direction ofcountryempowerment,the Dicision was taken suddenly & verysmartly bythe governmentwhich is for the Black Money holder incountry, aswell as forreducing the inlegall activity which issupported withthat BlackMoney, The action also taken due toterrarist actionwhich isfunding from duplicate we should welcome the PM Dicision for Currency Exchangebecauseitwill makes a drastic change in a normalcitizenslifestyle.All process & details for all issue about currencyhasbeensolved in the Application of Indian Currency ExchangeGuide.thismay be helpful for userIf you Still have Notes of 500/- & 1000/- ??????No need to be afraid, because your money will beyoursonly.Citizens have to follow some steps easily &co-operategovernmentactions.Just take your cash notes of 500 & 1000, original IDproofGo to your bank then fill Note Exchange formswithproperdetailsThats it !!!!!!!!!!Modi ki Note Scan - entertainment purpose only :) . Downloadappandscan your 2000 and 500 new currency and now you can seeourprimeminister Narender Modi ji speak on your note. and thisisthemessage from prime minister Narender Modi ji for thepeopleinIndia. against black money and corruption. Download ourappandsend your feedback to us.This app provide you guide for changing money and checkwetheritis real or fake.People of India support our honorable Prime minister ModiJionthe demonetization drive.Note: This app is just for fun. Not intended to checkwhetherfakeor original note.We want to pass the message given by Modi Ji to more peoplewithhelpof new technology.
KeynotesPlus 1.2
Keynotes is designed to protect your confidential data as goodaspossible. It is a secure vault. Keynotes is ideal as asecurestorage for passwords, serial numbers, access information,pincodesor general notes you want to protect. Keynotes not only isverysafe, but also pleasant to work with. It can be adapted toyourpreferences in several ways. Details about KeyNotes Plus:-Industry-standard (AES) encryption - Safe private storage-Encryption strength selectable up to 256 bits - Import andexportyour notes for backup purposes or to edit them in a safe wayonyour PC - Search in your notes - Free download and use ofKeynotesfor the PC (For Windows and Linux) - Selectable fonts pernote -Notes sortable in multiple ways - Safe: No Internet accessneededYou can import the notes from the free version in KeynotesPlus.Keynotes Plus is a safe vault for all your notes, memo'sandannotations
KeyNotes 3.0.421-FREE
Please export your notes before updating. Updating is alwaysarisk,so be sure to have a backup. Keynotes is designed toprotectyourconfidential data as good as possible. It is asecurevault.Keynotes is ideal as a secure storage of passwords,serialnumbers,access information, pincodes or general notes youwant toprotect.Keynotes not only is very safe, but also pleasant toworkwith. Itcan be adapted to your preferences in several ways.DetailsaboutKeyNotes: - Industry-standard (AES) encryption -Safeprivatestorage - Encryption strength selectable up to 256 bits-exportyour notes (Import only in the paid version KeynotesPlus)-Selectable fonts per note - Safe backup through exportoption-Notes sortable in multiple ways - Safe: No InternetaccessneededThe password is not stored on the device and there isno waytorecover it. So when you loose your password you willlooseyournotes. Please backup your notes regularly with theexportfunction.Keynotes is a safe vault for all your notes,memo'sandannotations. You can also use it for passwords and PIN's
Open Business Conference 4.4.1
Open Business Conference is theofficialinteractive mobile app for the Open BusinessConference.This mobile app allows you to:* View schedules and explore sessions.* Create your own personal schedule and access location andspeakerinformation.* Access interactive maps and check out the expo hall.* Check-in to sessions, meetings, keynotes, andexhibitorbooths.* View an entire feed of the event activity, includingattendeecheck-ins, photos, and more.* Expand your professional network and have fun!Features of the App:* Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, where you are,andwhich session you’reattending* Activity - keep your finger on the pulse of the event. Seewhatpeople are doing, view photos fromthe event, find trending sessions and topics, and “like” andcommenton other attendee check-ins* Agenda - view the full agenda and related information(sessiontime, room number, speaker info, etc.)* Users - see who’s at the event, and connect with them ontheapp* Sponsors - find exhibitors and sponsors, check-in toleavecomments and feedback* Profile - your official app profile, highlighting yourname,profile photo, title, and companyEnjoy the app and have a great show!Computerworld’s Open Business Conference is the premier forumforlearning from and sharing with the industry’s top strategistsinopen technologies - helping attendees to discover and deploygamewinning open source game plans. It is ground zero for learningfromthe experts, and networking with open source peers, developersandsponsors -- including sessions on the following:* Building data-rich mobile services with open APIs tonavigatethe confusing labyrinth of cloud computing projects tobetterprocess data* How to decipher the data explosion and put data to work foryourenterprise* How to capitalize on the cutting edge technologies beingoffered,including Cassandra, Hadoop, OpenStack and more* Ways to connect with the developers, users and companiesbehindtechnologies like HTML5 frameworks such as jQuery andSproutcore,NoSQL databasesThis two-day conference covers the open sourcestrategicchallenges that IT management deals with on a daily basisand theimplementation of tactical issues that IT practitionersgrapplewith. In addition, this year, Open Business Conference willfeaturecontent focused for the developer community to ensurecontinuedOpen Source innovation. Come for sessions on sharing,teaching andcommunicating ways to build the best code will joinsessions on thebest ways to design mobile apps and how to functionin an OpenCloud.
ICBO One is behavioral optometry’s global network and portal toICBOpartner events. Download ICBO One and keep the energy andspirit ofthe International Congress of Behavioral Optometry (ICBO)alive yearround. Join the year-round social network andinformation exchangecommunity dedicated to serving and advancingthe global behavioraloptometry family. In addition, ICBO One isyour portal to ICBOpartner events because it contains within itthe conference apps forICBO partner events. That means, ratherthan downloading a whole newapp, attendees to these events useICBO One to access a portion ofthe app dedicated to that event.ICBO One is the official mobile appfor ICBO partner organizationsand their members. ICBO partnerorganizations: Australasian Collegeof Behavioral Optometrists(ACBO), British Association ofBehavioural Optometrists (BABO),Behavioral Optometry AcademyFoundation (BOAF), CanadianOptometrists in Vision Therapy andRehabilitation (COVT&R),Consejo Mexicano de OptometriaFunctional (COMOF), OptometricExtension Program Foundation (OEPF),and Sociedad Internacional deOptometria del Desarrollo yComportamiento (SIODEC). What makes ICBOOne unique? The appempowers the global community in two importantways: 1) ICBO One isa social network and information sharingcommunity for year-rounddiscussion, knowledge sharing, andcommunity building for allmembers of ICBO partner organizationsaround the world. * Bybringing the global community together in oneplace, we cannetwork, share and learn together like never before.2) ICBO One isalso your portal to ICBO partner events. During thoseevents,registered attendees will be able to use the ICBO One app toaccessthose events. Attendees will be able to: * View schedules,exploresessions, and find networking events. * Curate your ownpersonalschedule for easy conference attendance. * Access locationandspeaker information at your fingertips. * Post updates tosessions,keynotes, and exhibitor booths. * Interact with areal-time feed ofall event activity, that showcases which sessionsare trending,most popular photos, and popular discussion topics. *Earn points,badges, and prizes for being active on the app and atthe event.Check the leaderboard to see how you compare to otherattendees. *Expand your professional network and have fun! Featuresof the App:* Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, andwhich sessionyou’re attending * Activity Feed - the real-time pulseof theevent. See what people are saying, view photos from theevent, andfind trending sessions and topics. * Agenda - view thefull agendaand related information (session time, room number,speaker info,etc) * Users - see who’s at the event, and connectwith them on theapp * Exhibitors - find exhibitors and sponsors,and leave commentsor ratings Remember, as you use the app, you'llearn points andbadges for participation.
2016 Global Service Hero Event
The Service Heroes’ App supports the2016GlobalService Heroes’ Summit in Goa, India. The appcontainsimportantinformation to help Global Service Heroes preparefor theevent, aswell as details about the location and fun waystointeract withfellow heroes as the event approaches. Thisappallows you to:• View schedules, explore sessions, andfindnetworkingevents.• Access location and speaker information at your fingertips.• Post updates to sessions, keynotes, and exhibitor booths.• Interact with a real-time feed of all eventactivity,thatshowcases which sessions are trending, most popularphotos,andpopular discussion topics.• Earn points, badges, and prizes for being active on the appandatthe event. Check the leaderboard to see how you comparetootherattendees.• Expand your professional network and have fun!Features include:• Update - a quick way to share photos, comments, andwhichsessionyou’re attending• Activity Feed - the real-time pulse of the event. Seewhatpeopleare saying, view photos from the event, and findtrendingsessionsand topics.• Agenda - view the full agenda and relatedinformation(sessiontime, room number, speaker info, etc)• Users - see who’s at the event, and connect with themontheapp
Decoded Fashion Milan
Decoded Fashion Milan is the officialmobileapp for the 2016 summit of Decoded Fashion Milan event, dedicated to bringing together the industries offashionand tech, will take place on the 15th and 16th of November2016 atTalent Garden Milan. To support the summit, the features ofthis appwill enable you to:√ Buy your ticket.√ View agenda and updates, explore sessions, and findnetworkingopportunities.√ Curate your own personal schedule for easyconferenceattendance.√ Have location and speaker information at your fingertips.√ Contact fellow attendees with an internal messagingservice.√ Post updates about sessions, keynotes, and exhibitorbooths.√ Interact with a real-time feed of all event activityshowcasingtrending sessions, discussion topics, and photos.√ Earn points, badges, and prizes for being active on the appduringthe event. Check the leaderboardto see how you compare to other attendees.Expand your network: enjoy the app and have a great summit!This app was created by DoubleDutch, the leading provider ofbrandedmobile applications for events,conferences and trade shows worldwide. The DoubleDutch platformisdesigned to thrill attendeesand empower event organizers with powerful analytics.Createengaging, memorable events andconferences with a DoubleDutch mobile apptoday.
business card Organizer 1.3
BUSINESS CARD ORGANIZER is your MobileBusinessContact Manager which provides a simple way to create aswell asexchange your contact information with friends or clientsand stayin touch with them forever at no cost.BUSINESS CARD ORGANIZER lets you create Business card which youcanuse as business contact cards as well as social networking cardstoshare with your clients, business partners or other mates.BusinessCard Organizer helps you out by creating attractive andcustomvisiting cards, set what ever profile details you want, setyourimage or company logo, choosing from variety of availablevisitingcard themes and easily share with so many popular ways likeGmail,Whatsapp, WiFi, Bluetooth, Facebook, Google+ and so manyeasyways.Business Card ORGANIZER removes the panic of looking foronebusiness card once you had and lost it somewhere orforgottenanywhere in all your drawers, shelves, books, cars. Nowall yourbusiness cards are stored right at your Android devicewithin ourapp "Business Card ORGANIZER".BUSINESS CARD ORGANIZER is the perfect fit for those whohavelots of business cards or who love business social networking.Tostart a successful business, get organize your businessleadsnow!FEATURES:1.You can make your business card in a minute by followingtheseeasy 3 steps.- Choose your business card from list.- Enter details of your business (Add photo, name, category,companyand note to a card)- Save and share your Business Card.2.It contains varieties of available card themes that suitsyourbusiness.3.It contains multiple no. of fonts that suitsyourpersonality.4.It helps in saving your details that you enter which canbeinstant next time.5.Also Business Cards can be created in any of theavailablelanguages-English-Hindi-Chinese-Japanese-Deutsche-French6.MY CARDS section can be used to view Previously createdcards,Received cards or Scanned old cards.7.Business Cards can be shared via:-Facebook-Whatsapp-Gmail-Flickr-Google+-All mail clients-Bluetooth-WiFi-And many more...Use BUSINESS CARD ORGANIZER to make you betterpresentable,withan impression on your business partners and othersocial mates.Enjoy!