Top 2 Games Similar to Snow Ball Breaker

Get Set Snow Ball 1.0.3
How long you can make the snow ballfallwithoutmelting it in fumes? Become part of this simpleandaddictive fallinggame and climb up the leadership board withyourquick reflexes. Doyou have what it takes to top the leaderboardof Snow Ball Game?Important features:- Smart AI snowball power- Never ending game- Randomly generated restrictors
CUSTOM Ball Breaker HD Free 1.22.8
Welcome on Custom Ball Breaker HD!This game looks like traditional ball breaker except youcanwholly customize it; for example, you can choose:-or generate yourself the map where you want to play-the number of balls and their lives-if you want to move the bar touching the screen or tiltingyourdevice-what bonus can appear and the probability that they appearThis version is FREE and DOESN'T propose MICRO-TRANSACTION!How to play:The goal is to destroy all the bricks with ballsTo prevent them to escape the screen, you must move the bar inorderto bounce them to the top.So as to guess the direction of the bounce, look at the littlelineswhich bound the little bowl under the bar and the top of thebar.The ball will follow the line direction when it will bounce.Ballsdisappear if their number of lives is negative.In mode “finger”, to move the bar to the left, touch the lefthalfscreen and reciprocally. In inclination mode, toggle slightlyyourdevice to the side where you want to move the bar.Mission mode allow you to save your records in maximum pointsandminimum time.Levels 0 and 99 are different random levels. Try to win alllevels(from 1 to 20 included) so that to unlock the bonus level(21).Customizable mode let you choose the percentage of chanceofapparition of each bonus destroying bricks. Uncheck a squareisequivalent to put 0 as percentage. For the level 0 (it israndom),it is possible to approximately choose the number of brickscreated(if the percentage is 0, there will not be bricks whereas ifthepercentage is 100, the totality of the top of the screen willbefilled by bricks).Liste of bonus:-Enlarge Bar (<->): increases the width of the bar by50%(without exceed the half of the screen)-Reduce Bar (>-<): decreases the width of the bar by40%(without becoming too small either)-Enlarge Balls (O): increases the size of all balls-Reduce Balls (°): decreases the size of all balls-Explode Ball ((X)): made explode a ball destroying all nearbricks(and removing a life to the ball); if it remains only a ballwith 0life, this one won't be destroyed(so, you don't riskGameOver^^)-Speed up Balls (—>): increases the speed of all balls-Slow down Balls (<—): decreases the speed of all balls-Laser Beam (|_|): the bar shoots a large beam (after 3s) havingascenter the little bowl under the bar; all bricks touched loosealife-Change bounce h (~>~): moves horizontally the little bowlunderthe bar-Change bounce v (~^~): moves vertically the little bowl underthebar-New Ball (+o): makes appear an additional ball with 1 life-Multiply Balls (ox2): all balls having at less 1 lifearesplit-Increase Balls lives (0++): adds one life on every ball-Decrease Balls lives (0--): removes one life on every ball whohaveat less one life-Reset Balls (reset): resets all specifications of the ballstotheir initial state and teleports them to the same line onthebottom of the screen-Through Ball (XX): allows a ball during 7s to pass throughbricksdestroying them-Javelin (_|_): the bar shoots a thin beam (after 3s) havingforcenter the little bowl; all bricks touched are destroyedMusics: