Top 20 Apps Similar to La Radio Météo

Weather & Radar USA - Pro 2023.21.1
Local forecast, alerts, radar, lightning tracker + weather appforAndroid Auto
Weather - Routing - Navigation 7.6
Marine Weather, Weather Routing and Navigation made simple.ASailing must have.
Météo Lyon 3.7.0
The application site, the reference for Lyon anditsregion!
Météo Lille 3.7.0
The application site, the benchmark for the region!
Météo Grenoble 3.7.1
The application site, the benchmark fortheregion!
Météo Marseille 3.7.0
The application site, the benchmark fortheregion!
Météo Bordeaux 3.7.0
The application of the site, referenceforBordeaux and its region!
Meteo France Pro 1.1
Meteo pour France-Maintenant-Jour / Nuit-7-9 Jours
Météo Nantes 3.7.0
The application site, the reference for Nantesandits region!
La météo agricole 3.2.31
10-day agricultural weather forecast, weather by hour andrainwithin the hour
Météo Montpellier 3.7.0
The application site, the benchmark fortheregion!
Météo Rouen 3.7.0
The application site, the reference for Rouenandits region!
Weather Fast 1.3
"Weather Fast" gives you the weatherinrealtime.> The weather day> The weather daysSet the location where you are, or check the weather foranycityworldwide.Details of the weather, sky condition, temperatureMinimum,Maximum,humidity, rainfall, wind speed.Global weather application for you absolutely!Need to know the weather in Other Country ?Weather all over the World!
Météo Chamrousse 3.7.0
The application site, the benchmark fortheregion!
Weather France 1.0
See French weather forecast maps including high andlowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.Franceweather gives you all you need ti know about the weather ofFrancewith informations about the temperatures , rain , wind andmore. Wecover the major ,cities of France especially ParisMarseille LyonToulouse Nice Nantes Strasbourg Montpellier BordeauxLille RennesReims Le Havre Saint-Étienne Toulon Grenoble DijonAngers NîmesVilleurbanne Saint-Denis, La Réunion Le MansClermont-FerrandAix-en-Provence Brest Limoges Tours AmiensPerpignan MetzBoulogne-Billancourt Besançon Orléans Rouen MulhouseCaenSaint-Denis Nancy Argenteuil Saint-Paul Montreuil RoubaixTourcoingFort-de-France Dunkirk Nanterre Créteil AvignonVitry-sur-SeinePoitiers Courbevoie. France has four broad climaticzones: thehumid seaboard zone west of the line Bayonne-Lille withcoolsummers; a semi-continental zone with cold winters and hotsummersin Alsace-Lorraine, along the rhodanian corridor and inthemountainous massifs (Alps, Pyrenees, Massif Central);anintermediate zone with cold winters and hot summers in theNorth,the Paris region and the central region; and a Mediterraneanzonewith mild winters and quite hot summers in the south ofFrance.Climate in the Paris area is variable. There is a chance ofadownpour in spring or a thunderstorm in summer. Temperaturerangesbetween 20°C and 26°C from May through October. Springtime inParisis mild and relatively dry, and the autumn is equallyextended.July and August are the warmest months. Daily averagemaximumtemperatures range from 6°C in January to 26°C in August.Thewettest month on average is October (71 mm), whenheavyThunderstorms are possible. Brittany in the far west is thewettestFrench locale, especially between October and November. Julyis thedriest month for the Bretons. In the South, the Mediterraneancoasthas the driest climate with any noticeable rain coming inspringand autumn. Provence (in the southeast) occasionallyplaysreluctant host to le mistral, a strong, cold and dry windthatblows in over the winter for periods of only a few days up toacouple of weeks.The Mediterranean coastline and Corsica haveplentyof sunshine during the summer months, and refreshing seabreezes.Average daily maximum temperatures reach a warm 27°C inAugust, andan average of 12 hours of sunshine per day. 25-30 drydays permonth can be expected during the summer season. On theAtlanticCoast and in Bordeaux, the climate is generally mildwithtemperatures averaging 11°C in winter, up to 27°C in summer,andrainfall distributed throughout the year. With the days freshandpossibly damp in the spring and often sunny in the autumn,theclimate is one of the most important factors behind Bordeaux'shighquality wine it produces. The weather in the French Alpsvariesfrom north to south. The northern Alps (the Savoy) aresubject tooceanic influences resulting in abundant precipitationyear roundwith low temperatures, and cold winters with sometimesheavysnowfall. Briancon, in the Alps, has a mean temperature of-2°C inJanuary, and 17°C in July. During the warm season, localwinds blowalong this region's wide valleys and by midday, warm airrises fromthe valleys, causing clouds to form around most mountainsummits.The heights can sometimes attract storms that are bothviolent andspectacular. The southern Alps (Provence and the CoteD'Azur) enjoya typical Mediterranean climate, with lots ofsunshine, dryweather, clear skies and no mist or fog. Autumn is thebest time ofyear in this region. Occasionally, violent storms mayoccur, butthey are always followed by sunny spells. Features : - Weshow youthe next 6 Days Forecast - Different color for differentweather -A Widget is Integrated to see weather from your homescreen - 5beauty theme available - 9 Available Weather Map - UsesGPSLocation to detect your location
Alerte Météorologique 4.0.87
Alerte météorologique est une application qui vous renseignesurlesconditions d'alerte météorologique de la Francemétropolitainepourles prochaines 24h et envoie une notification partechnologiePushsur votre mobile. Cette notification est émise àchaquenouveaudépartement qui bascule en alerte orange ourouge.Néanmoins, vouspouvez spécifier une liste de départementspourlesquels vousrestreignez les notifications. De plus 2 widgetssontproposés pourun affichage sur le bureau Android. Les widgetssontdes extensionsd'applications conçues pour fournir en permanenceunservice ou unefonctionnalité directement à l’écran sans besoindedémarrerl'application elle-même. Pour installer un widget surlebureauAndroid, veuillez vous référer, s’il vous plaît,aumanueld’utilisateur de votre mobile. Le Wigdet XLestredimensionnable.Il affiche les conditions météorologiquesfourniespar
Météo Express 1.5
Weather forecast with human expertise. Alerts, news and more!
Weather France 1.0.1
Rudy Huang
Weather forecast in France for free
Cumulus & Co 1.0.1
Météo-France vous présente sa nouvelleapplimobile pour apprendre, comprendre et savoir reconnaitre lesnuages: l’application Cumulus & CoL’application Cumulus & Co s’adresse à tous, petits etgrands,passionnés de météorologie ou simplement désireux d’ensavoir plussur les nuages : comment se forment les nuages, leurcomposition,leurs caractéristiques, … tout en s’amusant.Cette application gratuite a été développée par Météo-France etsoncontenu validé par les enseignants de l’Ecole Nationale delaMétéorologie.Avec la nouvelle application de Météo-France, vous allezdécouvrirles différentes familles de nuages, apprendre à lesreconnaitre ettester vos connaissances en jouant à des quizthématiques, parniveau, pour enfin partager votre score avec vosamis sur Facebook,Twitter ou Google+Plusieurs rubriques dans l’appli météo Cumulus & Co :• L’image météo du jour : chaque jour une nouvelleimagespectaculaire, sélectionnée parmi les images satellitairesduCentre de Météorologie Spatiale, est mise à votre dispositionavecsa légende et ses explications.• Une rubrique « Apprendre » présente une encyclopédie complètesurles nuages, avec des schémas explicatifs, un cataloguedesdifférents nuages classés par ordre alphabétique, desfichesdescriptives complètes ainsi que des photos caractéristiques.Lapartie classification vous présente tous les nuages selonleursgenres, espèces, variétés et particularités.• Une partie « Quiz » avec des centaines de questions en image,duniveau débutant au niveau expert, pour tester et vérifiervosconnaissances sur les nuages. A l’issue de chaque quiz, vouspouvezpartager votre score avec vos amis via les réseauxsociaux.• Une rubrique « Galerie » où vous retrouvez toutes les photosdel’application Cumulus & Co. Elles sont téléchargeablesetferont de magnifiques fonds d’écran pour vos smartphones.L’application Cumulus & Co ne cesse de s’enrichir denouvellesfonctionnalités, de nouveaux contenus, de nouvelles imagesdenuages et de nouveaux quiz pour tester vos connaissances.N’hésitezpas à nous soumettre vos suggestions, idées et retours parlarubrique « Nous contacter » du menu de votre application ouàl’adresse [email protected]étéo-France presentsitsnew mobile app to learn, understand and learn to recognizetheclouds Cumulus Application & CoThe application Cumulus & Co is for everyone, young andold,lovers of meteorology or simply interested in learning moreaboutcloud: how clouds form, composition, characteristics, ...whilehaving fun.This free application was developed by Météo-France and itscontentsvalidated by the teachers of the National SchoolofMeteorology.With the new application of Météo-France, you will discoverthedifferent clouds families, learn to recognize them and testyourknowledge playing themed quiz, by level, to finally shareyourscore with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Google+Several topics in the app & Co Cumulus weather:• Picture weather of the day: every day a new spectacularimage,selected from satellite images from the SatelliteMeteorologyCentre is at your disposal with its legend anditsexplanation.• A section "Learning" presents a comprehensive encyclopediaonclouds, with explanatory diagrams, a catalog of different cloudsinalphabetical order, complete listings and thecharacteristicspictures. The classification section presents allthe cloudsaccording to their genera, species, varieties andfeatures.• A "Quiz" section with hundreds of questions image, frombeginnerto expert level, to test and verify your knowledge of theclouds.At the end of each quiz, you can share your score with yourfriendsvia social networks.• A section "Gallery" where you find all the photos ofCumulusApplication & Co. They are downloadable and will makebeautifulwallpapers for your smartphone.The Cumulus & Co enforcement continues to be enriched withnewfeatures, new content, new images of clouds and new quiz totestyour knowledge. Feel free to send us your suggestions, ideasandfeedback through the "Contact us" of your application menu [email protected].
Isle of France Weather 0.2.12
Original App
The application Isle of France WeatherforAndroid smartphones offers an experience ofinnovativeweather.Isle of France Weather has an interface with simple andintuitivefeatures for easy access to data.It also provides access to real-time weather and air quality atanytime of the day.See a full set of forecasts to 5 days.150 cities available in Paris area and Isle of France (IledeFrance).Features:★ Simple and intuitive interface★ More than 150 cities and places in France★ Configurable Widgets : small and medium size★ Daily temperature, with daily highs and lows★ Wind speed and wind direction★ Humidity level★ Sunrise and sunset times★ Forecasts up to 5 days★ Air quality for the most of cities★ Configurable list of cities on the Front interface★ A new interface of weather conditions for yourcurrentlocation★ Background selection★ Choose your preferred temperature unit - CelsiusorFahrenheit