Top 6 Apps Similar to Sky Mosque Live Wallpaper

Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper 3.0.1
Impress yourself and everybody else withabreathtaking “Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper” app. It presentsthemagnificent moment around Kaaba during Hajj.Download for free Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper and enjoy the sightofmillions of people praying together.How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpaper -> Select Mecca Hajj Live Wallpaper from thelistIf you are not able to visit Makkah this year, this is notthereason to be unsatisfied, because you will be with yourthoughtsthere every time you look at your mobile phone.The Hajj (Arabic: حج‎ Ḥaǧǧ "pilgrimage", also spelled haj)is,according to Quran, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, SaudiArabia.It is one of the largest pilgrimages in the world, and isthe fifthpillar of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried outat leastonce in their lifetime by every able-bodied Muslim who canaffordto do so.The Hajj is associated with the life of Islamic prophetMuhammadfrom the 7th century, but the ritual of pilgrimage toMakkah isconsidered by Muslims to stretch back thousands of yearsto thetime of Abraham (Ibrahim).In 630 CE, Muhammad led his followers from Medina to Mecca; itwasthe first Hajj to be performed by Muslims alone, and the onlyHajjever performed by Muhammad.Pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people,whosimultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj,andperform a series of rituals: Each person walkscounter-clockwiseseven times around the Kaaba, the cube-shapedbuilding which actsas the Muslim direction of prayer, runs back andforth between thehills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drinks from theZamzam Well, goesto the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil,and throws stonesin a ritual Stoning of the Devil. The pilgrimsthen shave theirheads, perform a ritual of animal sacrifice, andcelebrate thethree day global festival of Eid al-Adha.Enjoy every moment of your life, enjoy Mecca HajjLiveWallpaper!May Allah bless you!For more Islamic Live Wallpapers and apps, please visitmychannel.
Ashura Live Wallpaper 3.0.3
A single tear shed for Husayn washes awayahundred sins! Remember the day of victory for Islam withAshuraLive Wallpaper app.Ashura Live wallpaper presents the day of Ashura after thebattle,with picture of Karbala in the background and the image ofwhitestallion Zuljanah, the horse of Husayn ibn Ali in blood. Thesky isturning red slowly because that day the sky wept blood, whilethesign of Ashura in the sky keeps glowing to give new life tothemessage of Islam.The Day of Ashura is on the 10th day of Muharram in theIslamiccalendar and marks the climax of the Mourning of Muharram.It iscommemorated by Shi'a Muslims as a day of mourning forthemartyrdom of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad at theBattleof Karbala in the year 61 AH.============================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Ashura Live Wallpaper from thelist============================================================It is a time for sorrow and respect of the person's passing, anditis also a time for self-reflection, when one commits oneself tothemourning of the Imam Husayn completely.Shi'as also express mourning by crying and listening to poemsaboutthe tragedy and sermons on how Husayn and his family weremartyred.This is intended to connect them with Husayn's sufferingandmartyrdom, and the sacrifices he made to keep Islam and thebeliefin Allah alive. His martyrdom is widely interpreted by Shi'aas asymbol of the struggle against injustice, tyranny,andoppression.Show that Islam is still powerful with Ashura Live Wallpaper.LabaikYa Hussain!For more Ashura Live Wallpaper and apps, please visitmychannel.“Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID helps you identifynumbersreal-time while the call is happening - even the ones not inyourphonebook. No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers–“Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID prepares you for the call.Ifyour local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone whenyou’recalling, “Ashura Live Wallpaper” caller ID will suggestalternativenearby places. You can always adjust your caller IDsettings in thesettings menu.
Islamic Wallpapers 5.0.1
Islamic Wallpapers offers you beautiful background images foryourphone!
Arbaeen Live Wallpaper 3.0.3
Labaik Ya Hussain! We present youwonderfulArbaeen Live Wallpaper in honor to Hussein bin Ali whodied in theBattle of Karbala and made Islam religionstronger.This Arbaeen Live Wallpaper has Arba'een sign moving in front oftheHusayn Mosque in Karbala with the stars glowing in thesky.===================================================HOW TO INSTALL ARBAEEN LIVE WALLPAPER:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Arba'een Live Wallpaper fromthelist ===================================================Arba'een (Arabic: الأربعين‎, "forty") is one of thelargestpilgrimage gatherings on Earth, in which over 10 millionpeople goto the city ofKarbala in Iraq. As it is known byPersian-speakingand Urdu-speaking Muslimsin Central and South Asia,Arba'een is aShia Muslim religious observation that occurs 40daysafter the Dayof Ashura, it is observed all over the world. Itcommemoratesthemartyrdom of Hussein bin Ali, the grandson of theProphetMuhammad which falls on the 20th day of the month of Safar.Husaynand 71 supporters died in the Battle of Karbala in the year61 AH(680 CE), killed by Yazid I's army. Chehelom is also observed40days after the death of a family member or loved one. Forty daysisthe usual length of the time of mourning in manyIslamiccultures.For more Islamic Live Wallpapers and apps, please visitmychannel.“Arbaeen Live Wallpaper” caller ID helps you identifynumbersreal-time while the call is happening - even the ones not inyourphonebook. No more number guessing or avoiding unknown callers–“Arbaeen Live Wallpaper” caller ID prepares you for the call.Ifyour local pizza vendor doesn’t pick up the phone whenyou’recalling, “Arbaeen Live Wallpaper” caller ID willsuggestalternative nearby places. You can always adjust your callerIDsettings in the settings menu.
Ramadan Live wallpaper 3.0.2
Ramadan Mubarak!Dear true believers, we finally represent you the mostbeautifulRamadan Live wallpaper! It is made for all the Muslimsaround theworld who celebrate this beautiful holiday. Set it as ahome screenduring Ramadan to remind yourself to be merciful towardsall thepeople around you, and leave it during the whole year tobeautifyyour android phone to know that Allah is always withyou.============================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers -> SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Ramadan from the list============================================================This Ramadan animated wallpaper has a background withbeautifulnight scenery with the sign of Ramadan shining in the skyand thestars around. There is also a man rowing in the water, ledby thislight in the sky.Ramadan moving wallpaper is as a FREE app and always will be forallof you!Ramadan (Ramaḍān, Turkish: Ramazan) is the ninth month oftheIslamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days. It is theIslamicmonth of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrainfromeating and drinking during daylight hours and is intended toteachMuslims about patience, spirituality, humility andsubmissivenessto God. Muslims fast for the sake of God (Allah) andto offer moreprayer than usual. Compared to the solar calendar, thedates ofRamadan vary, moving backwards by about eleven days eachyeardepending on the moon; thus, a person will have fasted everyday ofthe Gregorian calendar year in 34 years' time. MuslimsbelieveRamadan to be an auspicious month for the revelations of Godtohumankind, being the month in which the first verses of theQur'anwere revealed to the Islamic prophet, Muhammad.There is No God but Allah, and the Prophet Mohammed isHisMessenger!Ramadan Kareem!For questions, comments and suggestions related to "RamadanLiveWallpapers" application please email [email protected] rate the app if you like it - thanks!
Mid Shaban Live Wallpaper 3.0.1
Shaban Mubarak! Prepare for thenightofsuperior merit with Mid Shaban Live Wallpaper!Download this beautifully designed app with a silhouette ofamanpraying under the night sky full of shining stars andcrescent.MidShaban Live Wallpaper is here to remind you of truevaluesthatIslam is teaching you.============================================================How to install:Home -> Press Menu -> Select Wallpapers ->SelectLiveWallpapers -> Select Mid Shaban Live Wallpaperfromthelist============================================================The 15th night of Shabaan is a very blessed night.Accordingtothe Hadith Shareef, the name of this Mubarak nightis"NisfShabaan" which means 15th night of Shabaan. The reasonforthisspecial night to attain its name of Laylatul Baraa'ah,meaningtheNight of Salvation, Seeking Freedom from Azaab andCalamity,isthat in this night the Barkaat and acceptance ofrepentance maybeaccomplished. Laylatul Baraa'ah in Persian, as wellas in Urdu,iscalled Shabbe Baraat.On this night, Muslims perform Nawaafil, recitetheQur'an,Salawat, Kalima Tayyibah, and seek forgiveness.As for the other narrations concerning the 15th ofSha'baan(whichare not believed authentic), the Hanafi scholar,ShaikhMulla 'Aleeal-Qaaree (d.1014H) records some of thesehadith:Also on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgivenessareopenedwide, and those who sincerely grieve over and repentfortheir pastsins and seek forgiveness from Allah are pardonedandforgiven byAllah.Enjoy Mid Shaban Live Wallpaper.May Allah bless you!For more Islamic Live Wallpapers and apps, pleasevisitmychannel.