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The Key to Happiness 2.0
I decided to write this book to share about everything I’velearnedin my life, the experiences I’ve had, the interaction withotherhuman beings. I have always tried to learn everything I could,inall possible ways to make my life better and live in themostpositive ways possible. As maybe you, too, I had a lotofdifficulties, and often thought I would not succeed, but theendhas always dominated on me the spirit to continue and Ialwaysbelieved in the goodness of life without being caught indespair. Ilearned to love life at my own pace, following a naturalpath,without burning stages. That is why I urge you to read thisbooktrying to follow my advice. Life is beautiful but at the sametimenot easy. It has many twists and turns and many times wefeelhelpless and depressed. Depression is a mood disorder thatcausesfeelings of sadness or a loss of hope for a long time. Beingmoreserious than a simple episode of sadness, anger or just atemporaryfeeling of loss of energy, depression can have asignificant impacton your life, on the capacity of your work, onyour general healthand on you as an individuality. Depressionmanifests itselfdifferently from person to person. Some feel“knocked down” for along time, while other people feelings ofdepression come and go.If a person has brief episodes of milddepression, he may be ableto continue his professional life andcope with daily activities.However, if the person does not followsome form of treatment fordepression, doesn’t inform or doesn’t doanything is at risk ofbecoming increasingly more depressed orphysically ill too. Insevere cases of depression, the person canreach the inability tocommunicate, inability to perform routineactivities and evensuicide. That’s why I considered writing thisbook essential. Themost effective natural cure against depression!The aim of my bookis to help all people in this world to be happy,to lead a healthylife and moreover to overcome depression. Discoverunique methodsto treat depression. People with depression may beresistant to theidea of seeking help because they believe that thisis an evidenceof personal weakness or a character flaw. They thinkthat theyshould be able to stand alone this state and that it willpass. Butit is not really so. Depression, like any other medicalconditionhas a biological and chemical basis. My book shows step bystepmany techniques of coping with depression and things that youhaveto do in order to return to a healthy style of life and ahealthymood. Evaluate your health and remove all symptoms of thisfeeling.Get rid of suffering and discomfort caused by depression.This bookis of enormous moral help for all people but especiallyfor thosewho triggered situations of depression such as : - Somemedicationsas narcotics or steroids used for pain relief, usuallydepressivesymptoms disappear once the drug is stopped. - Hormonalsecretiondisorders, such as thyroid or adrenal imbalance. -Chemicalimbalances and imbalances in blood calcium levels or lowlevels ofiron ( anemia). - Prolonged illnesses (chronic), such asarthritis,heart disease and cancer. Infections, such as viralinfections orliver or brain infections. - Major stressors such asthe death of aloved one . - Chronic stressors such as poverty,familydifficulties, serious personal, medical problems or those ofaloved one. - Older adults who move from independent living toalife dependent on others often have depression . - Pressureonchildren and teenagers from society or those of the same age.-Alcohol, illegal substances or problems related to substanceabuse.- Stress. - Menopause. Unemployment. - Fatigue . - Recentbirth. Ifyou had or have one of these problems, then you urgentneed to knowmore about this and the book can be of great help, Iassure you. I,myself fought with depression till I, finallydiscovered the waysto treat myself of this serious illness.