Top 11 Apps Similar to Corian Bazaar

Bazar 1.11
Bazar App store (or app marketplace) isatypeof digital storefor mobile software, provided a specific set of functionswhich, designed to run Commercial ads allowing peopletoshoppingonline,and are written for a specific operating system(suchasAndroid).
بازار 1.0
مەزكۇر سىستىماتوردۇنياسىدىكىئۇچۇرلاردىنپايدىلىنىپ كىشىلەرگە قولاي بولغان سودامۇھىتى يارىتىشئۈچۈن ياسالدىھەم ھەقسىز تارقىتىلدى. بۇ سىستىمائارقىلىق بولغانھەرقانداق سودىنىڭئاقىۋىتىگە بىز ئىگە بولمايمىز.قارشى تەرەپنىڭئەھۋالىنى تولۇقئىگەلىگەندىن كىيىن ئاندىن سوداقىلىڭ.ئەگەر بۇجەرياندا ھەرقانداقئالدامچىلىقنى بايقىسىڭىز بىزبىلەنئالاقە قىلىڭ.ئەپچىلەم سودا-تەرەققىيات چەكلىك مەسئۇلىيەت شىركىتى.
بازار الضاحية 1.0.0
NG Promo
- ما هو تطبيق بازار الضاحية؟إن تطبيق بازار الضاحية هو مفهوم جديد وعصري في عالمالدعايةوالإعلانوهو خطوة فريدة من نوعها ومتقدمة بإستخدام تقنيةدعائيةمبتكرةومتطورة وافكار ذات قدرة تسويقية سريعة فهو بالفعل شبكةإعلاناتوليسمجرد تطبيق وهو صلة وصل بين البائع والمشتري وبينصاحبالمؤسسةوالزبون وهو التطبيق الاول والحصري الذي يتيحلمستخدميهولاصحابالمحلات التجارية التواصل مع العملاء من خلال ارسالالتنبيهالعاجلوبعدد كلمات غير محدود وبسرعة عالية وبذلك تستغني عندفعالمبالغالكبيرة مقابل ارسال الرسائل النصية والتي بغالبها تكونمرتبطةبعددمعين من الأحرف، فالتسويق للمنتج هو الخطوة الاهم التي تؤمنلكبيعهوانتشاره بسرعة.- ما الغاية من استخدام تطبيق بازار الضاحية؟لديك محل تجاري! مقهى ! مطعم !محل ألبسة !أحذية!نادي رياضي!منتجتريدبيعه! مشروع سكني! حملة حج! روضةاطفال!حضانة!مدرسةخاصة!معرضسيارات!دراجات نارية! تعطي دروسخصوصية!تبحث عن عمل!محطةلتوزيعالكهرباء،الستلايت،او الانترنت !خدمةتوصيل لمنتج معين!والكثيرالكثيرمن التصنيفات التي لم يغفل عنها تطبيقبازار الضاحية فدليلالمؤسساتيحتوي على اكثر من 30 تصنيف وبامكان ايمستخدم للتطبيق الوصولالىالغاية التي يريدها بكل سهولة والعثور علىمؤسستك.وان كنت لست من ضمن هذه العناوين الكثيرة التي ذكرناهافأنتبالتأكيدسوف تضطر في اي وقت من الاوقات لبيع اي شيء تملكه اوالبحث عنشراءشيء وسوف تعاني كثيراً من ايجاد الزبون المناسب والجديفتطبيقبازارالضاحية يقدم خدمة البيع والشراء لأي مستخدم كان دونتمييزوباستطاعتكالان وبكل سهولة بيع أي شيء تملكه ضمن تصنيفات معينةاوالبحث عن ايشيء تود شرائه.ببساطة تطبيق بازار الضاحية هو للجميع واي شخص يستطيع الاستفادةمنهومنالافكار التي عملنا عليها جاهداً لتكون بين أيديكم....اليوم بإمكانك أن تصل بإعلانك إلى أكبر جمهور فيالضاحيةالجنوبيةلبيروت ... الآن بإمكانك أن تحقق أهدافك التي ترجوهامنإعلانك وبكلسهولة...- What istheapplicationof Bazaar suburb?The application of Bazaar suburb is new and modern conceptintheworld of advertising, a unique move, advancedusingpropagandatechnique innovative, sophisticated and ideas withaquickmarketing ability is actually an ad network, notjusttheapplication of a link between the seller and the buyerandtheowner of the company and the customer, the firstandexclusiveapplication that allows users and shopkeeperscommunicatewithcustomers by sending urgent alarm and the number ofwordsislimited at high speed and thus forgoes paying large sumsofmoneyin exchange for sending text messages, which Bgalbha belinkedto acertain number of characters, marketing is the product isthemostimportant step, which provides you sell itandspreadquickly.- What is the purpose of using the application's Bazarsuburb?You have a shop! Cafe ! Restaurant! Clothing store!Shoes!Roll!Product you want to sell! Residential project!Agcampaign!Kindergarten! Nursery! Private school! MotorShow!Motorcycles!Give tutorials! Looking for a job! Station forthedistribution ofelectricity, Satellite, or online! Connected toaparticularproduct service! And a lot of categories that havenotoverlookedthe application of Bazaar suburb Vdlalinstitutionscontain morethan 30 rating and can any user of theapplication toreach thegoal he wants with ease and find yourorganization.Although I am not among these many titles that we havementionedthenyou will surely have in no time to sell anythingowned orsearch forbuy something will greatly suffer from findingthe rightcustomer andCapricorn The application of Bazaar suburbofferssales service andpurchase any user was withoutdiscrimination andyou can now andeasily sell anything owned withincertaincategories or search foranything like buy it.Simply apply Bazar suburb is for everyone and anyone canbenefitfromit and the ideas which we worked hard to be in yourhands....Today you can ad up to a larger audience in the southernsuburbsofBeirut ... now you can achieve your goals work well foryoufromyour ad and easily ...
GBA Bazaar 1.0.2
GBA Bazaar
GBA Bazaar is an e-commerce App,madeforsatisfying your daily needs with an easy and convenientway.Youcan use this App to Buy/Sell anything directly to anyone.Byusingthe App, you can post free ads within few steps inthevariouscategories like Agriculture, Home/Flats, Hotels,andOthers.GBA Bazaar does not take responsibility/guarantee ofthegoodsposted. All the details of the seller will be available,whichcanbe used for further communication. Anybusiness/commercialdealshappen between two parties (Seller/Buyer)will besoleresponsibility of the two parties. GBA Bazaar doesnotinvolvedirectly or indirectly in any deals. Any businessbetweenthesellers and buyers should be done in the legal ormutualagreementbetween the two parties to avoid any type offraud.
Bazaar Hi Bazaar 1.5
Bazaar Hi Bazaar is anOnlineShoppingapplication.which provide the fresh fruits andvegetablesat theminimum cost in compare with the market price.andthis appcontainsdual facility like as home delivery i.e providestheshoppingfacility of fruits and vegetables and another facilityiscabdelivery i.e provides the cab for riding from oneplacetoanother.
بازار بيت 1.0.1
متجر بازار بيت لبيع منتجات الحيواناتفيالمملكةالعربية السعودية
PostPaid Bazaar-Compare & Save 1.0
Amrish Methi
Postpaid Bazaar fulfill your allrequirementandinformation for Postpaid mobile connections,PostpaidLanline,Broadband,Datacard services. Compare and Browseallplans
E-Commodity Bazaar 2.12
“E-Commodity Bazaar” provides services in order to enhancetheforeign trading capacity of its members and to createcommercialcooperation opportunities. Member login should have beenmade inthe web site at in order to be ableto usethis application. Being a non-profit organisation,E-CommodityBazaar, does not acquire any material earnings in thebiddingoperations to be carried out. Therefore, any operations tobecarried out shall take place under the initiative of the buyerandthe seller under certain rules. In the web, members firms are usually allowedtodisplay their products and to announce reverseauctions/auctionsfor those products which they want to purchase andsell. And in themobile application thereof, only members may usethe applicationand achieve mobile login. In the mobile application,one may notannounce auctions nor add products. Members may followup announcedauctions, place bids and see the products. In theapplication ofwhich there are English and Turkish language options,the userlanguage is identified by the local settings of thetelephone.
Bulk Bazar 1.0
Amarjit Singh brings you a wholenewwholesalemarket in your pocket. All you need to do is DownloadtheApp -Register - Get approved - And order your bulk quantity.*Only Businesses, Retailers, wholesalers, etc.willbeapproved.**End users can access the products but cannot order them.
سوق الحراج 1.0.0
تطبيق موقع سوق الحراج ،أعلن معنا بدونعمولهفيجميع مدن المملكةواستمتع بمشاهدة إعلانات حراج على جهازك الاندرويد بشكل سهل وسريع.بعض مزايا التطبيق:- تصفح الاعلانات بسهولة- البحث بشكل سهل وسريع- الرسائل الخاصة و الإشعارات- إضافة إعلان جديد أو رد على إعلان- تعديل وتحديث الاعلان- حذف الاعلان- تعديل الصور وتحديثها- الرسائل الخاصة و الإشعارات- مشاركة الاعلان عبر تويتر و الوتسبThe applicationofforestrymarket site, advertise with us no commision in allthecities of theKingdomEnjoy watching and forestry ads on your Android fast and easy.Some of the advantages of the application:- Browse ads easily- Find an easy and fast- Message and notices- Add a new ad or response to the statement- Edit and update announcement- Delete announcement- Edit images and updated- Message and notices- Post the announcement via Twitter and Alotsb
E-Commodity Bazaar Tablet 1.19
“E-Commodity Bazaar” provides services inorderto enhance the foreign trading capacity of its members and tocreatecommercial cooperation opportunities. Member login shouldhave beenmade in the web site at in orderto be ableto use this application.Being a non-profit organisation, E-Commodity Bazaar, doesnotacquire any material earnings in the bidding operations tobecarried out. Therefore, any operations to be carried out shalltakeplace under the initiative of the buyer and the sellerundercertain rules.In the web site at, members firmsareusually allowed to display their products and to announcereverseauctions/auctions for those products which they want topurchaseand sell. And in the mobile application thereof, onlymembers mayuse the application and achieve mobile login. In themobileapplication, one may not announce auctions nor addproducts.Members may follow up announced auctions, place bids andsee theproducts. In the application of which there are English andTurkishlanguage options, the user language is identified by thelocalsettings of the telephone.