Top 18 Apps Similar to تفعيل 4G على هاتفك Prank
تفعيل خدمة الأنترنت joke 4G 1.8
تعاني من مشكل أنترنت ضعيف ؟ اليك الحلمعهذاالتطبيق الخرافي سوف تلاحظ فرق كبير في تسريع الأنترنت حيتسوفيمكنكمن تفعيل خدمة 4G و التحويل من 3G الى 4G في ظرف لا يتجاوز24ساعةفقط يجب عليك التباع الخطوات بعناية :كيف أفعل خدمة 4G ؟1- حمل هذا التطبيق من متجر غوغل بلاي2- أدخل رقم البطاقة التي تود تفعيل خدمة 4G فيها3- قم باختيار خدمة 4G/LTE4- انتضر حتى يقوم التطبيق من فحص شبكة الاتصال الخاصة بك ويتأكدأنالخدمة متوفرة في بلدك5- قم بملاحظة سرعة الأنترنت على هاتفك التي سوف تزداد الى10مراتأكتر.***********************************************************************************من مميزات التطبيق :- حجم صغير و سهل التحميل- تفعيل خدمة 4G- تحويل 3G الى 4G-تسريع الأنترنت********************************************************************************ملاحضة :هذا التطبيق يبقى فقط مزحة لتوهم بها أصدقائك و عائلتكبأنكتمتلكاتصال أنترنت أسرع منهمVersion Française :Souffre tu du problème de l'Internet faible? Voicilasolutionavec cette application magic tu va remarquerezunegrandedifférence dans l'accélération Internet elle va activer la4Get laconversion de la 3G au service 4G dans une affaire de pasplusde24 heures seulement, vous devez suivres les étapes avecsoin:Comment dois-je faire le service 4G?1. télécharger l'application depuis le Google Play Store2. Insérez votre num que vous souhaitez activer le service4G.3. Sélectionnez le / Service LTE 4G4. patientez jusqu'à ce que l'application vérifie votreréseauetfaire en sorte que le service est disponible dansvotrepays5. puis en observe la vitesse de l'Internet sur votretéléphone,quisera porté à 10 fois plus.***********************************************************************************Caractéristiques de l'application:- Petite taille pour un telechargement facile- L'activation du service 4G- Convertir 3G à 4G-internet rapide********************************************************************************observation :Cette application reste qu' une blague juste pour les amisetlafamille pour leurs faire croire que vous possédezd'uneconnexionInternet plus rapide qu'a eux*******************************************************************************Version anglaise:Do you suffer from the problem of the weak Internet?Here'sthesolution with this magic application you will noticeabigdifference in internet acceleration it will activate4Gandconversion from 3G to 4G service in a matter of no morethan24hours only you need to follow the steps carefully :How do I get 4G service?1. Download the app from the Google Play Store2. Insert your number which you want to activatethe4Gservice.3. Select the / LTE 4G Service4. Wait until the application checks your network andmaketheservice available in your country5. Then observe the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times more.***********************************************************************************Characteristics of the application:- Small size for easy download- Activation of the 4G service- Convert 3G to 4G-internet fast********************************************************************************observation: This application remains only a joke just forfriendsandfamily to make them believe that you ownfasterInternetconnectionSuffers from theproblemofInternet weak? Here's the solution with this applicationKharafiwillnotice a big difference in Internet accelerationsaluting youwill beable to activate the 4G and conversion from 3Gto 4Gservice in amatter of no more than 24 hours only, you mustAltbasteps carefully:How do I do 4G service?1. download the application from the Google Play store2. Insert the card you wish to activate the service 4G No.3. Select the 4G / LTE Service4. The Antdhar until the application from your networkcheckingandmaking sure that the service is available in yourcountry5. then observing the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times Aktar.***********************************************************************************Features of the application:- Small size and easy loading- 4G service activation- Convert 3G to 4G-Internet acceleration********************************************************************************Mlahoudh:This application remains only a joke just to thefriendsandfamily that you own them faster Internet connectionVersion Française:Souffre tu du problème de l'Internet faible? Voicilasolutionavec cette application magic tu va remarquerezunegrandedifférence dans l'accélération Internet elle va activer la4Get laconversion de la 3G au service 4G dans une affaire de pasplusde24 heures seulement, vous devez suivres les étapes avecsoin:Comment dois-je faire le service 4G?1. télécharger l'application depuis le Google Play Store2. Insérez votre num que vous souhaitez activer le service4G.3. Sélectionnez le / Service LTE 4G4. patientez jusqu'à ce que l'application vérifie votreréseauetfaire en sorte que le service est disponible dansvotrepays5. puis en observe la vitesse de l'Internet sur votretéléphone,quisera porté à 10 fois plus.***********************************************************************************Caractéristiques de l'application:- Petite taille pour un telechargement facile- L'activation du service 4G- Convertir 3G à 4G-internet rapide********************************************************************************observation:Cette application reste qu 'une blague juste pour les amisetlafamille pour leurs faire croire que vous possédezd'uneconnexionInternet plus rapide qu'a eux*******************************************************************************Version anglaise:Do you suffer from the problem of the weak Internet?Here'sthesolution with this magic application you will noticeabigdifference in internet acceleration it will activate4Gandconversion from 3G to 4G service in a matter of no morethan24hours only you need to follow the steps carefully:How do I get 4G service?1. Download the app from the Google Play Store2. Insert your number which you want to activatethe4Gservice.3. Select the / LTE 4G Service4. Wait until the application checks your network andmaketheservice available in your country5. Then observe the speed of the Internet on your phone,whichwillbe increased to 10 times more.***********************************************************************************Characteristics of the application:- Small size for easy download- Activation of the 4G service- Convert 3G to 4G-internet fast********************************************************************************observation:This application remains only a joke just for friendsandfamilyto make them believe that you own fasterInternetconnection
3G to 4G Power Converter Prank 1.2
Hi-speed internet is very popular now adaysandit’s become basic need in smart phones. For gettinghighspeedinternet you must have 3g or 4g mobile device. If youdon’thave 4gdevice than don’t worry 3G to 4G power converter prankapphelp youto convert your device from 3g to 4g.This app is justforfun.Enjoy this prank as much as you can. Share with yourfriendsandfamily for more entertainment.Features:3G to 4G Power Converter-PrankEasy to useHD graphicsThe best entertainmentDeclaimer -: Please take into account that this appbecomesmadesimplest for amusing and it's going to no longer doanactualConversion. Its miles most effective a simulation, so takeitasfun and enjoy because no such application can convert 3gto4g.
4g Activator Prank 1.1
Any 3g to 4g converter deviceneedhardwaremodification.4g activator is a prank application just for the fun ,whichconvertyour 3g signals to 4g.Using 3g to 4g converter Make prank with friends and have fun.How 3g to 4g converter works ?1. open the 4g Activator and click on analyze device2. click on convert 3g to 4g if signal are weak then youwillgeterror message3. click retry4. converted successfullyNote : 4g activator prank is a prank application just forthesakeof fun.3g to 4g speed converter app does nothing. It isjustforentertainment with friends.
3G to 4G Converter Prank 1.1
3G to 4G converter -prank is anextremelyfastjoyful application.3G to 4G converter app (prank) will give you a look and feelof4Gsystem provider.Free prank speed up 3g signal , 2g signal booster and 3gto4gconverter app.3g signal booster app is not real one by us as 3g to4gconverterapp.Features- 3G to 4G converter –prank- Best free prank app 3g to 4g- Easy to use- Not Harmful- Best top free application for Entertainment- Best app for 3G to 4G Converter ,prank appNote: This is not a real 3g to 4g app. This isforentertainmentonly
Use 4G on 3G Phone VoLTE 1.3
As we All know 4G sim card availablewhichhaving trouble in 3G smart phones because of VoLTE technology,soUse 4G on 3G Phone VoLTE Guide which easily explain to convertLTEdevice supportive system to VoLTE systems.3G phone user also get expireance of 4G internet is the many different ways to make system properlysupportivewith 3G to 4G will be useful for 3G phone usersNote :this is not an official application of any company orproduct,this is made for the purpose of entertainment. If you haveanyissue regarding to the application , directly contact us tooure-mail address. we will respond you immidiately.
4G Signal Booster :Prank 1.1
4g signal booster prank give an impressionthatit will boost up your 3g network signals to 4g signals. 4gsignalbooster -prank is a simulated 4g signal booster. Boost up2g,3g,and4g signal as a simulation not real.This is not a real 3g signal booster, 4g signal booster.This is only for entertainment purpose.Note: 4g signal booster is a prank app. This is not realapp.
4G Signal Booster Prank 1.1
4g signal booster prank give animpressionthatit will boost up yout network signals.If your friend has a 2g, 3g or 4g internet. And you want tomakefunof him, then install thisapplicatoin in your friends smart phone and make him foolthatitboost up your signal.Make fool your friends and tell them this is anew effective application will help to improve GSM, 3G,4GandLTEsignals on your mobilephone/tablet.
Free 4G Jio simcard Prank 1.0.1
Get your free 4G internet JIOsimcardbyregistering on this Free JIO simcard 4G prank app. We havenottiedup with any local 4G internet JIO sim card providers and wearenotselling them for free. You need to fill your detailsandsubmityour information and we will make sure that there isnothingwhichis being delivered to you. We do not save your datainourdatabase. This is a prank application to fool your friendsthatyoucan register for free 4G internet sim card. Have fun byprankappand rate us 5 star, we will deliver you more prankappsShare this app with friends and check how people will react toit.Doshare your true comment on rate us page
4G Activator Prank 1.2
Most of the competing 4Gconversionsoftwarerequire you to do hardware modifications. The 4GActivatorPranklet you reach the top of what your mobile can do. The4GActivatorPrank is a joyful prank application which converts your3Gsignalto 4G. Most of the smart phone only supports 3G. So ifyouwant tosupport your smart phone 4G so download thisApplicationandconvert your 3G support smart phone to 4G and enjoy4Gsupportedsmart phone.Note: 4G Activator Prank is Prank application andjustforfun.
3G/4G Battery Charger Prank 1.1
Every android user is facing a severeproblemof getting battery down during 3G/4G data usage. Everyonefacesthis problem on regular basis. But here is a greatsolutionprovided for this problem. Now you can charge your mobileusing you3G/4G data connection.In this application we have presented the concept of charginganandroid device through the RF waves generated by your mobile3G/4Gdata connection. Now no need to get worry about batterydrainingduring 3g/4G data usage.Here is how it should work:Every one now use 3G/4G network for data connection. Whensomeandroid user connects to data connection which generates RFwaves.These waves are powerful and our app convert these wavesintoelectric waves and charge your mobile. You must have to enablethedata connection of your mobile before using thisapplication.You just need to do the following 2 steps:1. Enable your mobile data connection.2. Now click on the “ON” button under battery icon and chargingwillstart.NOTE: This app is a theoretical concept and will not chargeyourdevice. So unless there is a practical implementation ofthisconcept, smart android devices will not get charged.
2G 3G 4G Signals Booster Prank 96.0
2G 3G 4G Signal Booster Prank is the 2G3G4GWIFI signal boosting simulator app for android device.This app is a simulation of network signal booster andinternetspeedbooster or signal Optimizer.This is a prank app.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Highlights Of 2g 3g 4g signal booster :-1.User Friendly And Neat UI2.Gorgeous Interface And High Performance App3.Simple To Use4.Fastest And Smartest App*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Features of 2g 3g 4g signal master:Are you looking for best entertainment and prank app?Congratulations you have come to right app.How to use this 3g 4g wifi network speedconnectionprankapp?1. Run the app2. Click optimize button3. Wait while 'phone signal booster' will simulate scanorboostingprocessYou can show friends that you really boostednetworkGPRSsignalsIt didn't really increase network SIGNALSstrengthorcoverage*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This app is just a simulator of real SIGNAL SPEED MASTER.It shows how booster can work and strength the receptionoftargetnetwork range.It is not a real signal booster!This app shows how it reconnect the mobile withthefastestcell tower available on the place,but it didn'treconnectthe cellsignal just simulates how itreconnects thecellphonesignals.It shows simulation of finding best signalcarrierReceptionfrom cell tower,clean signal interference,changesettingsof packetdata.It shows the simulation of improvement oflowsignallatency.If you do a speedtest after optimizing using this app.,therewon'tbeincrease or decrease in cell signals strength because it isaprankapp.You can show friends that you really boosted networkCDMA,GPRSsignalsIt didn't really increase network and net signalstrengthorcoverage.You can use it to make prank!This app is for free!*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Try it and feel the fun using fresh network signalspeedmasterprankapp!Download 2g 3g 4g internet signal boosterPrankforfree!
3G To 4G Converter - Prank 1.2
3G 4G Converter - PrankTo convert your Android from 3G to 4G any App requiredhardwaremodification.This app does not change your any of our device Hardware orSoftwareconfiguration it simply a prank app though which you canmake youfriends fool by saying your Phone works on 4G Speed.Its just a Prank app .note : Its just a Prank app** This app is just for joke (prank)features:- No hardware modifications- It's Free- It's an awesome simulation- No unwanted permissions needed (secure!)TAGS : 2g 3g 4g network mode changer, 3G to 4G converter , 2G to3Gconverter , 2g 3g 4g , 4G simulator , 3g to 4g networkconverter,3g to 4g convert mobile app , 2g-3g-4g switcher , 3g to4g switcher,from 3G to 4G converter , VoLTE supporter,VoLTEchecker, VoLTEsupport checker, VoLTE Enabler. LTE checker , LTESupportter VoLTEChecker for jio , VoLTE Checker jio,Jio joinsupport checker
Free 4G Sim Card Prank 1.0
Purchase Free Sim prank Not Official.Free 4G SIM Card & 4G Converter Prank app in play store,Doyoulike to have High speed 4G internet in yoursmart phone with free of cost, then comes and download 3Gto4Gconverter prank app. Best High Speed internet4G SIM Card. ajio SIM Free of cost, Unlimited 4G internetpackinyour smart phone with free of charge. Get Free SIM Cardof4Ginternet.4g internet Tester, High speed Tester for 3G/4G coverter prank.Note: This app is prank and not official.
Internet 4G Wifi SpeedUp Joke 3.0
now you can prank all your friend with thenewapp Internet 4G Wifi SpeedUp JokeHOW TO USE WIFI BOOSTERClick the "BOOST" button.How to speed up!WIFI Booster to improve your Internet speed forbetterconditions.WIFI increase in speed signal Internet Booster PowerWIFIimproves.It will improve the stability of our signals with AppBoosterWIFI.note: this is a prank app just for fun and make jokes
2G to 3G to 4G Converter Prank 1.4
The 2G to 3G to 4G converter are usedtoconvert your data in 2G or 4G connection in your smart phone.This application are provide to fast network in yoursmartdevice.This 2G to 3G to 4G application are prank application.we are provide to many different different facility.This application have many features are available.**Select network connection type as you want.**This application provide 2G to 3G.**It also provide 2G to 4G network connection.**it can be apply a 3G to 4G.**It is very easy to used.**This application are working very smoothly.**This application have no need to connect the internet.**It is fully free downloaded from android market.Thank You...
تقوية اشارة ويفي هاتفك prank wifi 1.0
هل مللت من تحميل تطبيقات تسريع الويفيأوتطبيقات كشف كلمة سر الويفيprank في الاخير تجدها مجرد خدعهأومزحةهذا التطبيق تسريع الويفي او تسريع اشارة الويفي هو التطبيقالذيسيريحك من ثقل الويفي حيث يجلب لك اقصى قوة لدى الواي فايفيهاتفك.لا تكترث لهاته العناوين التي ستضيع وقتك معها مثلكاشف كلمة سر الويفيكشف كلمة السر Prank - wifiتفعيل prank 4Gكشف كلمة سر الويفي Prankتسريع الأنترنت وتنظيف الهاتفبرنامج سرقة كود الويفي Prankتقوية اشارة الويفيتقوية اشارة ويفي هاتفك prank هو التطبيق الملائم لجميعالهواتفالذكية بالضافة الى أنه من دون أنترنتتقوية اشارة الويفيتقوية اشارة الويفي للهاتفتقوية اشارة الواي فاي للاندرويدتقوية اشارة الواي فاي للموبايلتقوية اشارة الواي فاي للجوالتقوية إشارة الويفي المنزليكيفية جعل اشارة الويفي قويةكيف ترفع قوة اشارة الويفي بدون برامجTired ofdownloadingaccelerate Aloeva or password Aloeva prank revealed Appsin thefourth find a hoax or a jokeThis application acceleration or speed signal Aloeva Aloeva istheapplication that Sereg of gravity where Aloeva brings youmaximumforce to the Wi-Fi on your phone.Does not care for these circumstances titles that will be lostandyour time with it, such asReagent password AloevaRevealed the password Prank - wifiActivating prank 4GRevealed password Aloeva PrankInternet acceleration and cleaning phoneTheft Aloeva Prank On ProgramSignal booster AloevaStrengthen the signal and fulfills your phone prankisappropriate application of all smart phones Baldhavh tothatwithout the InternetSignal booster AloevaSignal booster Aloeva phoneWi-Fi signal booster for AndroidWi-Fi signal booster for MobileWi-Fi signal booster for mobileSignal booster for home AloevaHow to make a strong signal AloevaHow raises signal strength Aloeva without software