Top 7 Apps Similar to woofi Unlocker

TX Unlocker 1.5.3
TX Tech
This is the Full Version Unlocker for TX Toolbox Premium Edition
Vf Market Enabler 1.4
*** VERSIONE DONAZIONE ***Questa versione è identica alla versione gratuita ad esclusionedelbanner pubblicitario, viene venduta al prezzo simbolico di0.99€per chi volesse ringraziarmi del lavoro svolto :)Premessa: è indispensabile avere i permessi di ROOT e busyboxsulproprio dispositivo prima di procedere ed assicurarsi di averelaconnessione dati (3G) attiva.Quanti di voi vorrebbero poter acquistare dal Play Storeleapplicazioni/giochi ma non hanno disponibile una carta di creditoonon hanno tempo/voglia di fare code agli sportelli perricaricarela propria?Non sarebbe molto più comodo poter acquistare le app utilizzandoilsemplice credito della propria ricaricabile Vf?Se avete risposto sì ad entrambe le domande avete trovato ciòchevi serviva: Vf Market Enabler!Tramite questa applicazioni potrete effettuare unasemplicemodifica ad un file di sistema che vi permetterà diattivare ipagamenti tramite normale credito telefonico.L'uso è semplicissimo, dovrete clickare il pulsante appositoel'app effettuerà un backup del file originale e tutte lemodifichedel caso, automaticamente pulirà anche la Cache ed i Datidi PlayStore e Google Services Framework.Alla fine del procedimento non dovrete far altro che riavviareildispositivo e rientrare sul Play Store riaccettando icontrattiproposti e finalmente avrete attivato i pagamenti tramitenormalecredito telefonico :)P.S: A volte, sebbene la procedura automatica faccia tuttoilnecessario, potrebbe non esser sufficiente. Se dopo il riavvio elariapertura del market non dovreste notare cambiamenti provatearieseguire la procedura o a cancellare manualmente Cache eDatidelle applicazioni Google Play Store e Google ServicesFramework eriavviate nuovamente.ATTENZIONE: Vorrei ricordare che questa app fa uso deipermessidi ROOT, consiglio di fare sempre un backup del propriosistemareprima di utilizzare qualsiasi app possa modificare file disistema,in quanto ciò non mi assumo responsabilità per eventualiproblemisi possano verificare.DONATE VERSION******This version is identical to the free version with the exceptionofbanner advertising is sold at the symbolic price of € 0.99forthose wishing to thank the work done :)Required: You must have root permissions and busybox onyourdevice before proceeding and make sure you have a dataconnection(3G) enabled.How many of you would like to purchase from the PlayStoreapplications / games available but do not have a credit cardor donot have time / desire to avoid queues at the counters torechargetheir?Would not it be much more convenient to buy the app using thesimplecredit of their own rechargeable Vf?If you answered yes to both questions you have found whatyouneeded: Vf Market Enabler!With this application you can make a simple change to afilesystem that will allow you to trigger payments via normalphonecredit.The use is very simple, you CLICK the appropriate button andtheapp will perform a backup of the original file andallmodifications, also automatically wipes Cache and Data PlayStoreand Google Services Framework.At the end of the procedure does not need to do is restartthedevice and re-enter the Play Store riaccettando thecontractsoffered and finally you have activated the phone creditpaymentsthrough normal :)PS: Sometimes, although the automatic procedure takesallmeasures necessary, it may not be enough. If after restartingandreopening of the market you should not notice any change ortryrerunning the procedure to manually delete cache anddataapplications Google Play Store and Google Services Frameworkandreboot again.WARNING: I should mention that this app makes use permits ROOT,Irecommend to make a backup of your place before using any appcanmodify system files, as this I do not assume liability forproblemsthat may occur.
Unlock With WiFi 2.7
Ben Hirashima
Unlock With WiFi unlocks your phone when you're connected toyourhome WiFi.
SD Maid Pro - Unlocker
SD Maid is an app and file management toolthathelps you to keep your device clean and tidy!This app unlocks the "Pro" status in the free version of SDMaid,enabling all additional features.This is not a stand-alone app. You still need to install thefreeversion of SD Maid.I don't mind a quick mail if you have questions.If you are unhappy with your purchase, mail me within a week andaskfor a refund.
Market Fixer 2.0.0
!!NOTE!!Version 2.0.0 Uploaded. I am not sure if Google still havethesame bug in Play Store 3.5.15, so I don't know if this willfixyour problem or not. Please test and report. Thanks!!!ROOT REQUIRED!!!IF YOU SEE MESSAGE LIKE "no such table: android_metadata",theneither your market DB is corrupted, or the version isnotsupported.This is my attempt to fix the market problem where the "MyApps"section fail to show the Installed and Purchased apps.What this app does is:1) load the market databasefrom/data/data/ for each record in there, searchmarket if the entry doesn't exist in the market, flag it and show inthelist4) user select apps/links to remove5) remove apps/links selected.I have tested this app on my Atrix, but I believe it shouldworkon other devices as well.This is tested with Market (Google Play) version 3.4.4and3.4.7.Required access to SD card as the working folder.Required Network state to check Internet connection.Required Internet access to compare records to Android Marketandto display ads.Required Kill Backgroun Process permission to kill themarketprocess after the fix.Please use the Report function if the app crash. Thanks!For support, discussion, feature request, please go to
Galaxy Ace Unlock 2.03
This is only for test, use it at your risk.Need root and busyboxdon't use older revision (1.xx) of this apk on theinternet,older revision are dangerous!!!This apk see unlock codes on a galaxy Ace S5830 (only) withthebml5 method (not with the slt5 method on old revision).It use this method: of bml5 is in /sdcard/galaxy_ace_unlock.I'm not sure if the code extraction work fine, i's possible this method work on:Samsung 5 Europe (i5500)Samsung 551 Callisto (i5510)Samsung (i5700)Samsung 3 (i5800)Samsung Pro (i5510)Samsung Galaxy mini (S5570)Samsung Fit (S5670)Samsung Ace (S5830)Samsung Pro (B7510)Please comment this apk on the market if you test it.Thanks
AppLock Pro is a high recommended androidapplock which is smart and small, easy to use and private.Applockguards your privacy security with private vault, safe lockscreen,hide icon. Download AppLock Pro and get great themesforFREE!AppLock Pro provides you an All-In-One solution to guard yourphoneprivacy and security:Highlight features◆ Smart App Lock> Lock your social apps privacy: Facebook, Snapchat,Ins,WhatsApp, prevents others checking your message, emailandcontacts!> Lock photo & video, hiding your personal pictures◆ Safe lock screen> App Lock secure your phone from intruders with PIN andpatternlock security.◆ Calculator Hide Icon> Change AppLock icon into Calculator icon. Hide applock icontoothers.◆ Privacy Scan> Scan for protecting your privacy information andpreventdisclosure. Daily Privacy Report help you manageprivacybetter.Other optimization features◆ Break-in alertAutomatically take a picture of the guy input wrongpassword,privacy defense.◆ Message protectionApp lock protect message details, never worry others peekingyourchat or picture.◆ DisguiseDisguise offers a safer and unbroken lock for you to protectprivacyin public.There will be ad content shown in certain scenes in our app.Formore details, visit for using our product!Keep in touchEmail: [email protected] with the screenshotFacebook: feedback: [email protected]