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Pet Grooming Keep Best Hygiene 44.0
Always free AUDIOBOOKS from Twayesh Projects - downloadtoday!Common Mistakes in Home Pet Grooming? ✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹Whendog owners attempt pet grooming at home, there are severalcommonmistakes that are made. Pet grooming is a skill, but with therightequipment and patience it can become a household duty thatwillsave both time and money. You have to be careful. A slip oftheclippers can cause injury to your animal. This is not onlyphysicalinjury, but emotional. Trust is loss once pain is inflictedandyour pet may not treat you the same afterward. The firstcommonmistake is getting to close to the skin while shaving. Theclipperscan leave a nasty razor burn that can open its way tolaterinfections. If you accidentally give your pet a burnwhilegrooming, stop and apply first aid. Put on some anti-bacteriasalveand if possible clean the wound. Hug you pet and let it knowthatyou are sorry and it was an accident. Though they mightnotunderstand the words, your pet will understand the tone andwillreact accordingly. The emotional pain is just as bad asthephysical. Watch the wound carefully and if it becomes red orissuespuss, contact your veterinarian immediately. If the animallicks orotherwise irritates the wound, you might want to get aprotectiveplastic collar to stop the behavior. Another mistake innovice petgrooming is getting shampoo or other chemicals in yourpet's eye.Either from your mistake or from the animal's headmovement soapcan splash. This unintentional act will sting yourpet's eyes andlead to an unpleasant pet grooming experience. Washthe soap outwith water or saline solution and dab the corners ofthe eye with asterile cloth. Sooth you animal and try to take thefocus off theireyes and maybe gain their attention by showing thema favorite toyor ball. Hold the toy up so the pet can see it. Movethe toy backand forth. As your pet tracks the toy, look into theireyes forsigns of irritation. A possible fatal mistake in petgrooming isleaving your animal unrestrained or loose duringgrooming. Someanimals, especially cats hate baths and will run atanyopportunity. Your dog and cat can put themselves indangeroussituations by trying to escape the pet grooming activity.They mayrun out in the street and be hit by a care or be attackedby astray animal. Make sure your dog is at least on a leash. Youmayeven want to put a muzzle on your pet to protect both you andthem.If you wash your dog outside, wash it in a fenced yard so thatthetemptation to run will be short lived and safe. In thisaudiobookyou read about these topics: ✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ 01- CommonMistakes in Home Pet Grooming 02 - Dogs that Itch 03 -FleaBaths-An Important Part of Your Cat's Grooming Regime 04 -Gettingthe Stink out of Your Dog 05 - Grooming Your House Cat-TheItemsYou'll Need 06 - Grooming Your Pet Rabbit 07 - Grooming YourPet-ItDoesn't Have to be Difficult 08 - Home Pet Grooming Tips 09-Making Sure Your Pet Guinea Pig is Properly Groomed 10 -NailTrimming An Important Part Of Pet Grooming and much more!Contactus! ♡ ✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ For latest updates, please like us onFacebook And also followus onTwitter Or you could justemailus at our Gmail [email protected] DISCLAIMER: ✹✹✹✹✹✹✹Thisaudiobook is in English. This audiobook require android tts -textto speech. The text-to-speech (TTS) technology may not beavailablein some devices. To check if your phone is able ofspeechsynthesis: Menu -> Settings -> Voice input & output->Text-to-speech settings. If not installed, your device may askyouto install the TTS engine. An internet connection may berequired.Image sources used in this audiobook:✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹
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