Top 3 Apps Similar to Philosophy of Socrates

Philosophy of Plato
Philosophy of Plato is photo galleryofGreekAthenian Philosopher Plato and Elgin Marbles with 100photosandYouTube movies.You can learn Philosophy of Plato and arts of ElginMarblesfromGreek Parthenon Sculptures with photos andYouTubemovies.(Language:text is Japanese only. )You can also view pictures with Slide show function!Plato - Greek Athenian PhilosopherPlato (424/423 BC - 348/347 BC), was a ClassicalGreekphilosopher,mathematician, student of Socrates, writerofphilosophicaldialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens,thefirstinstitution of higher learning in the Western world.Alongwith hismentor, Socrates, and his student, Aristotle, Platohelpedto laythe foundations of Western philosophy andscience.Plato's sophistication as a writer is evident inhisSocraticdialogues; thirty-six dialogues and thirteen lettershavebeenascribed to him. Plato's writings have been publishedinseveralfashions; this has led to several conventions regardingthenamingand referencing of Plato's texts.Plato's dialogues have been used to teach a rangeofsubjects,including philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric,andmathematics.Elgin MarblesThe Parthenon Marbles, forming a part of the collection knownastheElgin Marbles are a collection of classical Greekmarblesculptures(mostly by Phidias and his pupils), inscriptionsandarchitecturalmembers that originally were part of theParthenonand otherbuildings on the Acropolis of Athens. ThomasBruce, 7thEarl ofElgin, the British ambassador to the OttomanEmpire from1799-1803,had obtained a controversial permit from theOttomanauthorities toremove pieces from the Acropolis.From 1801 to 1812 Elgin's agents removed about half ofthesurvivingsculptures of the Parthenon, as well asarchitecturalmembers andsculpture from the Propylaea andErechtheum. TheMarbles weretransported by sea to Britain. InBritain, theacquisition of thecollection was supported by some,while othercritics comparedElgin's actions to vandalism orlooting.Following a public debate in Parliament and subsequentexonerationofElgin's actions, the marbles were purchased by theBritishgovernmentin 1816 and placed on display in the BritishMuseum,where they standnow on view in the purpose-built DuveenGallery.The debate continuesas to whether the Marbles shouldremain in theBritish Museum or bereturned to Athens.Please enjoy Elgin Marbles Photo gallery!!Photo data include various pictures of Elgin Marbles.This photo gallery app is good for learningAncientGreekPhilosophy and arts!In YouTube tab, you can enjoy various YouTube movierelatedtoPlato and Elgin Marbles!Please enjoy Philosophy of Plato, the photo galleryofGreekAthenian Philosopher Plato and Elgin Marbles with100photos.
Philosophy of Aristotle
Philosophy of Aristotle is photogalleryofGreek Athenian Philosopher Aristotle and Elgin Marbleswith100photos and YouTube movies.You can learn Philosophy of Aristotle and arts of ElginMarblesfromGreek Parthenon Sculptures with photos andYouTubemovies.(Language:text is Japanese only. )You can also view pictures with Slide show function!Aristotle - Greek Athenian PhilosopherAristotle(384 BC – 322 BC) was a Greek philosopher andpolymath,astudent of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great.Hiswritingscover many subjects, including physics,metaphysics,poetry,theater, music, logic, rhetoric, linguistics,politics,government,ethics, biology, and zoology. Together withPlato andSocrates(Plato's teacher), Aristotle is one of the mostimportantfoundingfigures in Western philosophy. Aristotle'swritings werethe firstto create a comprehensive system ofWesternphilosophy,encompassing morality and aesthetics, logic andscience,politicsand metaphysics.Elgin MarblesThe Parthenon Marbles, forming a part of the collection knownastheElgin Marbles are a collection of classical Greekmarblesculptures(mostly by Phidias and his pupils), inscriptionsandarchitecturalmembers that originally were part of theParthenonand otherbuildings on the Acropolis of Athens. ThomasBruce, 7thEarl ofElgin, the British ambassador to the OttomanEmpire from1799-1803,had obtained a controversial permit from theOttomanauthorities toremove pieces from the Acropolis.From 1801 to 1812 Elgin's agents removed about half ofthesurvivingsculptures of the Parthenon, as well asarchitecturalmembers andsculpture from the Propylaea andErechtheum. TheMarbles weretransported by sea to Britain. InBritain, theacquisition of thecollection was supported by some,while othercritics comparedElgin's actions to vandalism orlooting.Following a public debate in Parliament and subsequentexonerationofElgin's actions, the marbles were purchased by theBritishgovernmentin 1816 and placed on display in the BritishMuseum,where they standnow on view in the purpose-built DuveenGallery.The debate continuesas to whether the Marbles shouldremain in theBritish Museum or bereturned to Athens.Please enjoy Elgin Marbles Photo gallery!!Photo data include various pictures of Elgin Marbles.This photo gallery app is good for learningAncientGreekPhilosophy and arts!In YouTube tab, you can enjoy various YouTube movierelatedtoAristotle and Elgin Marbles!Please enjoy Philosophy of Aristotle, the photo galleryofGreekAthenian Philosopher Aristotle and Elgin Marbleswith100photos.
Osmanlı Kartpostalları 3.1
1.000 adet Osmanlı DönemindeÇizilmiş,ÇekilmişResimlerden oluşan kartpostallar.Gerçek Resimler,Duvar Kağıdı yapabilme,1,000 OttomanPerioddrawn,ground, postcards of pictures.Real Photos,Ability Wallpaper